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Top 5 Performer
Neueste Fonds
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Sum. lfd. Kosten0,50%
CHF Hedged Acc
EUR Hedged Dist
` : '') + `
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' html += '
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As someone deeply immersed in the realm of financial data and investment analytics, my expertise in the field is grounded in a comprehensive understanding of various financial instruments, market dynamics, and analytical tools. I have a proven track record of interpreting complex financial data and distilling it into actionable insights for both novice investors and seasoned professionals. My proficiency extends to navigating financial platforms, analyzing fund performances, and staying abreast of the latest industry trends.
Now, let's delve into the information provided in the article you shared:
- ISIN (International Securities Identification Number): IE00BG482169
- WKN (Wertpapierkennnummer): A2N9VM
Fund Details:
- Fund Manager: Invesco Investment Management Limited
- Type: Rentenfonds (Bond Fund)
- Investment Focus: Sonstige Welt Hartwährungen (Other World Hard Currencies)
Net Asset Value (NAV) as of 25.01.2024:
- NAV: $44.59 USD
Fund Ratings:
- Morningstar-FWW FundStars®-SRI: Not specified in the provided information.
- ISS ESG Fund Rating Nachhaltigkeit (SFDR): Not specified in the provided information.
- Herkömmlicher Artikel-6-Fonds: Not specified in the provided information.
Share Class and Currency Information:
- Share Class: Acc Insti
- Currency: USD (United States Dollar)
- Hedged-Ertragsverwendung: Thesaurierend (Accumulating)
- Sum. lfd. Kosten: 0.50%
Additional Share Classes:
- CHF Hedged Acc-CHF: Thesaurierend, Kosten: 0.55%
- Dist-USD-Ausschüttend: Ausschüttend, Kosten: 0.50%
- EUR Hedged Dist-EUR: Ausschüttend, Kosten: 0.55%
Please note that some details such as Morningstar ratings, ISS ESG ratings, and Herkömmlicher Artikel-6-Fonds information are not explicitly provided in the text you shared. If these details are crucial, additional sources or the fund's official documents may need to be consulted for a complete analysis.