THE LOWELL Lowell Ledger/1901/02_February...N Account with a Savings Bank docs not always imply small transactions, far from it. Many depositors are - [PDF Document] (2024)

THE LOWELL Lowell Ledger/1901/02_February...N Account with a Savings Bank docs not always imply small transactions, far from it. Many depositors are - [PDF Document] (1)


" — < ; Not Necessarily Stnail

AN Account with a Savings Bank docs not always imply small transactions, far from

it. Many depositors are using- our Saving's pass-book. They are using-it for the interest they get; they are also using- it because of the con-venience afforded.

We issue interest bearing certifi-cates of deposit but many prefer the Savings Pass Book.

The City Bank, Hill, Watts & Co.


Farm Boilers "We H a v e a fV».w l e f t a t & 1 0 - O O

No f a r m e r s h o u l d be w i t h o u t o n e at t h ? P r i c e

We are H e a d q u a r t e r s f o r Stee l R a n e e s . Do n o t fa i l t o s e e t h e m be fore y o u buy .

R. B. Boylan t

The Browoie* have taken up their headqunrfer* here with a fuli line of the Beft Kodaks to be found on the raaiket and the prices well, come and see. Also a full line of Photo Supplies, platen, etc

The People's Store. The Whit* Front.


I - A




Al. Morse's baby is nicovering from an attack of pneumonia.

Bootten often crow over cjrgs they did nut lay. Bsme with people who bell an ImiUtion of Kocky MounlainTea, made famous by the MadisoD Medicine Co. 3oc. Ask yonr druggirt.

WASTED—ACTIVE MAN OF GOOD character to deliver and collect !n Michigan fur old eat«bli«bed niaDUfacluriiic whole-aaie house |000 a year, sure pay. HUD< stt more thin cznerience required. Our refer e ice, any Imik iu any city. Enclose self adcresHcd staiop^d envelope. MauuUcturers, Toltd Floor, 881 Dearborn t t , Chicago. 1801



Republican C a u c u s .

The Republican electors of the township of Lowell will meet in caucus at the office of S. P. Hicks on Friday, February 8, 1901, at 2 o'clock p m., for the purpose of electing 3 delegates to the County convention, called nt Grand Rapids, Mich., February 13, 1900, also to nominate a County School commis-sioner to transact such other business as may properly come before said convention.

"Bles sed Is t h e Br ide t h e S u n

S h i n e s on."

The sun, so chary of his visible presence these winter days, showed a smiling face Wednesday morning, Feb. 6, just long enough to assure the blessing to the bride of the evening, then hid again behind a grey veil of soft clouds and occasion-al snow flakes,

About seventyfive friends and neighbors assembled at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J . K. Tilden to witness the marriage of their only daughter Jessie to Mr. R. D. Bancroft of Sparta.

At seven o'clock the bridal party entered the alttini; room thronzh an aiale formed hf white ribbons held by little Miwi Irene UeydlaufT and Master Perrin McQueen They were nahered by Allen Bennett and J . H Maynard, then in order, the offlciating clergyman Rev. S. T. Morria. the bride-Kroom and best man, Albert IC. Locke of Grand Rupid*, the bridesmaids. Misses Mattie A. Packard and Lulu Austin, and lastly the bride. To the strains of the wedding march played by Miss Anna Maynard they to<ik their places under a canopy of white prettily decorated with sn ilax and c!owned with a floral horae ahoe. #

In a brief but impressive ceremony, the two lives were made one and a new home created.

It goes without saying that the bride and her maids with their while gowns and bouquets of rosea formed a lovely picture. The guests were received by Misses Pattie and Agnes Perry and were served to an ideal wedding supper by Mr. Claude Lane, Mrs. Arthur Moore. Miss Edith Mange Mias Allie Chamber?, Miss Bessie Tate, and Miss Nina WUner.

Thedining room waa prettily decorated in amilaz, roses and carnations.

The bridal pair were recipients of many beautiful gifts. They left on the evening train for their new home in Sparta follow-ed by a crowdof young friends and showers of rice.

The bridegroom is a railroad man and the train men quickly took in the situation und the promise of their not being allowed to ^forget their |>osition waa apparent. Congratulation s and good wishes of a howt of friends follow them aa they are both well known, the bride having been at one time a teacher in the public school ' id i ho groom for a long time telegraph oper-ator at the D. t M. station.

The out of town guesU were Mr. and Mrs F. Tilden of Vernon, Mr. and Mrs. Ban-croft of Alto, Mrs. Lily Gould of Chicago, Miss Lulu Austin of Milford, Mrs. Dr. J . L. W. Young of Kalamazoo, Albert E. Locke, Mrs. Charles Marshall. Mrs. S. T. Morris, C. K. Hine, Bruce Walker and Miss Fern Clark of Grand Rapid)1. Com.


F o u g h t In Grand R a p i d s Last Night C a u g h t Hero T h i s Morning .

A stabbing a (fair tco*k place in Grand Rapids laat eveningJ>etween two colored men, one of whom, George Washington^ was taken to hospital where he may die. The other escaped the citjr policeman, but at 11 o'cloik this morning was lound in Lowell by Village Marahal Mason anil lodged in Jail. He ia badly carved up and a doctor was called to dress bis wounds while Deputy Sheriff Morse notifled the authorities al Grand Rapids.

T h e . l ohnso t i 'Duvo l Episode.

Concerning the Johnson-Duval matter narrated at length in our last issue, later reports were to the effect that i j r s . Johnson-Duval had notified the Maccabee officials at Port Huron of her first husband's reappearance and withdrawing her claim for insurance. The press dis-patches stated further that Johnson left Fort Smith, Ark., under de-monstrations of violence by a crowd of Duval sympathisers and afterward telegraphed to Fort Smith with drawing his charge of bigamy. Mrs. Johnson-Duval immediately started divorce proceedings against Johnson.

Weldon S m i t h t o Move.

Weldon Smith has leased the east store of the Pullen block with living rooms overhead and will move his bakery March 1. His business has outgrown his present quarters and the new place which is now being fitted up for him will give him plenty of room to spread in.

In Memory of M i s s Atk ins .

Fanny L. Atkins was born in Waterbury, Vermont, Nov, 8, 1834. In 1854 she came with her mother and four brothers to Michigan and settled in Grattan. She removed to Lowell in 1877 and this remained her abiding place until "called home," January 31, 1901. To mourn her loss, she leaves one brother, W. J . Atkins of this vil-lage, one nephew, L. W. Atkins of Detroit and one niece, Edith E. At-kins of Lansing. She was a loyal sister and a true friend.

Funeral services were held at the M. E. Church on Saturday, con-ducted by Rev. J . W. McAllister.

Bridges, rivers tunnela mountains builds cities, gathers up the scattered rays of one'sability. That's what Rocky Mountain Tea doei. 35c. Ask your druggist.



"Have Y o u A Voted" for Your

F r i e n d s ?

Lowell, Feb. 7, 1901 I have this day counted the

ballots in the Ledger voting contest and tind the result thus far as follows:

Mrs, F. Flanigan 130 Mrs. R. B. Boylan 111 Miss Ella Wiley 260 Mrs. O. C. McDannell 65

•• 55 41 Hannah Monks 52 " Amanda Gibbs 52 " M. M. Perry 4 •' R. W. Graham 3 u John Bergin 3 " M. C. Greene 3 •• J . W. McAllister 3 •« W. S. Godfrey 3 " W. A. Wat ts 3 <4 Benj. Morse 4 " C. C. Winegar 2

Miss Anna Maynard 2 Mrs. M. C. Griswold 2

" D. B. Davidson 4 Miss Myrtie Taylor l Mrs. 7

" Dan Bush 8 " Eugene Lee 2 " Jud Tinkler 13 w Geo. Avery 3

J . S. Hooker, Com. NOTE—One lady baa reqnested that her

name be dropped and another we 6nd to be ineligible. Hereafter a blank line will Uke the place of their names in the report.


Gee Whiz! Galloway mittens only 50c at Godfrey's.

Valentines! Valentines! Valen-tines! 1c, 5c, 10c, etc. Clyde Collar.

The Vergennes Dancing club will give a masquerade partv at Train's opera house Feb. 22. Costumes to rent at Hotel Central. 2w

Wm. Cheetham is getting mater-ial on the ground for a dwelling to be erected on his handsome Monroe street lots in the spring.

Mrs. C. C. Winegar was called to Wayne county, N. Y., last evening, by the illness of her mother, who is not expected to recover.

For Sale—The millinery stock and entire outfit of Mrs. M. Hiler, de-ceased, Lowell, Mich.,. A grand opening for a first class milliner. Write at once. 4w.

Warm mittens at Godfrey's 15,20, 25, 40 and 50c. Plenty of them. Come in. These are bargains for consumers or competitiors. The real money savers friend, W. S. Godfrey.

Mrs. S. T. Morris, son and daughter, of Grand Rapids, spent several days of this week with the Elder, who was confined to his room at the Atwater residence during the first half of the week.

The W. R. C. will hold a social in G. A. R. hall, Tuesday evening, Feb. 12, in honor of Lincoln's birthday. A program will be ren-dered and refreshments served.

Paul P. Davis of Grand Rapids, who has frequently entertained the people of Lowell with his elocution, ary art, died of the grip at the U. B. A. hospital yesterday morning.

Mrs. C. E. Maynard while visit* ing her son Walter in East Lowell, Tuesday, fell the whole length of the cellar stairs. Xo bones were broken, but she received s bad cut on her head and sprained her foot,

Wanted—To sell immediately one four year old Jersey milch cow, one two and one-fourth year old Jcrsy and Durham heifer and also a number of white plymouth rock Ifghorn fowls. Chas. H. Kopf.

The Alton L. O. T. M. will give a dance and oyster supper Feb. 14, at the Grange hall. Bill to dance 25c. Supper 25c. per couple, sin-gle tickets, 16o. Floor managers, G. C. Norton, J . D. Frost. Music by Adams' orchestra.

About thirty old friends from South Boston 8j)ent yesterday with Mr. and Mrs. Asa Fletcher in this village. They brought an abund-ant supply of the good things of life and plates were laid for thirty-fi ve. Pedro and other sports whiled the day away.

Bands No. 1 and 2 of the Baptist church will serve a corn supper in the church dining room next Wed-nesday evening, Feb. 13, from 5 to 8 o'clock. See bill of fare and select in wnat form you will have your corn served.

" H e that withholdeth corn, the people shall curse him; but blessings shall be upon the head of him that seeth i t ." Prov. 11 -26. Supper 15c,

Just a Word About Coal

G E N U I N E Jackson Hill, the best soft coal on the market. Langs ton Anthracite, no better hard coal mined. Canuel Coal, burns lonper than soft coal.

Spraker & Cambell. {iimummuiiUiiiiuuimmumummmM

I gpfciaJ Sewing Machines For 30 Days Only

I will oiler (tome bargains in HiKh-xrade Sewing Machines. Call and Bee the new atyles of Cabinet and Drop-head Machines Also Rome extra good Second hand Sewing Machines very cheap.

Hent oil and all kinds needles slwaya on hand.



This lime we are after cotton. A. W . Wcekes.

First class house to rent. Apply to N. B. Blain,

I practice what I preach. W . S. Godfrey, your clothier

L. J . Post and C.C. Lillie of this county attended State institutes at Harbor Beach, Croswell and Vassar last week, two days in each place. Attendance at the three places 600, 500 and 300 respectively. Mr. Post's subject is Horticulture; and a friend who attended one of these meetings says it was ably handled and received the closest- attention. These farmer's institutes are creat-ing a marked degree of interest.

Millions of people are familiar with De Witt's Littlo Early Riser's and .those who use them find them to be famons little pills. Nerer gripe. L. H. Taft t Co,

Baptist Chnrch Notes.

The Young Ladies' band are ar-ranging for a social evening for their friends to be givsn Friday evening, Feb. 8.

The women's bands have received the dishes they recently ordered for their new dining room. The outfit will now relieve them from necessity of carrying so many dishes when ever they serve a supper. The trouble of having vour dishes ex-changed and mixed up with some other person's dishes will thus be avoided.

The laidies can seat fifty persons comfortably atone time and a larger number if necessary.

The woman have this week made additional improvements in their kitchen or work room. They are much gratified over the success at-tending their efforts in finishing and equipping the new rooms.

The women's mission circle of the Baptist church will meet with Mrs. Harriett Peck on Thursday after-noon.

Members of Bauds No. 1 and 2 of Baptist church at their meeting last Friday decided to give a public supper in the church Wednesday evening of next week. See notice elsewhere

Many of the Baptist church people arranged a surprise for Mr. and Mrs. A. Bancroft. Tuesday evening. Conveyances left Mr. N. B. Blain's store a t ? p. m. All present decid-ed to have a good time together prior to Mr. and Mrs. Bancroft's ex-tended visit to York state.

The teacher's meeting will be held Thursday evening a t the close of prayer melting. Superintendent J . B. Nicholson will take charge. *

Regular meeting of B. Y. P . U. >xt Sunday evening at 6:80.

Topic '•If Christ should come to-morrow."

The Young Ladies band of the Baptist will give an entertainment iu the church Friday evening con-sisting of a literary program. Re-freshments and games. Everyone cordiallv invited.

Liko had dollars, nil counterfeitii of DeWitl'a Witch Hazel Sulye are worthlesa The original quickly cures pile* sores and all skin diseases. L. H. Taft t Co.

Congregs t iona l C h u r c h N o t e s .

The new seats seem to please everyone. They are beautiful and comfortable.

The quarterly session of the Aid society convened at the State Bank parlors Tuesday afternoon.

Band No. 1 will meet Thursday afternoon.

The business meeting of the Christian Endeavor society is post-poned til Tuesday evening, Feb. 12. A full attendance is desired.

The Young Ladies band held a very entcresting and unique social at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Marks Ruben Tuesday evening. The time was delightfully spent in singing, eating pie and listening to the story of how each member earned a dollar.

The patrons and friends of the Boy's Union are invited to call at their new rooms over the City Bank Saturday evening at 8 o'clock local time. A brief and very informal program has been arranged.

Take Rocky i ; unuin Tea. 6e« It e x -terminate poison. Feel it revitalize yonr Jf C ) blood and nerves and bring back that ' happy,Joyous feeling of boyhood days. 9 ^ . 35c. Ask your droggist, ' ' * #


Card of Thanks. We desire to express our gratitnde

to the friends who by kind word or deed assisted us in our bereavement and also to the members of the choir for their services.

W J Atkins and familv, L W Atkins Edith E. Atkins.


n ? i


T H E L O W E L L M A R K E T R E P O R T *

Wheat Potatoes Beans Pork Corn Oats Bye Buckwheat per bu Butter Egg" Apples per bu Flour per cwt Bran per ton Middlings per ton Corn meal pet ton Corn and oats per ton Beef Veal Wool washed Onions Clovsr Seed

e 75 30

1 2o 1 76 5 6 0 ® 0 0 0

40 0 2 6

e 45 50 13

§ 15 80 ' 76 (a) 2 <>0

Vv Ifi 00 6 16 00

& 20 00

® 20 00 6 00 t o 6 00 «oo a 7 00

20 (a 60

6 00 6 5 0

THE LOWELL Lowell Ledger/1901/02_February...N Account with a Savings Bank docs not always imply small transactions, far from it. Many depositors are - [PDF Document] (2)

Oreskell-Jupp Paper Co. are the Heaviest Losers.


C a W h i c h T h l i F i r m h a * l l e m t h e P r i n -

c i p a l L n a e r i — F i r e S t a r t e d E a r l y In

thm M o r n i n g — T b a I ' r n p r r t j r D a -

• t n . y o i l u-a* F u l l y I n m r e i L

A n o t h e r Kai l F i r e a t D a t r n l t .

F o r the four th t ime in 23 months the (V. Q J u p p Paper Co., now k n o w n as t h e Drvskel l-Jupp Paper Co., a t De-t ro i t , was a heavy loser by fire a t an e a r l y hour on the inorninj,' of t he 2(1. T h e to ta l losses as a resul t of t he fire wi l l amoun t to 80 1,000 or $80,000. The Dresktill-Jupp Co. being the pr inc ipa l su f f e re r s . Thei r stock was valued a t f 4 0 ,000 and was a total loss. I t is f u l l y insured. The Heinman es ta te , o w n e r s of the building, will lose iu the ue ighborhood of S-O.OIO, whi le the m i n o r losses will swel l the total losses t o a b o u t 880,00^

Whi le the Dreske l l - Jubb Co. fire was • t i l l burn ing , fire broke out in t h e old Wonder l and bui ld ing on Woodward a v e n u e . Losses unknown al t h i s writ-inff- _ _ _ 9

L l v l n r n t o n F a r m e r * M a k l n c M o n e y .

T h e Michigan condensed mi lk fac-t o r y a t Howell had i ts banne r day on J a n . 29 when i t took in 135,276 pounds o f milk. Th is is t he larges t amount of m i l k ever t aken In one day b y any condensed milk factory in Michigan. I t required 60 teams to t a k e th i s • m o u n t of milk to the factory, and a t t h e cu r r en t price of 81.10 per 100 pounds, c o s t more t h a n 81,622. At t h i s ra te t h e f a rmers of the county would re-ceive more than 84-M72 for t h e i r milk f o r a month. The teamsters f o r haul-i n g t h e same would receive someth ing l ike 83,MO.

E d i t o r C n n n n n D e a d .

" J o h n W. Cannon, editor of the Ox-f o r d Globe for near ly a q u a r t e r of a s e n t u r y , is dead. Ills dead body was f o u n d lying a t t he foot of the cellar • i tairs a t h is residence a t noon on the 3d. There w a s no wi tness t o the ac-c iden t , but i t is supposed he tr ipped w h i l e descending the s ta i r s and fell. Deceased was 55 years old; w a s a mem-b e r of the Masonic order and the K. 0. T . M. He leaves a widow but no ch i ld ren .

W a t a S o u n d H l e a p e r .

' Chris topher Gothe, of Iron Mountain , d r eamed one n i g h t recently t h a t two m e n were t r y i n g to kill h im, and while i n a sonambulis t ic s tate, smashed his bed-room window, kicked off a heavy w i r e outside screen, and walked up the s t r e e t in h is n igh t clothes. When • .wakened by neighbors, h is feet were f rozen and blood flowed f rom numer-o u s bad wounds made by glass. He is u n d e r the doctor 's care.

' V i c t i m s o f a S m o o t h Y o u n g H a n .

About six months ago a smooth y o u n g man s t ruck Litchflcld, c la iming •to represen t a "collection agency," -which would collect a l l back debts fo r a mere trifle. The m e rc ha n t s gener-a l l y tu rned h im down, b u t every doc-t o r and a lumber dealer s igned a con-- t r a c t Recent ly a s t r a n g e r appeared >in town w i t h promisory nofes aga ins t •each of t h e men who signed a contract Cor S30. They paid.

T o n n s n t E d i t o r In t h e S t a t e .

P r o b a b l y the youngest journal i s t in t h e s t a t e of Michigan is 7-year-old Char les G u n n , of Hillsdale. Despite h i s y o u t h he p r in t s a weekly paper iealled t h e Courier, al l of t he work of 'which, f rom ga the r ing the news to ne t t i ng the type and p r i n t i n g the edi-t ion , lie d o e s himself. The Courier a l s o publ ishes a cartoon each week

. f r o m the pen of its y o u t h f u l editor.

. T a k e * E x c e p t i o n t o O r e u ' s O p i n i o n .

Gen. B. M. Cutcheon t a k e s Issue wi th • At ty . -Gen. Oren's opinion t h a t the leg-i s l a t u r e can increase the supremo cour t a t pleasure. He holds t h a t if t he leg-i s l a t u r e has the power to increase t h e i lze of the court or to l eng then t h e t e r m of oflice beyond e igh t years , i t h a s a n equal r igh t to abolish the c o u r t e n t i r e l y or to reduce t h e term to fou r , t w o , o r one s'ear.

W r e c k a t K a w k m w l l n .

An eng ine d r a w i n g a Michigan Cen-t r a l f r e i g h t t ra in jumped the t r ack a t K a w k a w l l n on the 27th and t u r n e d •over o n i ts side. F i r e m a n Wm. Dent , •ai Wes t Hay City, w a s crushed and in--stantly kil led. The engineer and head b r a k e m a n were also in t h e cab of t h e Hocomotive, bu t both escaped wi th se-• e r e brnises. None of t h e f r e i g h t c a r s

»teft t he rai ls .

• O r t o n v l l l e t o l l a v a m S m i l t a r l u m -

TOetuoit par t ies were a t Or tonvl l le l a t e l y looking up a s i te for a san i t a r -i u m to cost 815,000 a n d to employ a l a r g e force of h e l p e r s The i<iares are t o . b e placed a t 830 each and t h e out-look is good for t akers . T h i s will mean new houses, s tores, and a la rge increase in the populat ion of t h e vil-lage. The re arc 130 flowing minera l w e l l s there.

S t u r m WB» 4 j u ! t e G e n e r a l .

' T h e snow storm on the Sd w a s qu i t e g e n e r a l in the s ta te , being especial ly « e v e r e iu the southwes te rn par t . As a r e s u l t of the s torm all t r a i n s were -riore or less delayed.

T h e Alpena Cement Co wil l s t a r t TOarmfacturlng on Feb. 15. T h e mill •will have a capaci ty of 600 ba r r e l s a

• d a y . Gaylord business men are t a l k i n g of

g e t t i n g up o pet i t ion asking t h e legis-l i a t u r e to incorpo'-ate the i r vi l lage as a


^ M I C H I G A N N E W S I T E M S .

" J a c k the Hugger ' ' in opera t ing a t Ann Arbor.

Calhoun county has 03 a t to rneys and 104 registered physicians.

F i re destroyed t85,000 worth of prop-er ty a t Cheboygan on the 26th.

Rura l free mall delivery has been or-dered established at Port land, Feb. 15.

One cose of smallpox Is reported a t Alma.

I t is reported t h a t wolves a re k i l l ing large numbers of sheep In Berrien county .

Additional free rura l mail delivery has been ordered established a t F l in t , March 1.

Mrs. Martha Todd, eolored, of Mar-cellus, recently celebrated her 106th b i r thday .

Many brick farmhouses will be erected the coming summer by Sanilac county fa rmera

S a u l t Ste. Mftric has a dally paper. I t Is published by Railroad Commis-s ioner Chase R. Oslwrn.

Rober t Hoffman will be pos tmas te r of the new |)ostofllce to be established at Motz, Presqne Isle Co.

Dur ing the past four years 3,381 mar-r i age licenses were Issued a t St. Jos-eph—a weekly average of 16.

T h e 50th anniversary of the 1st Con-grega t iona l church of Char lo t te was appropr ia te ly celebrated on the 27th.

An a t t empt will be made t o have the mi l i t a ry board sclect Whiteflsh lake as t h e new site for the s t a t e encampment .

The schools a t Milan have been closed on account of a th rea tened epi-demic of d iph ther ia and scar le t fever.

A large brick p l an t Is to be erected a t Big Rapids to replace the sash, door and blind factory which was recent ly burned.

T h e people of Allegan county wi l l s ay a t the spr ing election w h e t h e r or n o t they wish to raise 86,000 to bui ld a n e w jail.

The local opt ion ques t ion wi l l not be submi t ted to the voters of Oakland county this spr ing , as previously an-nounced.

The senators are t o have new fu rn i -t u r e for the i r chamber , a n d some of t h e adjo in ing rooms will a l s o be re-furn ished .

Every town can adver t i se itself more effectively by te l l ing i t s rea l advan-t a g e s for manufac tor ies and investors in the home paper,

A cave-in and p r e m a t u r e blast a t t h e Cleveland Cliffs mine, nea r I shpemlng on the 28th, was responsible fo r t h e dea th of t w o miners.

The grocers of Ypsilantl propose t o form a " judicious combina t ion" for the purpose of reducing cer ta in expenses conuccted wi th the business.

The plate glass f ron t in Iron Moun-ta in ' s new ci ty hal l was ru ined on the n igh t of the 29th by some u n k n o w n van-dal who t h r e w a rock t h r o u g h it.

I t doesn't do nowadays t o tell a P a w P a w man t h a t he doesn ' t know beans, fo r the village Is g e t t i n g t o be one of the best bean marke t s in the s late .

A firebug is m a k i n g a t t e m p t s to b u r n proper ty be longing to t h e Champion Iron Co., a t Champion. T w o barns be-, longing to the company have been burned.

Muskegon evident ly h a s few resi-den t s w h o a re eager for mi l i tary glory. The rec ru i t ing oflice t h e r e got bu t t w o recrui ts in a month , and as a resul t has been closed.

A 10-year-old Kalamazoo boy is suf-fer ing f rom lock jaw—the resul t of be-ing vaccinated—and t h e ant i -vaccina-t ion crusaders are s t i r r i n g t h i n g s up general ly ia t h a t city.

J o h n Cook, t r easure r of Grand Haven, whose accounts have been in-vest igated by Joseph Brewer , is found to owe the town 82,470, which he or h i s bondsmen mus t m a k e good.

The g r i p is having a b igger r u n a t Brighton th i s win te r t han i t did 10 years ago. a l though of a milder d e g r e e of severity t han then, and all t h e local doctors are doing a land-ofilce business.

Secretary of Sta te W a r n e r has noti-fied the sher i f fsof the s t a t e to Issue the call for the general election in April, at which one jus t ice of the supreme court and two r egen t s will be chosen.

A crusade has been commenced against t he slot machines at S t Louis, and all of them have been removed by the marshal . I t is easy enough t o drive them out, bu t keep ing them ou t i s an-o ther th ing .

Up to the close of business Feb. 1 the fire insurance companies do ing bus-iness in Michigan had deposi ted a total of 8102,135.40 w i t h t h e s t a t e t r easure r on account of taxes collected f r o m life and l i re companies since J an . 1. '

A well-developed case of smallpox was discovered among the passengers on a Detroi t & Mackinaw t r a i n the o ther day. Many people were exposed and vaccination by the passengers on the t r a in soon became very popular .

The electr ic l i g h t i n g p lan t a t Brigh-ton is r u n on an economical plan. The engine t h a t r u n s t h e flour mil l r u n s the dynamo, and t h e corn cobs l e f t f rom fa rmers ' g r i s t s a re used f o r fue l under the boilers t h a t runs t h e engine

I t is s ta ted t h a t t he Nor thwes te rn Electr ic ra i lway, t h e eas te rn t e rminus of which Is a t F a r m i n g t o n , Oakland county , w i l l e x t e n d i t s l ines to Lansing, negot ia t ions for r i g h t of way be tween ftowell and Lans ing being a l ready un-der way.

At a special mee t ing of the village council of Vernon recent ly a 30-year f ranchise was g r a n t e d to Messrs. Ben-son and Hadsall , of Owosso, for an electr ic road f r o m Owosso t o Durand. Work mus t bo commenced before Ju ly 1, and i t is hoped t h a t t he pro-jectors will comply.

The quest ion, " T o dance or not to dance ," has resul ted In the closing of one of Benton Harbor ' s churches. The congregat ion divided on the quest ion, and as a resul t t he pastor l e f t and ser-vices are no longer being held in t h e bui lding. I t is hoped the bu i ld ing will not bfc converted in to a dance hall.

D O I N G S O F T H E 4 1 S T S E S S I O N .

The following bills were passed In the house ou the 29th: Legalizing cer-ta in act of Josiah S. Dean, of Boston, commissioner of deeds; legal iz ing ac-t ions of the supervisors of Baraga In appropr ia t ing 82,700 for the erect ion of a b reakwater ; legalizing 82,000 elec-t r ic l ight bonds issued by the vi l lage of New Baltimore; au thor iz ing the vil-lage of New Balt imore to equip her s t ree t s and en te r in to con t rac t s for e lec t r ic l ight ing; organiz ing a new school distr ict In In the townsh ips of Has t ings aud Castletou. Barry county ; chang ing name of the village of New Chicago, Manisteo county , to Pomont!.; amending the cha r t e r of the city of Detroi t ex tend ing sessions of the board of es t imates to 20 days and fixing com-pensation a t 85 a day.

The fo l lowing bil ls were passed in the senate on the 20th: T 0 legalize bridge bonds issued by Mecosta town-ship. Mecosta county ; a l lowing vil-lage of Pincouning to compromise and re fund Us Indebtedness; to provide for ex tend ing corpora te life of summer re-sor t association for periods of 30 years ; to regulate fore ign bui lding and loan associations, immediate effect; to legal-ize certain bonds In Baraga county.

The house on the 29th passed the bill ex tend ing the sessions of the De-t ro i t lioard of es t imates from 10 to 20 days and Increasing the compensation to 85 a day. Most of the Wayne mem-bers were absen t when the bill was taken up, bu t none of them are opposed t o i t

The fo l lowing bills were passed by the house on the 1st: Changing name of Wm. K. Church to Wm. G. Kurz; to authorize a school d is t r ic t in Spring-field township , Ka lkaska count}'.

Rep. Hemans says Ingham county w a n t s the s t a t e t o re imburse her to the ex tent of abou t 814,000 for expenses incurred in the Marsh. Su t ton and o ther " s t a t e {rails."

Up to Feb. 1 the present legis la ture had passed 30 measures, and the same has been signed by Gov. Bliss and de-posited wi th Secretary of Sta te Warner.

The fo l lowing bill was passed by the senate on t h e 1st: To al low s « u -mer resor t associations to levy more dues.

N E W S Y B R E V I T I E S .

The U. S. sup reme cour t ha« ad-journed un t i l Feb. 25.

Jackson Center, O., was vlsiUd by fire on the 29tl-. Loss, 830,000.

Helen Gould recent ly donated 9t00,-000 to t h e New York Y. M. C. A.

New York was visited by a oue-and j a-half-mill lon-dollar fire on J a n . 3t.

The duch*ess of Manches ter is very ill wi th d iph the r i a a t San F r a n c i s c o

A dispatch f r o m Berlin, da ted t h e 28th, says t h a t hurr icane- l iko s t o r m s prevail In many pa r t s of Germany.

A f a ro bank w a s raided a t Windsor, O u t , on J a n . 31, and 14 vic t ims were cauglit in the d r ag n e t , Steve Brodle, the br idge j u m p e r and

spor t ing man of New York, died a t San Antonio, Tex. , on J a n , 31 of con-sumption.

News has been received t h a t the re-publics of Costa Rica and Nicaragua again have a qua r re l which may possi-bly resu l t in war.

The bu i ld ing and con ten t s occupied by the Ind ianapol i s Sun, an evening paper, w a s destroyed by fire on the 29th. Loss, 830,000.

A p lo t to t a r and f e a t h e r Mrs. Car-rie Na t ion w a s nipped in the bud a t Topeka on t h e 3d, and t h e "saloon de-s t royed" w a s saved f r o m unde rgo ing such embar r a s s ing proceedings.

As a resu l t of e a t i n g pork supposed to have been "doc to red" w i t h some sort of preservat ive, a whole fami ly was poisoned a t P i t t sbnrg , Pa . , on t h e 2d One member is dead a n d five o the r s a r e seriously IU.

T h e sup reme court of I o w a on t h e Is t affirmed the decision of the lower court in dec la r ing t h a t t h e T i t u s bien-nial election law adopted las t Novem-ber a t t he polls by 30,000 m a j o r i t y , was nul l and void.

A broken rai l on t h e Chicago, S t Louis & Kansas City railroad, nea r Hardln.^CoIo., on the 1st, was respon-sible for the in ju r ies received by a b o u t 20 persons. Fo r tuna t e ly no t a s ingle person wa3 kil led o u t r i g h t

The German s teamer Barcelona, wh ich arr ived a t New York on Jan. 31, f r o m H a m b u r g via Hal i fax, N. S., b r o u g h t i n t o po r t t h e capta in and 14 seamen of the R t s s i an ba rk Cuba, wh ich w a s abandoned a t sea Jan. 19.

Tobacco dealers in Chat tanooga, Tenn . , have received not ice of the final passage of the an t i -c igare t te bill and of Its s igna tu re by the governor. They will discontinue the sale of c igar-e t t e s and r e t u r n t h e i r Btoc)c t o t h e manufac tu re r s .

Jas . H. Brutnm, the murderer of Mollle F lagler , of Dimondale, who was pardoned by ex-Gov. P ingree wi th t h e condit ion t ha t he be given a medical examina t ion a s to h i s men ta l condit ion, w a n t s the examina t ion held a t once, or h is release granted.

Eve lyn Baldwin, t h e Arctic explorer w h o n e x t summer is to head the Bald-win-Ziegler expedi t ion ' t o the n o r t h pole, r e tu rned to New York on the s t e a m s h i p New York on the 3d. Mr. Baldwin has been abroad since Decem-be r 1 securing vessels and equ ipment fo r the proposed tr ip.

The Minnesota legis la ture on the 25th unanimously passed the e lght -hoitr bill , which reduces the work day of men employed In mines, smel te r s and con t ra to r s t o e igh t hours. All t h a t t he bill now lacks to m a k e i t a l aw is t he governor ' s s ignature .

The school chi ldren a t Lewlston have become such a nuisance in the post-oflice in t h a t village, by t rooping in on t he i r way to and f rom school to ask if there Is any mall, t h a t the postmas-te r h a s finally secured au thor i ty f rom Wash ing ton to close the office d u r i n g the hours when the youngsters a re pass ing to and f rom school.

m i i [iii. Did the Paterson, N. J., Murder-

ers and Assaulters.


B I c A l l l i t e r , D a a t h a n d C a m p b e l l G o t t h «

t h e hoag T i m e S e n t e n c e a n d K e r r ,

W h o I ' l e a d e . l n o n T u l t C o n t e n d r e ,

G o t l h a S b o r t T i m e 8enten««>

P a t e r s o n M u r d e r e r * G e t t h a L i m i t .

Walte r C. McAllister, William A. Death aud Andrew J . Campbell, who were found gu i l ty of murder In the second degree for the ki l l ing of J enn ie Bosschleter, on October 18, 1900, by the adminis t ra t ion of chlora l and subse-q u e n t cr iminal assaul t , toge ther wi th Geo. J . Kerr , who pleaded non vul t contendre to a charge of criminal as-saul t , were b rough t into the cour t of oyer and te rminer a t Paterson, N. J . , on the 29th for sentence by J u d g e Dixon. McAllister, Campbell and Death wdre each sentenced to 30 yea r s ' Impr isonment a t h a r d labor and Ker r to 15 years ' Imprisonment a t ha rd labor. The sentence of all t he men a rc the fu l l t e rms of Imprisonment which the law provides, but In the case of Ker r a fine of 81,000 might have been added.

The Paterson, N. J . , murderers were commit ted to the s t a t e prison a t Tren-ton on the 1st.

O r e « t T r i b u t e t o t h e D e a d Q u e e n .

Half a million of the late Queen Vic-toria 's devoted subjec ts l in ing the shores of the Solent on the 1st wit-nessed a majes t ic and awe-inspir ing p a g e a n t and bade a las t f a rewel l to the i r beloved ruler , while her r emains were be ing moved from Cowes to Ports-mouth. The ceremony was a fitting t r i bu t e f rom a na t ion owning Nelson fo« Its hero to Its dead monarch. All who were wi tnesses of the funct ion t es t i fy to the profound emotion i t in-spired and agree t h a t the spectacle could not have been surpassed for sp lendor and solemn e f fec t

7 , 0 0 0 R e p o r t e d K i l l e d .

A dispatch f rom Cairo, Egypt , da ted the Ist , says n e w s has been received the re f rom Abyssinia of a g r e a t bat t le , in which 7,000 men were killed. I t is supposed the ch ie f s rebelled d u r i n g the absence of King Mcnellk, who has gone to the Egypt ian f ront ier , in con-nection wi th t h e del imita t ion of the Egypto-Abyss inian f ront ier .

La te r — The Bri t ish foreign oflice officials k n o w no th ing of any difficulty in King Menel ik ' s terr i tory.

J a i l D o o r a O p e n e d .

Probate J u d g e Millard, of Toledo, on t h e 20th held t h a t all pr isoners com-mit ted to the Toledo workhouse f rom the police cour ts were detained the re un lawfu l ly , and Immediately upon ha-beas corpus proceedings released sev-e ra l of them. H e held t h a t t he lack of t r ansc r ip t of t r i a l accompanying t h e commi tment s invalidated them. Those released took car r iages in wa i t i ng and has tened across the Ohio and Michigan line.

S l e p t a t H l a P o a t .

Five persons dead and one severely wounded, t w o engines and 10 loaded ca r s wrecked is the resul t of t he mis-t a k e of a t r a i n crew on the 28th be tween Pe t ro leum and Volcano Junc t ion , W. Va. , on the Bal t imore «fe Ohio ra i l road. I t w a s t h e old story of the eng ineer be ing asleep a t his post and m i s t a k i n g t h e first sect ion of a pass ing t r a in fo r t h e second.


A mee t ing of the fore ign envoys w a a held a t Pek in on the 28th, a t t e n d e d only by those whose fe l low c o u n t r y men have been ki l led In t h e i n t e r i o r provinces, t he object be ing to decide w h a t pun i shmen t should bo infl ictsd upon minor officials A repor t wi l l be made to a genera l meet ing of the min-is ters to be held, probably a f t e r t h e fune ra l of Queen Victoria. The minis-te rs re fuse to s ta te the decisions, ar-rived a t , b u t i t is believed t h a t f ew wil l be beheaded, and cer ta in ly n o t the h ighes t officials.

Hsu Cheng I, son of Hsu T u n g , the notor ious ant i - foreign gua rd ian of the he i r appa ren t , and Chi Sin, a member of the t s u n g 11 yamen and t h e boxer leader are be ing held for p u n i s h m e n t

I t is repor ted t h a t Russia wi l l de< maud an indemni ty of 30,000,000 toels of China for res tor ing Manchnr ia , and Germany asks 5,000,000 toe ls for Baron von Ki t te ler .

A d ispa tch f rom Pekin , da ted t h e 28th, says t h a t Li Hung Chang is suf-fe r ing f rom fever and delirious, h is l i fe be ing despaired of.

Des Moines, la., was visited by a half-mlll lon-dollar fire on the 20th.

The to t a l receipts f r o m cus toms sources In Cuba In 1900 amoun ted t o •16,084270; for 1899, 814,854 201 f how-Ing an Increase of tl,230,115, or over 8 per c e n t

The es ta t e of tlie la te Phi l ip D. Ar-mour, according to a pe t i t ion fo r let-te rs t es tamentary filed in p roba te court , a t Chicago, on the 28th, Is val-ued a t 815,000,000.

Americans in Venezuela have ap-pealed t o the U. 8. for protect ion, c la iming t ha t they a re in d a n g e r f rom insurgents .

As a resu l t of a to rnado on the 2d a g r e a t amount of damage was done in the western portion of Del ta county, Tex. T h e home of J a m e s Moody a t Honest w a s wrecked and his U-year-old daugh t e r fa ta l ly Injured. T i n k Sur re t t was killed and his t w o d a u g h t e r s were qu i t e seriously in-jured a t Rat tan , where a number of houses were wrecked At Denton, an oil mill w a s wrecked b u t no one was h u r t

T R A N S V A A L W A R I T E M S .

Gen. Kitchener , t e l e g r a p h i n g from Pretoria , under date of J an . 31, says: "DeWet ' s force crossed t h e Bloemfon-teln-Lady brand line, nea r Israelsport , d u r i n g tlie n igh t of Jan . 30. Hamil-ton's men, a t the water works, were unab le t o ge t in touch wi th them. French , wi th cavalry and mounted in-f a n t r y , is sweeping the coun t ry cast of t he P re to r i a - J o h a n n e s b u r g rai lroad, be tween the Delagoa bay and Nata l ra i l road, as f a r as Ermelo. He en-gaged a b o u t 2,000 of the enemy a t Wilge valley. The enemy ret i red w i t h fou r killed and nine wounded. Our casual t ies were one ki l led and seven wounded. Knox repor ts t h a t he en-gaged DeWet's forces sou th of Wel-come, J a n 22. There w a s cont inuous f igh t ing for some h o u r s Five Boers were burled. T h e y removed many of the i r casual t ies in carts. Our casual-t ies were one officer anil one m a n killed and 13 wounded."

Four or five h u n d r r d Boers recently evaded tho British pat rols , reached Benoni and a t tempted t o destroy tho mines. Some fighting resul ted and t h e Boers were beaten off, ca r ry ing a w a y most of their wounded and leaving t w o wounded behind them. One Br l t ton was wounded. Commnndant Marals was wounded dur ing the a t tack a n d was subsequent ly cap tu red - T w o o the r pr isoners were cap tured .

Tho London war oflice has received t h e fo l lowing dispatch- f rom Lord Ki tchener : "Our post oP Medderfon-tein, on the Gater rand , southwes t of Krugcrsdorp , was a t t acked by 1,000 Bsers recently. The relief column sen t ou t f rom Krugersdorp fai led to pre-vent the fa l l of t he post . No de ta i l s y e t a t hand, bu t oflicers and men cap-tu red a t the post are a r r iv ing a t Ver-een ig ing ."

T h e commissioner a t Kroons tad t re-por ts t h a t Andrles Wessels, one of t h e peace envoys, was sho t a t Kl lpfonte in J a m 28, by order of Gen. DeWet Mor-g a n Daal, who was a n o t h e r of t h e t w o Boor peace envoys, and who accom-panied Andrics Wessels, was shot n e a r Lindley, J an . 10.

G e n s De Wet and Paterson w i t h 500 Boers, crossed the ra i l road b e t w e e n Ven te r sbu rg Road and Hal fon te in , J a n . 23. Twenty-five Bri t ish, in a m b u s h , ki l led five of the B o e r s

T h e r e is a commando of 2.000 Boers on Por tuguese t e r r i to ry . I t is sup-posed t h a t their in ten t ion Is t o rescue tlie Boers there.

I t is reported t h a t the Boers h a v e reached the Ondtshoorn distr ict w h e r e thoy had a s l ight sk i rmish w i t h t h e defense forces.

T h e Por tuguese au tho r i t i e s -have de-cided to remove to Madeira sooh Boer r e fugees a s decline to sur render t o t h e Brltislk

A recent Boer a t t a c k on t h e Boks-bu rg mines resul ted i n d a m a g e s a m o u n t -Ing to 8300,oca

U. S. Consul A. 8. Hay, a t P re to r i a , sailed for the U. 8. f r o m Cape T o w n on Jan . 30.

Tho Bri t ish have re-occuplcd. P e t e r s -berg .

P H I L I P P I N E N E W S ;

f n ant ic ipat ion of the passage of the a r m y reorganizat ion bill, tho w a r de-p a r t m e n t issued prepara tory o rders fo r t h e t r anspor t a t i on of 5,200 r e g u l a r t roops t o t h e Phi l ipp ines to rep lace a n equa l n u m b e r of volunteers- u n d e r or-d e r s to San Francisco for d ischarge . The soldiers to be s en t to. t he Phi l ip-p ines first include e igh t troops, of t he 5 th cavalry, e i g h t companies of t h e M t h in f an t ry , e i g h t companies of t h e tilth i n f a n t r y and t h e ^rovis ioaal ba t -ta l ion of the t roops a t tho Presidio of San Francisco. T h e r e are n o w a b o u t S,000 reeni i ta a t San Ft-ancisco awai t -ing t r anspor t a t ion t o Manilav a n d the • u m b e r will be increased a s r n p l d l y as t l ie r eemi t ing off icers in var ious p a r t s of t h e count ry ob ta in the necessary m a t e r i a l

Minor iu su rgen t activities, cont inue in Cekm and BohoL

Cailie's camp, nea r San Antonloy was surprised and a t t acked on the 2.5th by de tachments oi t he )5th i n f a n t r y and 4th and 6 th cavalry. A n u m b e r of houses were destxoyed.

Repor t s f rom sou the rn Luzon says the re is much disaffection in tho in-su rgen t camps. A thousand persons swore a l leg iance t o tho U. S. in a church a t Malabon o n tho 27tb.

Valles, l a t e ehief of police of the isl-and of Cebu, w h o h a s been in hiding since Augus t on account of h i s activ-i ty in tho i a s u r g o a t in te res t s , has t aken his f ami ly t o Hong Kong. The o the r Cebu police have been compelled t o swear a l legiauoe or be depo r t ed They haveahosen the former .

T w e n t j w i r e repa i re rs were a t tacked recently south of San Pablo b y 300 in-surgents , half of them a r m e d wi th rifles. Two Americans were wounded and o n e w a s cap tured bu t w a s subse-quen t ly rescued by re inforcements of the 49th r e g i m e n t One na t ive was kil led, seven were wounded and sev-era l were cap tu red .

C a p t Cameron and 50 cavalrymen" had a fight on the 29th w i t h Insurgents a t Bundoopuray and routed them, kill-ing 20 men and cap tu r ing a quan t i ty of arms. Geronimo was present , b u t escaped. Minor captures and surren-ders cont inue in the Is land of Luzon. Many Fi l ip inos are t a k i n g tho oa th of al leglanee to t h e U. S.

By direct ion of the Pres ident , Brig.-Gens. Wade and William Ludlow wil l be relieved of the i r present dut ies a n d ordered to San Francisco in t ime t o sail f rom t h a t port a f t e r March 1, o n the first t r a n s p o r t for Mani la , w h e r e they will r e p o r t to the commanding general , division of the Phil ippines, f o r ass ignment to duty.

Bethune ' s column, a f t e r a heavy march, joined De Lisle's column on t h e 29th. Col. Bethuno i s now in com-mand, and It Is understood t h a t he will unde r t ake w h a t Is recognized as t h e extremely arduoua task of driving t h e Boers out of Cape Colony.

Tboisa* /effaraon't lou- la-Lavr .

Both of the sons-in-law of Thomas Jefferson were members of congress-from Virginia while be waa p res iden t Thomas Mann Randolph; who mar-r i ed his 4aughte r l Mar tha , waa Gov-ernor of Virg in ia f rom 1819 to 1822, and a member of the House of Repre-sentat ives f r o m 1803 to 1807, John W. Eppes, who married his only other daughter , Mary, fami l ia r ly called "Polly," was a representat ive f rom Virginia f r o m 1803 to 1811, and f rom 1813 to 1815. In 1817 ho was elected to the United Sta tes senate, but a f t e r two years of service resigned on account of his heal th . Thomas Mann Ran-dolph impoverished h imsel f In t ry ing to save Mr. Jefferson 's property.—Chi-cago Record.

D M f n e u Cannot Da Cured by local applications, as tbny cannot rosoh lb6 diseased portion of the ear. Thoro in only one way to euro UeafneBS. and that Is by CODRU-tutlonnl romerilca Deafnons is causod by an InllnmtHl condition of the mucus llnlntf of tho Eustachian Tube. When ibis tube is Inflatn'Hl

f ou have a nnnbllnR Round or imperfect hcar-ng, and when It Is entirely closed deafness Is

tho result, niul nnless the Inllammatlon can tw* takoa out and this tubo restored lo lis normal condition, hrurlnir will bo drgtroyed forever; nlno eases nut of ten arc caused by catarrh, which Is notlilnir but an Inflamed condition of tbo mucus surfaces.

Wo will RIVC One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot bo cured by HaQ't Cularrb Cure. Send for circulars, free.

F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, 0. Bold by DruKKlsta, 7Bc. Hall's Family i'Ulu are tho best.

Many people w a n t to move moun-tains s imply t o a t t r a c t a t t en t i on to themselves.

A R e m e d y f o r t h e U r l p p e .

Phys ic ians recommend KEMP'S BALSAM for pa t i en t s a filleted with the grippe, as i t is especially adapted for the t h r o a t and lungs. Don' t w a i t for the first symptoms, b u t ge t a bot t le today and k e e p It on hand fo r nse the mo-ment i t is needi.tL If neglected, t he grippe b r ings on p n e u m o n i a KEMP'S BALSAM prevents t h i s by keep ing the cough loose and t h e lungs f r e e f rom in-flammation All d ruggis t s , 25c and 50c.

Before you put in a crop of wild oats r emember t h a t you wi l l have t o reap w h a t you sow.

I<ane '* F a m i l y M e d i c i n e

Moves t h e bowels each day. In order to be hea l t hy t h i s is necessary. Acts gent ly on the liver and kidneys. Cures sick headache. P r ices 2S and 50c:

P i t che r s and t u m b l e r s may be classed as household a c r o b a t s

Many complicated diseases and much

s u f f e r i n g resu l t f rom const ipat ion. Garfield Tea, t he g r e a t H e r b Tea, will

cure t h e most obs t i na t e cose.

Many an Impecunious aristocrat has bewailed the fact that it Is Impossible to pa was pedigree.

T O C U R E A C O L D - E f O N E D A T . T a k e LAXATIVB B H O U O Q O I M U K TAOLKTS. AU dnurRlB's refund tho money if le falls to cure. £. W. Grove's signature Is on the b*x. So.

Easily FrlRhtened.—"Why. what's the tnut-wlUi tbo Huukc charmer?" "She saw a mouse."

F I T S P » n n » n « t l jr Cmml. No nt* ornrmMKmc** »ftM flnt tUy'/ bm of I>r. Kline'* Oltsl Kerr* llMtorer. 9*nd fo r F R E E 8V! . 0 0 IrUI Ixillla *n4 tratilae. Da. R. U. HUMS. Ltd.. U l Arcb S t . r h l l u M u b U . f a .

The Irishman of 24 avorages heavier, talle: sad stronger than any other man of the day.

U n e l e B a m A h n *

I* buy the best of everything whlrti te why hs asos Carter's ink. He knows what's good.

The man who thinks himself inferior to his lellows, deserves to be. andReneraily b.

I am sore Plso's Cure for Coiwumptlon saved my life three years ago.—Mas. Tuos. RODBINS, Maple Street. Norwich. N. Y- Feb. 17,1W0.

T h e s e c r e t of s u c c e s s In l i f e Is f o r a m a n t o be f a i t h f u l t o al l b i s d u t i e s a n d ob l iga t ions .

Whea the hair I* thin anil' gray. PASKIB'S (Un BALSAM renew* the growib *nd color.

UutBaacoasi, the bctt care tor coraa. IScU.

By the aid of modern machinery one man can out NiOUU watch wheels in a day.

Baseball players; Golf playew; all players chow White's Yucatan whilst playing.

Early home associations have a potent Influ-eooe upon the life of the slat#.

"All the SwNtiiM* of IJTltiK UloMomn." tbo uutcli-W«* perfume. Murmy £ I.*nni*n Florid* Water.

If you have a happy home keep It so; If not. make it so.

ShilolTs Consumption Cure cures coughs and colds at

onct. W e don't mean that it

relieves you for a little while

—it cures. It has been doing

this for half a century. It has

saved hundreds of thousands

of lives. It will save yours if

you give it a chance.

" I h«ve received *o much benefit from It, t h a i I *iwayi recommend Shiloh'i for coughs, throat, broochul and luaf trouble,"

C H A S . VANUERCAR, W*terford, N . V.

R h t l o h ' s O a n B i i m p t l o n C a r e Is s o l d b y a l l d r u n t a t a a t M o , 5 0 c , • 1 . 0 0 a b o t t l e . A p r i n t e d g a a r s n t a e K u e s w i t h e v e r y b o t t l e . I f j roa a r e n e t s s l U H e d g o t o y o u r d r a f g l a t a n d g e t y o u r m o n e y b a c k .

Write lor illmtrated book on cumuropUoa. Seal without co* t to you. S. C. WcilsA Co., LeRoy l N.Y >


1 0 0 , 0 0 0 ACRES farming land* to be iSvlded and told on long time and e a s y p a y m e n t a , a little each year. Come and see n* or write, THE TBtTHAM

SOBS BTATR DARK, Banllao Center, Mich, or . ii Truman M O M Ettate,Crou»ell.8anllac Co..Mich


T 1



B o n e C o m f o r t i n g T h o u g h t s f o r T h o s e

W h o e e L ive* l l a v o M a n y A n x l e t l e * —

T h e I n s u f H c l e n c y of W o r l d l y H u o c e s s —

T r u s t T h o r o u g h l y In (ioiU

(Copyright, 1901, by Louis Klopsch, N. Y.) Waahlngton. Feb. 3.—Thoro Is a

great solace In this discourse of Dr. Talmage fo r those whose lives have many anxiet ies; text, Isaiah III, 10. "Say yo to tho righteous that It shall bo well with him."

Hero Is a promise for people who are all r ight , but who will come and get It? How many, or ra ther , how few. people do you know who are all r ight? If It were asked of any assembly tha t those who were sinless should ribo up. none would rlao except Imbeciles ami religious cranks. An accident happon-od near sixty centurlcs ago that s tar t-ed the human race lu the wrong way, and we have not got over It. We know a great many splendid men ami splen-did women, but they will tell you tha t they have not always done the r ight

' th ing or thought tho r ight thought . If It were any of your business, they could give you an Inventory of frai l t ies ftnd mis takes and Infelicities tha t would be astonishing. Here, then, you say, la a Bible promise tha t goes a-b g-glng. "Say ye to the r ighteous tha t It shal l be well with him."

M o r a l l l a n k r u p l c y . By sin we have all been morally

bankrupted . Christ the Lord f rom his Infinite r iches pays our debts and em-paradises us in his mercy. From his r ichest wardrobe he puts on us the clean robe of his r ighteousness and gives us a place In the heavens when wo are ready to go up ami take I t Now, as to our spiritual estate we are all r ight . We were morally diseased, but Christ , the Physician, by a b t t h In the fountain of his grace, cures us Now, as t o our spiritual health we are all right. That Is the way we come t o the righteousness spoken of in the text . It Is a contributed righteousness, a made over righteousness, an imputed r ighteousness. The moment you get Into r ight relations with Christ the Lord t ha t moment you can appreciate t h e magnificent comfort of the text, and I defy you In all this great book f rom the first verse of the first chap-te r of Genesis to the last vers? of the laat chapter of Revelation, to find me a passage with higher and deeper and broader and longer comfort than that of the text, which is as d̂ cp as the At-lanUc ocean half way between the con-t inen t s and high as the sun when the clock Is s tr iking 12 at noon. But I shal l be swamped with the oceanic t ides of th i s subject unless the Lord help me to keep a foothold. "Say ye to , t he r ighteous t ha t It shall be well with h im."

B l c b e e a n d G o o d W o r k s . How many men do you know worth

1250,000 who arc devout and consecrat-ed and humble and generous and em-ploying their means for the world's re-dempt ion? You could count them up -on the fingers of your two hands even If by accident or war you had lost one or two of the fingers. As to the realm ^)f personal attractiveness, how many women radiant of countenance and Kraceful of form do you know who are unaffected and natura l of manner and deeply pious before God, using their beauty for the bet terment of the world And not for selfish purposes? I only t ake the risk of asking the question And leave to you the risk of answer ing I t These things I say to show you t h a t In order to have the promise of the text fulfilled In your case It la not necessary you have phenomenal world-ly success.

M i s e r y o f L o v i n g T o o M u c h . Financial loss, which I Just now said

Is su re to como, never breaks up a man who has strong faith in God. In most cases it la a loss of surplus or It Is the banishment of luxuries. Most of the wan t s of the prosperous classcs are art if icial wants. The late Mr. Armour of the 160,000,000 estate pointed to one of h is clerks on ordinary salary and sa id , "Tha t man has better appeti te t h a n I, sleeps better nights and enjoys l ife more than I do." Oh. the gigantic miser ies of those who have too much! A m a n in Solomon's t ime expressed as philosophic and reasonable a wish as any man of those times or of our times. His name was Agur, and he offered a p rayer tha t he might never have a superabundance or a deficit, crying out, "Give me ne i ther poverty nor riches." On the one side he had seen the awful s t ruggle of the poor to get food and clothes and shelter and to educate t he i r children, and on the other side he had seen the gouty foot, and the In-digestion, and the Insomnia, and the anxie ty about large Inres tments , and t h e th rea ten ing paresla of ten character-ist ic of those who are loaded up and down with too many successes. Those people who are generally called the masses— that Is, the most of f o l k s -have the t h ings absolutely necessary fo r their well being. They have no Murlllos on the i r wall, nor a "Belshaz-

erable Is because they do not let well enough alone. Thoy are in one occu-pation and see Its annoyances and so change to onother occupation and find as many annoyances. If not more. They live in one place and know its uncom-fortable environments und move Into another place which has Just as many limitations. Thei r "Investments yield them 4 per cent and they sell out to make investments that will yield 10 per cent and lose all. Better settle down and stop fret t ing about yourself

An officer In Cromwell's time was so worried about public affairs tha t ho could not sleep. His servant, a Christ-ain man, said ho would like the privil-ege of asking tho officer a question. Leave being granted, the servant said, "Do you not think tha t God governed the world very well before you camo into I t?" "No doubt of It," was the re-ply. "And do you not think he will govern it «|uito as well when you are gone out of i t?" "Certainly." " T h e n -pray, sir. excuse me—but do you not think you may trust him to govern It aa long as you live In It?" The remark was so sensible that sleeplehsness de-parted and tranquil i ty came.

A part icular Providence Is as cer tain as a general Providence. It did not Just happen so that Brunei noticed a ship-worm boring Into the wood, so suggesting to the engineer tho tunnel-ing of the Thames. I t did no t Just happen so t ha t a spider 's web s t rung from tree t o tree suggested tho sus-pension bridge to its first or ig ina tor . Nothing Just happened so in your life or mine. I t is not an au tocra t a t the head of the universe, but a Father .

"T^eave thy low vaulted past! Let each new temple, nobler than the

last. Shut thee from heaven with a dome

more vast Till thou a t length a r t free. Leaving th ine outgrown shell by life's

A n U n l h n l l e d S u p p l y .

Do any of us fully realize the fact tha t God gives us three th ings In un-limited supply, a l though no formula of prayer tha t I ever heard recognises them—water, air and sunl ight? Water by the r iverful . Water by the lakeful . Water by the oceanful. Some for ablu-tion, some for slaking the thirs t , some for bapt is t ry , some for founta ins and aquariums. I never appreciated w h a t a wonderful th ing water is until las t summer I stood by the founta ins be-fore and around the emperor ' s palace a t Peterhof, Russia. 1 had been fami -liar with this wonderful element of nature f rom childhood, having been born on the banks of the beaut i ful Rarl tan, and as a barefooted boy dab-bled In the brook near my fa ther ' s house. But I never realized until last summer what water could do In play, or In s t range caprice, or beautlficaUon, or when climbing the ladder of the light, or when a skillful workman took hold of It to toss It, or whirl It. or

1 shape it Into crowns, or hoist It Into ! columns, or spring It Into arches, or

l i f t It Into stars , or t u rn It Into cres-| cents, o r build it into temples. You | forget you ever saw the less glorious

waters at Chatsworth, England, or Versailles, France, as you stand in tho balcony of the palace overlooking the Finland gulf, bewildered and t rans-ported as you look a t t he one display called the Golden Sta i rway fountain. The wate r rolls down over 24 steps one foot high and 20 feet long. All of these 24 steps are covered wi th sheets of burnished gold. Silver step of the water on stairs of gold! What a glee of l iquids! Rolling, dashing, foaming, enrap tur ing splendors! Chorus of floods! Poetry of waters! Doxology of tor rents ! But tha t which most im-pressed me there aud elsewhere Is the abundance of water, t he fact tha t there are so many waters t ha t the conti-nents can afford to throw them away into the sea. Hudsons and Chios, Ore-gons and Amazons, Rhinos and Dan-ubes and Volgas, and so abundan t that t he ear th can afford to have Its oceans evaporate Into the heavens. Mediterraneans and Atlant lcs and Pa-clfics. How rich the ear th Is with wat-ers! Best beverage of all the nat ions , for a f t e r the richest banquet with the r ichest beverages, every one wants a t least a sip of It—water, cool water. God descended water !

With still more abundance Is the a i r distr ibuted. An ear th full of It. A sky full of It. Swiftest and s trongest eagle cannot fly so high as not to have it in tho nostril or under wing. And what affluence of sunl ight! No one but the Infinite God could dispense so much of It. The golden candlestick set on tho blue mantel of the heavens! So great t ha t the Almighty Is com-pared to It, the psalmist crying out. " T h e Lord God Is a sun ." I t Is high t ime that we recognize in our l i turgies and in our formulas of prayer the most abundant blessings of the universe which come to all.

T r u s t T h o r o n g h l y In tiod.

Now, Is It not t ime that we all be-gan more thoroughly to t rus t the Lord? We t rus t him with our souls, why not t rust him with our bodies? We trust him with our spir i tual Inter-ests, why not t rust him with our tem-poral Interests? We believe what Is

tar's Feast" in their d ining room, nor ' said to us by an ordinarily honest man. a pair of |3,000 sorrels at their door-way. But they have something which those superabundant ly supplied seldom have. They have better heal th because, being compelled to walk, they get the necessary exercise, and, their diet be-

I could not anger you so much or make your cheeks so burn with Indig-nation as to doubt your t ru thfulness , and how do you suppose the Lord of heaven and ear th feels when you doubt him, as ho declares In the text,

Ing limited to plain food, t h f y do not "Say ye to the righteous tha t It shall suffer f rom midnight salads and are not victimized by r a re caterers . They re t i re for wholesome sleep a t t he very hour in which others are leaving their homes for the dance or the card party. They will sleep the las t sleep Just as well In the plain graveyard as those who have over them an arch of sculp-tured grani te in the costliest necropolis or most historical abbey.

L e t W e l l E n o u g h A l o n e .

be well with him. Such a promise as tha t ought to calm your pulses and Ir-radia te your countenance and halo ail the fu ture with rapture ; for, a f t e r all. It makes but little difference what be-comes of us here, if we come out at the r ight plact amid the right surround-ings and in the r ight companionship. W h a t are the twenty or eighty years of terrestr ial s tay compared with tho

gin when we quit this Insignificant I planet, Infllgniflcant as compared with ! the size of other worlds? This world ' is only a school house for heaven. We ' learn here only the A 11 C of a higher j l i terature, or the simple addition and subtraction of an Infinite mathemat ics and are practicing the eight notes of an eternal harmony. The most lm- | por tant question any man ever asks Is, i "Wha t will be my destiny?" "Whi ther j am I bound?" "Where shall I land?" " W h a t is tho terminus of this short | Journey?" Now, child of God, do not | worry about that , it shall be well with you in your next s la te of exls» 1 en co.

The World iteyond ThU, Some scientists are now discussing j

tho opening of communication between our earth and the planet Mars. Experi-ments are being made, but they will not succeed. Wo cannot build a fire ! large enough to a t t ract the at tention of that world or l i f t a lens powerful j enough lo see any response Interstel- ! lar. We do not positively know t h a t that world Is occupied by living be-ings or that If It Is occupied communi-cation with them would bp desirable. It might not bo so good a world as this, and thus communication with it would be debasing. But I rejoice to know tha t heaven is in touch with other worlds for their improvement and a depot for glorious arrivals, i t Is a thor-oughfare between this world and tha t world and a coming and going perpetn-al. Going out of this world is as na tura l as coming Into It, but tho one Is with pang and the other Is with rap-ture If we are fitted for the uplif t ing process. It shall be well with you. Now do not gel so fr ightened about tha t as thma or that cough or that In-fiuenza or t ha t threatened pneumonia, ' i he worst th ing that fatal disease can do is to usher you into coronation and enthronement . It shall be well with you. Take as good care of your health as you can, have all sani tary laws, keep In this world as long as you are permitted to stay and then when tho heavenly call comcs be glad to go. I do not care much about what your " las t words" are going to be. People put too much emphasis on "last words." I would r a the r know what your words a rc now, In days of health, and with mental faculties In ful l play—your words of kindness, your words of sym-pathy, your words of helpfulness, your words of prayer. So live tha t If you say not a word dur ing the last day of your life there will be no doubt here about the place of your destination. You will go right Into saintly, pro-phetic, evangelistic, apostolic, cherub-ic, seraphic, archangellc, delfic pres-ence.

In Heaven. It shall be well with you. Mother,

you will go r ight up Into the posses-sion of the babe that the scarlet fever or croup took out of your a rms , a sorrow tha t still s t ings you, and you often say she would now bo so many years old If she had lived. You will go Into the presence of the old folks, for I hope you are of Chr is t ian ances-try, and you will find tha t they have nodlmness of slght.or ha l t ing gai t that requires a staff, for they have taken a draf t f rom the founta in of perpetual youth t h a t springs f rom under the throne of God. Oh, the blissful com-panionship of heaven In which you shall enter . I t shall be well with you. 1 ring this bell of emancipat ion and t r iumph. I like the way the sexton rings the bell of the old country meet-ing house. I used to s tand and admire him pulling the rope of tha t bell. He rings It a good while, so t ha t every farmhouse within five miles hears It. He may halt a moment to t ake breath and give the swet sounds t ime to st ir up all the echoes of the hills. And when he ia old and not s t rong enough to pull t he rope any more, then he sits and l istens while his son r ings tho church bell. So my text seems a bell of Invitation and vic-tory. I began to r ing It in tho opening of this discourse. I hope to r ing it as long as I live, and may those who come a f t e r us keep on r inging it till those fa r thes t off from God shal l come Into the grea t temple of gospel comfort and all the weary put down their burdens a t Its a l tar and find t ha t peace which the world can neither give nor take away. Three t imes more I r ing i t It shal l be well! It sha l l be well! It shall be well!

( • e n i l e m a n h o o d .

A friend of Charles Dudley Warner has said t ha t It Is "a cheerful spirit , and a t rue wit, and a sweet humor" tha t we find In all the recently de-ceased writer 's works. No one will be disposed to question the fairness o£ this crit icism; If Mr. Warne r was not a grea t wri ter , he was a del ightful one, and his books have the gentle charm of a companionable woman. Far handaomer, however, and equally true, is the aame f r iend ' s t r ibute to Mr. Warner ' s character :

"He was completely a gentleman. He lived a religious life, but said lit-tle about It. He regular ly attended his church, respecting and obeying Its ob-servances. 1 never heard from his lips an Indelicate or coarse story, or an unclean Idea. He abhorred Injus-tice, meanness and dishonor."

A man 's books may not always speak the whole of his mind; his life does. In spite of himself.

T h e F l a g - M a k i n g I n d u s t r y .

There are thirty flag factories in tho United States. They have an invested capital of $12,000,000, and pay in wages nearly $400,000 annually. The major -ity are situated iu New York State. Tho others are in Massachusetts .Penn-sylvanla, Louisiana, and South Caro-lina.

Oil for combustion Is now supplied to Los Angeles factories at $1 per bar-

J centuries, the mllleniums, the aeons of rel. Alou t 100,000 barrels a month are The reason so many people are mis- i our chief lifetime, which we are to bo- j used.


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Mr. T. H. Rolcau, of Essex Junction, Vt., iays: "Forthree years I was terribly afflicted with a moat severe case of thev-a ruism. For 23 mouths I could not walk a step, and I sever expected to walk or work again. I was completely helple« aud suffered the most horrible agony.

"No man In these parts ever suffered aa I did. I toek everything that I ever heard of, but never found anything that did me the slightest good until 1 began the use of Dr. Greene's Nervura blood and nerve remedy.

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that dreadful fiend that threatens the life of rich and poor, can attack and kill only those whose bowels are not kept thoroughly cleaned out, purified and disinfected the year round. One whose liver is dead, whose bowels and stomach are full of half decayed food, whose whole body is unclean inside, is a quick and ready victim of appendicitis.

If you want to be safe against the scourge, keep in good health all the time, KEEP CLEAN INSIDE! Use the only tonic laxative, that will make your bowels strong and healthy, and keep them pure and clean, pro-tected against appendicitis and ALL EPIDEIVnC DISEASES. It'sCAS-CARETS, that will keep and save you. Take them regularly and you will find that all diseases are absolutely

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iBOYS | n. Mil will jou t TtliuU. M pM t Btllabl* laeibatord Brooder Co., ̂ alae/. 111. I

cue*. Book of teitlmont&K.iuid le nils' t r a n . DU. u. u. aawrb MJSS, BO> a. AUUU. S*.

i W . N . U . — D E T R O I T — N O . 6 - - 1 9 0 1 ,


THE LOWELL Lowell Ledger/1901/02_February...N Account with a Savings Bank docs not always imply small transactions, far from it. Many depositors are - [PDF Document] (3)

T H E L B D O t R , t O W E L L , MICH. , T H D t t S D A Y , F E B R t t A R > 7, 1801,



- I T -


Kntered at Lowell poit ofllcc M •ccond c l u i matter.



Bpao« Adrert i i fmonts one insertion lOo per inoh. 8ame more than onoe 7o per inch.|

Page and half-page ada, |8.00and $4.00. Bnaineu notioei among local items fio

per line per iaane. Those taking rnn of |)aper ontaide of local matter S cents per

Card in directory column $1.00 per ine per year. One inch ffi.OO per year.

Cards of thanks 60o. Resolutions of condolence, 60o.

Educational Progress IN THE 10TH CENTURY.



A t-OMniNATION of all r a i l r o a d i

in tho country is throatenod. Lei the people go in then for electric railways to parallel the steam roads. Perhaps wo can bother them for a while.

S O M E of the daily papers are wanting a vast amount of good space in trashy pictures supposed to be humorous; but which in most cases are utterly devoid of sense or merit of any sort. If tbo publio demands that sort of brain food, all the worse for the public. •

T h b LEDOKR has n o s y m p a t h y

with the scandalous burlesques heaped upon Vice President Elect Roosevelt by the Hearst syndicate. We believe the cartoon serves legitimate purpose in campaigns. There are some minds that cannot grasp an idea so clearly when pre-sented in any other way. But the presidential campaign is over; the people have spoken. I t is the duty of every citizen to respect that de cision and to observe a decent loyal t j to the powers that he. The demand for an anti-cartoon law is the legiti male result of such venemous at tacks as those of the Hearst syndi-cate upon Governor Roosevelt. Freedom of the press is all r ight , but the press should keep some where near the bounds of decency.

working Overtime. Eight hour Uws are ignored by

those tireless little workers—Dr King's New Lite Fills. Millions are always al work night and day, cur ing Indigestion, Billi uisness, Constipa lion Sick Headache, and all Stomach, Liver and Bowel troubles. Easy,

leasant, safe and sure Only 25c al H. Hunt A C»'s drug ft^re. L1

Cat i i io f lB tmra .

Wedding bells will soon ring.

A great many in this ricinity are sick with the grip.

Mr. Walsh of Cedar Springs was the gueet of Eugene Tut tie last week.

Carl Han well was home laat week f rom Gran'l RapMs nursing a aore^ foot caused from an operation in r enming a pipcc o( glass from the heel. The wound waa sufflo eutly 'sealed permitting him to return to has work last Monday.

Nature never looked more beautifnl in wintpr than last Saturday. The sleighing was fine, the treee were bedecked with tufU of snow, presenting a decided picturesque view to the observing sleigh riders. But lo; whai a change took place Sunday. Parties visiting their best girls were obliged to remain oyer night on account of the storm.

Recent experiments show that all disaes of foods may be completely digested by a preparation called Kodol Dyspeysia Cure, which abaolutely digest* what you t a t . As it is the only combination of all the natural digestanta eve; devised the demand for it haa become enormous. I t haa n e v « failed to cure the very worst cases of indigestion and i t alwaya gives instant relief

L. H. Taft A Co.

P r a t t Lake* Rev. E. W. Davis Tiaited friends here


Artie Burr and wife of Big Eapida and Lonie Prat t and daughter, Margaret, of Aston are viiiting their parents, A. P . Burr and wife.

The entertainment at the ball given by Miss Hughson waa a complete ancceas. The program was fine and well rendered and besides the boxes for the aupper, there were platee sold. Something like $12 waa cleared. There were people from Saranac and Clarksville also a load of Lowell High school atudenta.

Jennie Andrews ia absent f rom school becauae of an attack of grip.

How to Car* t h e Grip

Remain quietly at home and take Cham-berlain's Cough Remedy as directed and a quick recovery is sure to follow. That remedy counteracte any tendency of grip to reeult in pneumonia, which is really the only serious danger. Among the tens of thousands who have used it for t he grip not one case has ever been rejported that did not recover. For sale by D. Q. Look.

East Lowell. The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. WUl

Walker haa been very ill but is better

Orrel Henderahott was borne last week from Ionia to attend the wedding of his brother, Bert.

Walter M j u a u f r b a s rented the Bostwick farm.

Bert Henderahott and bride are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mra^C.Hendershott. Hearty congratulations are extended to them.

Homer week.

UabbeU was in Cannon last

B e f o r e t h e T h u r s d a y C lub , Dec

1 9 0 0 .

One hundred years have elapsed since the birth of the nineteenth century. T h e history and the ac cumulated knowledge of thousands of years were behind it.

Eighteen hundred years had elapsed since the commencement of the Christian era and two thousand five hundred years had passed since Greece with her wonderful history, her warriors and statesmen, her science and art, her philosophers and orators had furnished examules along all those lines, that are models to-day. W h e n the eighteenth cen-tury waa about to die, as tho nine-teenth is now doing, gatherings, feastings, watch-night meetings ushered in the new century as we are doing. Whatever the fu tu re may bring forth, the nine-teenth century . will—must be— looked upon as a turning point in the world's history. In material achievement i t has surpassed every century tha t preceded it. In scientific investigation and discovery in marvelous mechanical inventions it hag added immensly to the powers of mankind and completely changed their habits.

The Twentieth Century! The age whose dawning has been the hope of seers and the inspiration of poets is here. The old—the 19th century, takes its place on the long roll of* the eras that were; history will deal with it henceforth.

I t has been a great and glorious century, f a r excelling everything the wildest imagination oonoeived at ist beginning. More progress has marked i ts history than occurred in the history of all that preceded it.

U p to its beginning mankind had been engaged for generations in making up lost time. They were trying to get back to where the Romans stood in tho time^ of Christ. They had inventions, print-ing, the steam engine and the com-pass. These contained the elemenU of a great advance; but the advance had not been made. I t was lef t to the 19lh century not only to utiliie these elements and develop their possibilities, but lo add new and more wonderful factors which make up the product of advancement, oiviliration and education of to-day.

It has availed itself of its op-portunities, i t has raised the general level of oivilization, above that of Greeoe and Rome.

We are now where a new and incomparable advance can be made. The way has been cleared, inventions which were in their infancy on Jan. 1, 1801 or perchance uever had been dreamed of, are now full grown.

W h a t was then done by muscle, we now do by steam and electricity. We have abolished distance. A thought can be transmitted around the world in a moment. To-night we read or might have read of events which occurred at our antipo-des at noon. We oan cross the ocean in 6 days or be sped across the continent a t the rate of 60 miles an hour. T h e business man can com-municate with his agent at New York, San" Francisco, Honolulu, Liverpool or Hong Kong at will or lalk with him by phone across the street or continent if he chooses.

To enumerate even the most im-portant inventions of the century such as have changed the conditions of mankind is a hopeless taak. They enter into every detail of l i fe, doing everything that human hands could d o with immeasurably greater speed, strength and accuracy. In every domain we find t h e same re-markable progress.

The enumeration of the dis-coveries appliances and new elements would here be out of plaoe. As a result the average of welfare and comfort is incomparably higher than of any earlier [jcentury and the im-provement consists mainly in what has been added to the power of each individual. The 19th century can claim to be the age of soienoe. Here as before enumeration is hopeless. I mention spootrum analysis, correl-ation of forces, conservation of energy. I t has changed electricity f rom a toy to a servant of humanity. I t has substituted fo r the tallow dip and odorous, sperm oil lamp of fifty years ago the kerosene lamp, the gas l ight , the incandescent and arc l ight of to-day. I t haa supplanted the stage coach by the locomotive and the trolley, the' carrier pigeon by the telegraph and the leech and lancet by antiseptics.

Since the dawn of the century knowledge, theoretical and applied, has increased in geometrical ratio. I t s accumulated power and energy unde r the laws of the conservation of energy makes the dawn of the 20th century the most brj l l iant of the ages.

W i t h the vis viva of the 19th century, behind i t and impelling it , who can conceive of the advance-ment to be made dur ing the 20tb

ccivabie that is not possible? Then again. T h e h is tory of the

19th century is a history of educa-tional progress. Progress in in-vention, science (and by these 1 mean every department for the good of mankind in which man works) is but the resultant effect of brain energy—of brains cultivated, disci-plined, trained to do their best work—to direct their energies lo a given problem and hold them there unt i l i t i« solved. In our schools have been conceived the germs, the latest ideas, the aspirations and the inspiration which haa developed tho inventor, the engineer, the physicist, the chemist, the great editor and the great states-man. Our methods of education have been resolutionised since the beginning of the 19th century. The same rapidity of development that j characterized every thing else had its first inception here. T h e ordin-ary graded school of to-day is superior in every respect to the academy of 100 or even 60 years ago. Our city schools furnish faoilities for obtaining knowledge far superior t o those afforded by Brown, Yale or Harvard 100 years ago.

I t is difficult to realize the progress made in the educational world dur-ing the last 100 years.

When the present century dawned our elaborate system of instruction in America was not even dreamed of by the prominent educators of the day. The old fashioned sohoolmaster with his hickory withe or birch rod was the leading exponent of school methods. He worked out his own system, pounded into the pupils his ideas and graduated them with a slight working knowledge of the three Rs. , bu t with l i t t le of the broad culture of the high school of to-day. Now the teachers of the country form par t of a mighty, thoroughly equipped army, every department of their work is a systematized, every teacher is in a sense given special work for which special train ing is required. Combiaed mental powers, push und progress have placed the ability of the educational forces of to-day as compared with those of the first half the century, as the limited express with its mighty and vestibuied oars thundering over the steel rai ls a t 60 miles an hour compares wi th the old t ime stage ooach floundering over crossways and through the mud a t 4 miles an hour. The state with its normal schools, its university, its con-ventions fo r t h e interchange of ideas and comparison of methods, furnish-es an educational Wes t Po in t from which recruits fo r this noble army can be drawn. Not alone the state but every h igh school and college throughout the world furnishes them. The work of this army is continuous. Dur ing the summer months when our publio schools are closed, many avail them-selves of the opportunities for special preparation provided a t colleges, universities and sum-mer resorts thus adding to their efficieaoy and usefulness.

W h o then shall say tha t the his-tory of the 19th oeniury with its unparalelled record of achievement is not a recital of advanoement in education, or tha t the advanoement itself in every line is n o t t h e direct product of educational develop-ment? Beginning in the early part of its history in the li t t le log school house of pioneer times, inoreased by the academy, still far ther de-veloped in the college and univer-sity, tu rn ing ou t into the world young men and in later years, thanks to t h e progress of oiviliiatiofl, young women, with minds disciplined to fill every avenue of pfofessional and business l ife, trained to use their intellects along the lines to which they were adapted. Capable not only of con-ceiving an idea but able to carry it out. These are they the product of the common schools, the colleges and the universities whioh have made the history of the 19th century the mighty force tha t ^as made the 19th century the greatest of all since the world began.

N o w as the old century is yielding up its l i fe to be known hereafter as among the things tha t were, let us rejoice tha t we have been permitted to live in it , to see i t close. Let us hope tha t the impulse it gives to the century now dawning may make i t still, grander in all that^ is for the betterment of humanity. Let us hope tha t «'Beyond the oen-tury 's swinging portal, breaks the new dawn of a thousand years . "

Popular Lady Coupon


Write t k e name pla lwly a « d lu f a l l

South Bostou-Elmdale Mr. and Mrs. L. Pratt and daughter of

Ashley are visiliog her parents, A. P. Burr and wife.

Bert Khiau is having a tussle with tha grip.

Artie Burr of Big Rapids is visiting hia parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Burr.

Henry Wood and wife have moved (o their new hnma in Saranac.

La drtppe Qalckly Cnred.

' In the winter of 189S and 1899 I was (aken down with a severe attack of what is called La Orippe'-aays F. L. Hewett, a prominent drnggiat of Winfield, IU. •'The only medicine waa two bottles of Chamber-lain's Cough Remedy. I t broke op the cold and stopped the ooughing like magic, and 1 have never aiooe been troubled with Orippe." Chsmberlain'a Cough Remedy can alwaya be denended upon to break up a aevere cold ana ward off any threatened attack of pneumonia. I t is pleasant to take too, which make it the most desirable and one of the most popular preparations in use for these ailmenta. For aide by D. G. Look.

Had to Conquer or Die " I was just about gone," writes

Mrs. Rose Richardson, of Lanrel Springs, N. C., " I had Consumption so bad that the best doctors said could not live more than a month, but I begin the use of Dr. King's new discovery and was wholly cured by seven bottles and a n now ittout and well." Its an unrivaled life-saver in Consumption, Pneumonia, La Grippe, and Bronchitis; infallible for for Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Hay Fever Croup and Whooping Cough. Guar -anteed bolties 50c and 91.00 Trial bottles free at L. H . Hudi <fc Co.'a drug store.


p E R E M A R O U B T T '

M A R D I D R A 8 A T M O B I L E . N E W

O R L E A N S . P E N S A C O L A .

Pere Marquette agents will sell tioksts to above points on February 12 to 17 at one wsy fare for round trip. Retarn limit leaving des-tination not later than'March 7.



K I N L E Y .

One fare for round trip. Sell March 1,2 and 3. Return limit leaving Washington not later than March 8. Ask agents for particulars.

A Fireman's Close Call, " I stuck to my engine, although

every joint ached and every nerve was racked with pain," writes C. W. Bellamy, a locomotive fireman, of Burlington, Iowa. " I was weak and oale, withont any appetite and all run doa n. As I was about to give up. I got a bottle of Electric Bitters an d after taking i t I felt as well aa I ever did in my life." Weak, sickly, run down people always gain new life, atrengtn and vigor from their use. Try them, .Satisfaction guaranteed by L. H . Hunt A Co. Price 50 cents.

PROBATE ORDER. •L State of Michigan, County of Kent, as. At a aeaaion of the Probate Court for said County of Kent, held at the Probate Office in the City of Grand Rapida, on the 24th day of January in the year one thousand nine hundred and one.

Preaent, HAKBT D. JBWSZX, Judge of Probate.

In the matter of the eatate of PATRICK CURLEY, deceaaed, MARY J . MURRAY bar ing filed in this court her petition pray-ing that the administration of aaid estate mav be granted nnto DANIEL E MURRAY or aome other auitable person.

I t la ordered that Monday the ^5th day of February, 1901, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, at said Probate Oflice, be appoint-ed for hearing aaid petition.

And is it further ordered, that a copy of this order be published three snccMsive weeks previous to said day of hearing, in the LOWILL LEDOEB a newspaper printed and circulating in kaid County of Kent

HARRY D. JEWELL, (A true copy) Judge of Probate janSl ALVIM E. Ewnro, Register.

WANTED—ACTIVE MAN OF GOOD character to deliver and collect In Michigan for old eatabllsbed manufacturing whole-sale house. $900 a year, snre pay. Honesty more than experience reamred. Our refer ence, any bank In any city. Enclose self-adcreased stamped envelope. Manufacturera, Third Floor, 884 Dearborn St., Chicago. 1301

pEBgMABfliiinE Jan. I, 1901

Trains leave Lowell as follows:

For DaUoVt ^ H 0«am 4 10 F *

For Toledo a ^ S o u l h ^ u ^ t m 4 10 pm

For Grand S p m M ? pm

For Saginaw and BAT City 7 ^ ^ 6 06 pm

TorFreepor t . 7 d l O p m

B L. BaATroit, H. F . Agent Agt-


12 16 pm

pm •9 19 pm


No 19 Morning Expreaa to Grand Haven

No IS Mail and Chicago Ex

Sreaa to Grand Haven 4S3 Steamboat Expreab

to Gd Haven A Milwaukee N o l l Weatern Expreaa to

Gd Haren *9 18 a n Noa 19,18 and 17 daily except Sunday. No 11, daily.

aASTBotmo No 12 Detroit express to De-

troit and East No 20 Mail to Detroit No 18 Evening Express to

Detroit and Eaat No 14 Eastern Fxpreea to

Dnrand and Eaat Nua 12,20 and IS daily except Sunday No 17, dally. • Run daily.

A. O. HxTDLAUFr,Agent, Lowell, Mieh

' 7 20 am 10 29 am

4 0 4 pm

•7 57 pir


O . C . M C D A N N E L L , M . 0 . Physician and Surgeon. Oflice, 46 Rildg

street,Lowell, Mich.

M . C . G R E E N E , M . 0 . physician and Surgeoft. Office over Boylan't

store, Bridge street, Lowell, Mich.

C . G . T 0 W 8 L E Y . M . D . O E T A . C H I R -


EYE,EAR, NOSE AND THROAT Office Graham Block,

Bell Phone 106. Lowell, Mich

E. A . H O D G E S , 0 - 0 - S . Dentist. Suooessor to Rlokert

Lowell. Mich.

8 . P . H I C K S . Loana,Collections. Real Nalate and Inaur ance. Lowell, Mich.

E. H , C A M B E L L , I N S U R A N C E , L O A N S ' Notary Public, Real Estate Agent and Col

lector. Over Bovlan'a store, Lowell.

Robt. D. Grsbam, Pres . Wm. A. Shlnkman, Cashier, Chaa. H Quick, Vice Pres., Thoa W. 8tra

han. Sad Vice Pree, S. W. Sherman, A M ' Casblor. Capital $100,000 (K) Surplus $14, OCO. 79 Canal St. GRAND RAPIDS, MiCll

Wm. H. Anderson. Pres. John W. Blod. gett, Vice Prcs. John A. Seymour, Cash.

L. Z. Caukln. Aast. Cash.

T H E F O U R T H N A T I O N A L B A N K Capital $300 000. Surplus $76,000 United Ststef Depository. Grand Rapids

DiatcroKB—John W. Blodgetf. S.M Lemon W. H Gay,Geo P.Wanty, O.K. Johnaon, A. T). Rathbone, Wm. Sears, C. M. Ileald, A. G. Hodanpjle, C. Dcrtach. W. H. Anderson.

M I L T O N M - P E R R Y . Attorney and Counselor at Law, Traln'a Ha

Block, Lowell, Mich. Special attentlu

Rven to CollectloDs. (•onveyanclng. an i e of Real Estate.

Haa also qualified and been admitted to prac lice in the Interior Department and all the bureaua thereto and la ready to prosecute Claims for those that mar be entitled tc Pension BountT.

E D W A R D 0 . M A I N S ,

ATTORNEY AT LAW. . Office In Traln'a Opera Honae Block


A . E C A M B E L L , D E N T I S T Oyer Boylan'a Store.

All branches of dental work done by the latest improved methods. Sat. isfaction guaranteed.

Gas administered.



P . D. EDDY & CO.,

D O N T B E FOOLED\ Take the genuine, erifloal

ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA Made only by Madison Medi-cine Co.. Madison. Wla. It keeps you well. Oar trade mark cut on each package. Price, 35 ccnts. Never aold In bulk. Accept no aubett*

MMTtaiMi tute. Ask your draggtat.

Saturday Specials Chicken Pie 25c Lemoti Pie 15c Cream Puffs 20c Hot Soda £very PBy


Gray Hair General Offic* and H«lr Bttaar, 88 MOM ROE ST., GRAND RAPIDS. MICH.

RESTORED to Natural color by Mme. Hlblmd'it ROYAL INDIA RHuTORATIVE


I Fronting Monroe Street and the Parks


Now First Class Hotel. Fioert loca-tion In the city.

Popular Prices, $J8 00 per day.



owell Steam

aundry Work done in the most up-to-date

and least wearing way.

W E G U A R A N T E E rough nor yellow edges.

No broken collars. No slronK materials used. No rubbing to wear the goods. No yellow nor blue clothes but of

the whitest. Family washings, washed aud

starlchod in the latest ways.

L O W E L L S T E A M L A U N D R Y Brookway AWIeand, Props.

Western Rates Reduced. Greatly reduced one-way rates will be

in effect from Chioagr, Milwaukee and Manitowoc via WiMonsio Central Railway to points in Minnesota, North Dakota, Monuna. Idaho, Oregon, Washington and Britiah Columbia each Tuesday commenc-ing Febrnary 12th and continuing until April 30th.

For detailed information inquire of nearest ticket agent or addresa H. W. Stienhoff, IHstrict Pass. Agent W. C. Ry.. Saginaw, Mich., or Jas. C. Pond, Qen'l. Pass. Agent, Milwaukee. Wia.

Julius A. J. Frledrlch, 30 and 32 CANAL ST.

Plants, Orgim, Siieil Mutis ind Musical Mdti. Etcrylhlng la the Mualeat


Write for catalogue and prices.

G R A N D R A P I D S . M I C H .

Chronic Diseases ol

any description enrsd at the Gracd Rapids Curative Inst 11 u t e , Rooms 7-10, NewHouse man block.

Both Phones. Ele vator Pearl-Ottawa St.


Bend for queatlon blank


PIES,CAKES, CANDIES, of the old reliable BAKER,

F. A . B E H L . Flrat class lunch room in connection

Home made and Salt Riaing Bread a Specialty.

a s

Kaudy Kaska ra A purely vegetable cathartic which purifies the blood and strengthens the bowels, a laxative that atlmnlaths Ihe liver and aootha the nerves.

Krow'a Korn Knre 10c

L . H . X a l t & C o Phone 121. Lowell Druggists

Wtiy Does He Snjile?

He has just breakfasted on pancakes made from our

BUCKWHEAT FLOUR and accompanied by our fine

BAOON. The lant plateful he amothered in our boH

TABLE BYRUP and washed it all down with a cup of our

FAMOUS COFFEE. For dinner he will have a slice of our Beat-on earth

HAM If you want to be happy like our friend with the month. Buy your groceries of

M 0 C A R T Y & CO.


1 lb package Best Con- Q PC dition Powders - C t l

1 p int pure Norwegian O ^ Cod Liver Oil ^

P inkham's Compound 'V P* f $1.00 size * ^ f

Hoods Sarsaparilla the ^ K 1.00 sire ' ^

Kilmer's Swamp Root / \ f \ $0c sir-e r t v /

Pierco's Golden M e d i c a l ^ Pv Discovery, 1.00 size * * *

Thum's Drug Store, Walter K. Schmidt, Prop.

64 Canal St , Grand Rapids.


T H E L E D G E R , L O W E L L , M ! C H . , T H U R S D A Y . P B B R T U L T Y IFLOL

IfTrS ALL OFF e Not 1-4 Off or 1-2 Off but ALL J

For 20 Days Only, From Saturday, Feb. 2 Marks is g-oing to the Clothing- Markets to purchase Ins Mammoth Spring: Stock and must make room and the tables and shelves must be emptied. His necessity is

wise buyer s opportunity and he will make prices tha t will cause the efforts of would-be competitors to pale into insififnificancc. T h i s is not blow but "s t ra igh t goods." C and see for yourself, for "seeing is believing." The following prices are but a faint indication of how Marks' will slaughter values for his customers' benefit:

t h e Come

Dress Overcoats 18 Blue and Black Union Beaver and im-

itation of Oxford, well lined throughout, velvet collar. Regular price 17.00, S7.50 / | / | K

For this all off nalc

21 all wool Beaver Black and Brown, Farmer Satin lined throughout silk velvet collar. Regular pricc ifclO.OO. 1 2 . 0 0 ^ Q A

For this all off sale

18 all wool Oxford Grays. Some of these garments are half satin lined and some with fancy linings silk velvet collars, former price 1?110.00, 11.00 and 12.50 ^ Q f k

For this all off sale '

10 Brown imported. All wool Kersdy half satin lined satin sleeve linings, silk velvet collar. Former price ^ 14.00, 15.50 O Q A

For this all off sale O s « 7 v f

16 Light colored fancy dress coats half satin lined with satin sleeve linings genuine silk velvet collar. A slicker. But they mu t go. Former price $12.50, 15.50 Q O f k

For this all off salo i / # O v F

25 Black, Blue-black aud Brown, Extra fine imported Kersey half satin lined with Skinner's best satin, genuine silk velvet collar. Former price $18.00 20.00 1 O

For this all off sale J - ^

Ulster Overcoats 14 Imitation of Chinchilla and Oxfords

good weight, with Wide storm collar, well lined Regular price $7.00, / | / I Px 7.60 For this all off sale T : e T : L l

10 Irish frieze Ulsters, Farmer satin lined with that large, warm collar. These are all extra sizes. Regular price $11.50 ^ O Px

For this all off sale v F # O t /

u all wool Beaver Ulsters, Farmer satin lined satin sleeve linings, with largo storm collar. Former price $14.50 4J O PI

For this all off sale O a O t J

10 Imported Irish frieze half satin lined and strictly all wool. Regular price $15.00, 10.50 1 f k K f k

For this all off sale X v F e t l V f

Men's Suits,Sack 20 Fancy strip suits, winter weight, well

lined. Sizes from 35 to 44. Regular price

$7.00 A For this all off sale .

10 Imitation of Oxford grays, well lined and well made. A good heavy winter suit . Former price $7.50 A A

For this all off sale

10 Genuine all wool, Oxford gray suits. Farmer satin lined, fancy sleeve linings, heavy winter weight. Former price $0.50 K Q O

For this all off sale t J e i / v f

8 all wool brown invisible plaid sack suits, lined, with heavy Italian linings. A cracker for winter wear. Former price

$12.50 7 ftV For this all off sale • e \ J t ^

12 Extra heavy, all wool Brown Melton suits sack and square cuts, Farmer satin lined and fancy sleeve linings. A good wearer and do not fado . Former price$15.50 16.60 Q Q f t

For this all off sale i / s t / v f


15 doz. men's heavy ribbed, lleocod fined shirts and drawers. Regular price 35c Q

For this all off sale

25 doz. Extra heavy, fleeced lined shirts and drawers, plain brown and fancy stripe. Regular price 50c and 05c. ^

For this all off sale O t f i j

15 doz. heavy shirts and drawers brown stripe. Regular price 25o 1

For this all off sale A O C

18 doz. extra heavy Jerney ribbed brown shirts and drawers. Regular price 60n. O O ^

For this all off sale O O L »

31 doz. scarlet all wool shirts and drawers Fbrmer price 81.25 ft ^ O

For this all off sale O L I L /

Overalls 2u doz. 8 oz. Evert Denim overalls.

Regular price 60o Q For this all off sale

15 doz. 10 oz. extra heavy gold back, well made and warranted not to rip. Regular price 75c P v A n

For this all off sale t F v / i ^

8 doz. Heavy Blue Denim jackets. Regular price 50c O

For this all off sale O t l i y

Jersey _Oyershirts

8 doz. Navy Blue ovcrshirts, laced fronts heavy and warm. Regular price 50c Q

For this all off sale O t i i y

fl oz. Navy Blue, extra heavy, fleeced lined ovcrshirts. Regular price 75o / j P ^

For this all off sale

21 doz. Flannel shirts, assorted colors Regular price $1.25 ftQ/k

For this all off salo O / w U

26 doz. all wool socks, good weight, bluo and gray. Regular pricc 20c 1 1 O

For this all off salo X X L '

10 doz. of Boy Knoo pants War ran ted all cotton. Regular price 25o 1 For this all off sale Or 2 for 25c X

I have left 15 black mackiutoshes with capes Duok Brand make. Regular price **•75 O q p ;

For this all off sale

20 doz. genuine mule skin gloves with Canvas backs. Regular price 25c 1

For this all off sale X t I L '

Your choice of all my 50c Win te r

For this all off sale 25c 26 doz. 4 ply linen oollars Armor Brand

Regular price 15c_ 9 c For this all off sale

Do not neglect this great money-saving opportunity, a better one will never be presented; as these'prices for honest goods cannot be duplicated in Kent County. Your money in the bank is only earning three per cent; invested here it will save you fifty per cent over purchases made next fall. T h e wise buyer will not hesitate. Remember the

date Feb. 2, 20 days only.

The World Against Him By WILL N. HARBEN.

Copfrlghu IS00. M A N Kellogg Newtpapsr CompaaT

• i n u r B i s . CHAPTER L—Ronald la Uie one promls>

tog member of the F'anshaw household, un-ippreclated by any of the othera, aa .e hi* brother David. The preceding aummer be had saved the life of Evelyn, second daugh-ter of Col. Hasbrooke, the county's great-

Cit planter, and whoae splendid home waa nown as "Carnlelgh.'* CHAPTER II. - At Carnlelgh. James

Hardy, a Charleston cotton merchant and suitor for the band of Caroline, Has-brooke'a eldest daughter, and Cap t Winkle, an admirer of Evelyn, are gueau. Evelyn s school daya over. Ronald meets her by chance, whan aha again tbanka him for the flght be bad made with the angry bull which had threatened her life. She la glad of rebuke be had given Winkle, but a few mlnutea before, who had conde-icendlngly thrown him a coin for a little flatilng bait.

CHAPTER m.—Konata, reranrrair-nonie with hla brother, Is overtaken by the Haa-brooke trap. Winkle, holding the relna. tries deliberately to ride Ronald down, the trap coming so near aa to knock the basket in his band to the ground. Ronald determlnea to have satisfaction. r i n g in a f#w m o m e n t s ; ' w e c o n ' g e t ready and a t I ts first s t roke we may tu rn and fire t i l l t h e revolvers are empty or one of us Is down."

Winkle s tared fixedly. "Why, t ha t would be deliberate mur-

der , " he gasped, sh r ink ing back a s tep or two f r o m the extended revolvers.

' I t would not be any more murder than death in any duel would be, Capt.


Winkle. If you do not fight I shall know tha t you are a coward, sir ."

Then an idea was born in the officer's almost benumbed brain .

" I cannot fight a—a man in your po-sit ion in—In life." he said. "Surely you know w h a t is considered proper ."

Ronald's face g rew purple wi th sup-pressed rage.

"Do you mean t o tell me t ha t you may drive a ca r r iage over a m a n in a public road and then resort to such a petty bub te r fugc to get a rounc the con-hcquenees? Capt. Winkle, I would str ike you i n . t b e face if I could keep

f rom feeling t ha t I was s t r i k ing a

baby." Winkle gave a fu r t ive glance towards

the house. He looked sl ightly relieved n« If he though t by t h e tacit confession of cowardice he waa going to escape a duel, which he f ea red qu i t e as much as dea th itself.

"You may th ink what you please of me." he said, " b u t I am not will ing to fight a duel wi th you—of course, con-sider ing all t h e c i rc*mstances ."

" I see y o u r p lan , Winkle, "said Ron-ald. "You have insul ted me in the pres-•nce of others, and if you avert t roub le wi th me, you leave the witnesses under

the impression t h a t I yielded t o t h e indigni ty w i t h o u t a m u r m u r . Tha t , I see. I must bear ; but I assure you. in your re fusa l to fight me. you have re-lieved my mind, f o r no coward can In-sul t me. '"

Winkle began to breathe more free-ly; he even allowed a def iant smile to play about h i s l ips as he took a ma tch f r o m his pocket and rel ighted h is cigar .

"As you please." he said, wi th a s l ight suggest ion of a eneer. " I cannot fight

you ." "Bu t I am not t h r o u g h wi th you."

Ronald burs t out , f laming up again. "You are an officer in the pay of my count ry ." l i e had t aken a penkn i fe f rom his pocket when he res tored the revolvers to t he i r places, and he now deliberately grasped Winkle 's coat and cut off the top bu t t on .

"Wha t a r e y o u do ing?" gasped the officer, pul l ing back.

Tak ing a firmer g r a sp on the lapel, Ronald jerked t h e capta in back t o where he bad stood. "Stand s t i l l ! " h» t hundered . "You are unf i t to w e a r the un i fo rm of any count ry . You'd make a ga l l an t soldier in t ime of need, would-n't y o u ? "

Without ano ther w;ord Winkle stood still and allowed Ronald to sever f r o m bis coat his bu t tons and shoulder s t raps.

"Now good morning, cap ta in , " was the p a r t i n g in junc t ion , "if you ever dare to drive over me again, I shall sim-ply s t rangle you ."

As if afra id ano the r word might fur -t he r enrage h is an tagonis t , Winkle re-treated towards the house, t ak ing long, swif t s tr ides.

Ronald siood for a moment wa tch ing the walk towards t h e house, t hen still holding the bu t tons and shoulder-s t raps in his hands , he sank on a rus-tic seat nea r the spring. His passion had alread}- spent itself, and a s t r ange revulsion of feel ing came over h im.

He had d rawn back his hand to throw the bu t tons and shoulder-s t raps into the h igh grass, when he heard a clcar, r ing ing voice behind him.

"Don't t h r o w t h e m away," and Eve-lyn Hasbrooke. he r big whi te apron filled wi th maiden-hair fe rns and wild flowers, emerged f r o m behind a th ick

hedge. Before he r words had died out he

was on his feet, speechless wi th sur-

prise. " I heard every word ," she said, wi th

a sigh, "and at first I was almost f r igh tened to death. I was go ing to in te r fe re if he hod—had accepted your

challenge, but when 1 saw tha t he did not in tend to fight you I remained si lent . I was an eavesdropper—I con-fess t ha t—bu t I s imply hod t o l is ten. I t was real ly t e r r i b l e - y o u r voice— y o u r l ooks ! "

Ho w a s ovcrwhelmod wi th confu-sion. .

" I feel as if I could never b e par-doned, Miss Hasbrooke," he m a n a g e d to say, a f t e r a l i t t le pause. ' 1 a m on y o u r g rounds and Capt . Winkle is t he gues t of your house."

She shrugged h e r shoulders and »at down on the seat h e had j u s t l e f t .

" I a m going t o say what I rea l ly would not say if It were not all set-tled between you, Mr. Fanshaw," she w a s p u t t i n g t h e s t e m s of h e r f e r n leaves toge ther in h e r left hand , "and t h a t is tha t I do not b lame you much ."

"You do not r ea l ly?" For a moment she gave h im a fu l l

g lance from her deep sympatho t ic eyes.

" I did t.ot sleep a wink las t n ight , Mr. Fanshaw. I w a s so a n g r y wi th him tha t I could no t close m y eyes. I came near ask ing my f a t h e r t o send him away. F rom a man 's s t andpo in t I p re sume you have done all t ha t can be done ."

He sat down by her. " I never let my temper get t he oesf

of ice. Miss Hasbrooke. wi thout feel-ing dissatisfied wi th myself . I re-f ra ined f rom s t r ik ing him when I f o u n d he would n o t fight, bu t w h a t I f inally did was? jus t as bad." Ho was looking at t he bu t tons nnd shoulder-s t r a p s in his hands .

Evelyn laughed soft ly . " H e may not have any more bu t tons

l ere in the coun t ry , " she said, "and he may have to discard h is favor i te suit fo r awhile."

" I did it in n spasm of uncontrol-lable anger ," w a s Ronald 's defense.

"He deserved more than t h a t slight humil ia t ion," she smiled: "and ye t you mus t not t ry t o conquer the divine in-clination you now have to pity him. It shows you a r e t ru ly noble—noble!"

Ronald blushed to the roots of hia

ha i r . "When he refused t o light me." he

soid. " I ought to have lef t h im. I th ink I could if h is reasons f o r no t fighting had not been qui te so exaspera t ing . "

"I am going to help you about the bu t tons and t h e •hou lde r - s t r aps . " an-swered Evelyn. "I have a maid who can hold her tongue. 1 am going to get her to borrow the cap ta in ' s coat f r o m his room, and I shall res tore bis plumage."

He smiled, a new light in his eyes. " I really t h i n k 1 should like t o have

you do it, if you will." said he. "He will wonder who did i t ," she

laughed, "and I half hope he will sus-pect me of knowing someth ing about i t ; he is t i resome in all th ings, but h t has more to say about his courage than a n y t h i n g else."

Ju s t then the p lanta t ion bell rang. "Oh, you men are awfu l—awfu l ! "

she went on. g rown suddenly serious. "If Capt. Winkle had been of a Affer-

ent type you would have been ' shoo t -ing at each o ther a t th i s momen t—" she checked he r se l f ; t h e r e w a s a tense Ico*k about her lips. "You would have been in grea t t roub le ( fo r no m a n can escape i t who has killed ano the r ) . Then he might have t a k e n y o u r l ife."

He understood, nnd his h e a r t beat wildly.

"If h e had been of a d i f f e r e n t type, he would not have t r ea ted m e as he did. and I should not have been here th i s morn ing ."

She gathered u p her ferns and flow-ers and rose.

" T h a t is qui te t r u e , " she rejoined, with a look towards the house. " I m u s t be going now; good-by."

She took t h e b u t t o n s and sleeve or-naments f r o m him, and p u t them Into her pocket, and then held ou t her hand. "Good-by." she said again.

W h e n Evelyn reached the house and had entered the g rea t hall she called to her maid. Marie, a mula t to girl , to t ake core of he r f e r n s and flowers.

"Have you seen Capt. Winkle this morn ing?" Evelyn asked.

The maid laughed impulsively as she filled h e r h a n d s with the d a m p green th ings .

"Yessum. I seed 'im, an* he acted migh ty s t r ange . I never seed o man act so quor in my life." Again Marie

laughed. " W h a t do you mean, Mar ie?" "Wellum," answered t h e maid, " I no-

ticed ' im go out f u r his walk to 'ds de spr ing, an ' I would er be t m y life d a t he had on his b r a s s bu t tons an' de straps on his shoulder, kase I seed nm shinin' in de sun; he was smokln ' an' walkin' as chipper as or game rooster , but abou t fifteen minutes ago I seen ' im sl inkin ,

u p de servants ' s ta i rs on h is t ip- toei . I met 'im face to face, 1 did. an ' , young miss, a-. God is In Heaven, he d i d n t have a sign of a but ton on 'is coat, an ' he'd cut off his shoulder s tnpa , too, an ' moro dan da t . he looked aa mean as a egg-suckin ' dog . "

Marie giggled again. She had, w i th Ihe usual perspicaci ty of her race, divined t h a t the officer w a s not in high favor wi th her mistress .

At this j unc tu re Capt . Winkle, dressed f rom head to foot in snowy duck, came down the f i o n t s taircase, and, bowing to Evelyn, be went out on t he veranda. Without speaking aga in to Marie Eve lyn t u rned in to h e r o w n room to t ake off her d a m p apron.

She decided tha t she would, la ter in the day. ask Marie to ge t the capta in 'a coat.

(To be i-ontinued)

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Womon nre rapidly displacing men an teachcrs In tho schools of Now York, according to tho report of Charles R. Skinner , s t a t e Buperlnt«nd-e n t of public instruct ion. Dui ing laat year the re was a decrease of 217 In t h e number of men employed, while t h e number of women teacher i In-creased 1,073.

Oreat Interest a t taches to Andree ' i will, which has n e t e r y e t been proved. Th is was to have been done a t th« close of tho present year, but Andree's brother , who lives a t Qothenberg, and i t the responsible executor, s t i l l cilngf with such pathetic insistence to the possibility of the explorer being alive, tha t the cour ts have g ran ted a fu r the r postponement of twelve months.

A s tate lecturer for the fa rmers ' In-st i tutes of Illinois has been exhibit-ing an ear of corn alleged to have been raised last year f rom seed found In a piece of pottery in an Indian burying ( round In Arkansas and thought to bo 2,000 years old. The stalk* were 16 feet high and the first ear grew near ly 10 feet f rom the ground so tha t tho stalk was s t rong enough to wi ths tand any wind.

In Osborne, county, Kan., t he Repub-lican nominee for county « o m m i u i o n e r died suddenly at noon t lect lon day. His death became known, but the Ro-publlcans. not knowing w h a t else t o do. went ahead and voted for the dead man and defeated his Populist oppon-e n t by a major i ty of fifty-two votes. The Kansas courts are now called upon to decide whether tha t defeat will s tand, whether a dead man can beat a live man for oflice.

Some time ago a man died In Blair county. Pa., leaving an esta te amount-ing to 115,302 and no heirs. I t was escheated to the state, but In the pro-cess of get t ing Into the s tate 's hands . It was depleted by a t torney ' s fees and audi ts and other things, tha t all t he s t a t e recei»ed waa fl,651. I t would have got out 1331 if It had not been for the refusal of one of the par t ies In the handling of It to accept a fee of 11,200 assigned him.

The use of oysters has sometimes been discouraged on the ground t ha t they were under certain condit ions dangerous mediums of conveying dis-ease, especially germs of typhoid fever. Now physicians a re said to have for-bidden another relish nearly as pop-u lar a t this t ime of the year. Celery has come under the ban of the doc-tors, Who say t ha t it is equally well adapted to t ransmi t t ing the poisonous element of the soil and c a r r y l n r the germs of typhoid.

Some intereet ing and valuable addi-t ions have recently been made t o the Bri t ish zoological gardens. One is a lizard possesslag two tai ls . As is well known, the l izard avoids capture by leaving ita tail in the hands of Its captor, the caudal appendage ul t imate-ly growing again. In th i s ins tance i t appears tha t t he ta l l of t he lizard be-came damaged by some means, but was not detached. A second ex t rem-i ty protruded f r o m t h e wound, which healed, so t h a t now the lizard pos-sesses two tails. Another unique ad -dition is the three-s tr iped California tree boa.

Two orders to Brit ish officers which seem mutual ly contradictory were re-cently issued on the same day. Mili-t ia officers In England were com-manded to learn and practice sword exercise several t imes a week. Com-missioned men in South Africa, on the contrary, were ordered to dispense wi th swords In action. A sword makes a n officer a Sbioing mark for the ene-my ' s bullets. Thus theory and prac-t ice disagreed, as Is of ten the oaae. T h e flring-Iine test of parade-ground equipments and disposit ions some t imes leaves, for the t ime being, l i t t le of the t radi t ional in act ive service. The commander who refuaea t o c u t loose f rom precedent in an emergency is usually a n effective ally of h is an -tagonis t .

T h e advan tages t h a t fall t o the lot of a man whose s u r n a m e occurs ear ly In a n alphabet ical l is t a r e well known. As a candida te fo r sfflce upon a a Aus-t r a l i an ballot, for example, a man named Abbot h a s a f a r be t te r chance t h a n the m o s t e m i n e n t Zwelgler. But t h e benefit t ha t comes f rom t h e pos-session of a sho r t n a m e has no t here-tofore been generally recognized. Not long ago the promot ion of on* of the aud i to rs of t h e Treasu ry depa r tmen t a t Wash iag ton created a vacaacy t e which, upon a formal recommandat ion t o t h a t effect, t he candida te hav ing t h e shor tes t name, be ing also a com-pe ten t man, was appointed. H i s chief du ty 1* t * affix h is s igna to r s t o ac-counts, and a s he needs t o m a k e but s ix le t ters in signing, he can do twlee a s much in a day as a man whose n a m e conta ins twelve letters.

W o m e a a re rapidly displacing men a a teachers in the schools of New York , according to the report of Chas R. Skinner , s ta te super in tendent . o. public instruct ion. During last yeai t h e r e was a dec. ease o. 217 in the n u m -ber of men employed, while the n u m -ber of women teachers increased l ,oi3.

Andrew Carnegie has promised Seat-t l e ' a g i f t of $200,000 to be expanded iu t h e construct ion of a new li-brary. He requires a yearly g u a r a m e of 160,000 for maintenance and im provemenL


NieLgara Falls Will Supply Power, and Over 300,000 Electric Lights Will Be Used in the llluminaLtion of the

Tower o^nd Courts.

For ty million people live within a

n igh t ' s ride of Buffalo. It is eipo' , ted t h a t a lorge proportion of taeso will

visi t the Pan-American Exposition at some time dur ing its progress. Many will visit it five, Mn, or twenty or more times. Niagara Falls will prove a g rea t magnet In drawing visi tors to tho Exposition. Altogether It is fair to expect that tho at tendance a t this first Exposition of all tho Americas will be the largest In t h e history of Exposi-tions in ei ther the New World or the Old.

Ten million dollars represents ap-proximately t h e cost of tho Exposition, exclusive of exhiblta. The author ised capital stock of tho Exposition Is $2,-600,000. The authorized bond issue Is $2,606,000. T h e government appropr ia-tion is $500,000. The cost of the Mid-way Is $3,000,000. The New York s ta te appropriat ion Is $300,000. and In con-nection with the New York building about $100,000 will be expended by the City of Buffalo and the Buffalo Histori-cal Society. Tho appropriat ion f rom s t a t e s and fore ign count r ies together with the cost of buildings to be erected on tho Exposition grounds b y the City of Buffalo and by private citizens will

Two thousand Incandescent lamps will be used in the i l luminat ion of one feature of the Midway alone—the Thompson Aerlo-Cycle. Aa many and perhaps more will Im used in Illumi-na t ing the Streets of Mexico. Other Midway s t ructures will also be pro-fusely Illuminated and the lights thus used a re all additional t o the 300.000 re-quired for the i l lumination about th-3 cour ts of the Exposition.

Thir ty-f ive thousand gallons of water per minute will be required for the founta in display of the Exposit ion, which will be the most elaborate of any ever under taken fo r a s imilar pur-pose.

F i f ty feet will be the height of some of the Jets in the Court of Founta ins . The Jets will be electrically i l luminated a t n i g h t

Seventy feet is the height of the cas-cade fal l ing f rom the f ron t of the Elec-tric Tower Into the basin below.

F ive hundred and sixty-five by two hundred and twenty-five are the di-mensions of the basin of the Court of Founta ins , which equals 98,872 square feet.

Five thousand horse power of elec-tricity will be delivered In Buffalo f r o m

tors of Pan-America, and will cost about half a million dollars, being t h e grandest collection of decorative Ex-position sculpture ever assembled.

Two hundred thousand hardy peren-nials have been planted for the purpose of beaut i fy ing the grounds next sum-mer, nnd the great floral display will Include over 500 beds of popular flow-ers, with rare tropical plants and aqua-tic p lants in the Cour ts , Mirror Lakes, Grand Canal and l a g o o n s .

F i f teen thousand dollars Is the cost of the great organ for the Temple of Music being buil t by Emmons How-ard .

Six thousand an imal s a re to be ao-commodated in buildings for live stock displays.

Twelve thousand Is the seating ca-pacity In the Stadium, the great a rena for a th le t ic sports.

Twenty largo buildings will house the exhibi ts f r o m all the Americas, and besides these there will bo many smal l -er ones In the Cour t of Sta te and For -eign Buildings, on t h e Midway and in o ther pa r t s of the grounds.

Six hundred feet is t he length of the main United Sta tes Government build-ing. Connected wi th the main build-

m c c

CmMwir I9M mBeAmtKAM

bring the total cost of t he Exposition up to fully $10,000,000

The area of the Exposit ion s i te is 350 acres. Thi* Includes 133 acres of pa rk lands and lakes In Delaware Park , one of the mos t beaut i ful parks In the world. The plot Is a mile and a quar-ter f rom n o r t h to south and half a mile f rom east to west.

T h r e e hundred thousand Incandescent lamps will be used In achieving the grand I l lumination a b o u t the Court of Founta ins , Electr ic Tower . Esplanade and Plaza.

F o u r hundred miles of wire will be uaed In the Instal lat ion of the lamps for th i s i l lumination.

Two hundred and flfty tons will be about t h e weight of t h i s quant i ty of wire.

Ninety- four large-sized searchl ights will be placed under t h e wate r of the basin of the Court of Foun ta ins t o cast colored l ighta on the founta ins and cas-cade* and heighten t h e beauty of t h e electric and hydraul ic effects.

One mil l ion, three hundred and nine-ty t housand square fee t Is the approxi-ma te a rea of the cour t s to be i l lumi-nated. T h i s is two and one-half t imes the a r ea of the cour ts a t the World ' s Fa i r , twice the area of those a t the Pari* Exposi t ion, and th ree t imes those of the Trans-Mississippi Exposition nt Omaha.

The dog catcher of a town in the Indian Terr i tory can give a city dog catcher ca rds and spades and then bea t h i m a s a cap tu re r of canine ani-mals. An expert cowboy hun t s dogs as he does cattle. H e ropes them the same way. Clad i a a pa i r of buckskin trousers, a n d wear ing a big sombrero, with rope i a hand or on the saddle horn, and a six-shooter in hi* belt, he s ta r t s down the s t r ee t on h!* broncho looking f o r dogs. A* he spies one which ha* no legal r i gh t t o roam a t large he s t icks the spurs t o hi* pony, grabs h i s rope a n d begins operations. He usual ly ropes t h e dog around tha neck, d r a w s h im t o the pony'* side and shoot* him. He then stuff* the carcass in to a sack at tached to the *addle and gallops off a f t e r m o r e "game ."

If a s t r anger i* watch ing the per-fo rmance the dog catcher doe* come fancy rep lag . H e will rope the dog a r o o a d t h e f r o a t f o o t or h i a d foot, or a round t h e body between the f e e t He ha rd ly ever misses h is mark .

Dog catching in the Indian count ry

the p lan t of the Niagara Fal ls Power Company at Niagara Falls, for u s? In i l lumina t ing the bu i ld lugs and grounds of the Pan-American Exposit ion and t u r n i n g the wheels for opera t ing ma-chinery. 5,000 horse power will a lso be generated on the grounds. T h e service a r ranged for contemplates the utiliza-tion of the water power of Niagara, the use of gasoline for motive power, of ga* both under 'boilers, producing s team, and in ga* engines, producing energy; thus g iv ing the Pan-Ameri -can the greatest var ie ty of sources of power ever enjoyed b y any Exposi-t ion.

Twenty-six mill ion, flve hundred and seven ty thousand feet of lumber has thus f a r been used in the construct ion of the Exposit ion.

Seventeen mil l ion,seven hundred and sixty-five thousand square feet 1* the amoun t of sur face covered with staff.

One hundred and fifty thousand cu-bic yard* represents the approximate amount of excavation done.

Six million, two hundred and for ty-t w o thousand is t he weight of the steel and iron used. Including bol ts and washers.

One hundred and twenty-five original sculptured groups will be used in the adornmen t of the courts , founta ins , buildings and g rounds general ly . This is the work of the moet f amous sculp-

Systcmat ic Raids Upon

Canines Inst i tuted

in the Teppitory.

d more t icklish buslnes* t h a n i t 1* in :he cities in the *tates. T h e catcher ao t only ha* t o dodge flatirons, mop stick*, and brooms thrown by i ra te women (for a wild-looking cowboy with a six-shooter has no te r ror t o an Indian Ter r i to ry woman) , but he ha* Indian* t o deal with.

An Indian t h inks a lmost a s much of h is dog a s he does of his kid*, and if the dog catcher by ml*take kill* I t there i* trouble. Dogs belonging t o Indians a re exempt f rom taxat ion. Bu t the Indians mus t brand them. The dogs of non-citizen* a re the one* dis-criminated agains t . If thei r mas te rs fail to pay tax on them then they mus t pay the penal ty of death. In order t o evade the t a x occasionally a non-cit i-zen forges a b rand and mark* his dog as if it belonged to an Indian . In or -der to prevent f r auds of thi* charac-te r the dog catcher mus t be a n exper t on dog brands.

D o n * t o D * » t h .

I t 1* a modern notion t ha t fancy work is an invention of the evil one

Ing by colonnades a r ? two other bui ld-IngB each 150 feet square.

Five hundred by th ree hundred and fifty feet are the dimensions of the Ma-chinery and Transpor ta t ion building. The Manufactures and Liberal Ar t s bui lding 1* of corre*pondlng size.

F i v e hundred b y one hundred a n d fifty feet are the measurement* of the Electr ic i ty building, and the Agricul-ture building corresponds to i t in size.

Three hundred and ninety-one feet Is t he distance f r o m the base of the Electr ic Tower t o the top of the figure su rmount ing i t represent ing t h e God-dess of L i g h t

Two hundred and thir ty-six feet is t he he ight of t h e Hor t icu l ture building, which is 220 feet square.

E D W A R D HALE BRUSH. A s O n n a m p l a d T r M t .

The Niaga ra F ron t i e r will be the moet in te res t ing place in t h e world nex t summer , and the whole world should Journey there . The unexampled t r ea t awai t ing viaitor* includes the moet beaut i fu l spectacle in the hle toqr of Exposi t ions, a t Buffalo; t h e g rand-es t na tura l scenery and the grea tes t power development in the wor ld , a t Niagara. T h e Pan-American EJxpotl-t lon and t h e wonders of N i a g a r a are less than twenty miles apar t , and t h e f a s t t ra ins cover t h e dlstajice In about half an hour.

for keeping the foolish f r o m apply-ing their hea r t s to golf, yet t h e young ladles of long ago, who held t o sam-plers aud mourn ing pieces of a n a f t e r -noon with a fe rvor bet ter Imagined than experienced, sometimes had the i r belief in i ts u t i l i ty rudely d is tnrbed. An anecdote in some reminiscences of Mr*. Anno J e a n Lyman, a p r o m i n e n t New England woman and a contem-porary of Mrs. Lydia Maria Child, rec-ord* w h a t m a y be considered a s t and-ing epi taph fo r fancy work. When Mrs. L y m a n was Mis* Robbins, and a very cha rming young lady, s h e went t o visit some f r iends of h is In Hlng-ham. A young man, call ing o n t h e ladles one day, found them busy em-broider ing mourn ing pieces in which tall women in shor t waists a n d long sk i r t s stood weeping by a m o n u m e n t They begged fo r a motto f o r t he i r pieces, and ins tan t ly got t h i s bi t of

wi t :

In useless labors all thei r hours a r e s p e n t

They murder Time, then work h i s m o n u m e n t

" I have no th ing but my hea r t t o give you," said a spinster to a l awyer who had a u e c e a u f u l l y concluded a case f o r her . "Wel l , " said the lawyer , gruffly, "go to my clerk; he takes the fees ."

O k l e J i o m e L and Statehood

Tho Territory Makes Exceptionally Good Claims for AdmiMlon

The Terr i tory of Oklahoma seeks Statehood and makes a good claim t o i t I t contains 400,000 people, 90 per cent of whom a r e nat ive Americans and 100.000 of whom a r e school chil-d r e n ; they have 2.000 echoolhouses. no peni tent iary , not a poorhouee, and only s ix per cent of nii teracy—less

tuaa any one of forty-five of the Sta tes They own $76,000,000 of property. And 12,000.090 acres a re settled, and home-s teaders a re taking a million acres a year ; 1,000 miles of rai lroad brought las t year 6,000 carloads of manufac-tu res and carried away 40.000 carloads of produce. Ten years ago the popu-

lation w a s abou t 60,000. Buoh progress has been made by no o the r a rea of equal sl'.e in the United State*. If In-dian Ter r i to ry should wi th in a few year* be added t o Oklahoma, the two would h a v e a population of a t least a million, who would cast 100,000 votes and pay taxes on $150,000,000 of prop-erty.

Mrs. Chat ters—Why do you have Mrs. Gabb to sew for you? She is no t a good dressmaker . Mr*. Word*worth —I know tha t , but she know* all t he gossip of the town.

L A W S O F K A P P I R S .

A Widow MMf Marry l l » r P o c a a i a d IIu»-

iNind't H r o t b o r .

The duties of husband and wife are distinctly defined among the Kafflrs of South Africa. The husband doe* not expect his wife t o build the kraal , or b u t Tha t is hi* work. I t takes f rom flve hundred to a thousand young trees to make the beehive kind of dwelling which is in favor and which is excel-lently adapted for protection. When the husband haa erected the hut it la the wife's place to t u t grass, carry it home, and thatch the kraal once a year. She look* af te r all that Is need-ed in the hut , cooks the food, gets the firewood, and makes the beer, which i* not a small task, for the men dr ink it in immense quantities. I t is made from millet and mealies, and is mild but intoxicating. Until quite recently everything was carried on the head. A Zulu woman will carry 200 pounds of mealies In this fashion. When a Kaffir was first seen carrying a load by the hand Instead of on his head, tbo Dutch thought It a dangerous Imita-tion of European fashion. Women have so fa r asserted themselves aa to refuse to hoe the mealies for plant ing, but they will weed. A woman goes about with her baby tied on her back, r M I e she rocks herself and croons to It. When a man dies his widow may, If she chooses, become the wife of his brother. She stay* a t thb kraal , and all the children, Including those of the new marr iage, are held to belong to her eldest son, who takes his fa ther ' s place aa guardian, and has the privil-ege of using, supposedly for the com-mon good, all tho wages of the young-er sons. I t thus sometimes happens that a l i t t le boy Is head over his mother and older sisters. If tho widow does not choose to mar ry the brother , but t akes another husband, she loses all control of her children, who stay In their fa ther ' s kraal .—Youth's Com-panion.

P R E S I D E N T O F P R E S I D E N T S .

A DUt in i raUha i l l « d f I n d M d , I i Mrs.

M»ry E. Pool*, of Whl t l nR , I n d .

Whit ing, Ind., Feb. 4. 1901.—(Spe-cial .)—The Presidents of the Ladles of the Grand Army of the Republic have an sasoclatlon composed exclusively of the Presidents of the different State Associations. This Presidents ' Asso-ciation chooses a President, and to this very high and distinguished position Mrs. Mary B. Poole of this place has been elected. Mrs. Poole is thorough.y deserving of this great honor. Her devotion to the interests of the Asso-ciation i* very marked, and her experi-ence with tne old soldiers of the G. A. R is wide. Mrs. Poole is never slow to t ake advantage of any th ing tha t may benefit the veterans, and her seal ha* re*ulted in much tha t Is good to these grand old men. She write* of he r experiences: "Honor to wnom honor i* due. and having seen the nu-merou* cures effected through the use of Dodd's Kidney Pills, I gladly en-dorse them as being particularly e f -fective to cure tha t dreaded disease of so many of our old soldiers. Bright * Dlaea*e and Kidney Disorders of dif-ferent kinds. Kidney Disease soon poison* the entire system, and a* a re-m i t t he vital organs are at tacked, and I have found t ha t no remedy so surely, completely and quickly finds the weak spot and heals It as Dodd's Kidney Pills.

" I have used them myself in s l ight a t t acka of biliousness and indigestion, and usually find t ha t f rom three t o four pills do the work."

Such evidence f rom a lady of *o much dlatinctlon and experience should convince sny sufferer f rom Kid-ney Trouble t ha t Dodd'* Kidney PUia 1* t h e remedy t ha t never fall*. 60c a box, alx boxes for $2.60. Buy them f rom yonr local druggist If you can. If he caa ' t supply you aend to the Dodd* Medicine Co., Buffalo, N. Y.

T h l o f t Blow May Bo F a t a l .

Mr*. Mand L«wls. 23 year* old, waa s t ruck down by a footpad near her home In Kansas City. She Is in a pre-carious condition, bar skull being f rac-tured, and s h e may die. Her asaall-a n t escaped.

B o n e r t o B b o m H o n o r U Do*.

The railroads have been greatly abused aa aoullea* corporation* t ha t were grinding the life blood out of the people. The great Galve*ton diaaster has, however, revealed the fact t ha t t h e managers of these corporatlona have hearts which a re susceptible of be ing touched by the cries of distress. The i r t ra ins were placed a t the dla-posal of all those engaged In relief work on the c o a s t Provisions and supplies were carried forward f ree of charge, committees f rom every sec-t ion of the s ta te were furniehed t rans-portat ion, and when the refugees f rom Galveston began to pour in to Houston and It became a serious question what was to be done with them the rai l roads solved the problem by furn ish ing t ranspor ta t ion wi thout charge t o all who wished to leave and to any point t hey wished t o go. Grand Master An-derson Informs us t ha t b u t for this f ac t Hor.iton would have been overrnn wi th people w h o had t o be cared for. and tha t suffer ing and d l a t r e n would have been largely Increased as well as t h e cost of meet ing conditions which would have prevailed. Bro. Anderson desire* us, through these columns, to t hank the different road* for the grea t service rendered hi* commit tee a t Houston. If i t were poeeible we would be glad to *ee parallel columns. In one of which should appear the ac ts of theee rai lroad corporat ions In a time of great calamity and distress, and In t h e other the amount contributed by the little two-by-four demagoguee who a r e alwaya t ry ing to a r ray the preju-dices of the masses against any and every kind of enterprise.—'From the Texas Odd Fellow

The Hum oi rndiVidimi cha rac t e r mnkes nat ional character .

C O N G R E S S I O N A L N O T E S . '

The house on tho 1st panned a n omni-bus bill ca r ry ing 191 olaimH for s tores and supplies t aken by the union army d u r i n g t h e rebel l ion. The c la ims were pasNed on by the court of claims ami aggrega ted $344,480. The bill to amend t h e Chinese exclusion ac t w i th a view to prevent ing tho f r a u d u l e n t e n t r y of Chinese in to tho United S ta tes was passed. Bi l ls were also passed to au-thor i ro the Ind iana . I l l inois A Iowa Kail road Co. to cons t ruc t a bridge across the S t Joseph r iver a t S t Jos-eph . and to c rea te Sag inaw, a por t of delivery.

Tho Pres ident on tho 25th trans-mi t t ed t o t h e senate a repor t of t he secre tary of war . lnclo«ing tho r epor t of tho T a f t Phi l ippine oommlssion. In h i s message of t r a n s m i t t a l tho Presi-d e n t says t h a t tho r e p o r t includes no t only the repor ts of the commission, bu t i t s act of legislat ion, and ho earnes t ly recommends legislat ion under which the gove rnmen t of the is lands m a y have au tho r i t y to assist in the i r peace-f u l Indus t r ia l deve lopment in tho di-rect ions Indicated by t h e secre tary of war .

The la tes t abou t the 8rt0,000.000 river and ha rbo r bill is t h a t t he sena te will no t s t r ike o u ' any of t h o Items aggre-ga t ing over 97,000,000 for improvements n Michigan waters , no r the i tems fo r

improvements e lsewhere , b u t wi l l scale down a good many of them. Mark H a u n a Is one of the sena tors who says t h e appropr ia t ion ought t o be reduced one-half , a n d he l i res in tlie same town as tho cha i rman of the house commit tee t h a t compiled the •00.000,000 bilL

After an even t fu l legis la t ive exper-ience beg inn ing wi th the present sea-s l ono f congress, and covering a b o u t t w o months , t he bill fo r t h e reorgan-ization of t h e U. S. a r m y passed it* las t s t age in congress on Jan . 31, and now goes t o the P res iden t f o r his sig-nature . The final s t e p was t aken i a the senate where, by a vote of 33 to 24, t he conference repor t on t h e bill, w a s agreed to. The house of representa-tives has a l ready agreed to the r e p o r t

A big pet i t ion signed by 5,000 firms and individuals engaged in various k inds of work , p lumbing , ven t i l a t ing , e t a , t h r o u g h o u t the United Htates, was presented to the house on t h e 26th. p ro tes t ing aga in s t t he l e t t i ng of general con t rac t s for in te r io r work on the public buildings. The pet i t ioner* desire d i rec t con t r ac t s made for each class of work.

The Pres ident on the 2flth s en t to the sena te the fo l lowing nominat ions: MaJ. E. V. Andruss , 4 th a r t i l le ry , t o be l i eu t enan t - colonel; C a p t F r a n k Thorp, 5th ar t i l lery , t o be major ; F i r s t L i e u t J o h n P. McMahon, 4th a r t i l l e ry , to be c a p U l u ; Second L i e u t Fox Con-ner. 2d ar t i l lery , to be first l i e u t e n a n t

The Pres iden t on t h e 29th s e n t a message t o congif ss recommending t h e appropr ia t ion of 1100,000 for the pay-ment of the claim of Spain fo r Clbutu and Cagayan is lands in t h e Phi l ipp ine archipelago, in accordance wi th t h e t e rms of the t rea ty recent ly ratif ied by the senate .

The house commit tee on invalid pen-sions on the 1st defea ted a motion t o report t h e bill fo r a pension cour t of appeals , a measure favored b y t h e G. A. R

The finance commit tee of t h e sena te has p repared a s t a t e m e n t showing t h a t t he proposed In te rna l revenue t a x o n bucket shops would b r ing 810,000,000 a year .

I t i s n o w q u i t e ev iden t t h a t Presi-den t McKlnley will cal l a special ses-sion of congress to enac t needed legia-la t ion f o r the Phi l ippinee and Cuba.

The honse on the 28th passed a blU to revise nnd codify the postal l a w a

SCO Kll lod nnd t T o a n d o d .

T h e mi l i t a ry au thor i t i e s has been advised of a n o t h e r e n g a g e m e n t w h i c h took place between the Mexican gov-e r n m e n t t roops and a l a rge force of Maya I n d i a n a T h e b a t t l e took place a b o u t n i n e miles f r o m Chan San ta Cruz, Mex., t he s t ronghold of tho rebels, and resul ted in a victory fo r t h e troops. T h e casua l t i e s on t h e rebel side were heavy, i t is said 300 men were killed and wounded.

T H B M A R K E T S .

LITE STOCK. Hew Tort— CatUe Sheep

Bestfmlea. ..11 95*6 M) M >0 Lower grade*....I OxM t l

Chloaco— Best grades ...R 00V I) Lower grades t 0044 tJ

Detroit— Beat rodei....4 25 *6 00 Lower C TSfti 73

B u f f a l o -Beat grades ...4 60)6 •) Lower grades..> 60*3 O

Cinc inna t i— Best ^ntdea.,. .! 7*06 13 Lower grades..! 7844 •

PIttabnnt— Beat gradea..,.! 1016 1) Lower grades.;4 9 * 1 80


4 60 160

4 60 8 23

4 70 4 41

4 00 • 10

4 « 400

Lambs le 16 I OJ

I S 450

I 60 100

0 00 • Si

160 100

ITS 6 06

non 16 73 6 41

5 H I 10

I N luo

6 70 8 43

6 10 6 00

6 M 6 30

OR AIM, ETC. Wheat, Corn. Oats.

No. S red No. « alx. No S white /Tew Tor t 8)280* Mft4«M KOttH Chicago 70)71 • D e t r o i t 7W70V » » »

To ledo 79d7» ttftNK

C i n c i n n a t i TOgft MQVtf n®J7J4 P l t t e b a r g » $ f l l l ( 41011^ l l O t l

Buffalo 80O80V MftlOX 80^10 •Detroit—Har. No. 1 Timothy. I l l 10 per ton.

Pot*toes, 483 per hu. Live Fouitrr, spring chlokens, lo per fc; fowls, TMo; turkeys. 8o; ducks. 0a Eggs, strictly fresh. lOo per doiea Butter, best dairy, I I J per ft; creamery, 10a

B i o w a t o Atom*.

By a n explosion of 760 q u a r t s of nl t ro-glycerin a t t h e magazine of the Gaa Belt Torpedo Co., four miles nor th-eas t of Alexandr ia , Ind . . on the Bd, P e r r y Fort , a c a r r i e r for t h e company, w i t h a team of horses. Ihe wagon and t h e magazine were blown to atoms, not a vestige of any having been found a f t e r t he a w f u l acc iden t


By a vote of 3k to 35, t he city coun-cil of Chicago on the 2rith defeated Mayor Harr ison 's plan of repeal ing the midn igh t saloon doiiinir law.

, 1 ' y ' - ^ 4 -—Ha*

T BY THE GRIP. Released by Pe-ru-na-Conpssman

* ' Howard's Recovery—Congressman u Geo. H. White's Case



MRS. Dn.

T T T m i l H '• 1 t i l l 1

L a Grippe Is epidemic catarrh.—It •pare* no class or nationality. The cul-tu red and the Ignorant, the ar is tocrat and the pauper. The masses and the claase* are al ike subject t o l a grippe. None are exempt—all are liable.

Have you the grip? Or. rather , ha* t h e g r ip got you? Grip is well named. T h e original French term, la grippe, haa been shortened by the busy Amer-ican to read "grip." Without intend-i n g t o do so a new word ha* been coined t ha t cxactly describes the case. A* if some hideous giant with awfu l O u r had clutched us in i ts fa ta l clasp.1

Men, women, children, whole towns a n d cities a r e caught in the banefu l g r ip of a terr ible monster.

P o - r o - n a For Gr ip .

Mr*. Dr. C. D. Powell. President of Bpwor th League, alao President of Loyal Temperance Legion, writes f rom Chehalls , Wash . :

" I have used several remedle* In caaee of severe colds and la grippe, bu t none I consider of more value than Peruna ." - -Mr*. Dr. C. D. Powell.

A f t o r - E f f e c t a of Or ippe .

Miss E m m a Jourls , Pres ident Golden R o d Sewing Circle, writes f rom 40 Bur-l ing street , Chicago. 111., as fol lows;

"Thi* spr ing 1 suffered severely f rom t h e after-effect* of la grippe. As the doctors did no t seem to help me 1 bought a bot t le of Peruna."—Mlse Em-m a Jour ls .

Coagrossmnn Howard's Let tor. Fort Payae, Ala.

The Peruna Medicine Co., ColumbuM, Obh: Qentlemen—"I have taken Peruna

now for two week* and find I am very much relieved. I feel that my cure will be permanent. I have also taken H for la grippe and / take pleasure In recommending Peruna as an excellent remedy to all fellow sufferers."— M. W. Howard, Member of Congress.

l a O r l p p o Leaves t h e H j s t e m In a D e p l o r a b l e Cond i t i on .

D. L. Wallace, a char ter member of i h e In te rna t iona l Barbers ' Union, write* f r o m 16 Western avenue. Mln-neanoli*, Minn.;

"Fol lowing a severe a t tack of la grippe I seemed to be affected badly all over.

"One of my customer* who was great ly helped by Peruna advised me t o t ry i t . and 1 procured a bot i le t h e same day. Now my head i* clear, my nerves are steady, I^enjoy food, and rest well. Peruna has been wor th a dollar a dose to me."-r-L. D. Wallace.

O r l p p o Cansea D e a f n e s s . Mrs. M. A. Sharlck. chaplain G. A. R.

Woman'* Relief Corps, writes f r o m Fremont , Waah. ;

"When la grippe was the prevai l ing i l lness in t h i s Western count ry 1 was laid up the whole winter , 1 par t ia l ly lost my hear ing, and had a very bad case of ca t a r rh of t h e head and t h r o a t

I read of Peruna, tr ied it and had my hea r ing restored and c a t a r r h cured. I cannot speak too well of Peruna."— Mrs. M. A. Sharlck.

I A G r i p p e Cored l a I U F i r s t S t a g e . Lieutenant Clarice Hun t , of t he Salt

L a k e City Barrack* of t h e Salvat ion Army, write* f rom Ogden, Utah;

Two months ago I wa* suffer ing wi th so severe a cold t h a t 1 could h a r d l y speak.

"Our capta in advised me t o t r y Pe -runa, and procured a bott le for me, and truly i t worked wonder*. W i t h i n two weeks i Was ent i re ly well."—Clarice Hunt .

Congres sman W h i t e ' s L e t t e r . Tarboro, N. C.

Qentlemen""! am non than satis-fied with Peruna and Had It to ba an excellent remedy lor the grip and ca-tarrh. I have used h In my family and they all Join me In recommending Jt aa an excellent remedy."—Qeo. H. White, Member of Congress. K e m a l n e d In Feeb le U e a l t h A f l o r Cured

of L * G r i p p e . Mrs. T. W. Collins, Treasurer Inde-

pendent Order of Good Templars , of Evere t t . Wash. , wr i t e s :

i "Af te r having a severe a t t ack of la grippe I continued in a feeble condi-tion even a f te r t he doctor called me cured. My blood seemed poisoned. Pe-r u n a cured me."—Mrs. T. W . Collin*.

Address The P e r u n a Medicine Co., of Columbus. O., for a f r ee book on ca ta r rh .




BALSAM r i ^ o V -

H Cures Coldi. Coughi. Sere Throat. Croup. In-fluenza, Whooping Cough. Bronohitiisnd Aithmi. A certain euro lor (onsumpUon In flrst stages, and a sure relief la ataaeed stages. Uss at once. You will tee tho aieetlent eflsct alter taking the flrat lose. Sold by dealers every where. Largs bottles 28 eests and 80 eents.

Exper ience is t h e pay a m a n g e t s fo r mak ing a fool of himself.

C o n g b l o g L e a d s t o C o n s a m p t t o o .

Kemp's Balsam will s t o p t h e cough a t once. Go t o y o u r d r u g g i s t to-day and g e t a sample bot t le f ree . Sold ID 25 and 50 cent bo t t lea Go a t once; delays are dangerous.

H e conquors twice who upon victory overcomes himself .

Chang ing one mind is o f t e n a very clever t r ick.

Garfield Tea purif ies t h e blood and

cures all fo rms of indiges t ion; good h e a l t h and a c lear complexion resu l t

f rom i ts use; i t is made f rom HERBS.

An Attractive Investment R e t u r n s will be decidedlv l a r g e r t h a n o n Bonds, Mortgages, Rai l road « n d In -d u e t r i a l Stocks. ; Company managed by-competent and responsib le business men. Stock of 45.00 p a r value offered f o r a s h o r t t i m e a t 13.00 PER SHARE. Dividend* in t h e n e a r f u t u r e . F u r t h e r pa r t loa la ra u p o n

' appl ica t ion t o

Pover ty is more of a pun i shment t han i t is a crime.

We r e fund 10c for every package of PUTNAM FADELESS DYES t h a t f a i l s t o g ive sadsfac t lon . Monroe Drug Co:, Unionville, Mo.

A g rea t na t ion la made by wor thy citizens.

DrBulls c o u g T s y r u p

Gettbenauloc . acfusceubetUuUat

- J ? g V - B ? . -

I t h a n k God w h a t s o e > r l .e fa l l ; F o r th i s one quie t l i iu-rval ; A plot of x r a s s . u well, a t r e e . NothlnK can eve r l a k e f rom me.

T h a t a f t e r f en r ami doubt nnd pain , ThroiiKh all o n e summi-r I h a v e lain N u r s e d a t t he c o u n t r y ' s b r e a s t s , a n d

k n o w n H e r p lac id brcathli iK by m y own .

And all one s u m m e r hea rd hor l a r k . H i s cllmlilnR s o n s f r o m d a w n to d a r k ; D r a w i n g my h e a r t lo tnko h is road . T h a t c l imbs t he foots tool way of Ood.

A m i d hor k lne , amid h e r sheep . H a v e k n o w n swee t wak ing , s w e e t e r

s leep. And In her r ive r s a n d her dew H a v e w a s h e d m y spir i t anew.

D u s t y t he w a y s of l ife, bu t he re A r e woodruf f a n d swee t l a v e n d e r , W h e r e tho w a y f a t l n g fool m u s t p r e s s T h e wi ld t h y m e , sweet to w a n t o n n e s s .

Cool w a s t he n igh t , nnd n f t e r it T h e d a w n , t h e d a w n w a s wild nnd s w e e t . T h r o u g h a low c o t t a g e window seen A g r e a t r o s e s w a t h e d In l iv ing g r e e n .

D a y s of f i e rce hent a n d b e a u t i f u l Hu t woods w e r e deep and w a t e r s cool. N o r did t he even ing t ime r e f u s e T h e med lc inc of h e r winds , h e r d e w s .

T h e n , on ly t h e n , I k n e w a l a s ! W h o lost t he c o u n t r y fo r a space . W h a t b i t t e r b r ead h e r exile e a t s . W a n t i n g h e r In t he c i ty s t r e e t s .

W h a t b i t t e r lot Is h i s w h o s t r a y s W i t h c o u n t r y h e a r t t h r o u g h c i ty w a y s . A n d c r a v e s w i th h u n g e r a n d w i t h t h i r s t F o r t he k ind h r ea s t w h e r e ho w a s

n u r s e d .

A f t e r t he t roub le nnd t he pa in S h e cal ls h e r w a n d e r e r h o m e a g a i n ; A f t e r t he a n g u i s h a n d t h e f r e t . A h ! fool n n d bl ind, w h o would f o r g e t !


Author of General John Jones, elc. (Copyright. 1901. by Dolly Stery Pub. Co.)

When the fog crept toward the land from out In the lake they did not no-tice It. a t flrst. so absorbed* were they —she In what he was saying, he In his own passion. Their little boat had long been dr i f t ing aimlessly, fo r he had shipped bis oars and f rom the center scat leaned forward eagerly, peering keenly Into her face as he

•poke. As fo r her, one could not be sure

whether her manner of Indifference wa* born of coldness or whether the rigidity of her features was a mer« mask, concealing emotion racing fleet th rough all t he courses of her young blood, but of which her feminini ty would not permit betrayal .

She leaned back In seeming languor among the down cushions his fore-though t had provided for her comfort and *ave t ha t he r whi te and lissome finger* played unceasingly with the red and white striped cords which moved the toy t i l ler of t he l i t t le boat , she did not move. Only when now and again she raised the downcast lashes which curtained he r da rk eyes did this Impatient floccillation cease. Then the nervous picking of her madonna fln-1 ger* would grow still and her deep glance would rest full and unflinching-ly upon the face of the man before her . There was In th i s glance, so proud and high and free, something which subtly. Indescribably thrilled him. Nor could his own endure It long, for when she raised he r eye*, his fell, abashed—and at those times the f an tas t i c shadow of a n Inscrutable smile fled across her lips and vanished

Instant ly. So nea r together were they t ha t he

coula have stretched for th hi* foot and touched the shoe whose sh in ing pat-ent lea ther t ip escaped the hem of he r blue flannel skirt . Once. Indeed, he had leaned far forward and put out h i s hands appeallngly as If to grasp


he r own. But she had drawn back swif t ly , releasing tho tiller ropes, and folded her a rms across her breast with a firm a..* forbidding dalliance.

H e had drawn back sullenly, and now for a moment had grown s i l en t I t was then the fog had crept upon them so stealthily nei ther had per-ceived Its coming till Its chill shroud wrapped them. The woman shivered, lightly, and drew he r wrap more close-ly about her shoulders with a quick feminine gesture. H e r look was bent Snatched up the oars and hurled them

f a r out • • • upon the disappear ing shore, half a mile away, where the piers and sum-mer-t ime pagodas, the diving tower, the big hotel, of Manha t t an beach, de-serted now tha t November had laid Its rude clutch on au tumn, told In their echoless silence of the waning year.

Now the mournfu l voice of the hood-ed *iren, perched a lof t where t h e mouth of the sluggish Calumet yawned sleepily to the vaporous lake, sound-ing to tho fog-bound sailor, rose through the mis t In minor.

"Hoo! Hoo!" It said. "Hoo-oo, Hoo-oo-oo." A t inge of melancholy menace dwelt in the s t t f im monotone. One thought of Loralel and hidden •hoal*, of dark and s t reaming ha i r and •yea which looked but saw n o t T h e

young man s ta r ted guiltily as the siren raised Its voice. Already the thickening fog half concealed f rom hla eyes the l i the figure of the girl huddled In her wrap and cushions. H e leaned to her again and spoke huskily. "Fal ice!" he said, appeallngly.

Her voice seemed cold to him as she answered, but a keener ana lys t than he might have discovered a t r emor in it that was not glacial.

" W h a t Is it, George?" she asked, with seeming steadiness. "Again? I thought we had left all t ha t behind us. far away, and were going now to bo good fr iends and comrade*. Can't you take my word for It t h a t there is finality In what I have told you?"

"No, I can ' t ," ho cried out, s ta r t ing to his feet so fiercely the little craf t rocked dangerously. "Nor will I try. With me it shall be today or never. And with you, too," be concluded,

ominously. The girl looked a t him from the

clouded depths of her rare eyes with something which might have been a scornful tenderness.

"Forget It. George." she paid, not unkindly. "You have had my no. and you must t ake i t for your answer ."

"Fal ice!" he cried again, and took

a step toward her. She raised both hands as if to ward

his coming and straightened her bat-k against the s tern of the shrouded boat

WKn an Impetuous gesture the young man drew back and, stooping, snatched up the oars and hurled them far out Into the wall of fog.

"There ," he hoarsely shouted a t her, as if In desperate defiance of her per-versity. "Since you wish i t so. we will indeed end it all, but together,

not a p a r t " He sank back moodily into his seat

and clasping his hands moodily about his knees stared at her gloomily through the fog.

Falice had star ted up with a l i t t le cry as he threw the oars away. She knew too well wha t t ha t meant . They had become a helpless derelict, supine on the silent, glassy water. ui.ab'.e


Then she threw her round arms about his bent neck • • •

even to creep to safety toward the shrouded voice of the mourning siren. But she too sank to her seat and was still. The fog grew denser. Now a swi f t rush of wind rippled the water and st irred the t iny craf t unea*lly. Tho lake grew volceful beneath Its sombre man t l e of dull gray a n d with a paddling tongue licked hungr i ly the seams of the oar less b o a t Every minute the siren sounded to the gloom Its I t e ran t "Hoo! Hoo!" T h e w a r n i n g call seemed now fa r ther away. The gir l bent her head but remained un-

tongued. George rose un*teadily and stood 1

on t rembl ing legs in the rocking boat. ' A th i rd t ime he spoke her name. There wa* the l ight of a love-born f renzy In bis blue eyes and he drew his fine figure upward as one who h a s formed a grea t resolve.

"Fal ice ," he said. "You say you lore me. You say you cannot mar ry be-cause I have no ambit ions. You charge me with Indolence. You even laughed and said i t is un t rue the g i an t sloth is extinct. Well , we will end I t

Come." He held out his hand imperiously.

Th is t ime the girl looked up. His manner made his purpose clear.

The wind had risen higher st i l l and now whistled shri l ly about them. The boat was dr i f t ing. Fal ice looked s t ra igh t before he r through t h e breeze-swept alleys of the fog and across her face once more flitted t h a t unln ter -pretable shadow of a smile, so swift ly evanescent . She held ou t he r hand to George and put her foo t upon the gunwale as he did his.

"Come!" he cried again—and they leaped together, hand In hand . The line* of hi* mouth had g rown grim and atraight , but the girl, who looked behind him, hard ly could conceal a tender tear fu l laughter .

As they splashed fur iously into the rippled lake the breeze swept the l ight boat away and ins tant ly Its keel grated upon the beach. A moment, aa they sprang, he had, r epen tan t sought to stay the girl, but it was too late. They entered the water together—and then, stood erect. I t reached her waist. With a passionate gest ' i re he drew her to his arms, there In the ocompassing water and kissed her fondly, all un-resisting. Then she th rew he r round arms about bis bent neck and hurs t in to hyster ical sobbing Interleaved with ribald laughter .

H e looked a t her rueful ly . Then he . too, laughed, but his laugh was honest and like t h e l a rk ' s m a t i n song.

"Come," he said, and unclasping her c l inging caress and t a k i n g her in h is s t rong a rms he sturdily waded up t h e shelving beach to shore.

"Let us run, Falice," he cried gaily. "Let us run to the parson ."

She felt for his hand once more and let hers nestle there.

" I t wa* because I loved you so ," i h e eald, answer ing a question whhrh no voice had a sk id .

"Hoo! H o o ! " cried the *lren. Jaun-tily, a* they ran away together , cla^p Ing hand*.

" I am so nervous and wretched." " I feel as if I should fly." How familiar these expressions a r e ! Little things annoy you and make you irritaole. You can' t sleep, you are unfit for ordinary duties, and are subject to dizziness.

That bearingdown sensation helps to make you feel miserable.

You have backache and pains low down in the side, pain in top of head, later on a t the base of the brain.

Such a condition points unerringly to serious uterine trouble.

If you had written to Mrs. Pinkham when you first ex-perienced impaired vitality, you would have been spared these hours of awful suffering.

Happiness will be gone out of your life forever, my sister, unless you act promptly. Procure L y d i a E. P i u k b a i i T s V e g e t a b l e Compound a t once. It is absolutely sure to help you. Then write to Mrs. Pinkham, a t Lynn, Mass., if there is anything about your case you do not understand.

You need not be afraid to tell her the things you could not explain to the doctor—your letter is seen only by women and is absolutely confidential. Mrs. Pinkham's vast experi-ence with such troubles enables her to tell you just what is best for you, and she will charge you nothing for her advice.

Mrs. Valentine TelU of Happy Results Accomplished by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.

" DEAR MRS. PINKHAM I t is w i t h p l e a s u r e t h a t I add m y teatimony to your list, hoping it may induce other* to avail themselve* of the beneft tof your val-uable remedy. Before tak ing L y d i a E . P i n k -h a m ' s V e g e t a b l e C o m p o u n d , I fe l t very bad . was terribly nervou* and tired, had sick headache*, n o appetite, gnawing pa in in s tomach, pain in m y back and r ight side, and so weak 1 oould scarcely s tand . I w a s no t able t o do any th ing . H a d s h a r p pains all through m y body. Before I had taken half a bot t le of your medicine, I f o u n d myself improv-ing . 1 continued ita use u n t i l I had taken four bottles, and fel t so well t h a t I d id not need t o t a k e an) more. I am like a new person, and your medicine shall always have m y praiM.n—Mas. W . P . VALENTINE, 586 Fe r ry Avenue, Camden, N. J .


'5000 Owing to the fret tkat MM Aqt ioX

people have from time to time quet'.ioned the fenuineneuof the tettiraooUl letter* wc are oottaallv pubiUbiaf. we bare

' • B« . Maw fj.eeo, that the abort

_ tfore obtaioiof the writer1! specialPIMTOTIII - I . v o u B . PUTKHAM MBDICJ** C * .

REWARD depoeited with the Kational City Ba«k. of Lvna. which will be paid te any penuo who can ihow tettimooial la not ftnuloe. or wai publithed before

y | r o K W j N E 1

O O 0 1 c H A

l | a f U O | B F |

$ 2 0 0 . 0 0 in Cash, Free L A F U O B F We will (Ivei the above award to any person

w h o w i l t c o r r e c t l y a r r a n g e t h o a b o v e l e t t e r s t o • p e l l t h e n a m e e of T h r e e i m p o r t a n t A m e r i c a n

oiUee. W h a t a r e t h e y ? E a c h l i n e r e p r e s e n t s o n e e l t r . You may bo t h e for-• l u n a t e p e i s o n to socuro a t l e a s t a po r t i on . If n o t t h e fu l l a m o u n t . F o r s h o u l d • t h e r o b e m e r e t h a n o n e se t of c o r r e c t a n s w o r s , t h e m o n e y wi l l b o e q u a l l y ' d l v dei l . F o r i n s t a n c e , uliauid t i r e p e m o n s s e n d In c o r r e c t a n s w e r s , e a c h w i l l ' r ece ive 8 4 0 . 0 0 ; s h o u l d t en p e r s o n s send In c o r r e e t a n s w e r s , e a c h will r e c e i r o ' a m . O U . t w e n t y p e r a o n s . aiO.OO o a c h . T h i s o f f e r is m a d e to a d v e r t i s e a n d i n -• t r o d u c e our rfrm qult-kly. W E DO NOT W A N T O N E C E N T O F YOUK • MONKY. T H I S CONTENT I* F R E E . As soon a s you h a v e a r r a n g e d w h a t ' you s u p p o s e a r e t h e c o r r e c t n a m e s , s end t h e m . A p o s t a l c a r d will d o , a n d ' y o n wi l l h e a r f r o m us p r o m p t l y b r r e t u r n raitll. T h c x e w h o b a r e t r i e d o t h e r

r c o n t e s t s a n d fa l lxd to s e c u r e a n y t h i n g , t ry t h i s o n e . Al l c a n s e c u r e a n a w a r d • if t h e r wish to t ry w i t h o n t a n y e x p e n s e w h a t e r e r . t H O M E S U P P L Y CO. , D E T R O I T . M I C H .


Carter's Little Liver Pills.

Must Bear Signature of



m It you lake u p r o a r

home* la Wostern Oan-ada. ihe land of plenty,

i lUuslruted pumphleu , ttlvlng experlencca of farmers who hate bo-come wealthy In frow-Ina wheat, reports of ilriegstes. etc.. and full

Infurtnaiiou as to reduced railway rates can ba-bad on application to the Superlutendeat a t

' stum. Dei artmenl of Interior. Ot tawa, or to J. (Jriere. saglnaw. Mich., or M.

um*i vis a » — Immigration. Department of Interior. Ottawa, Canada, or to J . Or iere . saciDaw. Mich., o r M. V. Mclnnes. No. u' Merrill Block. Detroit,

5os FaoSlml l s Wrapper Bstow.

Tarr a i s T I mmd aa aawy

t e t a k e a s r a c a *

CARTER'S F 0 I L E A B A C R L FOR DUZINUS. F I T I I U M I K I T . mTftniuni . F N C M S T I P A T I O R . M U L L I W S U N . roiTHcewpiuiM

Mm I o o a n a m mteTuwitjasAwst. i


M r T U '' N


Itaeqoal. Orowswhats all otkeis kUI and hara Bp from si i —IT» bsat aad lack ot n a m w S moUtaia. Orews wbsrs all otbera'wlalnr kia " " i t o ? and frssas teas ofTnagnlHrwat hay1


•1.20 aad ay « Barrel.

• Lamjt potato sad T*t«taMe ( r e w s r s .

trie CmtttntfthisItttot

worth HI to for leelaataw to-daj

Whtft answering M l j l s tw SHOIIOII this

i t s m

THE LOWELL Lowell Ledger/1901/02_February...N Account with a Savings Bank docs not always imply small transactions, far from it. Many depositors are - [PDF Document] (5)

COTTON Commencing, Saturday, Feb. 2

Ending Saturday February 9

This time it is cottons we are a f te r with the lowest prices you ever heard of. Just the announcement of when we are poing to have our sales is all that is necessary to fill our store with people who appreciate the advantages of gfettinp into a lanje stock, where they have, from past experiences, come to know the prices are always the lowest. Our regular prices are lower than others usually make at what they call special

sales. • Print# Qo Too

A l l t h « b « t t e o P a n e y Pr ln to Wo ' l l M i l for 4e

They say we are foolish to sell stuff so cheap. Maybe we are but we like to.

A. w . WEEKES.

| Cowell | State Bank J Transacts a General Bank* I ing Business.

J Buys and Sells * Government and High Grade 9 Municipal Bonds.

i s Domestic Drafts t Available in all parts of the f United States and Canada.

t T o r e l p Drafts JJ- Available in all G>mmereial J Cities of the World.

| Coans money

I extends to Al l * Fair and courteous treatment £ and every accommodation ^ consistent with Sound Bank* X Ing.

P) In W. 'mCWj m^w) miW) Wk W J Wwl mCW) m

On Real Estate, Approved Notes and era Is.



V a l e n t i n e s , all n e w g o o d s , C l v d e

Co l l a r .

D r e s s good sa le a t N i c h o l s o n ' s t h i s w e e k .

G o t y o u r r u r a l ma i l boxes of R . B . B o y l a n . 2w

G e e W h i z ! G a l l o w a y m i t t e n s on ly 60o a t G o d f r e y ' s .

T h e P h i l a C l a r k U n i o n wi l l m e e t w i t h Mrs . A t w a t e r F e b . 12.

N i c e , n e w P o r t l a n d c u t t e r s f o i sa le cheap . J o h n Gi les & Co.

J . D . H a r v e y m a d e a b u s i n e s s t r i p t o G r a n d R a p i d s M o n d a y .

J . B . N i c h o l s o n is o f f e r i n g m a n y n e w t h i n g s in b i s d r e s s g o o d sale .

S e e o u r l i n e of 5o va len t ines* C a n n o t b e exce l led . C l y d e Co l l a r .

M r s . Ol ive T a y l o r wil l e n t e r t a i n t h e L o w e l l W . C . T . U . F r i d a y F e b . 9.

T a l k a b o u t m a c k i n t o s h e s . G e e W h i z ! G o d f r e y is t h e m a n w h o se l ls t h e m c h e a p .

H i r a m R o b i n s o n a n d w i f e of G r a n d H a v e n a r e v i s i t i n g h i s b ro th* er, L . J . a n d w i f e .

I t w i l l p a y you t o l ook o v e r N i c h o l s o n ' s l ine of d r e s s g o o d s . S p e c i a l sa le t h i s w e e k .

T h e r e w i l l be a S u n d a y schoo l c o n c e r t a t t h e M . E . c h u r c h , W e d -n e s d a y e v e n i n g , F e b . 20.

J . D . H a r v e y a n d w i f e v i s i t e d in S a r a n a c a p a r t of las t w e e k , t h e g u e s t s of H . H o l m e s a n d o t h e r f r i e n d s .

Misses M a r g u e r i t e S o u t h e r d a n d F r e d a E c k e r a r e a t t e n d i n g a m a s k

/ p a r t y a t M i s s M a d a l i n e F i t z g i b b o n ' s .of S a r a n a c t o d a y .

C o r r e s p o n d e n t s s h o u l d k n o w t h a t t o s a y t h a t S o a n d S o " S u n d a y e d " a t i n c h a p l a c e is n o m o r e c o r r e c t t h a n t o s a y ' ' S a t u r d a y e d ' * o r " W e d n e s d a y e d . "

N , P . H u s t e d h a s r e t u r n e d f r o m a n o t h e r p r o f i t a b l e t r i p t o t h e T h u m b . H e l a n d e d o n e o r d e r f o r 2 5 0 0 t r ee s a t b u t t h a t w o u l d b e t e l l i ng .

P e o p l e i n t e r e s t e d i n g o o d b o o k s s h o u l d a t t e n d t h e b o o k a u c t i o n in t h e N a s h b u i l d i n g on t h e b r i d g e o n e w e e k b e g i n n i n g F e b . 11. Sa les a t 2 :30 a n d 7 :30 p . m .

C h a s . G i b s o n a n d w i f e m o v e d to R a c i n e J u n c t . , W i s . , M o n d a y , w h e r e t h e f o r m e r h a s e m p l o y m e n t w i t h t h e R a c i n e W a g o n a n d C a r r i a g e com-p a n y .

P . J . D e v i n e , w h o is in t h e p r o d u c e b u s i n e s s a t S t a n t o n s e n d s in an o r d e r f o r THE LKDOKB-Com-m o n o r c o m b i n a t i o n , w h i c h p r o m i s e s to b e q u i t e p o p u l a r .

P l e a s e r e m e m b e r t h a t a c o u p o n f o r one v o t e in t h e s p o o n c o n t e s t h a s been p r i n t e d in e v e r y c o p y of e v e r y i s sue of THE LEDOEB b e g i n -n i n g J a n u a r y 17. T h e y h a v e b e e n p r i n t e d in d i f f e r e n t p laces in t h e p a p e r a n d s o m e pe r sons , n o t finding t h e m r e a d i l y h a v e t h o u g h t t h e cou-p o n h a d b e e n l e f t o u t of t h e i r cop-ies . E v e r y p a p e r has a c o u p o n a n d a n y o n e can v o t e . H e r e a f t e r t h e c o u p o n w i l l be f o u n d a t t o p of p a g e 4,

G r a n d m a F o r d is i m p r o v i n g .

V a l e n t i n e s , 1c u p , a t C o l l a r ' s

Bazaa r .

G e e W h i z ! G a l l o w a y m i t t e n s

o n l y 60c a t G o d f r e y ' s .

T a l k a b o u t y o u r a l l off sale . G o d f r e y is t h e c l o t h i e r w h o sel ls

o v e r c o a t s c h e a p .

Mrs . T h i b o s was u n c o n s c i o u s a n d v e r y l o w t h i s m o r n i n g . L a t e r — S h e d i ed j u s t b e f o r e n o o n .

T h e R e b e k a h L o d g e wi l l g i v e a dance a t T r a i n ' s o p e r a house , L o w -el l , T h u r s d a y e v e n i n g , F e b r u a r y 14. M u s i c b y t h e L o w e l l o r c h e s t r a ! Bi l l t o d a n c e 50c, s u p p e r 50o. 2w

L . J . R o b i n s o n a n d w i f e e n t e r -t a i n e d a t d i n n e r , S u n d a y , Mess r s . a n d M e s d a m e s G. W . P a r k e r , J a c o b W a l k e r a n d H i r a m R o b i n s o n a l so M r . P . P e r r i n e a n d Mrs . P . E p l e y .

L a s t S a t u r d a y a f t e r n o o n , M r s . S. E e e n e f e l l d o w n t w o s t e p s of t h e ce l lar s t a i r s a n d f r a c t u r e d h e r h i p . D r . M c D a n n e l l w a s ca l l ed t o h e r re l ief a n d she is d o i n g a s we l l as

could b e e x p e c t e d .

M o n d a y eve . a b o u t s e v e n t y f i v e of J o h n H . W r i g h t ' s b r o t h e r l . O . 0 . F . a n d s i s t e r K e b e k a h s v e r y pleas-a n t l y s u r p r i s e d h i m , t h e occas ion

b e i n g h i s b i r t h d a y . P r o g r e s s i v e p e d r o w a s i n d u l g e d in a f t e r wh ioh r e f r e s h m e n t s w e r e s e r v e d . B r o t h e r D a v i d s o n in beha l f of t h e b r o t h e r s a n d s i s t e r s p r e s e n t e d h i m w i t h a b e a u t i f u l g o l d w a t c h c h a i n a n d 1. 0 . 0 . F c h a r m t o w h i c h t h e h o s t r e n p o n d e d as b e s t h e c o u l d , d u e to t h e s u r p r i s e .

Bucklen's Arnica Salve. H a s wor ld-wide f a m e fo r m a r v e l -

ous cu res . I t surpasses a n y other Mlve , lot ion, o i n t m e n t o r b a l m for Cuts , Corns , Burns , Bol ls , Sores, Felons , Ulcers , T e t t e r , S a l t R h e u m , Fever Sores, C h a p p e d H a n d s , Skin E r u p t i o n s ; In fa l l ib le for P i l e s . C u r e gua ran t eed . Only 25o a t L . H . H u m ' s - |

G e e W h i z ! G a l l o w a y m i t t e n s

o n l y 50c a t G o d f r e y ' s .

When yon want a physic tha t is mild and tcanlle, easy to take and pleasant ia eflect use Chamberlain's Stomach and Lifer Tablets. Price, 25 cents. Samples free. Every box Ruaranteed. For sale by D. O. 100k, Druggist

COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. R e g u l a r m e e t i n g of t h e L o w e l l

V i l l a g e Counc i l h e l d in Counc i l R o o m s on M o n d a y e v e n i n g , F e b . 4 , 1901.

M e e t i n g ca l led to o r d e r b y P r e s -i d e n t , P r o - T e m L o o k .

Present Trustees Lee, Look, VanDyke, Watta, absent Trustees Flanagan a^d White the President.

Minnies of Jan. 7th meeting read and approved.

Reports ot tbre village treaanrer and of the snpeuntendent of L. A • P. plant re-ceived and placed on file.

On motion by Trustee Lee the following bits were allowed.

GENERAL FUND. Lowell Ledger | 4 86 E 0 Mains 22 00 T A Murphy 12 60 H F Lane 20 20 L A P Fund 3 OU Jno Scott 1 60 T W Masco fl 00 P 0 Althen, Treasnrer 6 50


L A P Fund D 0 Carveth W E Delk T W Mason J F Todd Mrs Aon Yonngs

$87 66

$112 50 4 00

fiO I 00

14 00 32

1162 32

L. & . P FUND.

tVes ting house Electric and Mfg On 125 09 Electric Appliance Co 18 20 Freight 1 12 O B EnKlish 76 00 W Morris ' 30 00 Tbo* Morrix SO 00 Scott Fox 24 00 J a s Leflel A Co 2H 80 Twp. of Keene, TsXoi* 85 30 T A Murphy 76 W-8 Winegar 3 07

$869 42 On motion by Trustee Lee the Marshal

w u instructed to notify J O Train to re-move his logs from Broadway street north of the Fere Marquette railway tracks with-in 48 hours from the time of such notice.

On motion by Trustee Watls council ad-journed.

T . A . M U U P H Y , Clerk

Reports show a greatly increaaed death rate from throat and Inng troubles, due to the prevalence of cronp, pneumonia and grip. We advise the use of One Minute CoughCure in all of these difficulties. The only barmlesa remedy that gives immediate results. Children like it.

L- H . Taft A Co.

Old Sight Old

Old age is a m a t t e r of y e a r s — O l d S i g h t is a q u e s t i o n of g lasses .

I f y o u find a d i f f i cu l ty in r ead -i n g w h i l e f o r d i s t a n c e y o u r s i g h t i s g o o d , y o u r e q u i r e " o l d s i g h t " g lasses . O ld s i g h t u s u a l l y s h o w s i tse l f a t a b o u t f o r t y .

A c o m p e t e n t o p t i c i a n s h o u l d b e couBultod. W e g u a r a n t e e s a t i s f a c t i o n .

M c C o r d s

Mrs. Fuller aud daughter, Mary, apent Wednesday with Mrs. Albert Clark.

W. Patterson asaisted J . Ellis in filling his ice house last week.

Billy Taylor of Orand Rapids w u the guest of Deroy Wood and family last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Vandentolp of Grand Rapids were recent guests at Frank Clark's.

R. PaUerson of Paris and Arthur Jimmer of Grand Rapids were shaking bands with political friends at McCords Friday.

Misses Daisy Dibble of Middlevilie and Maud Moffll of Alaska visited friends in this vicinity Saturday.

Visitors at W. Patterson's the past week were: H. Davis and wife of Manistee, F. M. Davis and wife and Leon LaFurger of Cascade and Grace Huizinga. /

A number of our yonge people attended the entertainment at Alaska M. E. church Friday night given by Prof. J . Feet and his pupils of the Alaska schools. There waa a laKge attendance and all were well pleased with the nicelv arranged program, rendered in a very able manner.

Fred Thomas ban accepted a position in Denver, Col. and left for that plaoe Monday. His many frienus regret his departure but wish him success.

Keeae C e n t e r Miss Edith Converse spent last week

with Lowell relativea. The school at the Church Corners gives

a social at Mrs. Dallar's, Feb. 19, to raise money to get window shades and other fixtures for the school house. The children sell tickets and U M one that aells the most will get a prize.

J . Lee, B. F. Wilkinson and O. Coats went to Grand Rapids Friday with poultry and apples.

A vary Jolly party went to the home of King Rickert to greet his bride and wel-come her to our midst as neighbors and friends on Tuesday evening. The crowd was announced by the ringing of bells, blowing of horns and firing of guna. As Mrs. Rickert supposed it to be a crowd of King's gentleman frienda, she sat down for the racket to subside and was donbl v surprised to see the ladies file in with baskets and those things whioh betoken a a good supper. The evening was spent in music and viaitlng. Refreahment were ssrrad shortly after midnight and all de-

Eirted for their homes wishing Mr. and rs. Rickert a long and a happy life. The L. A. 8. held a donation last Friday

evening for the benefit of Kev. J H. Wesbrook. Receipts. | 18 .

The young people of this section gave a party at Dan Can 's in honor 'of his daugh-ter, Edna, last Friday evening.

Mrs. E. Wilkinson of Saranac and her daughter-in law, Mrs. Andrews, and little daughter of Jackson were guests of B. F. Wilkinson and wife Sunday.

Frank Raymond will work his father's farm the coming seaaon and bis brother, Fred,will work the place vacated by Frank

There is always danger in using counter-feits of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. The original is a safe and certain cure for piles. It is a soothing and a healing save for aores and all skin dUesses. L. H. Taft A Co.

Paewaoa ia Can be Preveatea-

This diseaae alwaya results from • cold or an attack of the grip and may be pre-vented by the timely use of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. That remedy was exten-siveiy used during the epidemics of La Grippe of the past few years, and not a not a single case has ever been reported that did not recover or that resulted in pneumonia, which shows it to be a certain preventive of that dangerous disease. Chamberlain's Cough Rem»dy baa gained a world wide reputation for its cures of colds or grip. For sale by D. G. Look.

V e r g e n n e a S t a t i o n - A l t o n

Mr. and Mrs. Gender and children of Trufant visited her sitter, Mrs. Franc Vanderbrock.

Clark Ford of Maskegon is visiting his relatives here.

Tom Reed and George McGee were in Grand Rapids Sunday.]

Alfred Barber and wife are both sick with grip.

Horace Weeks visited bis dangbter, Mrs. Allen Godfrey of Clarksville Tuesdav and Wednesday of last week.

Rocb Mason of Slayton w u here one day last week.

Rhoda and Willie Dickens of Smyrna visited their grandmother, Mrs. J . Mosher, l u t week.

The missionary meetings at the Parnell church closed l u t Tuesday n igh t

Saturday night between nine and ten o'clock George McGee's house burned to ihe ground. They had Just returned from Lowell a half hour before. They were able to save but few things.

Pat Manzor received a dispatch l u t week Tuesday that his mother w u dying.

Evelyn Murphy of Lowell will teach the Valley school next term.

Paul Cramer of Grand Rapids vibited his mother, Mrs.W. Ford, last Sunday.

Mrs. Addie Spencer of Grand Rapids spent Sunday with her father, W. Ford.

Wiley Reynolds and wife of South Low-ell visited her father Saturday,

Geo. Godfrey and wife were Sunday guests at D. Condon's.

A powerful engine cannot be run with a weak boiler, and we can't keep up the strain of an active life with a weak stomach neither can we stop the human machine to make repairs. If the stomach cannot digest enough food to keep the body strong such a preparation u Kodol Dyspepsia Cure should be used. It digests what you eat and it simply can ' t . help but do you good. L. H. Taft A Co.

S m y r n a Mable Ball of Middlevilie is visiting at

C. W. Joslin's. J . C. Berry of Oakfield is visiting his

mother, Mrs. Albert Northway of this place and other friends in Beiding and Keene.

Mrs. G. Hoppough w u quite sick last week with the grip. 1

R. Ellis is not improving u f u t u bis friends wovld like. The Maccabees made a wood bee for him Tuesday and about 20 cords were drawn.

Mrs. John Purdy is on the sick list. Geq. Davis lost a good horse Isst week. Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Ayers of Keene took

dinner at A. Northway's Jan. 80. Mrs. Geo. Ring was in Lowell Saturday.

Persons who cannot take ordinary pills find it a p leuure to take DeWitt's Little Early Risen. They are the best little pills made. L. H . Taft A Co.

Town Line .

Mrs. Uriel Snow is itill confined to her room with rheumatism. She is unable to walk.

Mr. and Mrs. Wooding vibited M n . Snow Saturday.

Geo. Mnrny and wife visited his mother Mn. M. Kinyon Sunday.

The L. A. S. meet Wednesday with M n . Libbie Reynolds.

M n . Linton of McCords visited Mrs. G* Murray and M n . Uriel Snow Monday.

Mrs. Lois Speaker is visting her brother, Joe Batey of Whitneyviile this weekjf

Stella Batey spent Sunday at Ada w^b W. F. H u k i n and family.

Mrs. O. Reynolds returned Friday from her daughters Mrs. G. Oman's whero she b u been carying for .her grand child.

Friday morning the honse of M n . M. Sneider w u consumed by fin and only a few things down btain w e n saved.

Mn. C. Snow and dangbter went to Lansing-Wednesdaj where they will remain sevenl weeks.

The sick are all reported better. Charlie Reynolds and wife spent Sunday

with M n . J . Titus of Lowell. Bertha and Alice Wosbrook visited Jessie

eynolds snd Myrtle Condon Sunday. Mn. Uriel Snow -bu placed a (115

monument in the Snow cemetry.

For the weakness and prostration follow-ing grippe there is nothing so prompt and effective u One Minnte Cough C n n . This preparation is highly endorsed as sn un-failing remedy for all throat and lung trouble and in its earlv use prevehts con-sumption. I t w u made to cure quickly.

L. H. Taft A Co.

w e s t Lowell J . Gulliford,' who w u on the sick l u t

week. Is able to do business again. Miss Anna Cole h u gone to Grand Rap-

ids to work. Mr. Ball and H. Peters and families

spent Tuesday eyn ing at J . Gulliford's. Mr. Cole expects to move to Grand

Rapids soon. Mise Mary Gulliford of G n n d Rapids

visited her parents over Sunday. Mrs. H . Easterbrook is not improving in

health u f u t as her many friends would like.

Ed Euterbrook'a house caught fire l u t Wednesday morning but fortunately it w u diacovercd in time to save the house al-though much damage was done the house-hold effects by water.

D. G Look, the druggist, will refund your money if vou are not utisfied after using Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They cure disorders of the stomach, biliousness, constipation and bexdacbe. Price, 25 cents. Samples free

Come Early and take your pick from our handsome selection of


Handsome ones for 5fl and better onss for 10c etc.

Not an old one among them.

Collar's Bazaar.

V o t e f o r t h e m o s t p o p u l a r l a d y .

Trunks, Bags, Harrises, Robes, Blankets and Whips

—at Money Saving Prices—

E I F E R / T ,

88 Canal St., G n n d Rapids, Next to Thum's drug store,

Kodcl Dyspepsia Cure

Diaests what yon eat. I t a r t i f ic ia l ly d i g e s t s t h e food a n d a i d s

N a t u r e i n s t r e n g t h e n i n g a n d recon-s t r u c t l n g t h e e x h a u s t e d d iges t ive o r -g a n s . I t i s t h e l a t e s t d i scovered d iges t -a n t a n d ton i c . N o o t h e r p r e p a r a t i o n c a n approach i t i n efficiency. I t i n -s t a n t l y relieves a n d p e r m a n e n t l y cu res Dyspepsia , I n d i g e s t i o n , H e a r t b u r n ,

a tu lence . Sour S t o m a c h , N a u s e a , Sick Hcadache , Gas t r a lg i a , Cramps a n d al l o t h e r r e su l t s of i m p e r f e c t d ige s t i on . Price50c. and tl . Large else contains 2K times small size. Book all about dyspepsia mailed free fttpsnd by E. C. DeWITT a CO., CblCQflO

L u H . T A F X & C O .

ARE YOU AWARE That there is a big change Going on in the Clothing

trade in Lowell? Well then,

ENLIST NOW in the army ot satistied customers who are buying

their Clothing, Gent's Furnishings, Hats, Caps, Trunks and Telescopes of W. S. Godfrey.

We particularly call your attention to our LINE OF OVERCOATS. We want

to sell them and our prices are the lowest.



f X

Lowell, Mich. Your Clothier

THE LOWELL Lowell Ledger/1901/02_February...N Account with a Savings Bank docs not always imply small transactions, far from it. Many depositors are - [PDF Document] (2024)


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Author: Patricia Veum II

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Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

Address: 2064 Little Summit, Goldieton, MS 97651-0862

Phone: +6873952696715

Job: Principal Officer

Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.