The 10 Books That Scientists Say Can Make A Difference In The Climate Crisis (2024)

The 10 Books That Scientists Say Can Make A Difference In The Climate Crisis (1)


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The climate crisis can often feel terrifying and, like any effort to slow its progression, utterly futile. But before you resolve yourself to complete apathy, many environmental scientists have a more optimistic view of things — and, more importantly, comprehensive plans of action that anyone and everyone should take.


I reached out to a couple of environmental agencies to find out which books can not only educate readers on climate change but spur us into action, effectively taking one step towards a more hospitable future for all.

Scientists, conservationists and other environment experts from groups like The Nature Conservancy helped compile the following list of science-based reads that are vital, not just for Earth Day, but for every day of the year.

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The 10 Books That Scientists Say Can Make A Difference In The Climate Crisis (2)


"Drawdown – The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever to Reverse Global Warming" by Paul Hawken

Longtime environmentalist and co-founder of Project Drawdown Paul Hawken wrote this graspable and comprehensive plan to reverse global warming and climate change. Understanding that, for many, it isn’t a lack of interest or acceptance that climate change is happening; instead, it’s the overwhelming feeling of where to begin. “Drawdown” works to address this feeling of hopelessness by cataloging 100 solutions from environmentalists, scientists and policymakers around the world to reverse or slow global warming. From better utilizing existing technology to implementing impactful policies, Hawken has written a practical, optimistic and extremely useful book for everyday people looking to overcome their apathy and make an actual difference in the face of the climate crisis.

“100 substantive solutions to address climate change, in one book. Broken down in solutions, it shows that climate change CAN be addressed and the solutions are concrete and achievable.” Matt Miller, director of science communication for The Nature Conservancy


The 10 Books That Scientists Say Can Make A Difference In The Climate Crisis (3)


"Losing Earth: A Recent History" by Nathaniel Rich

We’ve known for many decades that climate change is happening. In Nathaniel Rich’s “Losing Earth: A Recent History,” he examines a specific period in our not-so-distant past when, according to the publisher, “two unlikely heroes, risked their careers in a desperate, escalating campaign to convince the world to act before it was too late.” His book grew from an expansive New York Times Magazine article Rich wrote in 2018 in which he fixated on the period between 1979 and 1989 when lobbyist Rafe Pomerance and the climate scientist James Hansen worked tirelessly to sound the alarm on the climate crisis and influence politicians to take action on a global scale. In “Losing Earth,” Rich continues his important work by pulling from reports and scientific climate research from the late ‘70s that depict a spike in temperatures and how this increase would lead to catastrophic impacts on the planet. Rich’s book is as much about the history of the time and how presently we grapple with past choices and what the future holds for our planet.

“Highlighting major events affecting the discourse of climate change since 1979, this book covers our recent history of climate change policy and practice, the birth of climate denialism, how we got here, and how we must move forward to change the narrative.” Sean Mobley, senior policy associate for climate in Indiana with The Nature Conservancy


The 10 Books That Scientists Say Can Make A Difference In The Climate Crisis (4)


"Eat, Poop, Die: How Animals Make Our World" by Joe Roman

Dubbed one of the best books of 2023 by Scientific America, conservation biologist Joe Roman delves into our ecosystem, its relationship with the bodily functions of animals, and their impact on climate solutions. Filled with fascinating and funny facts about the animal world, “Eat, Poop, Die: How Animals Make Our World'' explains how all living things and their cycles of existence are vital for sustaining the world’s ecology, from the decomposition of their corpses to the fecal matter they leave behind. Roman also contends that by better understanding the life cycles and ecology of the creatures around us, we have a better chance of combating the climate crisis.

“I really like [this] book. I think it’s a creative way to explore/understand the importance and fragility of ecological connectivity.”Alex Wegmann, lead scientist with island resilience at The Nature Conservancy in California



The 10 Books That Scientists Say Can Make A Difference In The Climate Crisis (5)


"Climate Change from the Streets: How Conflict and Collaboration Strengthen the Environmental Justice Movement" by Michael Méndez

Michael Méndez is an assistant professor of environmental policy and planning at the University of California, Irvine. In his debut book, Méndez offers a platform to those most impacted by extreme climate change and their efforts to effect real climate policy changes. Told through individual stories and experiences, Méndez manages to intimately capture how climate is disproportionately affecting people of color and those living in lower-income communities and even creating a public health crisis. Robin Happel, author of “Climate Books for Changemakers,” praised Méndez’s literary call to action, referring to the book as “a powerful introduction to the environmental justice movement, which is increasingly a driving force behind climate action both in America and internationally.”

“[This book] describes the progression of climate policy making in California through an environmental justice lens, from local to international connections.” — Mari Rose Taruc, energy justice director for California Environmental Justice Alliance


The 10 Books That Scientists Say Can Make A Difference In The Climate Crisis (6)


“Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge and the Teachings of Plants” by Robin Wall Kimmerer

Author and trained botanist Robin Wall Kimmerer is the director of the Center for Native Peoples and the Environment at the State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry and a member of the Citizen Potawatomi Nation. Her New York Times-lauded collection of essays binds together her intimate knowledge of Western science, nature and Indigenous teaching into a meditative gift for any reader. With moving and sly prose, Kimmerer shows how living beings, from the strawberries and squash to the slippery salamanders and even algae, are whispering lessons to us. A surprise bestseller, “Braiding Sweetgrass” is also a bold call to action to address climate change as Kimmerer compels the reader to revisit and alter their views on the life and environment surrounding them, to challenge our European-centric ecological lenses and see the world instead as she does — with the influence of Native American creation stories and views on sustainability.

“The subtitle of the book says it all. So many people believe climate change is a technological challenge, and we must find technological solutions. ‘Braiding Sweetgrass’ reminds us that what got us here is not going to solve the climate crisis. It presents a different way of understanding climate change — our relationship to the earth, and the solutions we need, embodied in ‘two-eyed seeing,’ which Dr. Kimmerer describes learning from both Western science as well as traditional, Indigenous ecological knowledge (using both eyes). Every chapter of ‘Braiding Sweetgrass’ is a story, with experience and insights on approaches that will help us achieve a livable climate, healthy communities, and thriving nature. I recommend listening to the audio book, which Dr. Kimmerer reads. Listening to her stories in her beautiful voice has a particular power. The stories of Braiding Sweetgrass remind us that tackling climate change is really about culture, meaning it’s about us and our relationship to the wider natural world, and how we appreciate and understand that, including just being grateful for the many gifts the Earth provides.”Bill Ulfelder, executive director of the nature conservancy in New York


The 10 Books That Scientists Say Can Make A Difference In The Climate Crisis (7)


"What We Think About When We Try Not to Think About Global Warming" by Per Espen Stoknes

Per Espen Stoknes’ irreverent and honest title may have a dismissive tone, but his book “What We Think About When We Try Not to Think About Global Warming” is an illuminating read. The psychologist and ecologist writes about how overwhelming climate change can be, especially for those who are most knowledgeable about the crisis. He acknowledges and works to answer the question: If it feels like global warming is impossible to change, how do you act? Stoknes aims to redefine climate change in a way that highlights the actual meaningful steps taken by activists, governments and even private businesses. He avoids wallowing in the despair that can create inaction and identifies psychological barriers with corresponding psychological strategies as solutions. With a deep understanding of the human psyche and contemporary life, Stoknes’ book can be a guide for readers looking to make positive climate-changing behaviors that are easy to implement.

“It gets at the root causes of human beings’ natural tendencies to avoid talking about and taking action on climate change.” Nikki Rovner, associate state director, The Nature Conservancy Virginia Chapter



The 10 Books That Scientists Say Can Make A Difference In The Climate Crisis (8)


"On Indigenuity: Learning the Lessons of Mother Earth" by Daniel Wildcat

Called a “leading Indigenous thinker” by his publisher, author and professor Daniel Wildcat is a Yuchi member of the Muscogee Nation of Oklahoma. In his essay-style book, Wildcat calls upon his robust experience and knowledge of Indigenous ideas to illuminate the climate crisis and hopefully find our way to harmonious climate solutions. He explains the ways a “Western-influenced worldview” has played a role in the current state of our environment and allowed many to live in a comfortable state of ignorance. Wildcat goes on to urge climate activists and anyone else concerned about our planet to listen and engage with Indigenous peoples, their collective knowledge, and ancient practices to better co-exist with the natural world and its resources.

“Daniel Wildcatʻs new book, ‘On Indigenuity: Learning the Lessons of Mother Earth,’ applies indigenous worldview and environmental relationships to deal with modern environmental problems.” Sam 'Ohu Gon, senior scientist and cultural advisor at The Nature Conservancy in Hawaii and Palmyra


The 10 Books That Scientists Say Can Make A Difference In The Climate Crisis (9)


"Ignition: Lighting Fires in a Burning World" by M.R. O'Connor

This journalistic work from M.R. O’Connor covers conservation efforts, our history with wildfires and natural disaster policies and culminates into an honest but optimistic vision. “Ignition: Lighting Fires in a Burning World” is a fascinating and detailed exploration of how humans have interacted with fire in the past and how our modern use of flame can impact the world and climate today. She points to Indigenous cultures and their understanding of natural symbiosis, proving that humans have used fires for thousands of years to control ecosystems, clear unwanted debris and nourish the soil. O’Connor’s investigative research for the book included speaking with firefighters, ecologists, trained pyrotechnicians and others to help readers better understand our relationship with nature and the risk that the inevitable increase of uncontrolled wildfires will have on our survival.

“One of the best features of those who are (literally) lighting the way in the use of beneficial fire and leading the movement.” Marek Smith, North American fire director for The Nature Conservancy


The 10 Books That Scientists Say Can Make A Difference In The Climate Crisis (10)


"The Soil Will Save Us: How Scientists, Farmers and Foodies Are Healing the Soil to Save the Planet" by Kristin Ohlson

Is it possible to reverse global warming? In bestselling author and journalist Kristin Ohlson’s book, she’s optimistic that we can begin to create a reversal — and it begins with dirt. Looking at the history of industrial agriculture and its rampant increase to meet consumption demands, Ohlson reveals that we have caused an 80% loss of carbon from our earth’s soils, which is released into the atmosphere, warming the planet. Her answer to combat this lies in the production of our food. Calling upon the history and present science of farming, along with the expert opinion of ranchers and climate researchers, she contends that what makes a vibrant and healthy soil, can also help in mitigating the modern problems of extreme climate and producing healthy consumable food.

“A fantastic analysis of how we can feed the world sustainably and use natural systems to mitigate and adapt to a changing climate.” — Mobley



The 10 Books That Scientists Say Can Make A Difference In The Climate Crisis (11)


"Eager: The Surprising, Secret Life of Beavers and Why They Matter" by Ben Goldfarb

Environmental journalist Ben Goldfarb's beloved “Eager: The Surprising, Secret Life of Beavers and Why They Matter” is a humorous and engrossing science book about those buck-toothed, busybody rodents and the natural world around them. Goldfarb, along with fellow “Beaver Believers,” explains how these intelligent and resourceful animals could be the solution to so many ecological issues, specifically in the wetlands, if they were just allowed to live their lives without the fear of being hunted for the fur-trade. According to his research, Goldfarb believes the adorable beaver is an “animal that doubles as an ecosystem” and that without them, the ecological impacts would manifest themselves in the form of eroded streams, dried-up wetlands, and depleted populations of fish and other wildlife.

“It's about the history of overharvesting beavers, the ecological ramifications, and success stories of beaver rewilding with positive outcomes for humans and beavers. It is well-written and a good read for the general public – not a niche read for trained scientists.” Gregor Hamilton, conservation practitioner with The Nature Conservancy, New Mexico chapter

The 10 Books That Scientists Say Can Make A Difference In The Climate Crisis (2024)


What do scientists really say about climate change? ›

Yes, the vast majority of actively publishing climate scientists – 97 percent – agree that humans are causing global warming and climate change.

What is evidence #1 that climate change is happening? ›

Scientific information taken from natural sources (such as ice cores, rocks, and tree rings) and from modern equipment (like satellites and instruments) all show the signs of a changing climate. From global temperature rise to melting ice sheets, the evidence of a warming planet abounds.

What are 3 clues scientists use to explain climate change? ›

Scientists look in many places to find clues about climate change. For example, they examine historical records; collect measurements; and observe trends in temperature, weather patterns, sea level, and other features of the environment.

Who is the most credible source of climate change? ›

The United Nations Environment Programme (UN Environment) is the leading global environmental authority that sets the global environmental agenda. NASA provides the public with accurate and timely news and information about Earth's changing climate. The Met Office produces the UK Climate Projections.

What is the best climate book Bill Gates? ›

Bill Gates Recommends These Books To Better Understand The Earth And Climate Change
  • Weather for Dummies, by John D. Cox. ...
  • The Atmosphere, by Frederick K. Lutgens, Edward Tarbuck and Redina Herman. ...
  • Physical Geology, by James S. Monroe, Reed Wicander, and Richard Hazlett. ...
  • Planet Earth, by John Renton.
Apr 5, 2023

How many years until global warming is irreversible? ›

The global average temperature rise is predicted to climb permanently above 1.5°C by between 2026 and 2042, with a central estimate of 2032, while business as usual will see the 2°C breached by 2050 or very soon after [6].

What is the climate catastrophe in 2030? ›

It says that global average temperatures are estimated to rise 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 degrees Fahrenheit) above preindustrial levels sometime around “the first half of the 2030s,” as humans continue to burn coal, oil and natural gas.

How many scientists actually agree on climate change? ›

Depending on expertise, between 91% (all scientists) to 100% (climate scientists with high levels of expertise, 20+ papers published) agreed human activity is causing climate change. Among the total group of climate scientists, 98.7% agreed.

Is global warming a real thing? ›

Is global warming real? Scientific consensus is overwhelming: The planet is getting warmer, and humans are behind it.

What are the 10 causes of climate change? ›

10 Causes of Global Warming
  • #1. Power plants. ...
  • #2. Agriculture. ...
  • #3. Vehicles and transport. ...
  • #4. Landfills. ...
  • #5. Offshore drilling. ...
  • #6. Fracking. ...
  • #7. Deforestation. ...
  • #8. Overfishing.

What are the three main causes of global warming? ›

Burning fossil fuels, cutting down forests and farming livestock are increasingly influencing the climate and the earth's temperature. This adds enormous amounts of greenhouse gases to those naturally occurring in the atmosphere, increasing the greenhouse effect and global warming.

How do they know what the temperature was 1000 years ago? ›

Tree rings, ice cores from Greenland and Antarctica, sediments from the bottoms of lakes and seas, and many other natural proxy records of climatic conditions help us piece together the story of Earth's climates from the ancient past.

What is the global temperature over the last 10000 years? ›

These are not driven by humans but by slow changes in the planet's orbit that affect how it receives energy from the Sun . This gradual temperature change, averaging around 0.5°C over the past 10 thousand years, provided a stable environment supporting human civilisation's development .

Is global warming getting worse? ›

Earth's temperature has risen by an average of 0.11° Fahrenheit (0.06° Celsius) per decade since 1850, or about 2° F in total. The rate of warming since 1982 is more than three times as fast: 0.36° F (0.20° C) per decade.

What is the Green book of climate change? ›

‍The GreenBook project was designed to look at the components that increase risk, and provide scientific evidence and information that can be used by local government and other role-players, to better understand local risks and vulnerabilities and to respond to these challenges through climate change adaptation actions ...

What are the big 3 climate change? ›

Fossil fuels – coal, oil and gas – are by far the largest contributor to global climate change, accounting for over 75 per cent of global greenhouse gas emissions and nearly 90 per cent of all carbon dioxide emissions.

Who is the most famous climate change activist? ›

Greta Thunberg is one of the world's best-known climate change campaigners.

What is the name of the book about climate change? ›

TitleTheme(s) and subtheme(s)ISBN(s)
This Changes EverythingClimate change: the impact of capitalismISBN 978-1-45169738-4
The Chilling StarsClimate change: cosmic rays as major contributorISBN 1-84046-815-7
The Climate BookCauses, effects and possible solutions to the climate crisisISBN 978-0-241-54747-2
58 more rows


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Author: Terrell Hackett

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Name: Terrell Hackett

Birthday: 1992-03-17

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Hobby: Board games, Rock climbing, Ghost hunting, Origami, Kabaddi, Mushroom hunting, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.