The Chickasha Daily Express from Chickasha, Oklahoma (2024)

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The Chickasha Daily Expressi

Chickasha, Oklahoma

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OKLAHOMA HISTORICAL SQCIETX OKLAHOMA CITY OKLA District' Weather Cool tonight mild Thursday Loral temperatures- 2 pm tndav fin Tuesday i ir 56 Tiip'dnv low 40 elih Oklahoma's Most And Most Rood Daily Newspaper CIIICKASHA OKLAHOMA WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 18 1957 HOME OF Oklahoma Collega for Women Price 5 Cent Member Associated Tress mi Tfo Ions irea cl fr Ciiy Students Start Holiday This Weekend Gulfs Attempt To Link Gary In Suit Stalled OSSl Agree Attorney Tries To Use Speech During Hearing OKLAHOMA oft-Efforts by Gulf Oil Corp to make a connection between Gov Raymond Gary's opposition to high foreign oil imports and its being cited for reducing pm chases of Oklahoma crude were blocked today by the Corpoi wtion ComnueMnn The commission has charged Gulf violated au order cutting state purchases to Hu per cent during August and September Pos-sihlr fines if the citation is upheld could total 5'0 million dollars Gulf is contending that the order is unconstitutional and violates international trade agreements of and one-half miles southwest of day before Justice of Peace George the United States by reducing the Crashes traffic fatalities already recorded in Grady County for this year detachment Oklahoma Highway Patrol are bracing for one of the deadly the Christmas holidays Trooper (Red) Kizziar left points week-long festivities Trooper Delbert Jump right pointing to Jan apprehensive outlook on the new year ahead Their advice to stay alive Chiekasha students start their 12-day Chri-tmas vacation Friday and return to the class rooms Thursday Jan 2 said Bruce Myers superintendent While schools are closed custodians will make numerous minor repairs around the buildings Only major impiovemrnts is at South S-hool where new blackboards will be installed in some rooms Custodians will have two-day holiday at Christmas and New Year's day General maintenance work will be done on the buses There is no major work schedul-1 ed as all vehicles are In top 1 shape Each will hold some tjpe of Chri-tma program this weekj ranging from the high school Mes- sink on Thursday night to individ- home room programs at ele-1 mentary schools Junior High School honor society will present the assembly Friday afternoon home room plans a program before the general assembly At Lincoln an all-school program will be at 2 pm with all grades taking part The music department will be in charge in tile elementary schools the FTA will sponsor school programs at Northwest school 2 pan Thursday said Roan pnncipal West School PTA program is at 2 pm Friday each room said George Hardin principal In both schools students will hold home room events Friday afternoon with students singing eaiols and exchanging gilts This afternoon at South School Mis Patterson's and Miss tal to $137747 still over $800 Mamie Spradlin fifth grade skfirt of its minimum Christmas classes will he in charge of a I budget program by the tnurth fifth and Klamans manned the kettles sixth grade cla -cs said Frank i Tuesday Foley The first second and third Capt Donald Hall said six or WHO'LL BE With 17 troopers of the Chiekasha traltic seasons of the year to Dec 25 which will start the 1 19 jH with perhaps an be alert and drive carefully wo Injured Kettles Aided By Kiwanians Kiwanis Club members helped arid $17729 to the Salvation Army Christmas Fund bringing the to- In Area market for foreign oil Objection Richard McDermott Tulsa attorney for Gulf attempted to introduce a spi ech by Gary at last Chiekasha on 277 Knight for reckless driving He was approaching a curve The car was demohshed and a cow or horse suddenly Mrs Hazel Mosicr 28 I crrv-loomed ahead and he swerved his Tex received minor facial '55 sedan to the left shoulder to lacerations in another one-cai avoid a crash Peck lost control of the car and it overturned twice veered hack across the highway and traveled nearly 100 feet along the right shoulder before stop- i accident at 12:15 pm Tuesday seven miles northwest of Minco on 152 She was treated and released from Capitol Hill General Hospital in Oklahoma i(v Mrs a i of the voluntary imports program osier was passenger tn he West Coa area The com-in a '54 sedan driven by her hus- mission turned them down on an band Roy Mosicr 47 of Perrv- objection by conservation attorneys I year's Interstate Oil Compact Com-j mi: sum meeting criticizing high imports and also telegrams to two federal officials urging extension Ping Trooper Frank Shaffer investi gated the accident and issued Peck To Study Truce Chances In Cold War Final Decision Expected Later By Top Officials PARIS ITI The 15-iiuLon North Atlantic Alliance defying Ru- iau threats and warning- agiicd today to base -made 1 1 1 ar missiles in Euiope The UmU States thus won its major pmp(i-e at the conference The price paid by the United States was an agi cement under pressure to sound out the Russians on a cold war truce including a new effort at disarmament Having been assmed yesterday of the softening of the US attitude by President Fi -enhowt and Secretary of State Dulles German Chancellor Konrad Adenauer Norwegian Premier Linar Gerhardsen and Prime Munster Hans Christian Hansen of Denmark went along with the basic military decision today Final Approval The derision was subiert to final approval by the heads of government who were to receive a report from their foreign and defense ministers in a session this afternoon Rehabl reports from the meeting of foreign and deh nse ministers this morning indicated that while the Alliance as a whole would endorse the principle of nuclear armament It would be left up to the individual countries to accept the weapons The accord was reached at the morning meeting of foreign and defense ministers which opened the third day of the NATO summit talks The meeting lasted almost three hours The ministers scheduled another session apparently because soma questions were still to be resolved As a result the daily meeting of President Eisenhower and the homes have been enter- pr head of government was Lighting Entry Totals 20 cRht families are coming in esrh -seeking help during Christ- a budget of Salvation gave 92 15 need-1 help i Chick ask- giades will have loom programs The PTA chapters held all-school prngrams at Southwest Grand mas-Avenue and North schools Friday Last yrar wlth a summons to appear by Thurs- jj wiS reported he had been the case against Gulf traveling east on 152 ar- Commission officials argue that plied the brakes on his car as the order comes under that he approached a slower moving regulatory body govern-c ar from the rear The car W'cnt ing pi ention of waste and meth-mto a skid on wet blacktop and rKls nf tHgjnR nj from the ground veered into a ditch Trooper Virgil Mounts investigated the accident Damage was estimated at approximately $400 to the Mosicr car Precious Gift Of Blood Goes To Richard 8 BOSTON JPi Richard Caha-' lane 8 already has received a precious Christmas prrscii 40 1 4 ci i meat ptdoci She said the 1958 assessing period will open on Thursday Jan 2 Property owners who wish may list their property for assessment during the week at office in the Rub Ho(K -cvisited Okinawa for le fu-st time in seven years to- day bringing 75 entertainers and helpers and actress Jayne Mansfield "Hi fellas I was here in 1950 and Pm back to Hope yelled stepping down from an Air Force Stratocruiser with a can of Los Angeles smog in one hand Nearly 500 GIs from all services pints of blood Young Cahalane suffers from hemophilia bleeding uncontrollably because' of the inability of I his blood to clot I He needed 40 pints of the rare However a statement by Harold (See Page 2 No 5) Tour Scheduled By Assessor Counts' Assessor Helen Fnrstnn today announced her out-of-town schedule for the upcoming SANTA HAS COME Sara Jones daughter of Arthur Jones 1428 South Sixth and John Paul Hefner five vcar-old son of Mr and Mrs Hefner Noith 12th admire Jolly Ole St Nick at his special stand First National Bank Marvin Arn bank president invites area children and adults to vi it Santa He purchased the mcrhanual Santa last summer while in Atlantic City attending National Bankers Association convention at piane arm in arm with her boy women fj-jend former Mr Universe one Mickey Hargitav mother Christmas "Hey Tarzan go home" the yelled at Hargitav "I just love Asia I think it's type RH negative blood so doc-GIs tors could perform an operation I on his deformed foot Only six wonderful" cooed Miss Mans-1 per cent of the population has the must be made on or before siVS bi(S n0 piins to use either field who wore a long white mink blood type March 15 1958 Applicants must oka Bliss Tex coat I News of hs need for the rare hsvP the' deed- on record incite targct I blood carried yesterday clerk's office on afternoon the home rooms at each of these schools plan individual programs During the day different classes will sing carols in the halls Fair Weather Due Thursday Northwesterly winds brought drier air into the western sections of Oklahoma today while warm humid air from the south continued to flow over pastern sections Forecasters said some showers are expected in the east when the two air masses collide However fair weather is foreeast over the slate tonight and tomorrow High temperatures today are expected to be in the with over night lows of 30 in the northwest and lower 40- in the southeast Yesterday high as 69 at Hugo dating and the overnight low was 29 at i $221)0 The Army baskets of food and toys to families This year 102 families already have been investigated and approved for help with more on the waiting list This means more will be ed than the proposed $2200 to the families already approved Tuesday afternoon three asha women visited the Army ing for help for their families this season One of the had nine childicn at home eight and the other six Each said they would have no this year if help didn't fi on some source Mrs Ike Leonard telling coffee drinkers about Tuesday night's baskcthall game in ko Mrs Kaye Keller downtown on a shopping excursion Jim Quattlcbaum mg about thc many projects bell at Salvation Army that they are not applicable to assess- rnmiy Dor 31 1957 and reside on the proper! to be eligible for the homestead exemption All onts are a 1 intangible personal property is not delinquent until thc March 15 date it is assessed and must be listed as of record on Dec 1 1957 Miss Forston said her assess- meat list includes all roal and personal proixTty intangible per- sonal property applications for exemptions and rrgis tMtion of farm tra(tors Hpr oll1oMnwn messing dates a)p Mlncn on Jan 6 7 8 9 and 10 Tu1tlo on jan 13 14 15 16 i 22 23 24: Verden Jan 21 land 28 Alex on Jan 29 and 30 I and Bradley on Jan 31 1 she will be at the Joe Oz- merit home in the Pikes Peak 1 17 Hush Springs on Jan 20 ton type was by The Associated Press Almost as soon as the news Iroached the newspapers Dr Mario Stefan ni of St Elizabeth's Hospital reported hehadrcuived fd- came from manv in the countr John Kose of Lincoln Park Mich telephoned his donation to Boston The New Orleans States an afternoon newspaper asked how one of its readers could donate a pint of needed blood The out-of-town donors wore ad- vised to make their offers to their local branches of the Red Cross Richard has had at least l0 transfusions He averages five trips a year to hospitals after even minor accidents Fatality CRESSONA Pa (P-Myron Moyer 62 became this cotnmu- iwav fatalitv in 13 skidded on ice and esterdny Cressona mty first highway fatalitv in 13 years His car into a truck has a population of 1700 i i 4 aboutiand postponed pi The government chiefs are to issue a final communique tomor-mow Availability German Defense Minister Franz Josef Strauss said the commtinl- (See Page 2 No 2) Health Of Ike Studied Closely PARIS The hourly state nf President health is rivaling momentous world problems for newsmen's attention at the NATO conference Many of the hundreds of cor-1 respondents covering the summit nlcetinKs are devotlng most or most all their time to repnrtin how the President is getting along Eisenhower's health is the subject of rumors of all kinds To all inquiries both Maj Gen fine" Moves Studied The President's every appearance and move are studied conscientiously by reporters In some pictures the President looks well in others not His features are highly mobile and a tlred-out look one second gives way in the next moment to a hearty healthy smile Twice this week there have been developments which touched off new apprehension rrg hng the President's weia The first was wmu he canceled plans to attend a dinner Monday night for NATO chiefs of government Hagerty sain the Fresident was simply tired Yesterday afternoon it was announced Eisenhower would not be I dav's summit session Hagerty and Secretary of State Dulles toid fhat the President would delay his appearance because matters under discussion did not require his personal attention Newsmen asked whether the decision reflected any change in Eii- (Sea Page 2 No 4) Yule Conlest List expected to nearly double by time of the deadline said Stan- r- Levine committee eh chairman Fight winners in the annual event will reeeive $135 with a $50 grand prize for the best over-all eniry Three other first place awards will be worth $15 each and four second place winners will reeeive SI0 each Entries must tie mailed by Friday in order to be eligible and judging will be done Saturday Eliza Lee 318 South kit Mis Sunday and Monday Entry blanks appear daily in The Express and winners will be announced by The Express in its Christmas eve edi- tmn The entry led: Ted Artoi ben 315 North 12th a bic6 im)2South 19th Mrs Don Gan 1 1 tobJ Travis Stewait 1103 Texas Jackie 1315 South 16th Robert Rose 1301 South 19th Mrs Charles Baker 401 North Sixth Edmond Dohrv 623 Colorado other Ana-dai talk- car- a kettle Saul Singer anticipating having his three boys home during the holidays Frank Foley and Andy Anderson busy with Christmas projects Bill Schumacher who doesn't have a difficult time remembering his w-pdding anniversary date It's on Christmas Day Addams Hall students walking away with first prize in the dormitory decoration contest at OCW Dean Julia Lee Hawkins holding up her hand when someone who wanted to jitterbug "All you asked was who wanted to" she said len Lyon who is still working on his home Christmas decora- lion Legacy Of Luke I I OCW St-nrf-C Hnlirlrtv After Friday Classes Christmas holidays for students Oklahoma College for Women at will start after their last class on Friday However Saturday classes will i meet as usual said Dr Dan Proo- ter president 1 Other students may leave on I their Christmas vacation as soon 1 as they are dismissed from their last class on Friday Most of the students will have finished their classroom work by noon Friday Students will return in time for their first class Jan 6 Fine Paid BOISE Idaho The plea was guilty The judge assessed a $15 fine and promptly paid it himself The judge was the defendant! Municipal Judge Dale Morgan 1 levied the fine for violation of the city's ordinance against dogs run- ning without leashes my dog I guess I better pay it" he said 30 years before All kinds of un- reliable tales about him fabrica i tions and fancies were in circu- in i mikas fa lation Luke wanted the truth u-bane lettered Greek phy sician of about 40 Loukas fa "Diarbncnt of the Army staff has no plans for using Ft Sill or Ft Bliss as an impact Such a possibility was discussed c'n Army is seeking land ncar pt SHI which would be used as an imj)act area for mr-Mles to atea for missiles fired from otni Army areas" Impact Area In a speech at Altus Okla two days ago Brig Gen John Hay- but he di say 1 DeShao added the Aim cv- stone missule is "approaching ar- curacy which would permit it to be launched from Ft Bliss and other points The Sill commander Maj Gen Thomas DeShao told news-1 thp same riav that such I eventually would be conduct-' I U'sUJri f''n a base like Ft Bliss to an impu area near Ft Sill The genual did not mention any other types of missiles dicatcd by his accuracy with places and terrain in his book of Acts He was versed in medicine of the day including antiseptics cathartics sedatives and surgery The master biologist Cornelius Celsus of Rome with his advanced theory of the porous composition of the body was a Icad- Evans No! 1 Circle Drive: Howard Snyder the White Les Brauer 38 Village Drive (not House physician and press secre-tn compel il ion i tary James Hagerty have an M- and Mrs Kenneth Jones almost never-varying reply: The 1324 South 18th Mrs Jim Loy President Is Paul's Imprisonment Gives Chance Gain Story Gage Some drizlc was reported in the central noith central and eastern sections yesterday and last night but thc only measurable amount was 04 of an inch at Ponca City Wet wrath rain sleet or snow appeared in prospect for the major part of the country today A broad belt of precipitation extended from the Central Plains (See Page 2 No 3) WirT? READ THE ADS QUICKIES By Ken Reynolds And they didn't cost me their Express Want Ad said 'just charge it'!" Call 2600 community on Feb 3 Other places and dates include: Poca-set on Feb 4 Amber on Feb 5: Ninnckah on Feb 6 and Cox Citv on Fob 7 the specific points when he i gospel already written didn't have the material It was up to Luke to get it If he didn't the world would never know- Asclepius A smile touched his lips The whole absurd pantheon of heathen deities had been swept from his i thinking by the clarity of Christ but the traditional old sm still served to assure patients of I his medical qualifications i Well Educated Man Luke had studied probably ei- EDITOR'S NOTE: The joyous 'Christmas story known today the world over might have been lost alone among the gospel writers forever had it not been for one man His name was Luke He the trip to Bethlehem the llYof about Luke and his legacy to the miharly called Luke ron lJJ out at the sunlit! of the sma'l dispensary he had rbor Caosarear a the array se up in Caesarea nd fin uC0mPamOn Tn10 afhnir rocking quietly in the still dark of the Greek god of healing He stood at the open doorway ing medical contemporary of i by the retail commit-Luke's The Hippocratic oath had teo of the Chamber of Commerce 24 Village Drive: Mr and Mrs Ien Lyon 2002 South 20th Mrs Ruby E-dirk 1123 Minnesota: Mrs Spoon 923 Iowa Huff 1610 South 19th: Mills 801 South 19th Barbara Burtschi 816 Iowa: and Thomas Goens 618 Michigan Decorations may be either Inside or outside the home but must be visible from the street Prize money been donated the Kiwanis Club press and The Ex- Locked Doors Urged To Save Those Gifts Sheriff Hack Perrin has appealed to county homeowners to leave to town shopping 'This is one of the busiest tnlas of the year for he said shopping or out-of-town trips Jesus? Had his mother been 1 aware of anything extraordinary? What were her feelings0 Where exactly did it happen? Who was in attendance0 How had God be- i come Were there any un- waters He would have to seek out the information himself Others who had greater opixc- turn tv had not done so Their notes recollections and journals covered manv events and part of the background-but not all of it Significant gaps remained about the beginnings the roots the very fundamentof the mighty promise bestowed on mankind Luke frowned and shook his head The old apostle Matthew didn't consider it essential nor Sfle IWo no! his gospel and wouldn't mention All during their journeys of hundreds of millions who cele- teaching organizing congrega-brate tlie birth of Christ The tjons an(t treating the sick in stories are based on history an-ixroas Philippi Thessalonica cient church traditions Scripture Athens Corinth and elsewhere and the implications of these Luke felt the need for a full Resources count of his new faith I So far intriguing questions By GEORGE CORNELL about its origin remained unan- I 4nrv of long been a professional credo It probably had hung on the wall of Luke's clinic in Antioch where he had practiced its traced in colored thread on framed parchment: I will keep my art and my life in purity and holiness urr tlier at the school of Cos or choruses acted in dramas could 1 lw'had perused Suabo'sj'It sick soriatpd Plp Rpigj(in Writer Jt "hidden oto there some- where in the autumn-tinted hills of Galilee and Judea where Jesus had grown up lived taught and! died but no one had ever set down just how it all began I Luke determined to find i nut The ta-k would not be Jesus had been crucified nearly i swerod Luke by ms'tmct" by his char-1 actcristic Greek curiosity for de-j tail by his historical bent by his I training in the scientific method! of observation experiment and verification insisted on the par- ees What were the circuinstanei surrounding the birth of the Lord 1 Charge It 1 many-volumned geography as in- Say.

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Author: Melvina Ondricka

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Name: Melvina Ondricka

Birthday: 2000-12-23

Address: Suite 382 139 Shaniqua Locks, Paulaborough, UT 90498

Phone: +636383657021

Job: Dynamic Government Specialist

Hobby: Kite flying, Watching movies, Knitting, Model building, Reading, Wood carving, Paintball

Introduction: My name is Melvina Ondricka, I am a helpful, fancy, friendly, innocent, outstanding, courageous, thoughtful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.