Martial Arts - Segurança e Saúde Ocupacional (2024)




Additional Material by VOLKER BACH and C.J. CARELLA

Edited by SEAN PUNCH

Cover Art by BOB STEVLIC

Illustrated by ABRAR AJMAL and BOB STEVLIC

ISBN 978-1-55634-762-7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

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Research Assistance: Kim Bernard, Richard Johnson, Seth Milstein, and Brian Wasson

Lead Playtester: Jeff Wilson

Playtesters: Alex Borghgraef, Dave Brown, Jonathan Carryer, Giuseppe Chiapparino, Ken Clary, Doug Cole, Ciaran Daly, Andy Dokachev, Shawn Fisher,

Scott Harris, Leonardo Holschuh, Dan Howard, Rob Kamm, Jonathan Lang, Jason Levine, Norman Lorenz, Phil Masters, Antoni Ten Monros, and Emily Smirle

Special Thanks: Phil Dunlap, Jin Kazeta, Don Wagner, Old Sensei Don,

Kromm’s Victims (Marc Bourbonnais, Martin Bourque, Bonnie Punch, Mike Ryan, Stéphane Thériault, Robert Thibault),

and Peter’s Victims (Andy Dokachev, Jessica Dokachev, Mike Dokachev, Aaron Falken, John Milkewicz, Sean Nealy, and Tom Pluck)




Page Design ❚ PHIL REED and ––––


Managing Editor ❚ PHIL REED

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Marketing Director ❚ PAUL CHAPMAN

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INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Publication History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

About the Authors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

1. HISTORY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

TIMELINE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

ASIA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

China . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Xia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Monks and Martial Arts . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

India . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Northern vs. Southern Kung Fu . . . . . 10

Religion, Philosophy, and Fists . . . . . . 11

Indonesian Archipelago. . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Japan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Ryu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Ninja: Legend vs. History . . . . . . . . . . . 13

Korea. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Other Nations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14


Ancient Greece and Rome . . . . . . . . . 15

Gladiators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Medieval Europe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Yeomen Archers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Masters of Defence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

Fechtbücher and Traveling Masters . . . 17

Renaissance Europe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

Modern Europe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

Beyond Western Europe . . . . . . . . . . . 18

AFRICA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

THE NEW WORLD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

Brazil. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

United States . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

Women in the Martial Arts . . . . . . . . . . 20



Boards Don’t Hit Back. . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

Don’t Bring a Fist to a Knife Fight. . . 25

When Do I Learn Weapons? . . . . . . . . 26

Martial Arts and the Law . . . . . . . . . . 26

Bad Reenactments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

Style™ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

2. CHARACTERS . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

Power Level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

Realism Level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

Beginning Students as PCs. . . . . . . . . . 30

CHARACTER TEMPLATES . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

Del Duque (350 points) . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

Frauds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

Adrian Froste (200 points) . . . . . . . . . . 37

Kai Lian (250 points) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39


AND SKILLS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

Advantages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

Desirable Advantages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

Chi Powers for Martial Artists . . . . . . . 46

Perks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

Disadvantages. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

Common Disadvantages. . . . . . . . . . . . 53

Skills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54

Combat Skills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

Wildcard Skills for Styles . . . . . . . . . . . 60

New Skills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

3. TECHNIQUES . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

Learning Techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

REALISTIC TECHNIQUES . . . . . . . . . . . . 65

Techniques That Aren’t . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66

Optional Rule: Targeted Attacks . . . . . . 68

“Go for the eyes!” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72

Dirty Tricks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76

Using Your Legs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79

Optional Rule: Combinations . . . . . . . 80

CINEMATIC TECHNIQUES . . . . . . . . . . . . 82

Secret Techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86

Silly Techniques. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88

CREATING NEW TECHNIQUES . . . . . . . . 89

Designing Realistic Techniques . . . . . 93

Designing Cinematic Techniques . . . . 94

Useless Techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95

Designing Techniques

for Nonhumans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95

4. COMBAT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96


Aim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97

All-Out Attack. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97

Attack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98

Change Posture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98

Committed Attack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99

Defensive Attack. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100

Evaluate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100

Feint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100

Ready . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101

Who Draws First?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103

Move . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105

Move and Attack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107

Wait . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108


Melee Attack Options . . . . . . . . . . . . 109

A Matter of Inches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110

Untrained Fighters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113

Close-Combat Options. . . . . . . . . . . . 114

Teeth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115

Grab and Smash! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118

Ranged Attack Options . . . . . . . . . . . 119

Rapid Fire with Thrown Weapons. . . 120

Active Defense Options . . . . . . . . . . . 121

Harsh Realism for

Unarmed Fighters . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124

CINEMATIC COMBAT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125

Multiple Attacks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126

Chambara Fighting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128

Mind Games . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


its modern form – Japanese unarmed-combat

systems influenced it, and guerrillas used it against the

Japanese occupiers. Two major schools have emerged since

then; these are quite similar in their training. For more infor-

mation, see Bando (p. 151-152), Banshay (p. 176), and Lethwei

(p. 186).


Thailand, formerly known as Siam, also has a rich martial-

arts history. Unfortunately, a terrible fire during the 17th cen-

tury destroyed most of its historical records, obliterating reli-

able accounts of the origins of Thai martial arts. The modern

arts of Muay Thai (pp. 185-186) and Krabi Krabong (p. 176)

can trace their origins at least as far back as the loss of those

records; they likely go back much farther. Another style – now

lost – emphasized stealth, subterfuge, and survival techniques.

It was taught to a sect of monks who might have filled a ninja-

like role for the Siamese kings.

Today, Muay Thai and Krabi Krabong are the most promi-

nent Thai martial arts. Muay Thai is a form of kickboxing,

world-renowned for its tough training and tougher competi-

tion. Krabi Krabong is an armed style. Originally a combat

form, it’s now primarily a sport.




Europe and the Middle East have a martial-arts history

as long and as colorful as that of Asia, although it hasn’t fea-

tured as prominently in dreadful action movies. Highlights

include the fighting arts of Classical Greece and Rome, the

martial arts on both sides of the Crusades, the swordsman-

ship of the Middle Ages and Renaissance, and of course the

sport wrestling and mixed martial arts so popular across

Europe today.

As in Asia, fighting skills also figured prominently in leg-

end and folklore. Ancient Celtic tales – collected in the

Middle Ages – told of such heroes as Cu Chulainn receiving

training at swordsmanship, spear-dodging, charioteering,

wrestling, breath control, and chess, and performing super-

human combat feats. Likewise, Norse myths pitted heroes

and gods against supernatural foes in wrestling matches.



Ancient Greece was home to a number

of the world’s earliest verifiable martial

arts; in fact, these predate the legendary

origins of many Asian styles. In the Greek

city-states of the Classical age, every citi-

zen was a soldier. Even after Greece aban-

doned the citizen armies of the polis,

Greek society long held that martial skills

were essential to a well-rounded upbring-

ing for every male Hellene. For most, this

meant little more than physical condition-

ing at the public gymnasium and the basics

of handling the shield and spear. Dedicated

practitioners went much further, however,

and teachers of hoplomachia (“armed

combat”), boxing, wrestling, and pankra-

tion (literally, “all powers”) found no short-

age of eager youths willing to take advan-

tage of their services.

The Games

The Olympic Games of ancient Greece

featured three different martial-arts con-

tests: wrestling, pankration, and boxing.

None of the three concerned themselves

with weight classes, rounds, or time limits.

All were brutal contests of skill, strength,

and endurance. The Romans were also

fond of games and held similar contests.

Wrestling was much like modern

freestyle wrestling. Victory was by submis-

sion and striking was forbidden. A match

consisted of a single, untimed round.

Endurance was as important as strength,

since defensive tactics and stalling to

exhaust one’s opponent were legal. The

lack of weight classes meant that heavyweights dominated

the sport.

Pankration (p. 188-189) was full-contact, no-holds-

barred fighting. Only eye-gouging and biting were forbidden

– and the Spartans allowed even this. Many strikes common

to modern Asian martial arts – chops with the hand’s edge,

punches with protruding knuckles, leg sweeps, etc. – saw

use. One famous bout ended when a fighter aimed a stiff-

ened finger strike (what Asian martial arts call a “spear

hand”) at his opponent’s armpit, piercing his vital organs

and killing him. Pankration matches lasted until one con-

testant submitted or was incapacitated. Most bouts ended

with a submission from a lock or wrestling hold, although

one pankrationist famously won his bouts by breaking his

adversaries’ fingers, and death in the ring wasn’t uncom-

mon. At least one contender won posthumously: he forced

his rival to submit even as he was dying from a fatal blow!


Through much of Roman history, gladiators provided public enter-

tainment by fighting animals, prisoners, and each other in the arena.

Most were slaves, but their ranks could include almost anyone – from the

impoverished, looking to earn a living, to wealthy thrill-seekers. Because

gladiators risked their lives in the arena, Roman society saw them as

being above such “petty” concerns as morality and responsibility. Thus, a

successful gladiator was often rich and pampered, able to indulge in his

most cherished (or debauched) pleasures. It was said that all men wished

to be gladiators and all women wished to be with them.

During the era of professional fighters, they or their promoters would

pick their opponents from the ranks of slaves, prisoners, or (occasionally)

volunteers. Most match-ups were calculated to guarantee the professional

fighter a victory and the audience a good spectacle. Fights weren’t to the

death as a rule – at least, not between professionals. Still, some Romans

found entertainment in massacres and lopsided contests where untrained

fighters had to defend themselves against merciless pros.

Gladiators enjoyed treatment that would be familiar to modern pro-

fessional athletes. Top schools kept a physician on staff, and masseurs,

bonesetters, and coaches – all likely to be former gladiators – helped keep

the fighters fit and healthy. The school’s head (lanista) was typically polit-

ically and socially connected, and took care of the school’s financial, reli-

gious, and gladiatorial affairs. The top trainer was responsible for hiring

other instructors (generally former soldiers or gladiators), who might be

broadly skilled or very specialized. These teachers tutored the gladiators

in armed and unarmed combat, and even monitored the fighters’ diet.

They led their charges in daily weapons drills and exercises designed to

improve strength and fitness. Legion officers sometimes regarded gladia-

tors as useful trainers for their soldiers and had them show the troops the

dirty tricks of arena combat.

The celebrated doctor Galen, whose views on medicine were long seen

as infallible in later eras, was a physician to gladiators for five years early

in his career. He prescribed a program of walking to improve breathing,

rhythmic movements to settle the soul, and progressive weight training to

build muscle.

Boxing in ancient Greece and Rome consisted solely of

strikes to the head and upper body. Protective headgear

existed but wasn’t used in competitive bouts. Contestants

wrapped their hands and wrists with leather. The original

purpose of this seems to have been to protect the hand, but

later wraps were twisted – some sources claim edged – to

increase the injury from punches, and the Romans some-

times boxed wearing the cestus (p. 214), a studded or spiked

glove. Bouts lasted until one of the fighters submitted or was

incapacitated. Disfigurement was common: legendary

Greek boxers withstood enormous punishment, and period

texts depict cauliflower ears, broken noses, and marred


Men competing in both boxing and pankration would

occasionally request that the pankration events be held first

– a reversal of the usual order. Boxing was held to be so bru-

tal that competitors worried about being too injured to com-

pete in pankration, even if they won! A pankration bout

could end with a submission hold or choke, but a boxing

match ended only when one boxer was too injured to



Medieval knights fought with a pragmatic ruthlessness

that seems quite at odds with modern beliefs about chival-

ry. Period accounts


tell of knights killing each other’s hors-

es, grappling foes and bearing them down to be stabbed to

death, and dealing vicious shield bashes, chokes with sword

blades, and “murder strokes” using the handle of a reversed

sword. Knights did have a concept of honor . . . but in duels

and warfare, victory mattered at least as much as how one


Modern myth also tends to portray knights as brutal

sluggers with little technique. A perusal of written manuals

of period martial arts – collectively known as fechtbücher –

puts the lie to this. The design of knightly weapons was

rugged in order to overcome heavy armor, but the tech-

niques for using them were quite refined. These martial arts

weren’t restricted by borders or culture. Germanic and

French knights bowed to different kings but shared nearly

identical weapons and fighting styles.

On the unarmed front, complex striking arts such as

pankration and boxing fell out of use when the infrastruc-

ture for martial sports disintegrated with the Roman

Empire. The prevalence of heavy armor made wrestling

much more useful, though, and every warrior learned at

least basic grappling. The heavier the armor, the more

important this became – penetrating metal armor is diffi-

cult, but sliding a knife through your foe’s visor is easy once

you have him prone and pinned.

As the Middle Ages wore on, both armor and the

weapons needed to defeat it became heavier. Early knights

wore mail, relied on shields to block, and fought from horse-

back with spears. With the development of high-backed sad-

dles, it became possible to charge with the lance “couched,”

or held under the arm. Armor improved, making it possible

to discard the shield and fight with two-handed weapons

better able to overcome the armor. The period saw a steady

development of weapons, armor, and techniques for using


Warfare wasn’t the only forum for the martial arts. Mock

battles and tournaments – melees and jousts – kept knights’

skills sharp. They also served as a way for a knight to spread

his reputation and display his expertise. Trial by combat was

another fixture of the era. An accused criminal could claim

this right and battle his accuser (either could use a willing

champion), with the “court” finding in favor of the victor.

Noblemen weren’t the only warriors of the Dark Ages and

Middle Ages. Commoners such as England’s yeomen and

Masters of Defence, Asiatic horsem*n such as the Mongols,

and the feared Vikings of Scandinavia all practiced martial

arts. For much of the period, though, the premier armed

martial-arts styles in Europe were those of the knights.


Yeomen Archers

Across most of medieval Europe, farmers were

serfs. In England, though, some farmers – called

yeomen – actually owned small pieces of land. While

still peasants, yeomen were free by the standards of

their time. In return for their freedom, the law

required them to train from youth with the longbow

and other weapons. The government encouraged

archery with contests, tournaments, and laws. It

sometimes went so far as to ban co*ckfighting, dice,

football, and other distractions in order to encourage

archery practice!

The finest longbows were made of a single piece

of yew, carved with both core and edge wood to give

a natural composite effect. Yeomen armed with such

weapons were credited with hitting massed troops at

nearly 400 yards. The usual length of a shot against

an individual target would have been markedly


The legend of Robin Hood owes much to the real

accomplishments of English longbowmen. Robin

Hood was reputed to be the greatest archer in a com-

pany of seasoned archers. His most famous feat of

skill was splitting a rival’s arrow in an archery tour-

nament. (Even GURPS is colored by his exploits: its

rules let archers make individual shots at distances

that would have challenged massed bowmen shoot-

ing at an entire army!)

Robin Hood was also a master of another cele-

brated English weapon: the quarterstaff. He used his

staff to spar with and defeat his eventual companion,

Little John – a giant of a man. Like the longbow, the

staff was inexpensive and available while swords

were costly and spears were inconvenient for daily

use. The iron-shod staff was as much a walking aid as

a weapon, and the English masters praised its value

in self-defense against all foes.

Robin Hood’s legend curiously parallels that of

Japanese hero Yosh*tsune. Both were rebels against

authority, skilled archers, and leaders of men, and

both had a huge, polearm-using companion. In a

mythical campaign, they could be rivals – or allies

against an even greater foe.


Masters of Defence

In England at the end of the Middle Ages and begin-

ning of the Renaissance, certain influential masters of

personal combat became famous as the “Masters of

Defence.” Of common birth, they apprenticed themselves

to skilled martial artists and studied all of the period’s mil-

itary and civilian weapons, truly earning the title “mas-

ter.” At times they even had a royal charter for their activ-

ities. They acted as fight instructors for noble and com-

moner alike, and were occasionally stand-ins during legal

duels – a practice sometimes legal, often not.

During the Elizabethan period, instructors from over-

seas began to challenge the Masters indirectly. In particu-

lar, Italian rapier masters taught their skills to the wealthy

and noble. Masters of Defence such as George Silver

issued challenges to these newcomers and wrote pam-

phlets and even books denigrating their teachings, but

their rivals dismissed them as social inferiors – the

Masters weren’t nobility. The fencing masters likely saw

no reason to accept: defeating a commoner in a no-holds-

barred competition would do little to impress patrons and

students, and failure (or less than total success) could

mean ignominy or even death.

Regardless of the relative efficacy of the competing

styles, it was fashion that undid the Masters’ dominance

over English martial arts. Broadswords, polearms, and

staves were not stylish accessories, while rapiers became

such. Much as in Japan during the Tokugawa era, the

decline of real combat tests meant that instructors of

questionable skill – making dubious claims – could flour-

ish and surpass those with true ability.

For more on the Masters’ skills, see Masters of Defence

Weapon Training (p. 182).

Fechtbücher and

Traveling Masters

Two facets of Renaissance martial arts merit special

discussion: fechtbücher and traveling masters.


The fechtbuch (plural: fechtbücher), or “book of fight-

ing,” represents an important historical resource. Masters

would pen fechtbücher to illustrate their techniques –

mainly armed but also unarmed striking and grappling

(often using holds that modern readers would con-

sider “low” or “dirty”). These works varied greatly in

quality. Some were poorly illustrated, badly written

pamphlets full of common techniques. Others had

excellent art – in one case, by Albrecht Dürer – and

clear text. Many fechtbücher survive to this day, giv-

ing the modern student a glimpse of the incredible

depth of the martial-arts training of an earlier time.

The purpose of fechtbücher wasn’t self-

instruction. Students were supposed to refer to

them while training under the master. As a result,

many fechtbücher and their instructions were

intentionally unclear. A notable example was the

14th-century fechtbuch of Johannes Liechtenauer.

It had excellent illustrations but deliberately cryptic

instructions. Liechtenauer gave only his students

the key to his mnemonic devices. Armed with this,

they could profit from the book while others would

be stymied. It wasn’t until the 15th century that a

student, Sigmund Ringeck, broke ranks and

explained Liechtenauer’s writings.

Books of this type weren’t unique to Germany or

even Europe. Virtually every culture had some form

of written, inscribed, or painted combat manual.

Some of these were straightforward texts on fenc-

ing, others were books of military strategy reputed


to con-

tain hidden lessons in swordplay (or vice versa), and yet

others were scrolls that illustrated fighting techniques but

gave only cryptic descriptions. Perhaps the earliest “fecht-

buch” was Egyptian: a set of tomb paintings that depict-

ed wrestling moves that are still in common use.

Traveling Masters

Germany’s martial-arts masters were similar to

England’s Masters of Defence: commoners who trained

until they attained master status through grueling public

duels. Like the Masters of Defence, they knew how to put

on a show. Groups of masters – accompanied by their

journeymen, apprentices, and inevitable camp-followers

– would travel around Germany demonstrating their

skills at festivals. They would conduct tests for mastery,

stage mock combats to show off their proficiency, and

collect money from spectators. In a historical campaign,

such an eclectic group of combat-trained wanderers

would be an ideal party of PCs!


By the time of the Renaissance, heavy armor, guns, and

masses of disciplined infantry were the norm in warfare. On

the battlefield, arms designed for use by ranked troops over-

shadowed those suited to individual combat. In the civilian

world, though, there was a growing need for weapons and

training useful in street skirmishes and duels.

The first important civilian weapon of the period was the

rapier. Its long blade was designed to let the wielder hit with

a thrust before an opponent with a shorter, broader sword

of comparable weight – like a military sword – could attack.

Early rapiers could cut and thrust, but as time went on, tac-

tics favored the thrust so much that later blades were rarely

edged. Rapiers became the center of an arms race, with

longer and longer rapiers emerging to increase the wielder’s

chances of scoring the first strike. These were unwieldy

against other weapons but their length gave them an edge in

a rapier vs. rapier fight – very useful when dueling!

The rapier’s length made parrying difficult. Most

rapierists relied on the off hand to parry, using a cloak,

main-gauche, or mail glove. Some preferred a second rapi-

er – not for its parrying ability but for the increased odds of

defeating the foe before needing to parry! Fencers in this

period sought the botte segrete (p. 86), or the secret unstop-

pable attack. This might have been the lunge – an extended

thrust that took advantage of the rapier’s length and thrust-

ing ability.

Long blades eventually went out of fashion as masters

discovered that shorter ones had a defensive advantage.

This led to a cycle of new tactics that inspired even shorter

weapons and necessitated further refinements in technique.

The smallsword was the end result: a short, light, stiff blade

designed solely for thrusting and equally useful for offense

and defense. The quest for the parata universale – the

Universal Parry, which could stop even the botte segrete –

replaced the search for the unstoppable attack. For more on

such “ultimate” attacks and defenses, see Secret Techniques

(p. 86).


Modern Europe owes much of its martial-arts heritage to

an explosion of interest in combative sports – and later,

Asian fighting styles – that began during Victorian times.

Victorian Europe

The Victorian period saw a great resurgence in sportive

martial arts across Europe. Polite society still regarded box-

ing and wrestling as brutal sports of the lower classes – and

indeed these activities were extremely popular with those

classes. This “lower-class” nature didn’t stop the posh from

sponsoring fighters, attending fights, and wagering reck-

lessly large amounts of money, though; it simply kept them

from participating.

As for armed martial arts, the period witnessed the devel-

opment of sport quarterstaff forms (using a far shorter staff

than the medieval version) and the widespread practice of

singlestick (stickfighting based on broadsword combat).

With dueling outlawed and combative fencing no longer

acceptable to settle scores, sport fencing began to surge in

popularity. New weapons and rules appeared to make fenc-

ing safer, shifting the emphasis to technique and


This renaissance had some unfortunate consequences for

martial-arts history, though. The writings of Victorian histo-

rians and fencing enthusiasts alike painted fencing as the

pinnacle of swordfighting evolution. This myopic viewpoint

helped generate the myth that knights were unskilled thugs

when compared to skilled, elegant fencers – an error that

would poison histories of the European martial arts until the

present day.

20th-Century Europe

Asian martial arts made their European debut near the

close of the 19th century. In the 1890s, several Japanese

teamed up with self-promoter and showman E.W. Barton-

Wright to teach Jujutsu in England. For Barton-Wright, this

was more an exercise in money-making than in teaching a

martial art – but it wasn’t long before Jujutsu and Judo came

to stay for real. The first European Jujutsu instructor opened

a school in Austria in 1904. By the 1930s, Judo had students

across Europe. Even the Hitler Youth trained in Judo; the

Nazis saw it as a masculine sport, worthy of future warriors.

Sport fencing, boxing, and wrestling remained popular,

too. Most people saw these activities as excellent training in

fitness, proper conduct, and gentlemanly behavior – and as

suitable competition between nations. Boxing in particular

surged in popularity as the Marquess of Queensbury rules

removed some of its stigma without dulling its brutal edge.

During World War II, commandos trained in military

martial arts. They needed skills to eliminate sentries and to

fight using improvised weapons – or no weapons – when the

ammunition ran out or circ*mstances made firearms unde-

sirable. The knife, in particular, was popular.

After WWII, Asian martial arts continued to flourish.

European judoka helped make Judo a competitive Olympic

sport, and influenced its rules. Meanwhile, other Asian arts –

such as Karate (pp. 169-172), and Pentjak Silat (pp. 189-191)

brought back from Indonesia by the Dutch – became more

popular. The French kickboxing style of Savate (pp. 193-194),

its practitioners decimated by the World Wars, became more

sportive in form.

In the late 20th century, two developments exerted a

major influence on European martial arts. The first was an

increase in academic interest in the martial arts of medieval

and Renaissance Europe, accompanied by the appearance of

hobbyists who wished to replicate those arts. The second was

the rapid spread of mixed martial arts (p. 189). Today’s

Europe is a cultural swirl of martial arts, with traditional

armed and unarmed European arts, Asian imports, and the

increasingly popular mixed martial arts among its mosaic of



Many Eastern European and Middle Eastern nations had

or have their own martial arts. These styles receive less detail

here only because they are for the most part either defunct

or extremely new.


Middle East

Islamic warriors fighting against the Crusaders devel-

oped Furusiyya (pp. 159-161): a style of mounted combat

that combined horse archery with close-in tactics. Its main

practitioners were the Mamluks, who first served as soldiers

in Egypt and then ruled there.

Wrestling has long been popular in Iranian and Turkish

culture. Legendary heroes wrestled demons. Rulers kept

famous wrestlers at their courts, and sometimes wrestled

themselves. A Turkish wrestling tournament, Kirkpinar, is

said to be the oldest continuously running sporting compe-

tition in the world, having been held since c. 1362. Both

Turkey and Iran regularly send successful teams of wrestlers

to international competitions.

Today, the Arab states sponsor many sporting events.

One of the biggest grappling tournaments in the world is

that of the Abu Dhabi Combat Club (ADCC), which attracts

competitors from all over the globe. This is no longer held

exclusively in the Middle East, but grappling champi-

onships remain popular there.


In addition, most modern

Arab states train their special-operations forces in the mar-

tial arts.


Present-day Israel is an embattled state, surrounded by

potential foes and in internal turmoil owing to deep ethnic

and religious divides. This motivates many people to study

a martial art for protection. A popular modern style native

to Israel is Krav Maga (p. 183), developed by Imi Sde-Or

(born Imi Lichtenfeld) on the basis of his experience fight-

ing Nazi toughs on the streets of Prague in the 1930s. Krav

Maga stresses pragmatic self-defense tactics – especially

alertness, fight-avoidance, and improvised weapons – and

learning simple techniques thoroughly.


The Russian Empire covered a vast territory and

engulfed many cultures. Wrestling was popular throughout

the region. It came in several varieties, including belt

wrestling (each contender wore a thick belt and tried to grab

his opponent’s belt and throw him), shirt wrestling, and free


In the 1930s, when Soviet culture was on the rise,

Anatolij A. Kharlampiev, Viktor A. Spiridonov, and Vasilij S.

Oschepkov synthesized Sambo (p. 185) from many indige-

nous wrestling styles and Judo. Sambo went on to become

the official martial art of the USSR. Aside from Sambo, only

Judo – as an Olympic sport – enjoyed official sanction.

Sambo practitioners have often done well in Judo and

mixed martial arts competitions. Other martial arts have

made inroads in the post-Soviet era, but Sambo’s roots are

firmly established and it remains Russia’s signature fighting




Few people regard Africa as a hotbed of martial arts, but

in fact the earliest verifiable evidence of the martial arts

comes from ancient Egypt. Other African fighting styles are

poorly known outside their homelands. It’s clear that fierce

warriors wielded spears and sticks with great skill through-

out African history, however.

Ancient Egypt

Paintings on the walls of a tomb at Beni Hasan, dating to

1950 B.C. or even earlier, constitute the oldest known record

of the martial arts. The frescoes depict wrestlers using holds

that modern grapplers would recognize. These might have

been for teaching – an early wrestling “manual” – or for

artistic purposes.

Friezes on the walls of other Egyptian tombs show men

and boys fighting with sticks before the pharaoh. It isn’t

clear whether this depicts a sport, training for war, or an

exhibition for the pharaoh’s entertainment. What is clear is

that the Egyptians had their own martial arts, and that

training and practice were a spectator sport for kings.

In a cinematic campaign, adventurers might plumb the

depths of a musty Egyptian tomb searching not for funerary

treasures but for the lost teachings of an ancient martial-

arts master!

The Zulus

In the 19th century, the Zulus were pastoral herders liv-

ing in southern Africa. They built an empire after the rise of

a new king, Shaka. Shaka organized his warriors into disci-

plined regiments. His army developed a new method of

spear fighting that used not only the traditional javelin but

also a short spear for stabbing. Decades later, the Zulus dealt

Britain a catastrophic defeat at the battle of Isandlwana.

Subsequent battles proved disastrous for the Zulus, but

their victory at Isandlwana cemented their reputation as

fierce opponents.


Many African tribes retain a tradition of stickfighting as

both a sport and (until recently) a combative art. In some

cases, fighters wear padding and wield whippy sticks; in

others, they wear no protection and use heavy knobbed

clubs. There are both one-stick and two-stick styles; two-

stick styles use the off-hand stick for parrying. Some tradi-

tions eschew parrying and simply alternate strikes until one

fighter gives in from the pain. Defending in such a contest is

considered cowardly and weak! Whether African stickfight-

ing traditions stretch back to those of ancient Egypt or are

independent local developments isn’t known.



Asian and European martial arts made the long trek to

the New World along with immigrants from their home-

lands – often acquiring a distinctive flavor along the way.

You can find martial artists from Canada to Argentina, but

Brazil and the U.S. are home to the most active



Brazil, the largest nation in South America, is also the

point of origin of two widely known martial arts: Capoeira

(pp. 153-154) and Brazilian Jiu-jitsu (pp. 167-168). Both can

trace their origins to Old World styles.

Capoeira developed from a fusion of styles, most from

Africa but possibly including Savate (pp. 193-194). Largely

practiced as a sport outside of Brazil, it originated as a com-

bative form practiced by slaves. Even in modern

times, streetfighters use it to settle differences.

Brazilian Jiu-jitsu originated with the

Gracie family. They learned Jujutsu (pp. 166-

168) and Judo (p. 166) from a Japanese immi-

grant and then applied their own experience to

those teachings. The Gracies tested and

refined their art in numerous no-holds-barred

matches, called vale tudo (“anything goes”) in

Portuguese. Vale tudo makes an excellent

venue for a campaign centered on competitive

martial artists; see The Contender (p. 250).


The earliest martial arts in the U.S. were

boxing and wrestling, which have origins that

long predate the colonization of America.

During the 19th century, these were popular

pastimes among the poorer strata of society.

Lawmakers often outlawed prizefights, but

this simply drove them underground or led to

bizarre legal dodges such as paying an

“appearance fee” at a bar, charging customers

a “membership fee” for a one-night-only pri-

vate club, or staging bouts on barges or at

unadvertised locations along a train route.

Today, American boxing and wrestling have a

dedicated following in the U.S. and worldwide.

Few martial arts claim the U.S. as their

point of origin, and even those that do – for

instance, Hawaii’s Kajukenbo (p. 168) and

California’s Jeet Kune Do (pp. 164-165) – can

trace their development from Asian arts.

Contact with America has changed many mar-

tial arts, though. The present-day U.S. has an

eclectic collection of martial arts; look hard

enough and you can find almost any style

within its borders. Asian styles and mixed

martial arts are especially common. This

makes the U.S. a hotbed of martial-arts


The wealth of the modern U.S. means that even the

smallest town can support one (or more!) martial-arts

schools. It’s common for parents to send little Taylor and

Ashley off to the local dojo to get fit, learn confidence and

self-defense, and “get better grades.” Today, training in the

martial arts is no more unusual than playing baseball or


The typical American school emphasizes tournament

fighting, forms, and kata. Some academies hold an unusu-

ally large number of promotional exams – almost everyone

gets a black belt after a predictable time period. Derogatory

terms for such a business include “belt mill” and “McDojo.”

Other schools work on a tiered system, training most stu-

dents in the art form but teaching a select few the entire

combat style, either to preserve the tradition or to produce

competitors for no-holds-barred bouts.

Women in the Martial Arts

Nature, nurture, or a combination of the two . . . whatever the

reason, it’s a historical fact that most of the combatants in humanity’s

wars have been male. Thus, it isn’t especially surprising that men

have dominated the martial arts since their inception. This certainly

doesn’t mean that women don’t practice or teach martial arts!

Women have been martial artists for much of recorded history.

Greek legends described the Amazons, reputed to be unrivalled as

archers. Early tales of Celtic hero Cu Chulainn told of a female war-

rior. Both no doubt had some basis in fact. Muslim traveler Ibn

Battuta wrote of women warriors in Southeast Asia. The naginata is

famous as the weapon of Japanese noblewomen – both for fitness and



in wartime – and in the 1930s was taught to schoolgirls.

Several martial arts – notably Wing Chun (pp. 203-204) and one

form of Pentjak Silat (pp. 189-191) – claim a female founder in their

legendary history. Tradition has it that Wing Chun is named after the

woman who founded it, and that the Silat style was invented by a

woman who observed two animals fighting. Neither origin is verifi-

able, but these styles certainly attract numerous female martial

artists. Silat, especially, prides itself on female participation and has

many women students and masters. Kalaripayit (pp. 168-169), too,

has legends of female practitioners and instructors. Again, it’s difficult

to verify these but they clearly show that the art isn’t solely for men.

Many modern schools are open only to women or hold women-

only classes. This is somewhat controversial. For artistic styles, it’s of

little consequence. For combat or self-defense styles that might be

used against men, however, it’s a valid argument that practicing only

against women leaves out an essential element of training: employing

techniques against opponents of the type you’re likely to face in an

actual conflict. Suggesting that a women-only school produces poor

or incomplete martial artists is a good way to start a fight, though!

In the sports world, competitive Judo has a women’s division that

features many competitors at the Olympic level. Mixed martial arts

and professional boxing and wrestling have women’s tournaments,

too, and participation levels have grown steadily. In Japan, local

Kyudo (p. 181) and Kendo (p. 175) schools and clubs are co-ed, and

women and men sometimes compete head-to-head.




Below are short biographies of some important figures

from martial-arts history, arranged chronologically to give a

sense of the evolution of the fighting arts.

Milo of Croton (6th Century B.C.)

Milo was born in the 6th century B.C. in the Greek colony

of Croton, in southern Italy. A prodigiously strong wrestler, he

rose to prominence at the 60th Olympic Games (540 B.C.). He

won at least 32 major wrestling contests – including six

Olympic crowns – over a career spanning more than two

decades. His attempt to win a seventh crown failed when his

younger opponent (also from Croton) made it a contest of

endurance and refused to close with the more powerful Milo.

Despite his age, his rivals still feared his massive strength!

Milo was famously strong and large – it’s said that he car-

ried a bull calf around on his shoulders daily to strengthen his

muscles, finally eating the bull when it reached adulthood

four years later. Due to this feat, some credit him as the father

of progressive resistance exercise. Milo also performed feats

of strength and balance. He challenged people to move him

from a precarious perch atop an oiled discus, or to bend his

fingers or arm, and could burst a band stretched around his

temples by inhaling. Legend has it that Milo himself carried

and placed the great bronze statue dedicated to his Olympic


Detractors made Milo out to be a buffoon, a glutton, and a

man who thought with his muscles. He wasn’t simply a

wrestler, though – some sources claim that he was a disciple

of Pythagoras (and once saved his life by holding up a falling

roof), a man of political influence, and a brave warrior

respected by his fellow soldiers. According to legend, he died

of hubris: finding a partially split tree stump held open by

wedges, he tried to tear it apart with sheer strength but the

wedges fell out and his hands were trapped. Helpless, he was

devoured by wild beasts. This legendary death features promi-

nently in the many statues and paintings immortalizing Milo.

Theogenes of Thasos (5th Century B.C.)

Born on the island of Thasos in the early 5th century B.C.,

Theogenes was a boxer and pankrationist of legendary skill.

A full-time athlete, he traveled widely to compete. He pur-

portedly won between 1,200 and 1,400 bouts. These included

23 major contests, among them two Olympic crowns – one in

boxing, one in pankration – and a “double victory” at Isthmus

(winning boxing and pankration in the same day). Some

sources claim that he killed or disabled most of those he

defeated. True or not, his rivals feared him: he won at least

one boxing competition because his opponents chose to with-

draw rather than face him!

Theogenes was famously arrogant, aggressive, and con-

cerned with personal honor. He named his son “Diolympos”

– “twice at Olympia” – to commemorate his Olympic victo-

ries. He also had a reputation for competitiveness, and once

challenged his guests at a feast to fight him at pankration.

Trying to win at both boxing and pankration at the 75th

Olympiad, Theogenes lost to his best opponent only after

exhausting him and forcing him to default in the final match.

The judges felt that Theogenes had deliberately undercut his

opponent’s chances for victory, fined him one talent (enough

to pay at least 6,000 soldiers for a day!), and sternly rebuked

him. He apparently took this in stride, as he continued to

compete for many years.

Upon his death, Theogenes was enshrined like a god, com-

plete with a statue hollowed out to hold donations. This relic

acquired a reputation for miraculous healing. Theogenes was

one of the first professional martial artists – he built his

career entirely around fighting in contests and lived off his

prize money.

William Marshal (1146-1219)

William Marshal was born c. 1146, the son of John

Marshal – a middle-class knight and tender of the king’s

horses. Squired to another knight at age 12, he was himself

knighted just before battle at age 20. William fought ably in

his first battle. He went on to fight in dozens of tournaments

and melees, and was more often than not victorious.

William served under four English kings, including Henry

II and Richard I. He once put down a rebellion by Richard

while in the service of Henry, but Richard so admired

William’s valor and loyalty that he granted him lands and a

command upon becoming king. William also went on a cru-

sade to the Holy Lands, where he fought for five years.

William was a paragon of knighthood: humble, well-

spoken, honorable, and a noted leader of men. He was loyal

to his king, brave, and dedicated. He was also a terrifically

skilled fighter, a loyal companion in battle (and in the taverns

afterward!), and fond of jousts. Like most Western martial

artists, he claimed no particular school or master. He was

skilled with knightly weapons (sword, lance, and mace), an

expert horseman, and – based on what’s known of his time

period – almost certainly an adept wrestler, capable of han-

dling himself unarmed as well as armed.

William’s fearsome combat skills apparently waned little

with age. He fought in battles and tournaments, and put down

rebellions against his lord, right up until his death. At age 73,

he led a charge against rebelling knights. He took three dents

to his helm and personally fought the rebel commanders

hand-to-hand. He died not in battle but of natural causes.

Musashi Miyamoto (1584-1645)

Born in the village of Miyamoto, Mimasaka province,

Japan in 1584, Shinmen Musashi no Kami Fujiwara no

Genshin – better known as Musashi Miyamoto – was the son

of a samurai with a long and honorable lineage. His father

either left or was killed, and his mother died, leaving

Musashi an orphan in the care of a local priest.

Musashi was a precocious martial artist. Large for his

age and prone to violence, he slew his first man in single

combat at age 13, throwing his sword-armed opponent to

the ground and dashing in his head with a stick – foreshad-

owing a tactic for which he would later become famous. At

age 16, he joined the Ashikaga army in their fight against

Tokugawa Ieyasu at the battle of Sekigahara. Musashi chose

the losing side but survived both the battle and the subse-

quent hunting down and massacre of the defeated army.

Musashi then began his “Warrior’s Pilgrimage.” He trav-

eled around Japan,


honing his sword skills and fighting any-

one willing to meet him in mortal combat. He was utterly

single-minded about the martial arts. He left his hair uncut

and took neither a wife nor a job. His sole concern was per-

fecting his art, and he thought only of battle. It’s said that he

wouldn’t bathe without his weapon close at hand, to prevent

enemies from taking advantage. He was eccentric, and

showed up to more than one duel so disheveled and behav-

ing so oddly that it unnerved his foe.

Musashi fought in six wars and hundreds of single com-

bats until about age 50. A legend in his own time, he features

prominently in stories from all parts of Japan. For instance,

practitioners of Jojutsu (p. 192) proudly tell the tale of how

their founder lost to Musashi and went on to perfect a style

so powerful that even Musashi couldn’t defeat him!

After his pilgrimage, Musashi adopted a son and became

a teacher, commander, and advisor at the court of a daimyo

on Kyushu. He fought in even more battles, acted as a gen-

eral and sword instructor, and took up painting and wood-

carving. In his final years, he left the court and lived alone

in the mountains, contemplating the ways of the sword and

of strategy. Shortly before his death, he wrote Go Rin No

Sho, or “A Book of Five Rings,” in which he expounded that

strategy and swordsmanship were identical.

Musashi is best known for the style of Kenjutsu (pp. 173-

175) he created, Hyoho Niten Ichi Ryu. He felt that fighting

exclusively with two hands on a single sword was limiting,

and espoused fighting with long and short swords simulta-

neously. Musashi did not himself use actual swords often –

his preferred weapon was the bokken, or wooden training

sword. His record of success in duels leaves little room to

debate its deadliness. Musashi even fought duels with

improvised clubs made from tree branches or oars.

Musashi was a ferocious fighter in his youth, ruthlessly

killing his foes regardless of age, skill, and social position. In

his later years, though, he became less bloodthirsty and was

widely regarded for his great skill in Kenjutsu, earning the

name Kensei, or “sword saint.”

George Silver

(Late 16th/Early 17th Century)

George Silver was a Master of Defence in late 16th- and

early 17th-century England. He’s best known for his written

attacks on foreign martial-arts masters – notably those

teaching the popular new dueling weapon, the rapier. He

wrote two treatises on the subject. Paradoxes of Defence was

published in 1599. The manuscript for Brief Instructions on

My Paradoxes of Defence remained in a museum collection

until finally published in 1898.

Silver epitomized the Master of Defence. Of humble ori-

gins and by most accounts literate and well-spoken, he was

a master of all of the requisite weapons of personal combat

and war. He honed his skills with constant training and test-

ed them against other masters in open matches. Silver was

confident of his ability to defeat any foe with any combina-

tion of weapons. The Italian rapier masters teaching in

England rebuffed or ignored his many challenges, however.

Silver felt that the rapier masters’ emphasis on the thrust

was dangerous thinking. He acknowledged that a thrust

through the body could kill, but pointed out that it wasn’t so

immediately disabling that the victim couldn’t return the

favor before falling! He favored a weapon that could deal

cuts severe enough to cripple an opponent’s limbs, effective-

ly neutralizing him. His writings are often strident defenses

of a combat form on its way to becoming outmoded and

unfashionable, but they’re also the work of a true martial-

arts master who sought to prepare his readers for battle in

all its forms.

Wong Fei-Hung (1847-1924)

Wong Fei-Hung was a physician and martial artist in

Canton province, China. He was born in 1847, the son of

Wong Kei-Ying – one of the famous Ten Tigers of Canton, a

group of top martial-arts masters. Wong Kei-Ying traced his

own martial-arts lineage – from his sifu (master) to his sifu’s

sifu – back to the Shaolin Temple’s scattered masters.

As a physician, Wong was known for his compassion and

skill. He would treat any patient, rich or poor. As a martial

artist, he was credited with developing the Tiger-Crane form

of Hung Gar Kung Fu (p. 163). A political revolutionary as

well, Wong participated in a mass protest against the gover-

nor of Fujian province, which was brutally crushed. He fled

to Canton, where he married several times and lived a quiet

life until his death in 1924.

After Wong’s death, Woshi Shanren wrote a series of pop-

ular novels about his life. Wong was also the main character

in many Peking Opera productions and over 100 movies.

Many actors have portrayed him, including Kwan Tak-Hing

(who played him in most of those movies), Jet Li, Sammo

Hung, and Jackie Chan. Wong’s abilities and deeds grew in

the retelling. He became a full-fledged folk hero, credited

with fighting off scheming Triads, defeating secret plots, and

standing up for China against rampant European colonial-

ism. His name is instantly recognizable in Chinese cinema –

complete with a theme song, a statue in his honor, and still-

growing legends of his exploits.

John L. Sullivan (1858-1918)

John Lawrence Sullivan was born to Irish immigrant

parents in Boston, Massachusetts on October 12, 1858. By

1880, he had started fighting, first in exhibitions (usually

with gloves) and then in prize rings (with gloves, kid gloves,

or bare knuckles). At the time, prizefighting was illegal and

promoters nonexistent. The fighters’ backers put up the

prize money and side bets. Spectators paid admission and a

hat was passed to gather money for the fighters. Police often

interrupted the bouts, which were as a result frequently

staged in undisclosed locations (once even on a barge!).


Sullivan stood 5’10” and weighed just under 200 lbs. in

fighting trim. He sported the long handlebar mustache of

his era and wore his dark hair short to prevent hair-pulling

in the ring. He was the stereotypical celebrity athlete. He

drank heavily, womanized, and partied, and saved little for

the future. He took crazy dares, shot off guns, and once even

ran into a burning building to help salvage furniture. He

could also be generous, offering money or goods to those in


Sullivan fought under the loose London Prize Ring rules,

which featured untimed rounds and allowed standing grap-

ples, throws, and bare knuckles; in fact, he was the last of

the bare-knuckle champs. Later, he became the first prize-

fighter to accept the Marquess of Queensbury rules – the

forerunner of today’s boxing regulations. Whatever the

rules, he wasn’t a finesse fighter. He ran down his opponents

with his famous bull-like rushes and defeated them with

ferocious strength. He participated in 47 prize bouts, with a

record of 43-3-1. He fought in a match in France and one in

Canada, and in hundreds of exhibitions.

In 1889, just outside New Orleans, Sullivan fought in the

last great bare-knuckle boxing championship. He accepted

the bout while he wasn’t in top form, and hired a noted

wrestling and boxing coach to whip him into shape for the

reported sum of $10,000! It was money well-spent. Sullivan

knocked out his opponent, Jake Kilrain, after 75 brutal

rounds under the London Prize Ring rules. This was also

Sullivan’s greatest moment; he lost his next bout to James J.

Corbett, a young fighter known for a bobbing, weaving, and

ducking style that would soon characterize all prizefighting.

Although Sullivan would win one more bout under the

Marquess of Queensbury rules, his career as a boxer was


Sullivan died of a heart attack on February 2, 1918.

Funakoshi Gichin (1868-1957)

Funakoshi Gichin was in many ways the father of the

modern sport of Karate. Born in Okinawa in 1868, at the

dawn of the Meiji Restoration, he was a small and weak

child. One of his classmates was the son of a Te (pp. 169-

170) instructor, and Funakoshi took lessons – at night and in

secret, since instruction


was still illegal. His health

improved, and this turned out to be the first step in what

would later become his way of life.

Funakoshi sat for and passed the entrance exams for

medical school, but furor over his samurai-class topknot led

him to withdraw his application. He later cut off his topknot

and became a schoolteacher, drawing on his early education

in Chinese classics. Funakoshi continued to study martial

arts at night under Azato Yasutsune. Azato was strict,

requiring his student to repeat the same kata or drill until it

was mastered before moving on to the next. Funakoshi went

on to learn from several of Okinawa’s top Te instructors.

In 1922, Funakoshi came to Japan as an official ambas-

sador for Karate. He founded a dojo and called it and the

style he taught there Shotokan (p. 170), after a nom de

plume he used for his poetry (Shoto, or “Pine Wave”).

Funakoshi was a great believer in the power of Te and the

benefits of Karate as healthy exercise, and attempted to

spread the practice of the martial arts to all. He was

peaceful, and taught that the martial arts should only be

used for self-defense – and even then, only when one’s life

was in danger. He had little tolerance for exaggerated tech-

niques or myths about “fatal blows,” and regarded “iron

hand” training as bunk.

Funakoshi constantly refined and improved his style. He

believed that each instructor should teach his own way and

encouraged a diversity of Karate styles. Indeed, Shotokan is

the forerunner of many modern Karate styles – including

Kyokushin (pp. 171-172), founded by Funakoshi’s student

Mas Oyama (p. 24). Funakoshi died in 1957.

Ghulam Muhammad (“Gama”)


Ghulam Muhammad – better known as “The Lion of the

Punjab” or simply “Gama” – was born in 1878 to Kashmiri

parents in what was then India. Both he and his brother,

Imam Bux, became wrestlers. Despite being a Muslim,

Gama was accepted into Indian wrestling circles thanks to

his enormous skill and power. By age 19, he stood 5’7” and

weighed 200 lbs. He fought numerous matches against

Indian opponents, defeating or drawing against them all

and eventually defeating those capable of drawing against


In 1910 (some sources say 1908), Gama traveled to

Europe to wrestle. He engaged in several catch-as-catch-can

wrestling matches against the best grapplers he could find.

These included the 234-lb. American B.F. “Doc” Roller and

the 254-lb. Pole Stanislaus “Stanley” Zbyszko. Zbyszko was

unable to take the offensive but his weight advantage

allowed him to sustain a draw after a match that lasted over

two and a half hours. He didn’t show for the decision match,

so Gama won the John Bull Belt by default.

Gama returned to India, where he had become a celebri-

ty. He met all comers, reigning undefeated as world cham-

pion. Zbyszko fought Gama again in 1928 – this time in a

traditional Indian dirt pit. Gama quickly disposed of him,

throwing him in only six seconds and winning in 42


Gama’s strength and endurance were legendary. Every

day, he would rise hours before dawn – common practice for

Indian wrestlers – and begin his routine of 2,000 dands (a

kind of pushup) and 4,000 baithaks (deep knee bends). His

skill was equally fearsome: few could take the offensive in

matches against him, and those who tried lost more quick-

ly than those who chose to delay. His combination of power,

stamina, and ability was unmatched.

Gama continued to wrestle until the India-Pakistan par-

tition of 1947. He moved to Pakistan, losing his wealth, tro-

phies, and state pension. He was unable to wrestle against

champions because of the bitter political and religious

divide the partition created. He died in 1960.

William E. Fairbairn (1885-1960)

William Ewart Fairbairn was born in England in 1885.

He served in the Royal Marine Light Infantry from 1901 to

1907. Upon leaving the military, he joined the Shanghai

Municipal Police.


In China, Fairbairn came into contact with Chinese and

Japanese martial arts. As part of a SWAT-style “flying squad”

called in to deal with troublemakers on a routine basis, he

was able to put his training to immediate, practical use.

Police records document his personal involvement in over

600 altercations! Despite his famous toughness, Fairbairn

didn’t escape unscathed – in fact, he once survived a beating

by Triad hatchet men who left him for dead. This merely

encouraged him to further develop his unarmed-combat

abilities. He trained his men in “Defendu” – his own style,

stripped down for quick instruction and effectiveness. In

1940, he retired from his post.

During World War II, Fairbairn was recruited to teach

hand-to-hand combat to U.S. and British commandos, and

to members of the OSS. Fairbairn and Eric Anthony Sykes

(another member of Fairbairn’s Shanghai squad) developed

a system of sentry removal and quick, ruthless tactics for

dealing with German troops. They also developed a knife –

the Sykes-Fairbairn commando knife – for use with their

style. Colonel Rex Applegate of the OSS contributed to their

style, too, as well as to the pistol, submachine gun, and rifle

training used by these special-operations troops. Some of

Fairbairn’s teachings were published in the book Get Tough.

Fairbairn died in 1960.

Oyama Masutatsu (“Mas Oyama”)


Oyama Masutatsu was born Yong I-Choi in Korea in

1923. At age 15, he moved to Japan, hoping to become a mil-

itary pilot. Life as a Korean in Japan was difficult, though,

and his dreams of aviation fell away. He took the name

Oyama after the family he lived with and began to train in

Karate under Funakoshi Gichin (p. 23). He made rapid

progress, having trained in Chinese martial arts while in

Korea. He was a nidan (second-degree black belt) by age 18,

when he joined the military.

After World War II, Oyama started to study Goju Ryu

(pp. 170-171). He also took up Judo (p. 166), achieving yon-

dan (fourth-degree black belt) after only four years. Oyama’s

life changed yet again after killing a knife-wielding attacker

with a single strike to the head. Taking a life left him dis-

traught. He supported the dead man’s widow and children

by working on their farm until they were able to take care of

themselves. He then retreated into the mountains for a year

and a half, meditating and developing his martial arts in

constant training.

Oyama returned to civilization in time to win the first

Japan-wide Karate tournament. In 1952, he toured the U.S.

for a year, meeting all challengers, from all styles. He fought

270 matches, winning most with a single, well-placed blow.

Oyama believed that fancy techniques and stances were sec-

ondary to power, and both his kicks and punches were

strong. Word had it that if you failed to block him, you were

defeated . . . but if you did block him, your arm was broken!

For his incredible punching power, he became known as the


Oyama is also famous for bullfighting, although not in

the traditional sense – he fought bulls barehanded, pitting

his Karate against their brute strength. It’s said that he

fought 52 bulls in total, killing three and striking off the

horns of most of the others using only his hands. In 1957, he

fought a bull in a public match in Mexico. The bull gored

Oyama but he got off its horns . . . and then removed one of

them with a sword-hand strike. Oyama was bedridden for

six months, but upon recovery returned to fighting bulls and

practicing the martial arts.

Oyama founded Kyokushin (pp. 171-172) karate-do and

established its first official dojo in 1956. Prior to this, he and

fellow stylists gathered in a Tokyo field to practice with few

holds barred, using open hands or towel-wrapped fists.

Injuries were common and the dropout rate was prodigious.

Over the years, Kyokushin has spread worldwide. Its train-

ing isn’t nearly as brutal as Oyama’s early classes, but it still

has a well-deserved reputation for turning out tough martial


Oyama died from lung cancer in 1994.

Bruce Lee (1940-1973)

Bruce Lee was born in San Francisco,


California in 1940.

His father – a popular entertainer – was in the U.S. to appear

in a play. Bruce grew up in Hong Kong, however. By most

accounts he was a good kid, if rambunctious; playful, but

also hot-tempered and competitive. In his teens, he demon-

strated ability as a dancer, winning a Hong Kong-wide cha-

cha competition.

Bruce’s introduction to the martial arts came from his

father, who practiced T’ai Chi Chuan (pp. 200-201). Bruce

preferred the more direct art of Wing Chun (pp. 203-204),

and started training with Yip Man – an instructor from a

long line of instructors. A talented and enthusiastic martial-

arts student, Bruce also boxed for his high school. His tem-

per got him into a lot of less-decorous fights with other teens

around town, however. He often fought in full-contact chal-

lenge matches held on rooftops or in alleyways, against both

armed and unarmed foes. It was a run-in with the police for

fighting that convinced his family to send him to the U.S. to

finish school. He arrived in America in 1959. In 1964, while

at college in Seattle, Washington, he married Linda Emery,

one of his kung fu students.

Soon after, Bruce began to teach martial arts full-time,

opening what would become a chain of three schools. He

had to turn away would-be students despite his high rates!

He trained those of either sex and of any racial background.

This caused quite a stir in the local Chinese community. A

group of instructors offered Lee a formal challenge: cease

teaching non-Chinese or face a duel. Bruce chose the duel

and won handily, chasing his opponent around the room

until he could force him to submit. Lee’s students eventual-

ly included Kareem Abdul-Jabbar (seen in Game of Death),

Lee Marvin, James Coburn, and Dan Inosanto.

After his duel, Bruce was unhappy. He had won but felt

that his style had been too inefficient to let him win as

quickly as he should have. This led him to develop a more

streamlined method of fighting, which became known as

Jeet Kune Do (pp. 164-165): “the way of the intercepting

fist.” Bruce drew on all of his martial-arts knowledge – box-

ing, fencing, and especially Wing Chun – to develop his art.

He eventually closed his schools because he felt that they

were leading to a rigid style instead of the adaptive process

he sought to create.


Lee was a fanatical martial artist and an enthusiastic

weightlifter, and jogged or ran daily. He also read books on

martial arts, weight training, running, and anatomy. Never

satisfied with his progress, he pushed himself and constant-

ly sought out ways to work more efficiently. He paid a price

for this enthusiasm: while doing a set of heavy back exer-

cises without a proper warm up, he injured his sacral nerve.

This sent him to the hospital and threatened to end his

training permanently. Undaunted, Bruce spent his time in

the hospital filling notebook after notebook with thoughts

on the martial arts. In 1975, these notes would see posthu-

mous publication as The Tao of Jeet Kune Do.

Hollywood discovered Bruce Lee in 1966, while he was

demonstrating his art at a Karate tournament. He was cast

as “Kato” on the television show The Green Hornet. This

wasn’t Lee’s first acting experience. From age six until his

late teens, Bruce had acted in Hong Kong films. Lee found

it hard to make an impact in Hollywood, though – the film

business there was resistant to the idea of a Chinese star. He

eventually moved to Hong Kong to make movies with

Golden Harvest Productions.

In Hong Kong, Lee was a tremendous success. His first

movie, The Big Boss (called Fists of Fury in the U.S.),

smashed all Hong Kong box-office records. Each of his two

subsequent films, Fists of Fury (known as The Chinese

Connection in America) and Way of the Dragon (titled Return

of the Dragon in the U.S.), outdid the previous one. He did

the fight scenes for a film to be called The Game of Death

before a bigger project came along – Enter the Dragon.

Near the peak of his fame, just after Enter the Dragon was

filmed, Bruce Lee died suddenly. Suffering from a severe

headache while visiting a friend, he took medication, laid

down for a nap, and died in his sleep. Rumors were rife that

his death was caused by poison, a drug overdose, or rival

martial artists using secret “hand of death” techniques. The

truth is more prosaic: the headache remedy he took triggered

a cerebral edema, killing him. He had previously had a scare

and a hospital visit for a similar drug reaction, but neither

Bruce nor the friend who gave him the medication realized

that it contained ingredients to which Lee was allergic.

After Lee’s death, his popularity hit an all-time high.

Enter the Dragon launched the action-movie genre, and

interest exploded in Chinese martial arts and Asian martial

arts in general. Hong Kong and Hollywood alike sought “the

next Bruce Lee” but found no one who could match his on-

screen charisma, fantastic fitness, and sheer skill. To this

day, Lee memorabilia, books, and movies continue to sell.

His legacy of influence over the martial arts in America is


Bruce’s son, Brandon, was on his way to modest movie

stardom of his own when he suffered an untimely death on

the set of The Crow. Brandon was shot dead by a gun that

was supposed to be firing blanks. While indisputably an

accident, his death rekindled conspiracy theories about

Secret Masters or angry Chinese martial artists out to

destroy Bruce Lee and his legacy.

Bruce is survived by his wife, Linda, and their daughter,



Myths and misconceptions heavily influence “common

wisdom” about the martial arts. This comes as no surprise –

the martial-arts world itself is full of unverifiable legends,

misinformed students, wild claims, and bad data!


Tameshiwari is the art of using unarmed strikes to break

things: boards, roofing tiles, blocks of ice, and even stones.

It sometimes includes breaking flaming boards, shearing off

the tops of beer bottles, and snuffing candles with the force

of a blow. Tameshiwari is inextricably linked with Karate in

the public mind – especially since many schools use it in

flashy demonstrations and promotions. In reality, it’s a

minor, fairly impractical aspect of the martial arts.

Tameshiwari normally takes place under highly con-

trolled conditions. Practitioners carefully select wood –

most often pine – that is free of knots and has a clear grain.

They choose tiles made of pottery known for its breakabili-

ty and the fact that it doesn’t shatter into sharp, hand-

shredding shards. There are many tricks involved, too –

some of them legitimate “training wheels” for beginners,

others the tools of unscrupulous showoffs. These include

drying or baking boards to remove springiness; separating

multiple boards with spacers to make them easier to break;

and shaving ice blocks in half and re-freezing them with

rock salt between the halves to conceal the flaw.

Tameshiwari isn’t purely for show, though. Karate masters

often teach their students to pull their punches and kicks in

practice, to prevent injury. Tameshiwari represents an oppor-

tunity to strike at full-force and prepare for actual contact.

Asian styles aren’t the only ones to emphasize showy

techniques. Greek wrestlers were fond of demonstrating

their strength, balance, and dexterity. To show off their abil-

ity without fighting, they would break rocks, stand on a

greased shield while people tried to dislodge them, and so

on. More recently, Western circus wrestlers and boxers took

on all comers and paid out prizes to those who could stand

against them.



In the real world, fists are no match for weapons. If an

unarmed martial artist faces sticks, knives, swords, etc., he’ll

probably lose. Even if he’s victorious, he’s liable to be




– Ned Beaumont, Kill-As-Catch-Can

GURPS reflects this reality. An armed fighter who par-

ries a barehanded attack can injure his attacker


(p. B376).

An unarmed warrior who slugs a shield due to a successful

block, or who strikes armor thanks to a failed defense, can

hurt himself (p. B379). If these outcomes don’t seem severe

enough, the GM can use Harsh Realism for Unarmed

Fighters (p. 124) to raise the stakes. Because weapons don’t

suffer these drawbacks – and enjoy superior reach, swing

damage, and/or wounding modifiers – a weaponless fighter

needs to be far more skilled (and lucky) than an armed

opponent to win unscathed.

Martial-arts fiction doesn’t always work this way. It often

seems as if the bad guy who brings weapons to a fight ends up

more vulnerable to the heroes’ punches and kicks! Armed

flunkies serve only to give the heroes a chance to show off by

deflecting arrows, snapping swords, and dodging ill-timed

spear thrusts. Archvillains and important henchmen who

wield weapons against unarmed heroes fare better – but the

finale inevitably comes down to fists and feet. Those who

enjoy this genre convention should consider using Unarmed

Etiquette (p. 132).

Movies where the heroes themselves are armed are an

exception. Chambara movies delight in showing swordsmen

gruesomely carving up unarmed foes, and wuxia movies often

center on swordfighting. What matters is a fair contest – both

sides armed or unarmed. And if an armed hero is disarmed

and must fight barehanded, he’ll certainly be victorious.



Traditional martial arts either focused entirely on armed

combat, emphasized barehanded techniques but included

some weapons training, or balanced the two. European

masters included wrestling in their armed styles. Filipino

masters regarded sticks and knives as training tools, and

taught advanced students the same techniques with bare

hands. Only ancient sports styles minimized weapons train-

ing – and even then, the participants, being able-bodied

men, were expected to be adept at another, weapon-

dominated style for war. In short, it’s historically inaccurate

to segregate weapons from unarmed combat. Even today,

there are parts of the world where it’s best to assume that

martial artists are armed!

This doesn’t prevent modern schools – especially those

that teach art or sport forms – from reserving weapons

training for top students, or restricting it to tournaments

and demonstrations. Reasons for this include philosophy

(“master your body first”), cost (weapons are expensive), and

safety (even the “safest” training weapons are more danger-

ous than bare hands). If a style is entirely weapon-based, it’s

likely to be purely an art or sport form; e.g., Épée (p. 160) or

Kyudo (p. 181).

Even so, most modern military and police styles – and

some weapon-based styles – do train in realistic conditions.

Practitioners accept injuries as the cost of realism!

And “martial-arts weapons” capture the popular imagi-

nation from time to time even among those with no train-

ing. Witness the nunchaku fad of the ’70s or the obsession

with “ninja weapons” in the ’80s. This fascination some-

times leads to weapons training in styles that weren’t meant

to use weapons.


The martial arts – armed and unarmed – have had an

interesting relationship with the law since the earliest days

of both. At various points in history, certain regions have

enforced laws restricting martial-arts training by class or by

sex; banning weapons partly or completely; and even for-

bidding unarmed training.

In the modern world, unarmed fighting skills are rarely

regulated. The use of fighting skills can sometimes result in

difficulties with the law, though. As well, a jurisdiction that

puts severe limits on the possession and use of firearms or

knives is likely to extend those restrictions to “martial-arts

weapons” – although one can usually carry them to and

from martial-arts class unchallenged.


Bad Reenactments

A problem hardly unique to the martial arts is that

of bad reenactments. Simply put, these are demon-

strations of martial skills that don’t actually prove

what they set out to establish. Most take one of two

forms: the deliberately staged event or bad science.

Deliberately staged events are pure showmanship

– whether to entertain or to deceive – by masters who

claim chi powers, incredible speed or skill, or other

special abilities. Such demonstrations seem to occur

under “real-life” conditions but actually involve pre-

pared props and/or subjects trained or coached by

the master, typically in carefully engineered situa-

tions. Swords thrust into an iron throat might be

flimsy “thunder blades” designed for showy looks

and safety. Boards struck by a “power blow” might be

baked to remove moisture, meaning they’ll snap

under minimal pressure. The master might “knock

out” cooperative students using pressure-point

strikes or “push” them across the room using his chi

powers. And so on.

Bad science involves a methodical effort to prove

or disprove a claim without genuine scientific rigor.

If the objective is to demonstrate the impracticality of

a technique, the weapons used might be inappropri-

ate (e.g., a cheap replica) or wielded incorrectly (e.g.,

using a broadsword with katana techniques). A test

of chi powers might lack any kind of control group. A

computer model that “proves” that certain martial-

arts techniques can snap ribs or break necks with

ease might assume impossibly ideal conditions. Such

exercises often lack proper attention to the sources,

making it easier to pass off flimsy claims and inaccu-

rate numbers as true.

Both types of bad reenactment help perpetuate

false claims about the martial arts. Even successfully

debunked myths can enjoy incredible vitality. Martial

arts mythology is resilient . . . mostly because people

want to believe in it!

Martial Arts in Court

Contrary to longstanding urban legend, black belts don’t

have to register their hands as deadly weapons. This myth is

traceable to publicity stunts before professional boxing

matches and to outlandish claims made in the movies.

Nowhere in the modern world is there a legal requirement

for trained martial artists to register with the authorities.

Martial-arts experience can influence the case against a

defendant on trial for a violent crime, though. If he’s a mar-

tial artist, he can expect investigators to bring up his back-

ground in an attempt to show that he had the training to

cause harm – or the knowledge and experience to show

restraint. Major considerations include whether the initial

attack was provoked, whether either party acted in self-

defense, and whether the martial artist used “reasonable

force.” Most jurisdictions allow lethal force only if a life is at

stake. In the U.S., there’s precedent for considering an

attacker’s martial-arts training in a self-defense claim; a

court could even find that someone who shot an unarmed

assailant he knew to be martial-arts master was acting in

“self-defense.” On the other side of the coin, muggers have

brought assault charges against victims who’ve fought them

off – and the more injured they look in the witness box, the

better the chance of convincing a jury.

In the eyes of the law, the best policy is to avoid a fight.

If you can’t, then “reasonable force” – such as restraining

your attacker without harming him – is second-best. In such

a situation, the police might opt not to intervene or simply

to send everybody home: no harm, no foul. Unnecessary

force – for instance, striking a drunk and stomping him after

he hits the ground, or using any weapon against an

unarmed man – is an excellent way to attract serious police

attention in even relatively lawless parts. Macho posturing

isn’t a great way to avoid legal trouble, either. Remarks such

as “Even with that knife, he didn’t have a chance against

me!” and “I could kill a guy in three seconds

flat!” aren’t conducive to a successful


Ultimately, the police, magistrates,

judges, jury, etc., who examine the events

leading up to a fight or an assault may or

may not see things from the martial

artist’s perspective


. . . and it’s their judg-

ment that counts. Lethal force or even

unnecessary nonlethal force can mean

prison time. The GM should keep all this

in mind if the PCs in a modern-day cam-

paign get too “karate happy.”

These considerations might not apply

in historical or fictional settings. In some

game worlds, the nobility might possess

absolute, life-and-death power over com-

moners. A commoner striking a noble,

however lightly, might receive a death

sentence. A noble killing a commoner to

test his new sword technique might be

guilty only of showing off – or at most of

damaging another noble’s property by

slaying a valuable peasant.


Through most of history, all that a would-be teacher

needed was the will to hang out a shingle. Instructors thus

varied greatly in terms of skill, teaching ability, enthusi-

asm, and fees. Of course, if dueling was legal, the

unskilled were unlikely to risk claiming mastery unless

the money was excellent. But where dueling was illegal or

looked down upon, and the martial arts rarely saw use in

anger, false masters flourished alongside true ones.

In some times and places, though, martial artists did

require a license to teach. For instance, in medieval and

Renaissance Europe, those who wished to sell instruction

sometimes needed a royal charter – which in turn

required them to produce certification of their mastery.

No such legal requirements exist today, but modern fight-

ers must often join a federation or an organizing body in

order to compete.

Separate from the issue of “who’s a master” is the mat-

ter of injury – physical, psychological, or social.

Historically, if a student suffered injury or was shown to

be less skillful than his reputation demanded, the master

could lose noble patronage or social approval. The teacher

might face the law if he struck a social superior – even in

training. Worries of modern teachers include insurance,

lawsuits (for injury or harassment), half-hearted students,

and concerned parents. Any of these things could lead to

watered-down techniques, emphasis on Combat Art skills,

and non-contact training.

Lastly, an instructor might not wish to teach just

anyone lethal techniques for fear that an irresponsible

student might use them unnecessarily, resulting in legal

consequences! This was a serious concern for historical

masters, and a realistic (and relatively benign) reason to

apply the “Trained by a Fraud” lens (p. 145) to a style.



The names of many martial-arts styles – e.g., Hwa Rang Do (pp. 163-

164) and Shorinjikempo (see Kempo, pp. 172-173) – and schools (such as

Dog Brothers Martial Arts, mentioned under Escrima, pp. 155-156) are

trademarked. Martial Arts doesn’t append the trademark sign (™) because

this isn’t a legal requirement for a game. What the law does require is that

those who sell martial-arts instruction under these names have the

trademark-holder’s permission.

There’s a good reason for this. Historically, the first fake teacher proba-

bly set up shop 15 minutes after the first real one. Today’s laws protect busi-

ness from this kind of theft. Of course, a trademark sign says nothing about

the quality of the martial art. Trademark law protects the fraud who wants

to keep competing scam artists off his turf as well (or as poorly) as it pro-

tects the true master.

Historical style founders would have adopted trademarks if they could

have – especially the frauds! Such self-promoters as E.W. Barton-Wright

(see Bartit*u, p. 167) would have appreciated the veneer of legitimacy

that a legal trademark provided back when such things still impressed the

masses. In the absence of such protection, warrior and swindler alike had

to resort to more direct action if they wished to defend against misuse of

their good (or at least popular) name . . .

Jon Gilbey shouted, “No, Adrian. The high guard!” Less

loudly, “Whatever possessed me to teach a girl?”

Adrian smiled sweetly and repositioned her splintery

waster. “The fact that Tom would teach me if you would not?”

Jon blushed and then focused on the business at hand.

“Here we go,” he said, swinging his wooden blade. “One, two,


Adrian parried expertly.

Jon nodded approvingly. “Again! One, two – ow!”

Adrian’s weapon snaked past Jon’s and knocked him on the

head. Adrian smiled again. “You said not to be predictable.”

Jon rubbed his head. “Oh, you aren’t. I wonder often which

of us is the teacher here.”

Any adventurer might know a few combat skills and be a

capable fighter, but these things alone don’t make him a

martial artist. A true martial artist strives to master a system

of fighting arts. He’s dedicated to physical, mental, and pos-

sibly spiritual self-improvement in pursuit of that goal. He

probably started training as a youth and has devoted far

more than just his free time to learning and practicing his

craft since then.

Such a lifestyle is usually only practical for those who are

cloistered . . . or skilled enough to work as professional

fighters, coaches, or instructors . . . or fortunate enough to

be independently wealthy or have a generous patron. To

hold a normal job and still be an accomplished and recog-

nized martial artist requires almost fanatical determination!

In game terms, the GM would be within his rights to forbid

Laziness to such characters, require high Will, and perhaps

even make one or more of Fanaticism, Obsession, and

Workaholic mandatory.

On the other hand, law enforcers, soldiers, and others in

occupations that bring them into contact with physically

hostile individuals commonly learn to fight as part

of their job. And anyone might take self-

defense lessons or practice a sportive

martial art to stay in shape. Such

people aren’t full-time martial

artists like those discussed

above, but they can justify

being familiar with a fighting

style and knowing its core skills

and techniques – especially

since their teachers often are

career martial artists, support-

ing themselves by tutoring.

Martial Arts supports both

kinds of characters. The differ-

ence has to do with focus, not

with who would win in a fight. A

career martial artist should put

most of his points into ST, DX,

HT, physical advantages, and his

style’s skills and techniques. A

part-time student can certainly

be in similar physical shape. He

might be a good fighter, too –

maybe better than a dedicated

athlete, when it comes to playing

for keeps. He’ll have fewer points

in martial-arts abilities, though,

and probably no points in his

style’s cinematic or optional traits

(see Chapter 5).





The power levels discussed on p. B487 remain valid for

both part-time and full-time martial artists. Some


Feeble (under 25 points): No successful career martial

artist will have so few points! Those in other professions

will need their points for job skills – they won’t have

enough left over for martial-arts abilities. This level best

suits the legions of hopeless goons that action heroes wade

through in martial-arts movies.

Average (25-50 points): Too low for a dedicated martial

artist other than a youth who’s just starting out. “Ordinary

folks” at this level can spare a point or two for martial-arts

lessons, but dangerous occupations that include martial

arts as on-the-job training remain out of reach.

Competent (50-75 points): This is probably the lowest

level where a dedicated martial artist can work as an

adventurer – and only if he takes a few disadvantages and

focuses exclusively on the martial arts. Green military or

police recruits will have enough points to cover their basic

job skills and still learn the rudiments of a martial art.

Exceptional (75-100 points): At this level, it’s possible to

create a respectable career martial artist, although being a

“star” requires extra points from disadvantages and leaves

little room for other skills. A cop, soldier, etc., could be

good at his job and have enough points left over to be com-

petent at the martial arts, too.

Heroic (100-200


. . . . . . 130

Extra Effort in Combat . . . . . . . . . . . 131

More Cinematic Combat Rules . . . . 132

TOURNAMENT COMBAT . . . . . . . . . . . . 134

Roleplaying Tournaments . . . . . . . . . 134

Competition Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134

INJURY AND RECOVERY . . . . . . . . . . . . 136

Realistic Injury. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136

Cinematic Injury . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139

5. STYLES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140

Cinematic Abilities

and Prerequisites . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141

COMPONENTS OF A STYLE . . . . . . . . . . 141

Skills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141

Techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141

Perks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142

Optional Traits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142

Style vs. Style. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143

CHOOSING A STYLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144

Ultimate Styles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144

Self-Defense . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145

Styles for Cops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145

Styles for Soldiers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145

Streetfighting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145

BUYING A STYLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146

Styles Bought During

Character Creation . . . . . . . . . . . 146


Learning New Styles During Play. . . 146

Creating New Styles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146

Combining Styles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147

The Training Sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . 147


Do vs. Jutsu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148

Aikijutsu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149

Armatura. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150

Armatura Equestris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150

Bajutsu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151

Bando . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151

Bando Animal Forms . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151

Boxing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152

Capoeira . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153

The Sweet Science. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153

Chin Na. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154

Dagger Fighting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155

Escrima. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155

“Kung Fu” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155

Fencing Styles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156

Stickfighting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157

Furusiyya . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159

Sport Fencing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160

Hapkido . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161

Hoplomachia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161

Hsing I Chuan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162

External vs. Internal, Hard vs. Soft. . . 162

Hung Gar Kung Fu

(Tiger-Crane Style) . . . . . . . . . . . . 163

Hwa Rang Do. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163

Jeet Kune Do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164

Martial-Arts Uniforms . . . . . . . . . . . . 165

Judo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166

Jujutsu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166

Kajukenbo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168

Kalaripayit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168

Karate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169

Marma. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169

Kempo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172

Kenjutsu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173

Knightly Mounted Combat . . . . . . . . 175

Armed Styles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176

Kobujutsu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178

Kuntao . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178

Kusarijutsu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179

Kyujutsu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179

Longsword Fighting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180

Archery. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181

Masters of Defence

Weapon Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182

Military Hand-to-Hand . . . . . . . . . . . 182

The Purpose of Military

Hand-to-Hand. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184

Muay Thai. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185

Naginatajutsu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186

Pa Kua Chuan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187

Polearm Fighting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187

Pak Hok . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188

Pankration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188

Pentjak Silat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189

Mixed Martial Arts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189

Silat Traditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190

Pollaxe Fighting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191

Praying Mantis Kung Fu. . . . . . . . . . 191

Quarterstaff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192

Staff Fighting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192

Savate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193

Savate Rankings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193

Shaolin Kung Fu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194

Shortsword Fighting . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195

Shurikenjutsu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195

Shaolin Traditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195

Spear Fighting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196

Sojutsu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197

Sumo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198

Sumo Traditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198

Sword-and-Buckler Play . . . . . . . . . . 199

Sword-and-Shield Fighting. . . . . . . . 199

Tae Kwon Do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200

T’ai Chi Chuan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200

Taihojutsu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201

Taijutsu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202

Ninja and Ninjutsu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202

Wing Chun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203

Wrestling. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204

Wushu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206

FICTIONAL STYLES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207

Death Fist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207

Dragon-Man Kung Fu . . . . . . . . . . . . 208

Force-Swordsmanship. . . . . . . . . . . . 209

Freefighting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210

Smasha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210


EQUIPMENT . . . . . . . . . . . 211

WEAPONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212

Cross-Cultural Encounters. . . . . . . . . 212

Combination Weapons . . . . . . . . . . . . 214

Weapons of Quality. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216

Hidden Weapons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218

Unorthodox Attacks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220

Silly Weapons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223

Improvised Weapons . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224

Melee Weapon Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226

Muscle-Powered Ranged

Weapon Table. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231

TRAINING EQUIPMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . 232

Special Arrows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232

Gloves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233

Targets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233

Training Weapons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234

Weights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234

Armor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234

7. CAMPAIGNS . . . . . . . . . . . . 235


CAMPAIGNS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236

The Realistic Campaign . . . . . . . . . . 236

The Cinematic Campaign . . . . . . . . . 238

Special-Case NPCs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238

Hybrid Campaigns. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239

CAMPAIGN SETTING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241

Classical Greece and Rome. . . . . . . . 241

Historical China . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242

Historical Japan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243

Post-Classical Europe . . . . . . . . . . . . 244

Fantasy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245

Modern Day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246

Post-Apocalypse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246

Science Fiction. . . . . . . . . . .


points): Most famous real-world mar-

tial artists are at this level. If they focus on the martial arts,

they’ll be very good – but many spread their points across

abilities useful for acting, teaching, or writing. Individuals

in other professions will have enough points to perform

solidly at a job and a martial art. This level is ideal for real-

istic Martial Arts games. It lets the PCs be capable without

being godlike or one-dimensional.

Larger-than-Life (200-300 points): As the Basic Set says,

this level suits the leading roles in kung fu movies! Those

with ordinary jobs can afford to be world-class in their

field and heroic martial artists. Both character types are

only borderline-realistic, but this is a good starting level for

cinematic Martial Arts games and action-movie


Legendary (300-500 points): Any character who starts

out this powerful and has more than a few points in

martial-arts skills will be an adept martial artist – even if

ostensibly something else – unless intentionally designed

to be physically incompetent. This level is suitable for style

founders and the heroes of wuxia and chambara movies.

Superhuman/Godlike (500+ points): This is the realm of

comics and video games, where “martial arts” is often code

for “super-powers.” Superhuman attributes and exotic

advantages don’t have to overshadow skills, though. By

requiring the PCs to spend their many points on believable

attribute levels and mundane traits, with the only excep-

tions being cinematic martial-arts skills and the special

advantages in this chapter, the GM can run a campaign

that’s truly superheroic but nothing like “mutants in



Few fields are as fertile ground for extravagant claims as

the martial arts. Such claims, in turn, drive skeptics to doubt

even believable, well-documented feats, further obscuring

matters. Fortunately, the GM has the final say about what’s

“real” in his campaign – which is as important as the power


Realistic Martial Artists

Realistic martial artists are limited to normal human abil-

ities. Attribute scores above 15 should be rare – and DX, IQ,

and HT can’t exceed 20 in any event. ST might go past 20, but

the GM may restrict such scores to practitioners of styles that

emphasize bulk (e.g., Sumo, pp. 198-199). The GM should

strictly enforce secondary characteristic limits, too:

• HP and FP can’t vary by more than 30% of ST and HT,


•Will and Per can’t exceed 20 or be lowered by more than

four levels.

• Basic Speed must stay within ±2.00 of its calculated


• Basic Move must remain within ±3 yards/second of its

base value.

Only mundane advantages and disadvantages are allowed;

those labeled exotic 1 or supernatural 5 are off-limits.

Mundane traits described as “cinematic” – Enhanced

Defenses, Gadgeteer, Gizmos, Gunslinger, Rapier Wit,

Trained by a Master, Weapon Master, etc. – are also forbid-

den. The GM might even wish to rule out such borderline-

supernatural advantages as Danger Sense, Daredevil,

Empathy, Luck, and Serendipity.

The above restrictions weaken somewhat in TL8+ cam-

paigns. Steroids, surgery, and so on can grant “superhuman”

physical abilities even in realistic settings. GURPS Bio-Tech

is indispensable for such games.

Realistic PCs can’t learn skills that have prohibited advan-

tages as prerequisites. This eliminates all cinematic martial-

arts skills (for a list, see Trained by a Master, p. 48) and magic

spells. It would be reasonable to forbid skills that produce

supernatural effects, too, such as Alchemy, Enthrallment,

Exorcism, Herb Lore, Musical Influence, and Ritual Magic.

Realistic martial artists can have any point total the GM

likes . . . but as suggested under Power Level (above), anything

over 200 points verges on unrealistic. A fighter with 250 or

more points in purely realistic abilities won’t seem realistic in

play! He’ll be a “combat monster” whose extreme attribute

and skill levels let him duplicate the effects of cinematic abil-

ities through brute force.

Even at low power levels, believable martial artists should

spend their points evenly on all of their style’s skills, not just

on those useful in a fight. Unless they’re cops, street fighters,

or soldiers, they’re liable to have Combat Art or Sport skills

rather than combat skills, and are highly unlikely to have

Combat Reflexes. There’s no special reason to let high-tech

martial artists capitalize on their typically high DX to have

awesome Guns skills, either – not unless they’re police or mil-

itary sharpshooters. If the players want to play lethal fighters

above all, consider running a cinematic campaign!


Cinematic Martial Artists

Cinematic martial artists are free of some, most, or all of

the limitations just described for realistic martial artists.

The GM decides how far to go.

The simplest option is to permit no superhuman abilities

other than Heroic Archer, Trained by a Master, Weapon

Master, and cinematic skills. At low power levels, this can

feel more authentic than a high-powered “realistic” cam-

paign. For instance, many people find it easier to accept that

an aged (and presumably skilled) martial-arts master with

ST 10 can break boards using Breaking Blow than that a

youthful warrior can have ST 20 – even if the latter is real-

istic by the letter of the rules. This treatment suits settings

where the world looks like ours and anything unusual is hid-

den away in monasteries, rarely seen outside secret battles

between masters.

To get a feel closer to a swashbuck-

ling or sword-and-sorcery tale, allow

superhuman attribute, secondary char-

acteristic, and skill levels – and perhaps

one or two levels of an exotic advantage

like Damage Resistance or Striking

Strength – but not cinematic skills. The

heroes’ feats are larger-than-life

because the PCs are extraordinary raw

material. There’s nothing mystical

afoot. The strong man has ST 25, not

Power Blow. The rapier fighter can

strike twice per second because his skill

is high enough to absorb the -6 for

Rapid Strike, not because Trained by a

Master lets him halve the penalty. And

so on.

Allowing all of the above – and most

of the cinematic advantages under

Advantages (pp. 42-53) besides – brings

the campaign closer to a wuxia or

chambara movie. Still, the heroes are

limited to abilities from traditional

martial-arts myth. They fly by project-

ing chi using Flying Leap. Their fists

have DR because they punched iron for

10 years. They don’t possess super-

powers. They’re legendary martial

artists . . . but they’re still martial artists.

Throwing in exotic and supernatu-

ral advantages in general turns the

campaign into a video game or super-

hero comic book that’s only loosely

martial arts-based. The heroes do pos-

sess super-powers – they fly, shoot fire

from their fists, and have skin that

turns bullets. The players in such a “four-color” or “over-the-

top” campaign will probably want access to GURPS Powers

as well as Martial Arts when creating their PCs!

Like their realistic brethren, cinematic martial artists

can have any point total the GM likes. The availability of

flashy, expensive abilities means that the cinematic style of

play works best at generous power levels – probably over

200 points, perhaps higher – but a cinematic campaign

doesn’t have to be high-powered. “Cinematic” has more to

do with attitude than with cool powers. The GM should read

The Cinematic Campaign (p. B488) and require the players

to do the same. There’s no denying the link between “high-

powered” and “cinematic” in martial-arts games, though. At

a sufficiently high power level, even a campaign that per-

mits no special abilities will seem cinematic!


Beginning Students as PCs

The guidelines in this chapter assume that the PCs are experienced fight-

ers, but it can be fun to play martial artists who are just starting out. If all the

PCs are students, the GM may require everyone to start with the Student tem-

plate (pp. 38-40) – or his own variation on it – and study


the same style under

a common master. Whatever ground rules the GM sets, the heroes should be

low-powered. As the template suggests, 75 points is typical. Anything over

100 points is cinematic . . . for a student.

The fun of student PCs is that the players get to see them grow during

play, painstakingly advancing in ability as they adventure. From a game-

mechanical standpoint, the gradual introduction of new abilities and the

associated optional combat rules enables players who are unfamiliar with

Martial Arts to learn the rules in play. How quickly the students develop their

skills is up to the GM.

If the GM religiously enforces Improvement Through Study (p. B292) and

requires that even earned points be spent at the rates given there, it will take

the students many game sessions to master their style. Since campaigns often

don’t last that long and because many players only enjoy the “absolute begin-

ners” theme in small doses, the GM should consider using Intensive Training

(p. B293) to keep things interesting. This isn’t the only option, though – even

if it’s the most realistic one. The GM may let the heroes learn as described in

The Training Sequence (p. 147), which abstracts long, possibly realistic train-

ing times as a die roll and a few minutes of play. In a cinematic game, the

GM might even let the players spend earned points to increase their skills

without pausing to train at all!

Alternatively, the students might be otherwise competent at their careers

but beginners at the martial arts. The only limit on such PCs is that they can’t

have more points in their martial-arts abilities than indicated on the Student

template. The heroes might even know nothing about the martial arts, in

which case they must learn them in play – see Learning New Styles During

Play (pp. 146-147). This is another good place for a training sequence; e.g.,

for spies learning to be ninja in a week . . .



Below are templates for character types especially suit-

able as PCs in Martial Arts games. To use a template, simply

pay its point cost, choose any options left open on the tem-

plate, and note what abilities this gives you. To customize

your PC, spend your remaining points – and any additional

points from quirks or personal disadvantages – on whatever

you like (subject to GM approval). See How to Use Character

Templates (p. B258) for details.

Each template sets aside points for a martial-arts style but

doesn’t list the individual abilities to spend them on. To cus-

tomize the character, choose a style from Chapter 5 and

spend these reserved points on its components, as explained

under Components of a Style (pp. 141-143). The template’s

“Customization Notes” section sug-

gests especially suitable styles, along

with appropriate “style lenses” from

Choosing a Style (pp. 144-146).

Only Contender (p. 32), Instructor

(pp. 34-35), Monk (p. 36), and

Student (pp. 38-39) portray “career”

martial artists. All of the remaining

templates give traits for heroes who

work at occupations where martial-

art experience could be useful. These

don’t depict typical members of

those professions, but unusual peo-

ple who’ve chosen to invest a lot of

time in martial-arts training, either

for reasons of personal philosophy

or to impress potential employers.

The base templates assume a 100- to 150-point realistic

game. However, each has one or two “lenses” that convert it

into a template suitable for a 200- to 250-point cinematic

campaign. The GM should use the higher end of these point

ranges if he wants the PCs to be naturally gifted and well-

trained, as the templates keep attributes modest (between 10

and 13) and focus on skills. As well, the Instructor template

is intended for a master – someone who is by definition bet-

ter than most martial artists – and calls for closer to 200

points in a realistic game or 300 points in a cinematic one.

Remember that templates are neither required nor pre-

scriptive. You can use them “as is,” alter them, or ignore

them and create a PC from whole cloth. But even if you

choose to ignore them, they’re worth skimming for ideas that

could help you with your character concept.


100 points

You’re a silent killer. You might be a ninja, a government

agent, a hired hit man, or a dangerous nutcase with an agen-

da. Whatever your motivations, you’ve chosen the martial

arts as your tool. Unarmed combat is valuable for taking out

targets that would never let a weapon get near, while “tradi-

tional” weapons – bows, knives, etc. – are quieter and less

random than firearms or explosives. The trick is to get close

enough . . . and you’re an expert at that.

Attributes: ST 10 [0]; DX 12 [40]; IQ 12 [40]; HT 10 [0].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d-2/1d; BL 20 lbs.; HP

10 [0]; Will 12 [0]; Per 12 [0]; FP 10 [0]; Basic Speed 5.50

[0]; Basic Move 5 [0].

Advantages: 20 points chosen from among DX +1 [20], IQ +1

[20], Per +1 to +4 [5/level], Acute Senses (any) 1-5 [2/level],

Alternate Identity (Illegal) [15] or Zeroed [10], Cultural

Familiarity [1/culture], Danger Sense [15], Honest Face

[1], Night Vision 1-9 [1/level], Perfect Balance [15],

Peripheral Vision [15], Style Familiarity (any) [1/style], or

Style Perks [1/perk].

Perks: Style Familiarity (own style) [1].

Disadvantages: -20 points chosen from among Duty (Agency,

clan, or guild; Extremely Hazardous; 12 or

less) [-15] or (15 or less) [-20], Greed [-15*],

Intolerance (Nation or other large group) [-5],

Obsession (Assassinate a particular target)

[-5*], Secret (Professional assassin) [-20],

Sense of Duty (Clan or guild) [-5], or Social

Stigma (Criminal Record) [-5]. • Another -20

points chosen from among Bloodlust [-10*],

Callous [-5] or Low Empathy [-20], Code of

Honor (“Stay bought”) [-5], Light Sleeper [-5],

Loner [-5*], Nightmares [-5*], No Sense of

Humor [-10], Paranoia [-10], or Trademark

[-5, -10, or -15].

Primary Skills: Either Disguise (A) IQ+2

[8]-14 or Stealth (A) DX+2 [8]-14. • Also spend

20 points in the skills and techniques of a

combat style (see Chapter 5).

Secondary Skills: Pick four of Forced Entry (E) DX+1 [2]-13;

Climbing (A) DX [2]-12; Camouflage or Savoir-Faire

(Servant), both (E) IQ+1 [2]-13; Acting, Electronics

Operation (Security), Fast-Talk, Holdout, Lockpicking,

Shadowing, or Traps, all (A) IQ [2]-12; or Poisons (H)

IQ-1 [2]-11.

Background Skills: Choose three of Area Knowledge (any) or

Savoir-Faire (Mafia), both (E) IQ [1]-12; or Armoury

(Melee Weapons or Missile Weapons), Explosives

(Demolition or Fireworks), or Streetwise, all (A) IQ-1


* Multiplied for self-control number; see p. B120.


Cinematic (+100 points): Add 80 points chosen from among

Blunt Claws [3], Combat Reflexes [15], Cultural

Adaptability [10], Damage Resistance 1-2 (Partial,

Hands, -40%; Tough Skin, -40%) [1-2], Enhanced Time

Sense [45], Extra Attack 1 or 2 (Multi-Strike, +20%) [30

or 60], Forceful Chi 1-4 [15/level], Gizmos (Only for style,

-20%) [4/level], Heroic Archer [20], Innate Attack

[Varies], Social Chameleon [5], Striker (Crushing) [5],

Trained by a Master [30], or Weapon Master [20-45]. You

must take either Trained by a Master or Weapon Master!

• Add 20 points in your style’s cinematic skills (and pre-

requisites); Invisibility Art, Light Walk, and Lizard Climb

are useful for stalking victims.


Customization Notes

Styles: Ninja should know Taijutsu (pp. 202-203) and at

least one of Kenjutsu (pp. 173-175), Kusarijutsu (p. 179),

Kyujutsu (pp. 179-180), or Shurikenjutsu (pp. 195-197);

those in B-movies often practice Kobujutsu (p. 178). Dagger

Fighting (p. 155) or Shortsword Fighting (p. 195) would

serve realistic assassins well in any pre-modern setting.

Modern government agents are typically taught a form of

Military Hand-to-Hand (pp. 182-185). Cinematic killers

occasionally eschew weapons for aggressive styles, such as

Bando (pp. 151-152) and Muay Thai (pp. 185-186), or those

with lethal pressure-point attacks, like Chin Na (p. 154),

Hwa Rang Do (pp. 163-164),


and Kalaripayit (pp. 168-169).

Style Lenses: Traditional ninja need no lens. “Military”

makes sense for a modern government agent, while “Street”

suits a mob hit man or suspense-movie nutcase.


100 points

You’re a full-time competitor at a combat sport such as

boxing, fencing, or sumo. You might be a medal-seeking

Olympian, a professional jock, or a tough guy on the no-

holds-barred circuit. Stereotypes needn’t apply to you: not

every Olympian is “clean,” jocks aren’t universally stupid

and greedy, and tough guys don’t have to be bloodthirsty.

One thing almost certainly is true, though – you’re either

fighting or training most of the time.

Attributes: ST 12 [20]; DX 12 [40]; IQ 10 [0]; HT 12 [20].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d-1/1d+2; BL 29 lbs.;

HP 12 [0]; Will 10 [0]; Per 10 [0]; FP 12 [0]; Basic Speed

6.00 [0]; Basic Move 6 [0].

Advantages: 20 points chosen from among ST +1 or +2 [10

or 20], DX +1 [20], HT +1 or +2 [10 or 20], HP +1 to +3

[2/HP], Will +1 to +4 [5/level], FP +1 to +3 [3/FP],

Ambidexterity [5], Enhanced Dodge 1 [15], Enhanced

Parry 1 [5 or 10], Fearlessness 1-5 [2/level] or Unfazeable

[15], Fit [5] or Very Fit [15], Hard to Subdue 1-5 [2/level],

High Pain Threshold [10], Reputation (Titlist) [Varies],

Striker (Crushing; Limb, Shin, -20%) [4], Style

Familiarity (any) [1/style], Style Perks [1/perk], or Wealth

(Comfortable) [10] or (Wealthy) [20].

Perks: Style Familiarity (own style) [1].

Disadvantages: -20 points chosen from among Code of

Honor (“Fight fair”) [-5] or Secret (Cheater, fall-taker,

steroid-user, etc.) [-5], Greed [-15*], Obsession (Win a

title) [-5*] or (Become the best in the world) [-10*],

Overconfidence [-5*], or Workaholic [-5]. • An addition-

al -20 points chosen from among any of the above or

Appearance (Unattractive) [-4] or (Ugly) [-8], Bad

Temper [-10*], Enemy (Contender of equal skill; Rival; 6

or less) [-2] or (9 or less) [-5], Jealousy [-10], Pacifism

(Reluctant Killer) [-5] or (Cannot Kill) [-15], Reputation

(see p. 54) [Varies], or Stubbornness [-5].

Primary Skills: 30 points in the skills and techniques of a

sport or combat style (see Chapter 5).

Secondary Skills: Pick two of Bicycling (E) DX+1 [2]-13,

Breath Control (H) HT-1 [2]-11, Lifting (A) HT [2]-12,

Running (A) HT [2]-12, Sports (any) (A) DX [2]-12, or

Swimming (E) HT+1 [2]-13.

Background Skills: Savoir-Faire (Dojo) (E) IQ [1]-10. • Also

spend 4 points on Current Affairs (Sports), First Aid, or

Games (any), all IQ/E; Acting, Gambling, or Streetwise,

all IQ/A; Intimidation, Will/A; or Autohypnosis, Will/H.

* Multiplied for self-control number; see p. B120.


Cinematic (+100 points): Add 80 points chosen from among

Arm ST +1 or +2 [5 or 10], Damage Resistance 1-2

(Partial, Hands, -40%; Tough Skin, -40%) [1-2],

Enhanced Dodge 1-3 [15/level], Enhanced Parry 1-3 [5 or

10/level], Enhanced Time Sense [45], Extra Attack 1 or 2

(Multi-Strike, +20%) [30 or 60], Forceful Chi 1-4

[15/level], Innate Attack [Varies], Resistant to Chi

Abilities (+3) [10], Recovery [10], Striking ST +1 or +2 [5

or 10], Trained by a Master [30], or Weapon Master [20-

45]. You must take either Trained by a Master or Weapon

Master! • Add 20 points in your style’s cinematic skills

(and prerequisites); Power Blow is excellent for “finish-

ing moves.”

Tough Guy (+100 points): You’re a hulking brute! You have

no “mystical” abilities, but your gifts are just as cinemat-

ic. Add +1 to ST [10] and 90 points chosen from among

ST +1 to +9 [10/level], HT +1 to +9 [10/level], HP +1 to

+10 [2/HP], Will +1 to +10 [5/level], FP +1 to +10 [3/FP],

Arm ST +1 or +2 [5 or 10], Damage Resistance 1 or 2

(Tough Skin, -40%) [3 or 6], Extra Attack (Multi-Strike,

+20%) 1-3 [30/level], Lifting ST +1 or +2 [3 or 6],

Recovery [10], Resistant to Arm Injury (+3) [1], Resistant

to Neck Injury (+3) [1], or Striking ST +1 or +2 [5 or 10].

Customization Notes

Styles: Styles for historical contenders include Boxing

(pp. 152-153), Greco-Roman Wrestling (p. 205), Pankration

(pp. 188-189), and Sumo (pp. 198-199). The most common

sportive styles today are Judo (p. 166), Karate (pp. 169-172),

Kendo (p. 172), Professional Wrestling (p. 206), Sport

Fencing (p. 160), and Tae Kwon Do (p. 200). Among those

who compete in mixed martial arts and no-holds-barred

events, Bando (pp. 151-152), Brazilian Jiu-jitsu (pp. 167-

168), Muay Thai (pp. 185-186), Sambo (p. 185), and

Submission Wrestling (p. 205) are popular.

Style Lenses: This template is a style lens – albeit a com-

plex one – but a contender who competes in tournaments

hosted by the armed services might have “Military,” while

one who fights in illegal events could justify “Street.”


100 points

You use martial-arts skills to uphold justice or keep the

peace. You might be a watchman in a time or place where

skilled fighters are common (e.g., feudal Japan), a modern

cop who prefers to subdue crooks without the lethal finality

of a bullet, or a vigilante who goes unarmed because

weapons aren’t available or would attract unwelcome atten-

tion. An interesting – if unlikely – alternative is the detective

charged with solving martial arts-related crimes.

Attributes: ST 10 [0]; DX 12 [40]; IQ 12 [40]; HT 10 [0].


Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d-2/1d; BL 20 lbs.; HP

10 [0]; Will 12 [0]; Per 12 [0]; FP 10 [0]; Basic Speed 5.50

[0]; Basic Move 5 [0].

Advantages: 15 points chosen from among Per +1 to +3

[5/level], Acute Senses (any) 1-5 [2/level], Combat

Reflexes [15], Danger Sense [15], Hard to Kill 1-5

[2/level], Intuition [15], Legal Enforcement Powers [5, 10,

or 15] and Police Rank 0-4 [5/level]†, or Style Perks


Perks: Style Familiarity (own style) [1].

Disadvantages: One of Duty (Law-enforcement agency; 12

or less) [-10]†, Secret (Vigilante) [-10], or Secret Identity

(Caped crusader, masked avenger, etc.) [-10]. • A further -

30 points chosen from among Charitable [-15*], Curious

[-5*], Honesty [-10*], Intolerance (Criminals) [-5],

Obsession (Bring down a particular crook) [-5*],

Overconfidence [-5*], Pacifism (Cannot Harm Innocents)

[-10] or (Cannot Kill) [-15], Sense of Duty (Law-abiding

citizens) [-10], or Stubbornness [-5].

Primary Skills: Area Knowledge (any) (E) IQ+1 [2]-13;

Criminology (A) IQ+1 [4]-13; and 20 points in the skills

and techniques of a combat style (see Chapter 5).

Secondary Skills: Observation (A) Per [2]-12 and Streetwise

(A) IQ [2]-12. • Also pick five of Forced Entry or Knot-

Tying, both (E) DX+1 [2]-13; Driving (Automobile) or

Stealth, both (A) DX [2]-12; Current Affairs (Regional) or

Savoir-Faire (Police), both (E) IQ+1 [2]-13; Interrogation

or Shadowing, both (A) IQ [2]-12; Intimidation (A) Will

[2]-12; or Search or Tracking, both (A) Per [2]-12.

Background Skills: Two of Expert Skill (Hoplology), Forensics,

Intelligence Analysis, Law (Criminal or Police), or Tactics,

all (H) IQ-1 [2]-11; or Detect Lies (H) Per-1 [2]-11.

* Multiplied for self-control number; see p. B120.

† Duty must accompany Legal Enforcement Powers.


Del Duque is a masked Mexican wrestler and freelance

detective. Every Del Duque adventure starts with our hero

enjoying a meal in some exotic locale while reading the

newspaper. There’s always an unsolved crime in the news,

and the headline always hints at the action to come

(“Thieves dressed as ninja steal art treasures!”).

After a short investigation during which Del Duque

inevitably stumbles onto clues that the police missed, he

impresses the cops by identifying the culprits as evil mas-

ters of an obscure fighting style. He follows the trail to the

criminals’ lair, sneaks in, and uses a drop kick to jump the

sentry. Within seconds, the rest of the gangsters come

charging in and also suffer defeat. Then the boss appears

and hits Del Duque a few times – but Del Duque soon

catches his fist, twists his arm, and uses his trademark

“pain grip” to force surrender. By the time the police

arrive, Del Duque is tying up the bad guys.

Del Duque lives in a B-movie world where everybody


speaks Spanish, nobody thinks it’s odd that he’s constant-

ly masked (or asks how he eats with a mask on), and a

lone wrestler is more capable than an entire police force.

He doesn’t seem all that fast or skilled, yet he always wins.

He’s definitely a cinematic hero!

Del Duque stands only 5’11” but must weigh at least

300 lbs. He was inspired by the Crimefighter template

(pp. 32-34), and mixes Combat Wrestling (pp. 204-205)

with Professional Wrestling (p. 206).

ST 16 [60]; DX 14 [80]; IQ 14 [80]; HT 14 [40].

Damage 1d+1/2d+2; BL 51 lbs.; HP 16 [0]; Will 14 [0];

Per 14 [0]; FP 14 [0].

Basic Speed 6.00 [-20]; Basic Move 6 [0]; Dodge 10*;

Parry 12*.

Social Background

TL: 8 [0].

CF: Western [0].

Languages: Spanish (Native) [0].


Combat Reflexes [15]; Damage Resistance 1 (Tough

Skin, -40%) [3]; High Pain Threshold [10]; Higher

Purpose (Bring criminals to justice) [5]; Intuition [15];

Serendipity 1 [15]; Trained by a Master [30].

Perks: Honest Face (Only when masked!); Special

Exercises (DR 1, Tough Skin); Style Familiarities

(Combat Wrestling; Professional Wrestling). [4]


Fat [-3]; Honesty (12) [-10]; Pacifism (Cannot Harm

Innocents) [-10]; Secret Identity [-10]; Sense of Duty

(Law-abiding citizens) [-10].

Quirks: Always uses Drop Kick when making a sur-

prise attack; Considers masks perfectly normal; Rarely

speaks; Spends hours reading the newspapers, looking for

high-profile crimes; Wears a cape, even though opponents

could grab it. [-5]


Acrobatics (H) DX-1 [2]-13; Area Knowledge (World)

(E) IQ [1]-14; Brawling (E) DX+2 [4]-16; Brawling Art (E)

DX [1]-14; Criminology (A) IQ-1 [1]-13; Current Affairs

(Headline News) (E) IQ [1]-14; Driving (Automobile) (A)

DX-1 [1]-13; Forensics (H) IQ-2 [1]-12; Hidden Lore

(Secret Styles) (H) IQ [2]-14; Immovable Stance (H) DX

[4]-14; Intimidation (A) Will [2]-14; Judo (H) DX [4]-14;

Knot-Tying (E) DX [1]-14; Law (Criminal) (H) IQ-2 [1]-12;

Observation (A) Per [2]-14; Power Blow (H) Will [4]-14;

Pressure Points (H) IQ [4]-14; Stealth (A) DX [2]-14;

Streetwise (A) IQ [2]-14; Wrestling (A) DX+2 [8]-16;

Wrestling Art (A) DX [1]-14†; Wrestling Sport (A) DX


Techniques: Drop Kick (Brawling) (H) [2]-16; Hand

Catch (Wrestling) (H) [4]-12*; Wrench Arm (H) [5]-16.

* Includes +1 for Combat Reflexes.

† Based on Wrestling default.

Del Duque (350 points)


Cinematic (+100 points): Add 80 points chosen from among

Enhanced Dodge 1-3 [15/level], Enhanced Parry 1-3 [5 or

10/level], Enhanced Time Sense [45], Extra Attack 1 or 2

(Multi-Strike, +20%) [30 or 60], Forceful Chi 1-4

[15/level], Gadgeteer [25], Gizmos [5/level], Heroic

Archer [20], Higher Purpose [5], Innate Attack [Varies],

Resistant to Chi Abilities (+3) [10], Trained by a Master

[30], Weapon Master [20-45], or Wild Talent 1-3

[20/level]. You must take either Trained by a Master or

Weapon Master! • Add 20 points in your style’s cinemat-

ic skills (and prerequisites); Hypnotic Hands, Kiai, and

Pressure Points are handy for taking prisoners.

Customization Notes

Styles: Taihojutsu (p. 201) merits special mention

because it was invented for law enforcers. Most grappling

styles – including Aikijutsu (p. 149), Judo (p. 166), Jujutsu

(pp. 166-168), and Wrestling (pp. 204-206) – are well-suited

to subduing crooks. Being able to hit hard is also useful.

Fictional 19th-century detectives might use Bartit*u (p. 167)

or Savate (pp. 193-194); pulp heroes and practical cops pre-

fer Boxing (pp. 152-153); modern vigilantes go for styles

with “street cred,” such as Capoeira (pp. 153-154), Jeet Kune

Do (p. 164-165), and Kajukenbo (p. 168); and everyone is

familiar with the Shurikenjutsu (pp. 195-197) skills of a

famous crime-fighting “dark knight.”

Style Lenses: “Police” is probable for an actual law officer.

A vigilante might have “Self-Defense” or “Street,” depending

on how aggressive his methods are.


100 points

You’ve studied the fighting arts, typically a knightly or

sword style, in order to win duels for profit. You champion

moneyed folk who wish to settle affairs of honor with blood

– just not theirs. You’re adept at remaining cool enough to

strike not necessarily first but best. Dueling attracts hot-

heads, may be illegal, and often leaves corpses behind, so

you must stay on the road to avoid those who would seek

glory, vengeance, or justice at your expense.

Attributes: ST 11 [10]; DX 13 [60]; IQ 10 [0]; HT 11 [10].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d-1/1d+1; BL 24 lbs.;

HP 11 [0]; Will 10 [0]; Per 10 [0]; FP 11 [0]; Basic Speed

6.00 [0]; Basic Move 6 [0].

Advantages: 20 points chosen from among DX +1 [20],

Basic Speed +1 [20], Ambidexterity [5], Enhanced Block

1 [5], Enhanced Dodge 1 [15], Enhanced Parry 1 [5 or

10], Fearlessness 1-5 [2/level] or Unfazeable [15], Hard to

Kill 1-5 [2/level], Luck [15], Rapid Healing [5], Style

Familiarity (any) [1/style], Style Perks [1/perk], Wealth

(Comfortable) [10] or (Wealthy) [20], or Weapon Bond


Perks: Style Familiarity (own style) [1].

Disadvantages: -20 points chosen from among Enemy

(Glory-seeker or rival duelist; Hunter; 6 or less) [-5] or (9

or less) [-10], Enemy (Past victim’s vengeful relatives;

Hunter; 6 or less) [-5] or (9 or less) [-10], Reputation -1 or

-2 (Ruthless killer) [-5 or -10], Secret (Illegal dueling

deaths) [-20], or Social Stigma (Criminal Record) [-5].

• An additional -20 points chosen from among Bloodlust

[-10*], Callous [-5] or Low Empathy [-20], Code of Honor

(Professional) [-5] or (Gentleman’s) [-10], Distinctive

Features (Dueling scars) [-1], Greed [-15*], Loner [-5*],

or Overconfidence [-5*].

Primary Skills: 30 points in the skills and techniques of a

combat style (see Chapter 5). Unlike most martial artists,

a duelist can justify putting most of these points into just

one skill!

Secondary Skills: Armoury (Melee Weapons) (A) IQ [2]-10;

Current Affairs (People) (E) IQ [1]-10; First Aid (E) IQ

[1]-10; and Savoir-Faire (High Society) (E) IQ [1]-10.

Background Skills: 4 points chosen from among Area

Knowledge (any) or Savoir-Faire (Dojo), both IQ/E;

Connoisseur (Weapons) or Merchant, both IQ/A;

Diplomacy, Expert Skill (Hoplology), or Law (Criminal),

all IQ/H; or Intimidation, Will/A.

* Multiplied for self-control number; see p. B120.


Cinematic (+100 points): Add 80 points chosen from among

Enhanced Block 1-3 [5/level], Enhanced Dodge 1-3

[15/level], Enhanced Parry 1-3 [5 or 10/level], Enhanced

Time Sense [45], Extra Attack 1 or 2 (Multi-Strike, +20%)

[30 or 60], Forceful Chi 1-4 [15/level], Innate Attack

[Varies], Resistant to Chi Abilities (+3) [10], Trained by a

Master [30], or Weapon Master [20-45]. You must take

either Trained by a Master or Weapon Master! • Add 20

points in your style’s cinematic skills (and prerequisites);

Flying Leap is extremely useful for surprising adversaries

and getting the first strike.

Customization Notes

Styles: Sword styles dominate the profession. These include

Fencing (pp. 156-159), Kenjutsu (pp. 173-175), Longsword

Fighting (pp. 180-182), Shortsword Fighting (p. 195), Sword-

and-Buckler Play (p. 199), and Sword-and-Shield Fighting

(pp. 199-200). Historical duelists might instead know Glaive

Fighting (p. 187), Pollaxe Fighting (p. 191), or Quarterstaff

(pp. 192-193). A duelist might supplement any of these styles

with Combat Wrestling (pp. 204-205) and/or Dagger Fighting

(p. 155). An alternative for the well-rounded 15th- through

17th-century European duelist is the very complete Masters of

Defence Weapon Training (p. 182).

Style Lenses: Usually none, because the unmodified

forms of most styles suitable for duelists are meant for duel-

ing. “Trained by a Fraud” is conceivable for a wannabe

duelist taught by an unscrupulous master, though.


175 points

You’re a martial-arts master with your own dojo, salle,

gym, etc. While you’re an accomplished fighter, your real

expertise lies in inspiring students to train and in figuring

out where they most need to improve. How you do this is up

to you. You might favor newfangled “scientific”



(e.g., geometric patterns on the floor or gleaming machines)

or old-fashioned ones. You might patiently tutor your

charges or beat them until they get it right . . .

Attributes: ST 12 [20]; DX 12 [40]; IQ 12 [40]; HT 12 [20].


Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d-1/1d+2; BL 29 lbs.;

HP 12 [0]; Will 12 [0]; Per 12 [0]; FP 12 [0]; Basic Speed

6.00 [0]; Basic Move 6 [0].

Advantages: 25 points chosen from among DX or IQ +1

[20], Will +1 to +5 [5/level], Basic Speed +1 [20],

Charisma 1 or 2 [5 or 10], Combat Reflexes [15],

Enhanced Block 1 [5], Enhanced Dodge 1 [15],

Enhanced Parry 1 [5 or 10], Extra Attack [25],

Fearlessness 1-5 [2/level] or Unfazeable [15], Fit [5] or

Very Fit [15], High Pain Threshold [10], Indomitable

[15], Language (Broken) [2], Longevity [2], Reputation

[Varies], Status 1 or 2 [5 or 10], Style Familiarity (any)

[1/style], Style Perks [1/perk], Wealth (Comfortable) [10]

or (Wealthy) [20], or Weapon Bond [1].

Perks: Style Familiarity (own style) [1] and Style Familiarity

(one other style) [1].

Disadvantages: Duty (School; 12 or less) [-10]. • Either

Bully (12) [-10], for a not-so-nice master, or any two of

Code of Honor (“Fight fair”) [-5], Pacifism (Reluctant

Killer) [-5], Sense of Duty (Students) [-5], or Vow (Never

refuse a request for training) [-5], for a pleasant one. • A

further -20 points chosen from among Bad Temper

[-10*], Disciplines of Faith (Ritualism) [-5], Enemy

(Members of rival school; Rival; 9 or less) [-5], Obsession

(Perfect the ultimate style) [-10*], Odious Personal Habit

(Inscrutable, or speaks in riddles) [-5], Overconfidence

[-5*], Stubbornness [-5], or Workaholic [-5].

Primary Skills: Savoir-Faire (Dojo) (E) IQ+2 [4]-14;

Teaching (A) IQ+2 [8]-14; and 40 points in the skills and

techniques of any style (see Chapter 5).

Secondary Skills: Pick one of Diplomacy (H) IQ [4]-12,

Intimidation (A) Will+1 [4]-13, or Leadership (A) IQ+1

[4]-13. • Also select one of Body Language (A) Per+1

[4]-13 or Psychology (H) IQ [4]-12.

Background Skills: Any three of First Aid (E) IQ+1 [2]-13;

Administration, Hidden Lore (Secret Styles), Public

Speaking, or Writing, all (A) IQ [2]-12; Expert Skill

(Hoplology), Philosophy (any), or Physiology, all (H)

IQ-1 [2]-11; Meditation (H) Will-1 [2]-11; or Esoteric

Medicine (H) Per-1 [2]-11. • Also choose one of Breath

Control (H) HT-1 [2]-11, Lifting (A) HT [2]-12, or

Running (A) HT [2]-12.

* Multiplied for self-control number; see p. B120.


Cinematic (+125 points): Add 85 points chosen from among

Blunt Claws [3], Damage Resistance 1-2 (Partial, Hands,

-40%; Tough Skin, -40%) [1-2], Enhanced Block 1-3

[5/level], Enhanced Dodge 1-3 [15/level], Enhanced Parry

1-3 [5 or 10/level], Enhanced Time Sense

[45], Extra Attack 1 or 2 (Multi-Strike,

+20%) [30 or 60], Forceful Chi 1-4

[15/level], Heroic Archer [20], Innate

Attack [Varies], Inner Balance 1-4

[15/level], Resistant to Chi Abilities (+3)

[10] or (+8) [15], Striker (Crushing) [5],

Trained by a Master [30], Weapon Master

[20-45], or Wild Talent (Focused, Martial

Arts, -20%) 1-4 [16/level]. You must take

either Trained by a Master or Weapon

Master! • Add 40 points in your style’s cin-

ematic skills (and prerequisites) – prefer-

ably all of them.

Customization Notes

Styles: Every style has masters,

but teachers of certain styles are more

likely to elicit strong reactions – usually

respect, fear, or disapproval – from their

community. Hoplomachia (pp. 161-162),

Kalaripayit (pp. 168-169), and Pentjak

Silat (pp. 189-191) all have this reputa-

tion. Historically, Masters of Defence

(p. 17) were outspoken and influential,

and often enjoyed noble patronage . . . or

censure. In modern times, the menacing

drill sergeant who teaches Military Hand-

to-Hand (pp. 182-185) is among the

strongest of instructor archetypes.

Style Lenses: An instructor normally

practices an unmodified style – even if

what he teaches has the “Military,”

“Police,” or “Self-Defense” lens – but he

could have one of these lenses himself.

“Trained by a Fraud” is unlikely, but some

masters are frauds; see Frauds.



Instructor (p. 34-35) depicts a talented martial artist who genuinely

teaches a fighting style – whatever his personal flaws. The world is full of

frauds, though. Some have little skill but pretend otherwise because

they’re dishonest or crazy. Others are skilled masters who don’t teach any-

thing useful out of laziness, concern that student injuries might ruin their

reputation, fear that their teachings might be turned to evil or against

them, and so on.

In a lighthearted game with little mortal combat, it can be fun to play

a phony. In any Martial Arts campaign, the GM might wish to keep play-

ers on their toes by making some instructors charlatans. To create a con-

vincing fraud, consider the traits listed below. The students of such a pre-

tender must buy their style with the “Trained by a Fraud” lens (p. 145). For

rules on bogus martial arts in action, see Faking It (p. 130).

Advantages: Charisma, Reputation, Smooth Operator, and Voice can all

help lure students. Alternate Identity is an excellent way to avoid getting

caught! Don’t overlook the Honest Face perk.

Disadvantages: Greed is the motivation of most frauds. Laziness often

accompanies it in the case of those with real skill. Compulsive Lying,

Delusions, and Overconfidence are all common. Even true masters might

harbor Delusions about their skills – or simple Paranoia. Being a fake can

be a risky Secret.

Skills: Acting, Fast-Talk, and Performance are crucial. Complete shams

might add Stage Combat. Those trying to pass off watered-down styles as

valuable in combat have Combat Art/Sport skills. Dishonest masters may

truly possess the skills they purport to teach, even if they don’t share these

with their students. In all cases, Intimidation is a great way to discourage

prying questions.

Techniques: Total cons don’t know any techniques! Those with combat

skills, or at least Art/Sport versions, know their style’s usual techniques.

Dishonest masters may know useless techniques (p. 95). Deluded ones

likely have secret techniques (p. 86) . . . which might still be useless.


100 points

You’ve isolated yourself from society in order to contem-

plate existence and purify your soul. You practice martial arts

not to defeat foes (although you can fight if you must) but to

focus your mind. You might practice your art in a monastery

or alone, as a hermit. You don’t actively seek adventure – but it

might find you during a pilgrimage or a quest, or when disre-

spectful outsiders challenge the peace of your monastery or


Attributes: ST 11 [10]; DX 11 [20]; IQ 12 [40]; HT 11 [10].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d-1/1d+1; BL 24 lbs.;

HP 11 [0]; Will 12 [0]; Per 12 [0]; FP 11 [0]; Basic Speed

5.50 [0]; Basic Move 5 [0].

Advantages: 15 points chosen from among ST or HT +1 [10],

Will +1 to +3 [5/level], Autotrance [1], Claim to Hospitality

(Monasteries of the same order) [1], Clerical Investment

[5], Enhanced Dodge 1 [15], Enhanced Parry 1 [5 or 10],

Fearlessness 1-5 [2/level] or Unfazeable [15], Fit [5], High

Pain Threshold [10], Less Sleep 1-4 [2/level], Longevity [2],

Perfect Balance [15], Resistant to Disease (+3) [3],

Resistant to Poison (+3) [5], Single-Minded [5], or Style

Perks [1/perk].

Perks: Style Familiarity (own style) [1].

Disadvantages: -25 points chosen from among Disciplines of

Faith (Monasticism or Mysticism) [-10] or (Asceticism)

[-15], Fanaticism (Philosophical or religious) [-15], Low TL

1 or 2 [-5 or -10], Pacifism (Cannot Kill or Self-Defense

Only) [-15], Vow (Chastity, Vegetarianism, etc.) [-5], Vow

(Silence) [-10], Vow (Always fight unarmed) [-15], or

Wealth (Struggling) [-10], (Poor) [-15], or (Dead Broke)

[-25]. • A further -15 points chosen from among the above

traits or Charitable [-15*], Loner [-5*], Oblivious [-5], Sense

of Duty (Fellow monks) [-5], Shyness [-5 or -10], or

Workaholic [-5].

Primary Skills: Meditation (H) Will [4]-12 or Religious Ritual


(H) IQ [4]-12; Philosophy or Theology, both (H) IQ [4]-12;

and 30 points in the skills and techniques of an art or com-

bat style (see Chapter 5).

Secondary Skills: Pick two of Autohypnosis (H) Will-1 [2]-11,

Breath Control (H) HT-1 [2]-10, Esoteric Medicine (H) Per-

1 [2]-11, Hypnotism (H) IQ-1 [2]-11, Mind Block (A) Will

[2]-12, Occultism (A) IQ [2]-12, Pharmacy (Herbal) (H) IQ-

1 [2]-11, or Savoir-Faire (Dojo) (E) IQ+1 [2]-13.

Background Skills: First Aid (E) IQ [1]-12, and either Cooking

(A) IQ-1 [1]-11 or Housekeeping (E) IQ [1]-12.

* Multiplied for self-control number; see p. B120.


Cinematic (+100 points): Add 80 points chosen from among

Enhanced Dodge 1-3 [15/level], Enhanced Parry 1-3 [5 or

10/level], Enhanced Time Sense [45], Extra Attack 1 or 2

(Multi-Strike, +20%) [30 or 60], Heroic Archer [20], Higher

Purpose [5], Innate Attack [Varies], Inner Balance 1-4

[15/level], Reduced Consumption 1 or 2 [2 or 4], Resistant

to Chi Abilities (+3) [10] or (+8) [15], Social Chameleon [5],

Trained by a Master [30], True Faith [15], Weapon Master

[20-45], or Wild Talent 1-3 [20/level]. You must take either

Trained by a Master or Weapon Master! • Add 20 points in

your style’s cinematic skills (and prerequisites); Body

Control, Mental Strength, and Zen Archery all suit a medi-

tative monk.

Customization Notes

Styles: The most famous monastic style by far is Shaolin

Kung Fu (p. 194). Other traditional kung fu styles for Chinese

monks include Chin Na (p. 154), Hung Gar (p. 163), Pak Hok

(p. 188), and Praying Mantis (pp. 191-192). A Japanese monk

might know Bojutsu (p. 192) or Naginatajutsu (p. 186). A

European monk could know Quarterstaff (pp. 192-193) – and

a former Crusader might be adept at Knightly Mounted

Combat (pp. 175-177) or Sword-and-Shield Fighting (pp. 199-

200). The best surviving manual on Sword-and-Buckler Play

(p. 199) was written by and for Christian monks.

Style Lenses: A monk normally trains in an unmodified style.

Movie Star

100 points

You’re an actor, often a contender gone soft, who special-

izes in martial-arts roles. You might work on swashbuckling

films featuring musketeers and pirates, or chambara and

wuxia flicks about samurai and kung fu masters – or just bad

action movies. Most of your moves are faked and choreo-

graphed, but you train at the martial arts to improve your odds

of getting a plum role. A lot of your fans think you’re the real

deal. On a good day, so do you!

Attributes: ST 10 [0]; DX 12 [40]; IQ 11 [20]; HT 12 [20].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d-2/1d; BL 20 lbs.; HP

10 [0]; Will 11 [0]; Per 11 [0]; FP 12 [0]; Basic Speed 5.00

[-20]; Basic Move 5 [0].

Advantages: 15 points chosen from among ST +1 [10],

Appearance (Attractive) [4] or (Handsome) [12], Charisma

1-3 [5/level], Fashion Sense [5], Fit [5], Languages (any)

[2-6/language], Reputation [Varies], Shtick [1], Smooth

Operator 1 [15], or Voice [10]. • An additional 20 points

chosen from among the above traits or Contacts (any)

[Varies], Daredevil [15], Luck [15], Signature Gear [Varies],

Status 1 or 2 [5 or 10], or Wealth (Comfortable) [10] or

(Wealthy) [20].

Perks: Style Familiarity (own style) [1].

Disadvantages: -15 points chosen from among Code of

Honor (“The show must go on!”) [-5], Debt 1-20 [-1/level],

Duty (Contract; Nonhazardous; 12 or less) [-5], Greed

[-15*], Impulsiveness [-10*], or Obsession (Become #1 at

the box office) [-10*]. • A further -25 points chosen from

among Addiction [Varies], Alcoholism [-15], Bad Temper

[-10*], Compulsive Carousing [-5*], Delusions (see pp. 53-

54) [-5 to -15], Jealousy [-10], Lecherousness [-15*],

Overconfidence [-5*], Pacifism (Reluctant Killer) [-5] or

(Cannot Kill) [-15], Reputation (see p. 54) [Varies], Selfish

[-5*], Slow Riser [-5], or Stubbornness [-5].

Primary Skills: Performance (A) IQ+2 [8]-13; Stage Combat

(A) DX+1 [4]-13; and 20 points in the skills and techniques

of an art or sport style (see Chapter 5).

Secondary Skills: Pick four of Acrobatics (H) DX-1 [2]-11,

Acting (A) IQ [2]-11, Dancing (A) DX [2]-12, Makeup (E)

IQ+1 [2]-12, Professional Skill (Modeling) (A) IQ [2]-11,

Public Speaking (A) IQ [2]-11, Singing (E) HT+1 [2]-13, or

Skiing (H) HT-1 [2]-11.


Background Skills: 4 points chosen from among Sports

(Golf, Tennis, etc.), DX/A; Current Affairs (Popular

Culture) or Savoir-Faire (High Society), both IQ/E;

Connoisseur (any) or Fast-Talk, both IQ/A; Carousing,

HT/E; or Sex Appeal, HT/A.

* Multiplied for self-control number; see p. B120.


Cinematic (+100 points): Add 80 points chosen from among

Enhanced Dodge 1-3 [15/level], Enhanced Parry 1-3 [5 or

10/level], Enhanced Time Sense [45], Extra Attack 1 or 2

(Multi-Strike, +20%) [30 or 60], Gizmos (Only for style,

-20%) [4/level], Heroic Archer [20], Innate Attack

[Varies], Rapier Wit [5], Serendipity 1-4 [15/level],

Trained by a Master [30], Weapon Master [20-45], or

extreme levels of traits on the realistic template:

Appearance (Very Handsome) [16] or (Transcendent)

[20], Charisma 4-12 [5/level], Luck (Extraordinary) [30]

or (Ridiculous) [60], Smooth Operator 2-4 [15/level], and

Wealth (Very Wealthy) [30] or (Filthy Rich) [50]. You

must take either Trained by a Master or Weapon Master!

• Add 20 points in your style’s cinematic skills (and pre-

requisites); Flying Leap, Light Walk, and Lizard Climb

suit wuxia stars who do their stunts for real.

Tough Guy (+100 points): You’re a beast of a man, typecast

as the guy who shrugs off baseball bats and fires

machine guns one-handed. You’re as unbelievable as any

flashy wuxia star – but it’s all grit, not mystical mumbo-

jumbo. See Contender (p. 32) for statistics.


Adrian was born in 1537 to a Warwickshire man-at-

arms and his wife. Despite being raised like any English

girl, she was more fascinated with her father’s skills than

her mother’s domestic duties. She eventually convinced

several of her father’s younger comrades to train her.

Most regarded this as a fair trade for the opportunity to

spend time with a pretty (if eccentric) girl.

When Adrian was 17, her father marched off to some

nastiness in which the Duke of Suffolk was embroiled. It

proved to be a rebellion, and her father was slain when

forces loyal to Queen Mary defeated Suffolk. Shortly

thereafter, her mother was killed in random reprisals

against Protestants. Adrian escaped the same fate only by

taking up a rusty longsword – a souvenir of her father’s –

and fighting her way free.

Once safe, Adrian cut her hair, dressed in men’s cloth-

ing, and posed as one of England’s many traveling “mas-

ters,” showing off for food and drink. She swore a vow to

avenge her parents’ deaths by seeking news of unpopular

deeds by the Queen’s agents in the countryside, finding

those responsible, and killing them. She soon found her-

self sought by bounty hunters coming to collect the price

on her head. Several Englishmen, two Welshmen, and

one Italian later, she still walks free.

Adrian is a larger-than-life prodigy at 19 years of age,

and stronger than some men – which lets her move her

5’8”, 125-lb. frame with blinding speed. She was built

with the Duelist template (p. 34) and has Masters of

Defence Weapon Training (p. 182).

ST 12 [20]; DX 14 [80]; IQ 11 [20]; HT 11 [10].

Damage 1d-1/1d+2; BL 29 lbs.; HP 10 [-4]; Will 11 [0];

Per 11 [0]; FP 11 [0].

Basic Speed 7.00 [15]; Basic Move 8 [5]; Dodge 10; Parry

13; Block 10.

Social Background

TL: 4 [0].

CF: Christian European [0].

Languages: English (Native) [0].


Attractive [4]; Enhanced Parry 1 (All) [10]; Luck [15].

Perks: Grip Mastery (Longsword); Style Familiarity

(Glaive Fighting; Italian School; Longsword Fighting;

Masters of Defence Weapon Training; Pollaxe Fighting;

Quarterstaff; Sword-and-Buckler Play; Sword-and-Shield

Fighting); Weapon Bond (Her father’s longsword). [10]


Enemy (Many bounty hunters; Hunter; 6 or less) [-10];

Loner (12) [-5]; Secret (Woman) [-5]; Social Stigma

(Criminal) [-5]; Trademark (Simple; Always takes the time

to strip the bodies


of those she slays – looking for items of

value to the needy – even when that’s unsafe) [-5]; Vow

(Never refuse any request for aid) [-15].

Quirks: Abstains from intimate relations; Accepts only

things she needs, never money, from those she aids;

Claims to be the bastard son of a local official when asked

for identification; Fights dirty; Maneuvers to keep oppo-

nents at maximum reach in duels. [-5]


Acting (Cross-Dressing) (E) IQ+1 [2]-12†; Area

Knowledge (England) (E) IQ+1 [2]-12; Armoury (Melee

Weapons) (A) IQ-1 [1]-10; Brawling (E) DX [1]-14;

Broadsword (A) DX+4 [16]-18; Current Affairs (England)

(E) IQ+1 [2]-12; Disguise (Cross-Dressing) (E) IQ+1 [2]-

12†; Fast-Talk (A) IQ [2]-11; First Aid (E) IQ [1]-11; Hiking

(A) HT [2]-11; Knife (E) DX [1]-14; Polearm (A) DX [2]-

14; Shield (E) DX [1]-14; Shield (Buckler) (E) DX [1]-14;

Shortsword (A) DX [0]-16*; Spear (A) DX [2]-14; Staff (A)

DX [2]-14; Stealth (A) DX [2]-14; Two-Handed Sword (A)

DX+4 [14]-18*; Wrestling (A) DX [2]-14.

Techniques: Feint (Two-Handed Sword) (H) [3]-20;

Sweep (Two-Handed Sword) (H) [4]-18.

* Based on Broadsword default.

† Optional specialties; see p. B169.

Adrian Froste (200 points)

Customization Notes

Styles: Unarmed styles with a strong body of kicks are

popular on the big screen. These include Hapkido (p. 161),

Kyokushin (pp. 171-172), Muay Thai (pp. 185-186), Tae

Kwon Do (p. 200), and Wushu (pp. 206-207). Other styles

made famous by movie stars are Aikido (p. 149), Jeet Kune

Do (pp. 164-165), Professional Wrestling (p. 206), and Wing

Chun (pp. 203-204). Actors often use training in modern art

and sport forms to simulate Shaolin Kung Fu (p. 194) and

Taijutsu (pp. 202-203) – but in a cinematic game, their skills

might be real. Weapons show up in film, too, led by the

whippy swords of Sport Fencing (p. 160), the trademark

nunchaku and sais of Kobujutsu (p. 178), and the “ninja

stars” of Shurikenjutsu (pp. 195-197).

Style Lenses: The watered-down styles that result from

“Self-Defense” and “Trained by a Fraud” are suitable for a

phony. An ex-contender would know the unmodified style.


100 points

You spy for an intelligence, military, or security service.

You aren’t an analyst or a diplomat, though – you’re a more

“hands-on” kind of spy. Your specialties are physical infil-

tration, gathering information, and getting out in one piece.

You employ martial arts because they’re hard to trace,

silent, and the ultimate concealed weapon. These features

make them handy for taking out inconvenient sentries and

making informants talk.

Attributes: ST 10 [0]; DX 12 [40]; IQ 12 [40]; HT 10 [0].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d-2/1d; BL 20 lbs.;

HP 10 [0]; Will 12 [0]; Per 12 [0]; FP 10 [0]; Basic Speed

5.50 [0]; Basic Move 5 [0].

Advantages: 15 points chosen from among Alternate

Identity (Legal) [5] or (Illegal) [15], Claim to Hospitality

(Safe-houses of allied nations) [10], Contact Group (Spy

network; Skill-15; 9 or less; Somewhat Reliable) [10] or

(Skill-18) [15], Rank 1-3 (Administrative or Military)

[5/level], or Security Clearance [5, 10, or 15]. • Another

15 points chosen from among Will +1 to +3 [5/level], Per

+1 to +3 [5/level], Acute Senses (any) 1-5 [2/level],

Cultural Familiarity [1/culture], Danger Sense [15],

Eidetic Memory [5] or Photographic Memory [10],

Flexibility [5], High Pain Threshold [10], Languages

(any) [2-6/language], Peripheral Vision [15], Style

Familiarity (any) [1/style], or Style Perks [1/perk].

Perks: Style Familiarity (own style) [1].

Disadvantages: Duty (Intelligence service; Extremely

Hazardous; 15 or less) [-20]. • One of Enemy

(Counterintelligence cell; Hunter; 9 or less) [-20], Enemy

(Enemy nation; Watcher; 12 or less) [-20], or Secret (Spy)

[-20]. • Another -10 points chosen from among Callous [-

5], Curious [-5*], Intolerance (Enemy nation) [-5] or (All

nations but own) [-10], Paranoia [-10], or Sense of Duty

(Own nation) [-10].

Primary Skills: Area Knowledge (any) (E) IQ [1]-12;

Observation (A) Per [2]-12; Stealth (A) DX [2]-12; and 20

points in the skills and techniques of a combat style (see

Chapter 5).

Secondary Skills: Pick one of these three options: Acting (A)

IQ [2]-12 and Disguise (A) IQ [2]-12; Parachuting (E)

DX+2 [4]-14; or Scuba (A) IQ [2]-12 and Swimming (E)

HT+1 [2]-11. • Choose two of Forced Entry (E) DX+1 [2]-

13; Climbing (A) DX [2]-12; or Electronics Operation

(Security), Lockpicking, or Traps, all (A) IQ [2]-12.

• Select one of Filch (A) DX [2]-12; Electronics Operation

(Surveillance), Interrogation, or Photography, all (A) IQ

[2]-12; or Lip Reading or Search, both (A) Per [2]-12.

• Take one of Escape (H) DX-1 [2]-11, Holdout (A) IQ

[2]-12, or Smuggling (A) IQ [2]-12.

Background Skills: Pick two of Cartography or Propaganda,

both (A) IQ-1 [1]-11; or Cryptography, Diplomacy,

Economics, Expert Skill (Computer Security, Military

Science, or Political Science), Forensics, Geography

(Political), or Intelligence Analysis, all (H) IQ-2 [1]-10.

* Multiplied for self-control number; see p. B120.


Cinematic (+100 points): Add 80 points chosen from among

Enhanced Dodge 1-3 [15/level], Enhanced Parry 1-3 [5 or

10/level], Enhanced Time Sense [45], Extra Attack 1 or 2

(Multi-Strike, +20%) [30 or 60], Forceful Chi 1-4

[15/level], Gizmos [5/level], Innate Attack [Varies], Inner

Balance 1-4 [15/level], Resistant to Chi Abilities (+3) [10],

Trained by a Master [30], Weapon Master [20-45], or

Wild Talent 1-3 [20/level]. You must take either Trained

by a Master or Weapon Master! • Add 20 points in your

style’s cinematic skills (and prerequisites); Invisibility Art

and Light Walk work wonders.

Customization Notes

Styles: Historical ninja were spies, and used Taijutsu

(pp. 202-203) when undercover and unarmed. Today, guns

relegate martial arts to the court of last resort, for use when

the spy is disarmed and has nothing to lose. Various forms

of Military Hand-to-Hand (pp. 182-185) are most common,

but such training is easily traced. To avoid this, some offi-

cers learn popular “civilian” styles: Boxing (pp. 152-153),

Jujutsu (pp. 166-168), Karate (pp. 169-172), Wrestling

(pp. 204-205), etc. Any style works in a cinematic game, but

Western super-spies from the 1960s generally know Judo

(p. 166) and Karate, while Russian and Chinese secret

agents seem to prefer Sambo (p. 185) and Wushu (pp. 206-

207), respectively.

Style Lenses: For a ninja, none. For a modern spy, the

“Military” or “Police” lens, depending on the agency. A good

spy avoids fights and could get by with “Self-Defense.” A

wartime spy can’t always circumvent violence and might

end up with a skill set that looks a lot like the “Street” lens.


75 points

You’re a martial-arts neophyte – but a talented, driven

one. You make up in youthful energy what you lack in expe-

rience. In time, you could become a model example of any

of the archetypes portrayed by the other templates. For now,

you train, making whatever sacrifices this requires of you.

You might spend all of your spare time at the gym – or, if

you’re a traditional student, live with your master and work

as his servant.

Attributes: ST 10 [0]; DX 12 [40]; IQ 10 [0]; HT 12 [20].


Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d-2/1d; BL 20 lbs.;

HP 10 [0]; Will 10 [0]; Per 10 [0]; FP 12 [0]; Basic Speed

6.00 [0]; Basic Move 6 [0].

Advantages: 15 points chosen from among ST +1 [10], HT

+1 [10], HP +1 to +3 [2/HP], Will +1 to +3 [5/level], FP +1

to +3 [3/FP], Ambidexterity [5], Fit [5] or Very Fit [15],

High Pain Threshold [10], Language (Broken) [2], Patron

(Martial-arts master; 6 or less) [8] or (9 or less) [15],

Pitiable [5], Single-Minded [5], or Style Perks [1/perk].

Perks: Style Familiarity (own style) [1].

Disadvantages: -15 points chosen from among Duty

(Master; Nonhazardous; 12 or less) [-5] or (15 or less)

[-10], Fanaticism (Master, school, or style) [-15],

Obsession (Reach a specific grade) [-5*], Overconfidence

[-5*]†, or Workaholic [-5]. • Another -15 points chosen

from among Chummy [-5] or Gregarious [-10], Delusions


(see pp. 53-54) [-5 to -15], Easy to Read [-10], Gullibility

[-10*], Impulsiveness [-10*], Low Self-Image [-10]†,

Pacifism (Reluctant Killer) [-5], Post-Combat Shakes

[-5*], Sense of Duty (Master) [-2] or (Fellow students)

[-5], Social Stigma (Minor) [-5], or Wealth (Struggling)

[-10] or (Poor) [-15].

Primary Skills: Savoir-Faire (Dojo) (E) IQ+2 [4]-12 and 15

points in the skills and techniques of a martial-arts style

(see Chapter 5).

Secondary Skills: Lifting (A) HT [2]-12 and Running (A) HT



Kai Lian is a secret agent of the Shining Temple of the

Autumn Wind, the location of which is known to no one

– travelers to and from the monastery must go blindfold-

ed, in the company of a blind master. She is trained in the

way of Shaolin, as well as in two of the Temple’s secret

styles. Her trademark attacks are a lethal strike with her

long fingernails (Delicate Hand Dragon Claw), a leaping

kick (Graceful Floating Axe), and a chi-blast that can

hammer foes at 30 feet (Autumn Wind Sky Fist).

Kai Lian’s present assignment is in frontier America,

land of the six-shooter, telegraph, and locomotive. Her job

is a tough one: retrieve the Five Tigers Jade Buddha stat-

ue, which was stolen from its guardian monks by

American crooks. To them, it was merely a valuable

antique. To those who know better, it’s a powerful relic,

capable of binding evil spirits.

The Temple chose Kai Lian for her stealth and fighting

abilities, and the fact that she learned broken English

from her master. None of this has helped her much when

it comes to dealing with American culture and technolo-

gy. “Frisco” was nothing like China, and it took all of her

acrobatic skills to dodge the bullets of those thugs at the

docks. They fought like men possessed, and Kai Lian is

beginning to suspect that there’s more to this mystery

than meets the eye.

Kai Lian is a petite woman (4’10” and 90 lbs) in her

mid-30s, with unusually long fingernails, clad in simple

but immaculate clothing. She was inspired by the cine-

matic Monk template (p. 36). Her style is Shaolin Kung

Fu (p. 194).

ST 9 [-10]; DX 14 [80]; IQ 13 [60]; HT 11 [10].

Damage 1d-2/1d-1; BL 16 lbs.; HP 9 [0]; Will 14 [5]; Per

13 [0]; FP 14 [9].

Basic Speed 6.00 [-5]; Basic Move 6 [0]; Dodge 12; Parry


Social Background

TL: 3 [-10].

CF: Chinese [0].

Languages: English (Broken) [2]; Mandarin (Native)



Blunt Claws [3]; DR 1

(Partial, Hands, -40%;

Tough Skin, -40%) [1];

Enhanced Dodge 3 [45];

Flying Fists (p. 45) [5];

Perfect Balance [15];

Trained by a Master [30].

Perks: Shtick (Clothes

never get torn or dirty);

Style Familiarity (Shaolin

Kung Fu; two secret styles

for use with Shout It Out!,

p. 132). [4]


Duty (Shining Temple of the Autumn Wind; 15 or less;

Extremely Hazardous) [-20]; Shyness (Mild) [-5]; Social

Stigma (Second-Class Citizen) [-5]; Vow (Fight without

weapons) [-15]; Wealth (Poor) [-15].

Quirks: Believes that users of TL4+ gadgetry are weak;

Finds big moustaches exceptionally silly; Humble;

Incompetence (Riding); Shouts out the name of each

technique before attacking (much to the puzzlement of

American foes). [-5]


Acrobatics (H) DX+1 [4]-15*; Climbing (A) DX [1]-14*;

Esoteric Medicine (H) Per-1 [2]-12; Flying Leap (H) IQ+1

[8]-14; Judo (H) DX-2 [1]-12; Jumping (E) DX [1]-14;

Karate (H) DX+4 [20]-18; Light Walk (H) DX [4]-14;

Lizard Climb (H) DX [4]-14; Meditation (H) Will-2 [1]-12;

Observation (A) Per-1 [1]-12; Pharmacy (Herbal) (H) IQ-1

[2]-12; Philosophy (Buddhism) (H) IQ-1 [2]-12; Power

Blow (H) Will [4]-14; Shadowing (A) IQ-1 [1]-12; Staff (A)

DX-1 [1]-13; Stealth (A) DX [2]-14; Tracking (A) Per-1


Techniques: Lethal Strike (Karate) (H) [3]-18; Flying

Jump Kick (Karate) (H) [8]-18.

* Includes +1 for Perfect Balance.

Kai Lian (250 points)

Background Skills: 6 points chosen from among Hobby

(any), DX/E or IQ/E; Sports (any), DX/A; First Aid, Games

(any), Housekeeping, or Savoir-Faire (Servant), all IQ/E;

Cooking, IQ/A; or Carousing, HT/E.

* Multiplied for self-control number; see p. B120.

† Low Self-Image and Overconfidence are incompatible.


Cinematic (+75 points): Add 60 points chosen from among

Destiny [5, 10, or 15], Enhanced Block 1-3 [5/level],

Enhanced Dodge 1-2 [15/level], Enhanced Parry 1-3 [5 or

10/level], Extra Attack 1 (Multi-Strike, +20%) [30],

Forceful Chi 1-2 [15/level], Heroic Archer [20], Innate

Attack [Varies], Inner Balance 1-2 [15/level], Resistant to

Chi Abilities (+3) [10], Trained by a Master [30], Weapon

Master [20-45], or Wild Talent 1-2 [20/level]. You must

take either Trained by a Master or Weapon Master! • Add

15 points in your style’s cinematic skills (and prerequi-

sites); students often drill at Breaking Blow and


Customization Notes

Styles: It’s possible to be a student of any style. If an ordi-

nary man on the street has martial-arts training in a modern-

day game, he’ll most likely know Greco-Roman Wrestling

(p. 205), Judo (p. 166), Karate (pp. 169-172), Kendo (p. 175),

Tae Kwon Do (p. 200), T’ai Chi (the meditative version on

p. 201, not T’ai Chi Chuan), Wing Chun (pp. 203-204), or

Wushu (pp. 206-207), depending on his culture. Aikido

(p. 149) and Hapkido (p. 161) are growing in popularity in

the West, as are such actively promoted arts as Hwa Rang Do

(pp. 163-164) and Kempo (pp. 172-173).

Style Lenses: See the lenses suggested for the kind of mar-

tial artist that the student aspires to become. Lessons at the

typical modern-day gym lead to “Self-Defense.” “Trained by

a Fraud” is unfortunately common.


100 points

You stand in for movie stars (although probably not the

skilled ones described under Movie Star, pp. 36-38) and play

nameless bad guys in martial-arts movies. A stuntman might

work as an aerialist, cowboy, driver, marksman, and many

other things, all in the same feature. You’re good at some of

these things, but you’re great at fighting. Most of your

martial-arts skills are slanted toward what looks good, but

the real thing looks best, and you know enough about it to be


Attributes: ST 11 [10]; DX 12 [40]; IQ 10 [0]; HT 12 [20].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d-1/1d+1; BL 24 lbs.;

HP 11 [0]; Will 10 [0]; Per 10 [0]; FP 10 [-6]; Basic Speed

6.00 [0]; Basic Move 6 [0].

Advantages: 20 points chosen from among ST +1 or +2 [10

or 20], DX +1 [20], HT +1 or +2 [10 or 20], HP +1 to +3

[2/HP], Basic Speed +1 [20], Basic Move +1 to +3 [5/level],

Daredevil [15], Enhanced Dodge 1 [15], Fearlessness 1-5

[2/level] or Unfazeable [15], Flexibility [5], Hard to Kill 1-

5 [2/level], High Pain Threshold [10], Perfect Balance

[15], Rapid Healing [5] or Very Rapid Healing [15], Style

Familiarity (any) [1/style], or Style Perks [1/perk].

Perks: Style Familiarity (own style) [1].

Disadvantages: -20 points chosen from among Compulsive

Behavior (Thrill-Seeking) [-5*], Duty (Agent, producer, or

studio; 9 or less) [-5] or (12 or less) [-10], Greed [-15*],

Impulsiveness [-10*], On the Edge [-15*], or

Overconfidence [-5*]. • Another -20 points chosen from

among the above traits or Compulsive Carousing [-5*],

Delusions (see pp. 53-54) [-5 to -15], Gigantism [0],

Minor Addiction (Ordinary painkillers) [-1], Minor

Handicap (Old injury) [-1], Overweight [-1] or Fat [-3],

Pacifism (Reluctant Killer) [-5] or (Cannot Kill) [-15],

Reputation (see p. 54) [Varies], Stubbornness [-5], or

Trickster [-15*].

Primary Skills: Acrobatics (H) DX+2 [12]-14; Jumping (E)

DX+1 [2]-13; Stage Combat (A) DX+1 [4]-13; and 20

points in the skills and techniques of almost any style

(see Chapter 5).

Secondary Skills: Performance (A) IQ+1 [4]-11. • Also

select two of Parachuting (E) DX+2 [4]-14; Climbing,

Driving (any), Fire Eating, Riding (any), or Sports (any),

all (A) DX+1 [4]-13; Escape (H) DX [4]-12; Acting or

Scuba, both (A) IQ+1 [4]-11; Swimming (E) HT+2 [4]-14;

or Skating or Skiing, both (H) HT [4]-12.

Background Skills: 5 points chosen from among Guns

(any), DX/E; First Aid or Makeup, both IQ/E; Armoury

(Melee Weapons) or Explosives


(Fireworks), both IQ/A;

or Artist (Scene Design), IQ/H.

* Multiplied for self-control number; see p. B120.


Cinematic (+100 points): Add 80 points chosen from among

Damage Resistance (Tough Skin, -40%) 1 or 2 [3 or 6],

Enhanced Dodge 1-3 [15/level], Enhanced Parry 1-3 [5 or

10/level], Enhanced Time Sense [45], Extra Attack 1 or 2

(Multi-Strike, +20%) [30 or 60], Forceful Chi 1-4

[15/level], Gizmos (Only for style, -20%) [4/level], Heroic

Archer [20], Innate Attack [Varies], Resistant to Chi

Abilities (+3) [10], Recovery [10], Trained by a Master

[30], or Weapon Master [20-45]. You must take either

Trained by a Master or Weapon Master! • Add 20 points

in your style’s cinematic skills (and prerequisites);

the GM may let you use Breaking Blow when slamming

bodily into doors and windows.

Tough Guy (+100 points): Like the cinematic stuntman

above, you perform “impossible” stunts. The difference is

that instead of being impossibly agile, you’re tough

enough to take those falls for real! See Contender (p. 32)

for statistics.

Customization Notes

Styles: Stuntmen are often former athletes who competed

at Boxing (pp. 152-153), Judo (p. 166), Karate (pp. 169-172),

or Tae Kwon Do (p. 200). Many tough guys come from the

world of Greco-Roman Wrestling (p. 205), Professional

Wrestling (p. 206), or Sumo (pp. 198-199), or are ex-soldiers

with a Military Hand-to-Hand (pp. 182-185) background.

Most of the notes under Movie Star (pp. 36-38) are also


Style Lenses: Cops or soldiers who’ve moved into showbiz

should have “Military” or “Police,” as appropriate. “Street”

suits many tough guys; quite a few real-life stuntmen are the

genuine article.



100 points

You’re a full-time man-at-arms. You might be a knight,

mercenary, or volunteer – or perhaps you’re a conscript,

draftee, or levy who never got sent home. Whatever your

situation, you’re in it for the long haul and you’ve gravitated

to the martial arts as a set of tools that can help you survive

on (and off) the battlefield. Unlike most martial artists, you

have a good excuse to be skilled with heavy, military weapons.

Attributes: ST 11 [10]; DX 12 [40]; IQ 10 [0]; HT 11 [10].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d-1/1d+1; BL 24 lbs.;

HP 11 [0]; Will 10 [0]; Per 10 [0]; FP 11 [0]; Basic Speed

6.00 [5]; Basic Move 6 [0].

Advantages: 20 points chosen from among ST +1 or +2 [10

or 20], DX or IQ +1 [20], HT +1 or +2 [10 or 20], HP +1 to

+3 [2/HP], Per +1 to +4 [5/level], FP +1 to +3 [3/FP],

Combat Reflexes [15], Danger Sense [15], Enhanced

Block 1 [5], Enhanced Dodge 1 [15], Enhanced Parry 1 [5

or 10], Fearlessness 1-5 [2/level] or Unfazeable [15], Fit [5]

or Very Fit [15], Hard to Kill 1-5 [2/level], High Pain

Threshold [10], Military Rank 1-4 [5/level]†, Penetrating

Voice [1], Rapid Healing [5] or Very Rapid Healing [15],

Style Familiarity (any) [1/style], Style Perks [1/perk], or

Weapon Bond [1].

Perks: Style Familiarity (own style) [1].

Disadvantages: -25 points chosen from among Code of Honor

(“Stay bought”) [-5], (Soldier’s) [-10], or (Bushido or

Chivalry) [-15], Duty (Unit or force; 12 or less) [-10] or (15

or less) [-15]†, Fanaticism (Unit, force, nation, etc.)

[-15], Greed [-15*], Intolerance (Enemy nation) [-5] or (All

nations but own) [-10], or Sense of Duty (Unit) [-5] or (Own

nation) [-10]. • A further -15 points chosen from among the

above traits or Berserk [-10*], Bloodlust [-10*], Callous [-5],

Chummy [-5] or Gregarious [-10], Overconfidence [-5*],

Stubbornness [-5], or Workaholic [-5].

Primary Skills: Soldier (A) IQ+2 [8]-12, plus 20 points in the

skills and techniques of a combat style (see Chapter 5). •

Spend a further 10 points on your style or on military

weapon skills typical for your TL:

TL0-3: Crossbow, Shield, or Thrown Weapon (Spear), all

DX/E; Axe/Mace, Bow, Broadsword, Polearm,

Shortsword, or Spear, all DX/A; or Sling, DX/H.

TL4-5: Gunner (Cannon) or Guns (Musket, Pistol, or Rifle),

both DX/E; or Broadsword, Polearm, Rapier, Shortsword,

Spear, or Throwing, all DX/A.

TL6-8: Gunner (MG), Guns (GL, LAW, LMG, Rifle, or SMG),

or Liquid Projector (Flamethrower), all DX/E; or Spear or

Throwing, both DX/A.

TL9+: Beam Weapons (Projector or Rifle), Gunner (Cannon

or Beams), or Guns (GL, Gyroc, LAW, or Rifle), all DX/E;

or Force Sword or Throwing, both DX/A.

Secondary Skills: Hiking (A) HT+1 [4]-12 or Riding (any)

(A) DX+1 [4]-13. • Also choose two of Stealth (A) DX+1

[4]-13; Camouflage or First Aid, both (E) IQ+2 [4]-12;

Armoury (any), Forward Observer, Leadership, or

Navigation (Land), all (A) IQ+1 [4]-11; or Observation or

Survival (any), both (A) Per+1 [4]-11.

Background Skills: 4 points chosen from among Gesture or

Savoir-Faire (Military), both IQ/E; Connoisseur (Weapons),

Gambling, or Heraldry, all IQ/A; Expert Skill (Hoplology or

Military Science), Strategy, or Tactics, all IQ/H; Carousing,

HT/E; or Intimidation, Will/A.

* Multiplied for self-control number; see p. B120.

† Duty must accompany Military Rank.

Lenses (Realistic)

Hand-to-Hand Combat Instructor (+25 points): Add Fit [5];

Teaching (A) IQ+2 [8]-12; and an extra 12 points of style

skills and techniques. Add the NCO template to get a drill


Knight or Samurai (+25 points): Add Status 2 [5] and Wealth

(Wealthy) [20]; Status includes +1 from Wealth. • Replace

Soldier with Leadership (A) IQ+2 [8]-12. • Add Lance and

Two-Handed Sword, both DX/A, to primary weapon skill

lists. • Riding is mandatory. • Add Savoir-Faire (High

Society), IQ/E, to background options.

NCO (+35 points): Add IQ +1 [20]; Military Rank 1 [5];

Leadership (A) IQ+1 [4]-12; Tactics (H) IQ-1 [2]-10; and an

extra 4 points in primary, secondary, or background skills.

Maximum Military Rank is 4.

Officer (+50 points): Add IQ +1 [20]; Military Rank 3 [15];

Leadership (A) IQ+1 [4]-12; Savoir-Faire (Military) (E)

IQ+1 [2]-12; Tactics (H) IQ [4]-11; and 5 more points in pri-

mary, secondary, or background skills. This is a veteran,

not a green lieutenant!

Lenses (Cinematic)

Cinematic (+100 points): Add 80 points chosen from among

Blunt Claws [3], Damage Resistance 1-2 (Partial, Hands,

-40%; Tough Skin, -40%) [1-2], Enhanced Block 1-3

[5/level], Enhanced Dodge 1-3 [15/level], Enhanced Parry

1-3 [5 or 10/level], Enhanced Time Sense [45], Extra

Attack 1 or 2 (Multi-Strike, +20%) [30 or 60], Forceful Chi

1-4 [15/level], Heroic Archer [20], Innate Attack [Varies],

Resistant to Chi Abilities (+3) [10], Striker (Crushing) [5],

Trained by a Master [30], or Weapon Master [20-45].

You must take either Trained by a Master or Weapon

Master! • Add 20 points in your style’s cinematic skills

(and prerequisites).

Tough Guy (+100 points): You’re the soldier from the movies,

shrugging off arrows or bullets as you wade into the enemy

with a massive two-handed weapon . . . or a hefty machine

gun. See Contender (p. 32) for statistics.

Customization Notes

Styles: An historical warrior could have any style known in

his time and place. Armed styles meant for battlefield use –

Armatura (p. 150), Hoplomachia (pp. 161-162), Kenjutsu

(pp. 173-175), Kyujutsu (p. 179-180), Naginatajutsu (p. 186),

Sojutsu (pp. 197-198), Spear Fighting (pp. 196-197), Sword-

and-Shield Fighting (pp. 199-200), etc. – make the most sense.

For a mounted warrior, add Bajutsu (p. 151), Furusiyya

(pp. 159-161), and Knightly Mounted Combat (p. 175-177) to

this list. A smart soldier will supplement his training with an

unarmed style – perhaps Aikijutsu (p. 149) or Combat

Wrestling (pp. 204-205). Modern troops learn Military Hand-

to-Hand (pp. 182-185).

Style Lenses: A genuine battlefield style requires no lens.

Other styles should have “Military” if taught formally, “Street”

if picked up in pubs and ports.





The martial arts are ultimately about personal capability.

Dedicated fighters train hard, and the most successful tend

to be fit, talented people to begin with. These realities make

the PCs’ advantages, disadvantages, and skills



important in a Martial Arts campaign – worthy of the same

attention as exotic powers in a superhero game or magic in

a fantasy setting.

Even if the martial arts are “background color” in anoth-

er type of campaign – fantasy, historical, military, etc. – the

GM should realize that martial artists are popular as

PCs. To those who like to play them, their aptitudes

and training are as vital as their weapons and back-

ground. If the GM wants such heroes to be viable and

fun, he should lend some thought to how he plans to

handle their capabilities. It’s crucial to let the players

know in advance which traits are allowed, which are

off limits, and which work differently.


The advantages discussed below either work dif-

ferently in a Martial Arts game or require additional

interpretation for martial artists. Consult with the

GM before taking any trait described as “cinematic.”

Such abilities may have additional prerequisites (typical-

ly Trained by a Master or Weapon Master) and are likely

off-limits in a realistic campaign.

Altered Time Rate

see p. B38

This advantage has no place in a realistic game. Real-

world martial artists who can land multiple techniques in

the space of a second are using All-Out Attack (Double)

(p. B365), Rapid Strike (p. B370), Combinations (p. 80), and

so forth. They aren’t warping time!

Altered Time Rate is also unsuitable for “traditional” cin-

ematic settings. To stay true to martial-arts myth, those

whose blinding speed results from schooling in secret fight-

ing arts should use Trained by a Master or Weapon Master

to halve the Rapid Strike penalty, while those with excep-

tional coordination should look at Extra Attack (p. B53).

Fighters with both can make many attacks but are still lim-

ited to one maneuver per turn.

However, some comic books and movies depict impossi-

bly fast martial artists who can engage several widely spaced

opponents before any of them can retaliate. This requires

multiple maneuvers per turn, implying Altered Time Rate.

In campaigns inspired by such fiction, the GM may allow

one or more levels of this advantage to those with

Gunslinger, Heroic Archer, Trained by a Master, or Weapon


For more on speedy heroes, see Multiple Attacks

(pp. 126-128).


see p. B42

Many martial artists toughen their hands by punching a

heavy bag, wooden post, etc. The usual goal is to condition

the hands so that hitting hard surfaces is less risky (treat

this as DR; see Damage Resistance, p. 43), but some

unorthodox exercises are intended to harden the hands into

deadly weapons. These include striking iron or steel, driv-

ing extended fingers into

hot sand, and applying

rank-smelling unguents.

The results often have a

colorful name, such as

“iron hand” or “eagle claw.”

Represent this using Blunt

Claws [3] – and perhaps

other traits.

Realistically, any tough-

ening extensive enough to

improve punching damage

would irreversibly damage

the hand. The GM should

only let realistic fighters

buy Blunt Claws if they also

take Bad Grip 1 [-5]. The

package is a net disadvan-

tage (-2 points). Since Bad Grip 1 gives -2 to grapple or use

melee weapons, this severely curtails the martial artist’s

other combat options.

In a cinematic campaign, the GM may relax this restric-

tion and allow esoteric, non-destructive exercises or amaz-

ing ointments. If so, individuals with Trained by a Master

should have access to such methods and be able to buy

Blunt Claws without Bad Grip. If those without Trained by

a Master want this advantage, they can either get it the hard

way (with Bad Grip) or pay 10 points for Unusual

Background (Access to secret hand-toughening exercises).

It’s possible to modify just one hand. This doesn’t reduce

the point cost of Claws or Unusual Background, but Bad

Grip must have the -80% limitation “One hand only.” This

reduces its value to -1 point and means that its -2 penalty

applies to one-handed tasks with the modified hand. For

two-handed tasks, the penalty is only -1.

Those who wish to do this in play should see Learnable

Advantages (p. B294). Base the time required on the cost of

Blunt Claws (3 points). Where applicable, any Unusual

Background must be bought before training begins, while

Bad Grip appears at the end of this time.

For another option, see the Limb limitation under

Striker (p. 47).


Damage Resistance

see p. B46

Suitably limited Damage Resistance

fits many kinds of cinematic campaigns.

A few ideas:

Ablative: Some action heroes can

absorb a lot of damage before their luck

runs out. They suffer kicks, punches, falls,

etc., throughout the story, but only get

hurt in the finale. To simulate this, the

GM may allow DR (Ablative, -80%)

[1/level]. Each point of damage rolled

blows away a point of DR. This DR does-

n’t protect against poison – but while it

lasts, it does keep poisoned weapons from

delivering their deadly dose! Such DR

works much like HP, but the two aren’t

the same. Compare lost HP to the victim’s

basic HP score to determine crippling,

major wounds, and death.

Limited: Other fictional heroes are

resistant to bludgeoning but affected nor-

mally by blades, bullets, and beams. To

represent this, the GM may permit DR

(Limited, Crushing, -40%) [3/level].

Limited, Unarmed is also -40%, and

affects cutting and impaling Claws,

Strikers, and Teeth.

Partial: Martial artists often toughen

extremities or limbs into “iron body

parts.” Those with Trained by a Master

may buy DR with Partial (-80% for one

hand or one foot; -40% for two hands, two

feet, one leg, or one arm; or -20% for two

legs or two arms) and Tough Skin (-40%).

This traditionally accompanies Claws

(p. 42), or requires or is an Iron Body Parts

perk (p. 50).

Tough Skin: The GM may let really tough guys buy DR

(Limited, Crushing, -40%; Tough Skin, -40%) [1/level] for

their whole body. Attacks that don’t break the skin or carry

a contact poison or chi-based touch attack simply hurt less.

Some warriors have DR (Tough Skin, -40%) [3/level] and are

harder to hurt with all attacks! Martial artists who simulate

tough body parts using Partial must also take Tough Skin.

The GM decides how much DR to allow and of what

type, and should base the time needed to acquire it through

training on its final point cost (see Learnable Advantages,

p. B294). Outside of superhero games, DR 1-2 is probably

enough unless it’s Ablative. Ablative DR could go up to HP

in any cinematic game, and up to 5¥HP for heroes who sur-

vive 10-story falls and 60-mph car wrecks. Anything is pos-

sible, though. Damage Resistance might have nearly any

modifier when part of a chi power (see Chi Powers for

Martial Artists, p. 46). The GM should design powerful

defensive abilities himself and present them in a manner

similar to the offensive ones under Innate Attack (pp. 45-47).

For instance:

Ghost Shirt (-70%): DR 20 (Limited, Bullets, -60%; Pact,

-10%) [30]. Notes: Your chi lets you resist bullets – if you

don’t use modern weapons yourself! The special Pact limi-

tation means you must take and observe Vow (Use only

muscle-powered attacks) [-10]. If you use guns, explosives,

etc., for any reason, you immediately lose the DR until

1d days have passed (the GM rolls in secret). Treat the

combination of DR and Vow as a meta-trait: Ghost Shirt

[20]. 20 points.

Enhanced Defenses

see p. B51

The GM decides how many levels of these traits are avail-

able. Enhanced Defenses are cinematic and not especially

suitable for a purely realistic game . . . but in a campaign

that adds subtle cinematic elements to a largely realistic set-

ting (see Hybrid Campaigns, pp. 239-241), a single level

won’t upset things. The typical “action movie” game can

take two levels in stride. Campaigns that feature extreme

comic-book and wuxia action might go up to three levels,

but probably not beyond that – not unless the GM likes

untouchable fighters!


Desirable Advantages

Below are lists of advantages particularly valuable to martial artists,

split into categories that reflect common fictional


. . . . . . . 246

CAMPAIGN THEMES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247

The Quest for the Master . . . . . . . . . . 248

GLOSSARY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251

BIBLIOGRAPHY . . . . . . . . . . . . 252

INDEX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254


Steve Jackson Games is committed to full support of GURPS players.

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Errata. Everyone makes mistakes, including us – but we do our best to

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Internet. Visit us on the World Wide Web at

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SJ Games staff and fellow gamers, come to our forums at The GURPS Martial Arts web page is

Bibliographies. Many of our books have extensive bibliographies, and

we’re putting them online – with links to let you buy the books that interest

you! Go to the book’s web page and look for the “Bibliography” link.

Rules and statistics in this book are specifically for the GURPS Basic

Set, Fourth Edition. Page references that begin with B refer to that book, not

this one.


Say “martial arts” and most people start talking about

karate, katanas, and ninja . . . or kung fu (or the old Kung Fu

TV series) . . . or Bruce Lee. Non-Asiaphiles will share their

views on such sports as boxing and fencing . . . or no-holds-

barred fighting . . . or good old rasslin’ (“Pro wrestling is

real!”). And Europhiles will bring up pankra-

tion in ancient Greece, English “Masters of

Defence,” and the deadly truth about the rapi-

er, pausing only to lament that Europe gets

short shrift with martial-arts fans – or to

recruit you as a live-steel reenactor.

Sport vs. combat, unarmed vs. armed,

movies vs. reality, Asia vs. everywhere else –

the truth about the martial arts can be con-

fusing. Who’s right? The answer is “All of the


GURPS Martial Arts examines the fight-

ing arts of the world, or at least a good-sized

sample chosen from the past three millennia.

It doesn’t let fiction color reality or realism

stand in the way of a good story – such deci-

sions are left to the GM. Of course, because many martial

arts originated with the warriors who carved out the world’s

great empires, and the best-kept records are those of the

Asian and European powers, there is an almost inevitable

bias toward the fighting styles of those regions. But Martial

Arts does its best to venture outside that territory; to bal-

ance the historical with the modern; to give equal time to

combat, sport, and art; and, especially, to dispel myths.

The biggest myth laid to rest is that the martial arts aren’t

appropriate for every genre and setting – that they only

belong in historical games and those based on action

movies. Martial Arts definitely supports cinematic games –

of the Hollywood, Hong Kong, and Tokyo varieties – while

also presenting historically accurate styles, but it doesn’t

assume a genre or a set-

ting. You can use it to give

fantasy warriors the depth

of knowledge and ability

that spells give wizards . . .

or for hand-to-hand com-

bat in a gritty modern

technothriller . . . or for

futuristic swashbuckling

with force swords.

So grab your katana,

rapier, or iklwa – or just

bandage your knuckles.

Say a prayer to Allah,

scream a kiai, or psyche

yourself up with a little

shadowboxing. You won’t know who’s out there until the

arena door opens – but with Martial Arts, you’ll be ready!


This is the third edition of GURPS Martial Arts. It was

inspired by GURPS Martial Arts, Second Edition (1996),

which itself combined GURPS Martial Arts, First Edition

(1990) with GURPS Martial Arts

Adventures (1993). Other important

GURPS Third Edition supplements were

GURPS Japan, Second Edition (1999) for

Japanese fighting styles and equipment;

GURPS Low-Tech (2001) for weapons in

general; and GURPS Swashbucklers,

Third Edition (1999) for European swords

and swordplay. The authors also wish to

thank Volker Bach for access to two arti-

cles originally published in Pyramid mag-

azine: “The Western Way of War” and

“Vechten Unde Schirmen: European

Martial Arts Before The Rapier.”

The current volume is a new work, not

a revision of any of the above – they served

primarily as sources of concepts, references, and terminolo-

gy, not text.


Peter V. Dell’Orto started roleplaying in 1981, with

Dungeons & Dragons, and has played GURPS since Man

to Man. He has been active as a GURPS playtester, editor,

and contributing author since 1996, and has written many

GURPS articles for Pyramid magazine. Peter is an enthusi-

astic martial artist who has trained in places as varied as a

McDojo, a private instructor’s garage, and a hardcore gym.

He has practiced Goju-ryu and Shorin-ryu Karate, T’ai Chi,

Kali Silat, and Wing Chun, and has trained in at least a

dozen other styles. His most recent studies have been in

Kachin Bando and Kendo, and fighting amateur in Shooto.

His other hobbies include fitness, reading, painting minia-

tures, and music. Born and raised in New Jersey, he present-

ly lives and trains in Niigata, Japan.

Sean “Dr. Kromm” Punch set out to become a particle

physicist and ended up as the GURPS Line Editor. Since

1995, he has compiled the two GURPS Compendium vol-

umes, written GURPS Wizards and GURPS Undead, edit-

ed or revised over 20 other GURPS books, and master-

minded rules for dozens more. Most recently, he created the

GURPS Basic Set, Fourth Edition with coauthor David

Pulver and wrote GURPS Powers with coauthor Phil

Masters. Sean has been a fanatical gamer since 1979. His

non-gaming interests include cinema, computers, and wine.

He lives in Montréal, Québec with his wife, Bonnie. They

have two cats, Banshee and Zephyra, and a noisy parrot,




Chain Whip





“The Temple is ancient, Kai Lian,” the Grandmaster lec-

tured. “Things remain much as they were during the Wei


Kai nodded. “Yes, sifu.”

“The theft of the Five Tigers Jade Buddha dishonors

every monk who has lived and trained here over the past

14 centuries.”

“It does, sifu.”

“Go to America and find the thieves.”

“As sifu wishes.”

“These devils do not respect our history because they have

none of their own.”

“Your wisdom illuminates their weakness, sifu.”

“When you find them, deal them a blow for each dynasty

that the Temple has seen fall. Even a fool should respect the

Temple’s long and honorable past after such a lesson.”

“I shall, as the Americans say, learn ’em, sifu.”

The martial arts are as old as history. Ancient

tomb carvings show men fighting with sticks and

shields, and wrestling with holds still used in modern

fighting arts. The oldest texts tell of warriors with

great skill at arms, demonstrating their strength and


There’s no one “origin” of the martial arts – no sin-

gle founding culture or style from which all system-

atic combat training sprung. The martial-arts world

is nevertheless full of claims of antiquity, each style



archetypes. Anybody

can have the mundane traits, but only cinematic or super-powered char-

acters are likely to have the exotic or supernatural ones.

•Agility and coordination. Fighters who put precision before power and

feel that evading blows is more useful than being able to take lumps often

have some of these traits, plus good DX, Basic Speed, and/or Basic Move.

Mundane: Ambidexterity (p. B39); Combat Reflexes (p. B43); Enhanced

Defenses (p. B51); Extra Attack (p. B53); Flexibility (p. B56); and Perfect

Balance (p. B74). Exotic & Supernatural: Altered Time Rate (p. B38); Arm

DX (p. B40); Enhanced Move (p. B52); Enhanced Time Sense (p. B52);

Slippery (p. B85); and Super Jump (p. B89).

• Endurance and toughness. Some martial artists pride themselves on

being able to take a few hits. This calls for high HT, FP, Will, and/or HP,

along with an advantage or two from this list. Mundane: Fit (p. B55); Hard

to Kill (p. B58); Hard to Subdue (p. B59); High Pain Threshold (p. B59);

Rapid Healing (p. B79); and Resistant (p. B81). Exotic & Supernatural:

Damage Resistance (p. B46); Injury Tolerance (p. B60); Recovery (p. B80);

Regeneration (p. B80); Regrowth (p. B80); Supernatural Durability

(p. B89); and Unkillable (p. B95).

• Power and strength. Heavy hitters require ST – as much as they can

afford. In some campaigns, advantages that improve damage are available.

Exotic & Supernatural: Arm ST (p. B40); Claws (p. B42); Striker (p. B88);

Striking ST (p. B88); and Teeth (p. B91).

• Situational awareness. Tactical and streetwise warriors try to pick

their fights carefully and avoid danger. These traits help, and work best

with decent IQ and Per. Mundane: Acute Senses (p. B35); Danger Sense

(p. B47); Fearlessness (p. B55); Peripheral Vision (p. B74); and Unfazeable

(p. B95). Exotic & Supernatural: 360° Vision (p. B34) and Vibration Sense

(p. B96) – although any superhuman sense could come in handy.

Finally, anyone who routinely goes on dangerous adventures would

benefit from Daredevil (p. B47) and Luck (p. B66)!

Most martial artists can only take Enhanced Defenses

listed under “Optional Traits” for their styles; see Chapter 5.

Those with Trained by a Master or Weapon Master have

access to all Enhanced Defenses. Weapon Masters who have

Enhanced Parry may add their bonus to parries made using

the Parry Missile Weapons skill (p. B212) as well as with reg-

ular Melee Weapon skills, when armed with suitable


To mute the deadliness of ranged weapons so that most

fights end up at melee range, the GM may let heroes buy

Enhanced Parry (All parries against ranged weapons) for 5

points/level – possibly at higher levels than other types of

Enhanced Parry. This gives a bonus to regular parries against

thrown weapons (see Parrying, p. B376) and to parries with

the Parry Missile Weapons skill. Its bonus “stacks” with those

for weapon-specific Enhanced Parry advantages.

Enhanced Time Sense

see p. B52

A fighter with Enhanced Time Sense (ETS) always acts

before one who lacks it – both in the “turn sequence”

(p. B363) and in a Wait situation (see Cascading Waits,

p. 108). This is especially useful to a martial artist who must

face firearms. It lets him spring across a room and take out

a gunman who has him dead to rights! It also lets him parry

bullets, if he knows the Parry Missile Weapons skill (see

p. 58). He can even try to dodge a sniper’s bullet (normally,

no active defense is possible). The GM may extend these ben-

efits to encompass blaster bolts and other slower-than-light

ranged attacks.

All of this makes ETS perfect for campaigns based on

action movies. In the movies, Stars always get the drop on

Extras, even alerted Extras with machine guns, and snipers

shooting at Stars always miss with their first shot. Naturally,

PCs are Stars, as are bosses, top henchmen, and other impor-

tant NPCs. Stars are likely to have ETS; the GM can even

make it a “campaign advantage” that all PCs must have.

Everyone else is an Extra, and Extras never have ETS. This

approach converts ETS from an exotic advantage to an

Unusual Background that extends “plot immunity” to Stars

– an extremely common feature of martial-arts cinema. In

some films, ETS only applies during action sequences; see

the special limitation below.

Finally, in campaigns that use Bullet Time (p. 133), the

GM might wish to reserve that rule for heroes who have ETS.

New Special Limitation

Combat Sense: Your ability only works when you’re fight-

ing. While the game is in “slow” time for combat (see Time

During Adventures, p. B497), you enjoy all the usual benefits

of ETS. The rest of the time, your advantage does nothing! It

won’t help you avoid penalties for being rushed on non-

combat tasks and it’s worthless against traps, snipers, and

environmental hazards encountered out of combat. -20%.

Extra Attack

see p. B53

A realistic martial artist may take one level of Extra Attack

to represent excellent coordination. This lets him attack with

any combination of two different weapons, hands, or feet,

with no restrictions on the skills involved. To attack multiple

times with the same weapon or body part requires the Multi-

Strike enhancement. If both attacks must use the same com-

bat skill, take the Single Skill limitation. Both modifiers

appear below.

The GM decides how many levels of Extra Attack are pos-

sible in a cinematic game. Multi-Strike should be mandatory

for humans with more than one level, as with three or more

attacks and only two hands, one hand will be striking twice.

The GM may relax this requirement if the martial artist takes

Single Skill for skill that covers kicking. A warrior with Extra

Attack 3 (Single Skill, Karate) could make two punches and

two kicks at once – at least in a chambara or wuxia game

where fighters rarely seem to touch the ground!

The GM decides whether Extra Attack is learnable. If so,

consider using Single Skill to represent practice with a par-

ticular combat skill. Fighters who use paired weapons are

more likely to buy Off-Hand Weapon Training (p. 50) and

Dual-Weapon Attack (p. 83), however.

See Multiple Attacks (pp. 126-128) for other important


New Special Enhancement

Multi-Strike: You can strike more than once with the same

weapon or body part. This lets you launch more attacks than

you have limbs, natural weapons, and attack abilities. You

can use your best attack multiple times. +20%.

New Special Limitation

Single Skill: Your Extra Attacks apply only to a particular

combat skill. For instance, Extra Attack 2 (Single Skill,

Karate) lets you attack three times – but at least two of the

attacks must be with the Karate skill. To attack more than

once using a weapon skill, you need either one weapon per

attack or the Multi-Strike enhancement. -20%.


see p. B55

Mastering a fighting style is a great way to build confi-

dence. The GM may wish to allow martial artists to buy a

level of Fearlessness in play for every two levels by which

their best combat skill exceeds DX. For instance, a fighter

with Karate at DX+6 could “learn” Fearlessness 3. This

option particularly suits military martial arts.


see p. B56

The +3 for Flexibility and +5 for Double-Jointed apply to

all rolls to break free (p. B371) – including attempts to escape

the locks and holds in Chapter 3.


I kick arse for the Lord!

– Father McGruder,



see p. B57

Stealthy assassins and warriors in martial-arts fiction,

especially ninja, always seem to have exactly the hardware

they need – blowpipes, flash grenades, garrotes, knives,

smoke bombs, throwing stars, vials of poison, etc. – without

carrying a concealed armory that slows them with its weight

or draws suspicion with its bulk. To simulate this, the GM

may permit those with Weapon Master to buy Gizmos with

an Accessibility limitation: Only for style, -20%. This limits

the Gizmos to things typically used by the martial artist’s

style (GM’s opinion) and that weigh no more than 1 lb. apiece

. . . but they’re undetectable and don’t


count as encumbrance

until revealed.


see p. B58

As the Basic Set suggests, the GM may allow low-tech

versions of this advantage that cover muscle-powered

weapons. Here’s an example suitable for mythic samurai,

fantasy Elves, and green-clad English bandits.

Heroic Archer

20 points

You can perform amazing feats with any weapon that

uses the Bow skill. When you Attack or All-Out Attack with

a bow, you may add its Accuracy bonus to skill without tak-

ing an Aim maneuver. If you do Aim, you get +1 after one

second or +2 after two or more seconds, in addition to Acc.

When you Move and Attack, you don’t get your bow’s Acc

bonus but may ignore its Bulk penalty. Ignore the extra -1 or

-2 to skill for a Flying Attack (p. 107) or an Acrobatic Attack

(p. 107), too. This lets you shoot at full skill even while run-

ning, jumping, sliding down banisters, etc.

You can also disregard Bulk in close combat (see

Weapons for Close Combat, p. B391). You never get an Acc

bonus there but you do shoot at full skill. This makes the

Close Combat technique (p. 69) redundant for you.

You can use Quick-Shooting Bows (pp. 119-120) to

improve your rate of fire when you Move and Attack as well

as when you Attack or All-Out Attack. Regardless of your

maneuver, halve the -6 to skill for this stunt. On an Attack or

All-Out Attack, add Acc to your attack roll but not to the skill

roll to ready your bow hastily. Similarly, halve the penalty to

shoot two arrows at once using Dual-Weapon Attack (p. 83);

DWA (Bow) defaults to Bow-2 for you, not Bow-4.

Finally, when you use Fast-Draw (Arrow), total all appli-

cable penalties from Multiple Fast-Draw (p. 103), Fast-Draw

from Odd Positions (pp. 103-104), and Move and Attack

(p. 107), halve the sum, and round in your favor.

You can combine Heroic Archer with any Weapon

Master specialty that covers bows. This gives you the dam-

age bonus for Weapon Master and all of the above benefits

– and makes the quick-shooting penalty a mere -1!

Injury Tolerance

see p. B60

A new form of Injury Tolerance suits some cinematic

action heroes:

Damage Reduction: You divide the injury you suffer by 2,

3, or 4 after subtracting DR from damage and applying

wounding modifiers. This normally reduces all injury, but

the GM should require the Limited modifier (see Limited

Defenses, p. B46) in a Martial Arts game. “Physical Attacks”

gives -20%, while “Crushing” or “Unarmed” gives -40%. 50

points for a divisor of 2, 75 points for 3, 100 points for 4.

Innate Attack

see p. B61

Use Innate Attack to create the “chi blasts” wielded by

martial artists in video games and comic books. These take

many forms: flaming breath, devastating kiais, “weapons” of

pure chi, and so on. Some of the more improbable claims

made for legendary masters in the real world would also be

Innate Attacks, such as blows delivered from a distance,

direct psychic attacks, and the sinister “hand of death.”

If the GM allows such abilities, he should limit damage

to keep Innate Attack from eclipsing the fists, swords, bows,

and so forth that martial artists usually use, even in video

games. Martial-arts tradition provides convenient guide-

lines: these abilities draw their strength from the same well

as the martial artist’s unarmed attacks – his chi – and should

inflict comparable damage. Since most of these exotic

attacks violently expend the user’s chi, they should cost FP.

This provides a convenient hedge against overuse.

Such an attack should still be a useful alternative to an

ordinary punch, though. Otherwise, who’d waste time devel-

oping it? Fitting capabilities include non-crushing damage,

ongoing injury (like poison), the capacity to partially or

wholly bypass DR, and range.

Below are worked examples of suitable abilities. Damage

is 1d, equivalent to a strong man’s punch. In each case, the

sum of the modifiers used appears in parentheses after the

attack’s name. To alter damage, apply this total modifier to

the cost of an Innate Attack of the desired size.

Breath of Dragon (-25%): Burning Attack 1d (Costs

Fatigue, 1 FP, -5%; Melee Attack, Reach 1-4, Cannot Parry,

-20%) [4]. Notes: A narrow flame jet – spewed from the

mouth – that can scorch a target up to four yards away. This

counts as a melee attack. Take an Attack maneuver and roll

against Innate Attack (Breath) to hit. 4 points.

Flying Fists (+0%): Crushing Attack 1d (Blockable, -10%;

Costs Fatigue, 1 FP, -5%; Low Signature, +10%; Variable,

+5%) [5]. Notes: By punching or kicking at air, you can smite

a distant target. If the victim has never witnessed this abili-

ty, he must make a Sense roll at -4 to know he’s being

attacked! (He may defend normally against later uses.) It’s

otherwise a standard ranged attack with Acc 3, 1/2D 10, Max

100, and RoF 1. To use it, take an Attack maneuver. Roll

against Karate to hit. 5 points.

Ghost Knife (-40%): Impaling Attack 1d (Blockable,

-10%; Costs Fatigue, 1 FP, -5%; Inaccurate 3, -15%;

Increased 1/2D, ¥5, +10%; Reduced Range, ¥1/5, -20%) [5].

Notes: A hurled blade of pure chi, this is a standard ranged

attack with Acc 0, 1/2D 10, Max 20, and RoF 1. To use it,

take an Attack maneuver and roll against Thrown Weapon

(Knife) to hit. 5 points.


Hand of Death (+205%): Toxic Attack 1d (Contact Agent,

-30%; Cosmic, Lingering special effect, +100%; Costs

Fatigue, 2 FP, -10%; Cyclic, 10 sec., 6 cycles, Resistible,

+125%; Delay, Triggered, +50%; Low Signature, +10%;

Melee Attack, Reach C, -30%; Resistible, HT-4, -10%) [13].

Notes: To deliver the Hand of Death, you must touch bare

skin. This requires a Karate roll in combat, an ordinary

touch otherwise. Only witnesses with the Esoteric Medicine

skill will recognize the Hand. Success means you can – at an

unspecified future date, from any distance – trigger the

Hand. The victim must then roll HT-4 every 10 seconds for

a minute. Each failure means 1d injury, as if from poison.

There’s no way to remove an untriggered Hand or interrupt

its toxic effects. Survivors heal normally. 13 points.

Mega-Kiai (+75%): Crushing Attack 1d (Accessibility, Not

in vacuum, -10%; Based on HT, +20%; Costs Fatigue, 1 FP,

-5%; Malediction 1, +100%; No Blunt Trauma, -20%; No

Knockback, -10%) [9]. Notes: Similar to the Kiai skill

(p. B203), this mighty shout injures the target! To affect the

victim, take a Concentrate maneuver and win a Quick

Contest of Will vs. his HT. Your roll is at -1 per yard of dis-

tance between you. 9 points.

Soul Blast (+170%): Fatigue Attack 1d (Malediction 2,

+150%; No Signature, +20%) [27]. Notes: This invisible psy-

chic attack disrupts the victim’s chi. To affect him, take a

Concentrate maneuver and win a Quick Contest of Will.

Range penalties from the Size and Speed/Range Table

(p. B550) apply to your roll. This chi attack doesn’t cost FP

like the others . . . it’s slow and subtle, not violent. 27 points.


Martial Arts mostly treats passive chi abilities as

advantages (e.g., Resistant to Chi Abilities) while modeling

active ones as cinematic skills – Lizard Climb, Power

Blow, etc. – in order to make them easier to tie into the

styles in Chapter 5. Comic books and video games, how-

ever, often depict all such capabilities as something akin to

psi powers or super-powers. They might be evident at

birth, awakened by initiation or ordeal, or even learned

(see Learnable Advantages, p. B294).

Like a psi power, a chi power consists of a set of advan-

tages that must be bought with a power modifier (see

Power Modifier, p. B254). Adept users may purchase levels

of a Talent that aids die rolls to use those abilities, compa-

rable to a psionic Talent (see Psionic Talents, p. B255).

Below are two examples.

Body Control

The Body Control power lets you channel your chi

internally in order to heal injury, perform amazing athlet-

ic feats, purge your body of poison, and so on.

Body Control Talent: You get +1 per level to use any

Body Control ability, and can use earned points to acquire

new abilities. In some worlds, Inner Balance (p. 47)

replaces Body


Control Talent and benefits both Body

Control abilities and the skills listed for Inner Balance. 5

points/level (15 points/level for Inner Balance).

Body Control Abilities: Breath Holding; Catfall; Damage

Resistance, with Tough Skin; Enhanced Defenses (any);

Enhanced Move (Ground); Extra Attack, with Multi-

Strike; Lifting ST; Metabolism Control; Perfect Balance;

Protected Sense (any); Radiation Tolerance; Reduced

Consumption; Regeneration; Resistant, to any physical

threat; Sensitive Touch; Silence; Striking ST; Super

Climbing; Super Jump; Temperature Tolerance; and

Universal Digestion.

Power Modifier: Body Control. The advantage is a chi

ability within the Body Control power. To maintain it, you

must spend a few hours a day exercising and meditating.

Take a -10-point Disciplines of Faith or Vow disadvantage

to cover this. If you fail to roleplay your disadvantage, your

entire power fails the first time you call upon any of its abil-

ities. Once it does, none of your abilities will work and

you’ll feel ill, suffering an affliction chosen by the GM from

those under Irritating Conditions (p. B428); e.g., cough-

ing/sneezing, drowsy, nauseated, or pain. The only cure is

to take 1d days out from other activities to rebalance your

chi. -10%.

Chi Projection

The Chi Projection power lets you direct your chi exter-

nally in order to blast enemies, project force fields, fly, and

so forth.

Chi Projection Talent: You get +1 per level to use any Chi

Projection ability, and can use earned points to acquire

new abilities. In some worlds, Forceful Chi (p. 47) replaces

Chi Projection Talent and benefits both Chi Projection

abilities and the skills listed for Forceful Chi. 5 points/level

(15 points/level for Forceful Chi).

Chi Projection Abilities: Damage Resistance, with Force

Field; Flight; Healing; Obscure (any); Rapier Wit, with

Based on HT; Scanning Sense (Para-Radar); Terror, with

Based on HT; and Vibration Sense. Chi Projection can jus-

tify nearly any Affliction or Innate Attack – and sometimes

Telekinesis. The GM will usually restrict you to one or two

“signature” attacks and set an upper limit on damage. Be

sure to come up with elaborate names and special effects

for your attacks! See Innate Attack (pp. 45-47) for examples.

Power Modifier: Chi Projection. The advantage is a chi

ability within the Chi Projection power. Otherwise, this is

identical to the Body Control limitation. -10%.

Other Powers

The GM who wants to create additional chi powers will

get a lot of use out of GURPS Powers. Body Control and

Chi Projection (as “Bioenergy”) are both there, and the

Body Control power modifier appears as a generic -10%

modifier – “Chi” – for use with many powers. For instance,

Chi can replace the modifiers given for the Antipsi, ESP,

Psychic Healing, and Psychokinesis powers on pp. B255-

257, converting them from psi powers to chi powers.

Chi Powers for Martial Artists

Some of these abilities resemble weapons or unarmed

attacks, and allow attack rolls against normal combat skills

instead of the Innate Attack skill. This is a “special effect”

aimed at preserving the martial-arts flavor. It doesn’t affect

point cost.

Normally, the only legal defense against a ranged Innate

Attack is a dodge. However, a few of these attacks have the

Blockable limitation or Melee Attack limitation, which lets

the target attempt a block or parry. Others are Maledictions,

which can be resisted but not avoided.

Innate Attacks are unrealistic and strictly for over-the-top

cinematic games – and even then, they have Trained by a

Master or Weapon Master as a prerequisite.


see p. B80

Regeneration offers an alternative to Flesh Wounds

(p. B417) for the GM who wants cinematic PCs back in the

game soon after being knocked out or left for dead, but who

prefers up-front point costs. The GM chooses the permitted

levels. Accessibility limitations are prudent on speedier ver-

sions. “Not in combat” (-20%) limits healing to between

fights. “Only when unconscious” (-30%) means the hero

heals after he passes out, until he awakens at 1 HP. Limited,

Crushing (-40%) or Unarmed (-40%) allow quick comebacks

from beatings – but be aware that they also create the need to

record what caused each wound.


see p. B80

Martial artists in cinematic games can be Resistant to

Hypnotic Hands (p. 61), Invisibility Art (p. B202), Kiai

(p. B203), Pressure Points (p. B215), or “Hand of Death”

attacks (see Innate Attack, pp. 45-47). Neck-toughening exer-

cises (an “iron neck”) allow Resistant to Neck Injury, which

gives a bonus in Quick Contests to avoid injury from chokes

(p. B370) and Neck Snap (p. B404). Arm exercises might give

a similar bonus to resist injury from Arm Lock (p. B403) and

Wrench Limb (p. B404). Individually, the above items are

“Rare.” Resistant (+3) to any one of them costs 1 point and

makes an excellent Style Perk.

The blanket category “Chi Abilities” is comparable in

importance to “Psionics” and therefore “Very Common.”

Anyone might enjoy Resistant to Chi Abilities (+3) [10]; this

represents unusually strong chi. Individuals with Trained by

a Master can go as high as Resistant to Chi Abilities (+8) [15].

Immunity to Chi Abilities [30] only suits unnatural beings.

These traits protect against all noxious effects caused by cin-

ematic skills or chi powers (see Chi Powers for Martial Artists,

p. 46).


see p. B88

In a cinematic game, the GM may permit fighters to buy

any body part that isn’t a limb or an extremity as a Striker.

Real-world martial artists have claimed to have “iron”

foreheads and buttocks, among other things. Such Strikers

must be crushing, can’t have the Long enhancement, and

frequently suffer from Cannot Parry, Clumsy, and/or

Limited Arc.

Video game-inspired Strikers – such as a heavy spiked

ball at the end of a long braid – have no such restrictions.

They can have almost any reach and damage type. It’s up to

the GM whether things like that spiked ball are Strikers or

just equipment. As a rule, if it gets damage bonuses from

unarmed combat skills and you’re gaming in an unrealistic

genre where searches for weapons always conveniently over-

look it, it’s a Striker.

All Strikers inflict thrust damage at +1 per die – more

than most punches and kicks.

New Special Limitation

Limb: Your crushing Striker isn’t a new body part but a

limb. The limb has its normal reach and can strike with

Brawling or Karate. Find punching or kicking damage as

usual, including skill bonuses, and add +1 per die for the

Striker. This isn’t cumulative with the effects of Claws. Limb,

Arm is cinematic, and also lets you parry with the arm as if

it were a weapon; Unusual Background and training time are

as per Claws (p. 42). Limb, Shin is a realistic part of some

styles’ training, and enhances shin kicks (p. 112). -20%.


see p. B89

For general rules governing Talents, see the Basic Set.

Two new Talents are germane to Martial Arts:

Forceful Chi: Breaking Blow, Erotic Art, Flying Leap,

Hypnotic Hands, Hypnotism, Invisibility Art, Kiai, Power

Blow, Precognitive Parry, Pressure Points, Pressure Secrets,

Push, Throwing Art, and Zen Archery. Reaction bonus: hon-

orable opponents, those who practice “hard” or “external”

styles (including potential students and masters), and lovers

(past or present). 15 points/level.

Inner Balance: Autohypnosis, Blind Fighting, Body

Control, Body Language, Body Sense, Breath Control,

Dreaming, Immovable Stance, Light Walk, Lizard Climb,

Meditation, Mental Strength, Mind Block, and Sensitivity.

Reaction bonus: pacifists, ascetics, and those who practice

“soft” or “internal” martial-arts styles. 15 points/level.

Someone with Forceful Chi is gifted at projecting his chi

– both subtly and violently – to affect objects and people. He

can even influence missiles in flight, helping him aim his

own ranged weapons and evade his enemies’. His tangible

aura of fitness impresses those who face him on the battle-

field, at the dojo, or in the bedroom.

A hero with Inner Balance has superior


control over his

body and mind. This inner peace strengthens his will, sharp-

ens his senses, and enables him to perform impossible feats

of endurance and balance. He’s visibly at peace, and those

who appreciate order and focus find him pleasant to be


Forceful Chi and Inner Balance are in many ways oppo-

sites. The GM could even make them mutually exclusive.

However, the greatest masters of the Chinese martial arts –

whose yang and yin are in perfect balance – might have high

levels of both talents.


These Talents don’t guarantee access to cinematic skills.

If a skill lists Trained by a Master or Weapon Master as a

prerequisite, you must possess the relevant advantage to

learn it.

Trained by a Master

see p. B93

This advantage represents schooling in the esoteric

secrets of one or more fighting styles. These martial arts

might be armed or unarmed, and of any provenance. One of

the primary purposes of Trained by a Master is to give

access to cinematic abilities, which might include:

• The cinematic skills Blind Fighting, Body Control,

Breaking Blow, Flying Leap, Hypnotic Hands, Immovable

Stance, Invisibility Art, Kiai, Light Walk, Lizard Climb,

Mental Strength, Power Blow, Precognitive Parry, Pressure

Points, Pressure Secrets, Push, Sensitivity, Throwing Art,

and Zen Archery – but only if they’re part of one of the mar-

tial artist’s styles!

• Any technique or perk marked with an asterisk (*) to

indicate that it’s cinematic, provided it belongs to one of the

martial artist’s styles.

• Exotic and supernatural advantages that are normally

off-limits to ordinary humans, such as Altered Time Rate

(p. 42), suitably modified Damage Resistance (p. 43), certain

Innate Attacks (p. 45-47), and chi powers (see Chi Powers for

Martial Artists, p. 46).

• Fewer restrictions on advantages that are available to

everyone, such as being able to take Claws (p. 42) without

Bad Grip, buy all Enhanced Defenses (pp. 43-44), possess

more than one level of Extra Attack (p. 44), have Resistant

(p. 47) at up to +8 vs. chi abilities, and wield Strikers (p. 47)

with Karate.

Another significant benefit of this advantage is to expand

the martial artist’s combat options. In campaigns that use

the optional rules in Chapter 4, Trained by a Master (or

Weapon Master) is required for Chambara Fighting (pp. 128-

130) and Bullet Time (p. 133). The GM may also make it a

prerequisite for attacking more than twice with Rapid

Strike (see Rapid Strike, p. 127) or employing extra effort in

a fight (see Extra Effort in Combat, p. 131). Those with

Trained by a Master are never subject to Harsh Realism for

Unarmed Fighters (p. 124). Finally, Trained by a Master

halves the penalties for Rapid Strike (p. B370) and multiple

parries (p. B376) – although this isn’t cumulative with the

similar halving for Weapon Master.

Weapon Master

see p. B99

In a Martial Arts campaign, this advantage represents

natural talent with low-tech weapons, or training in the eso-

teric secrets of an armed fighting style. Its main benefit is

the damage bonus noted in the Basic Set, but it also grants

access to cinematic abilities, which might include:

• The cinematic skills Blind Fighting, Flying Leap, Kiai,

Mental Strength, Power Blow, Precognitive Parry, Pressure

Points, Sensitivity, Throwing Art, and Zen Archery, as long

as they belong to one of the martial artist’s armed combat


•Weapon techniques and perks marked as cinematic (*),

provided they’re found among the martial artist’s armed


• Several advantages that are usually forbidden to nor-

mal characters, such as Altered Time Rate (p. 42), Gizmos

(p. 45), certain Innate Attacks (pp. 45-47), and chi powers

(see Chi Powers for Martial Artists, p. 46).

• Exemption from the usual restrictions on Enhanced

Defenses (pp. 43-44) and Extra Attack (p. 44).

Those with Weapon Master also have wider options in

combat. When using weapons covered by their advantage,

they receive half the usual penalties for Multiple Fast-Draw

(p. 103), Quick-Shooting Bows (pp. 119-120), Rapid Strike

with Thrown Weapons (pp. 120-121), and Multiple Blocks

(p. 123). At the GM’s option, they can use Chambara Fighting

(pp. 128-130) and Bullet Time (p. 133), too. They can gener-

ally attack more than twice using a Rapid Strike (see Rapid

Strike, p. 127) and employ extra effort in battle (see Extra

Effort in Combat, p. 131) – even if ordinary fighters cannot.

As the Basic Set indicates, if you have Weapon Master,

you may halve the penalties for Rapid Strike (p. B370) and

multiple parries (p. B376). Those who also have Trained by

a Master do this once – they don’t divide by 4. However, the

halving of penalties for quick-shooting bows does “stack”

with the effects of Heroic Archer (p. 45), for Weapon Master

specialties covering bows.


Inigo: You’re using Bonetti’s defense against me, ah?

Man in Black: I thought it fitting, considering the rocky terrain.

Inigo: Naturally, you must expect me to attack with Capo Ferro . . .

Man in Black: . . . naturally – but I find Thibault cancels out Capo Ferro,

don’t you?

Inigo: Unless the enemy has studied his Agrippa – which I have.

– The Princess Bride

These benefits apply when using any weapon covered by

your advantage – whether in melee or ranged combat, and

whether defending against melee attacks or using the Parry

Missile Weapons skill (p. B212) against missiles – as long it’s

capable of what you wish to attempt.

Wild Talent

see p. B99

This ability is especially suitable for individuals who’ve

achieved “harmony with the Tao” – the putative goal of

many Chinese martial arts. A warrior can use this advantage

to attempt unmastered techniques at full skill instead of at a

default penalty, if he knows the underlying skill. A martial

artist who also has Trained by a Master or Weapon Master

can even attempt unknown cinematic skills. If your Wild

Talent only works for these two purposes, add the -20% lim-

itation “Focused, Martial Arts.”


Three new types of perks are important in Martial Arts

games. All can be gained in play. Each perk costs a point.

For more on perks, see pp. B100-101.

Style Familiarity

Style Familiarity means you’ve studied and/or practiced

a martial-arts style. You must pay a point for familiarity

with any style you know. (Exception: The “Self-Defense”

lens, p. 145, lets you ignore this requirement . . . but you

won’t enjoy the allowances below.) Its effects are as follows:

• You can acquire the style’s Style Perks, learn its cine-

matic skills (provided you have Trained by a Master or

Weapon Master), improve its techniques whenever you

have the points, and buy abilities listed among its

“Optional Traits” – even ones that are generally off-limits to

PCs, if the GM agrees. Style Familiarity acts as an Unusual

Background that gives you access to these things. See

Components of a Style (pp. 141-143).

• You’re familiar with the style’s culture and don’t suffer

the -3 for lack of Cultural Familiarity when using such

skills as Connoisseur (Weapons), Games, Savoir-Faire

(Dojo), or Teaching to interact with co-stylists.

• In most settings, you have the equivalent of a 1-point

Claim to Hospitality (p. B41) with a school or instructor.

• If your opponent has studied one or more styles and

you have Style Familiarity with them all, you may reduce

the defense penalty from his feints and Deceptive Attacks

by -1. You’re aware of his styles’ tricks and tactics! If the

technique he uses with Deceptive Attack or to follow a feint

isn’t an orthodox part of any of his styles, ignore this effect.

In some campaigns, the GM may let you learn Style

Familiarity for styles so secret that they lack style descrip-

tions. For these, ignore the rules above and use Shout It

Out! (p. 132).

Style Perks

Style Perks are minor advantages or rules exemptions

for veteran warriors. The best way to learn them is to study

a martial art, as most styles offer them as advanced train-

ing. Anyone may buy one Style Perk per 20 points in com-

bat skills. A


martial artist who has Style Familiarity may

further buy one of that style’s perks per 10 points he has in

its techniques and required skills; see Components of a

Style (pp. 141-143). For example, 40 points in style abilities

would allow two general perks plus four style-specific ones.

Those with Style Familiarity for multiple styles and the

minimum investment in each style (see Combining Styles,

pp. 147-148) may count points in skills and techniques as

part of each style that shares them.

Below, an asterisk (*) indicates a cinematic perk that

requires Trained by a Master or Weapon Master. Perks with

a † require specialization by skill, technique, weapon, etc.,

as noted. A style may offer a more restricted perk, but it

still costs a point. The Style Perks for specific styles appear

in Chapter 5 – and if they aren’t listed here, they aren’t

available to non-stylists.

Armor Familiarity†

You’re accustomed to fighting in armor. You may ignore

-1 in encumbrance penalties to attack or parry with Judo,

Karate, or a fencing skill. You have no penalty at Light

encumbrance, -1 at Medium, and so on. You must special-

ize by skill: Armor Familiarity (Judo), Armor Familiarity

(Rapier), etc. The GM may permit multiple levels to negate

greater encumbrance. Each level is an additional Style


Biting Mastery

You’ve learned a highly developed body of effective bites

for use in close quarters. You may use Karate skill to attack

with a bite and add the Karate damage bonus to biting

damage. Styles for fanged nonhumans often have this



Extra Hit Points

The GM may let martial artists with appropriate

Style Perks increase Hit Points by up to 100% instead

of the usual 30%. Hulking TV wrestlers, heavyweight

boxers, and massive sumotori traditionally enjoy this

benefit. Such giants should use the Build Table

(p. B18) to find weight from HP instead of ST. Use the

“Overweight” column for HP up to 130% of ST, the

“Fat” column for HP up to 150% of ST, and the “Very

Fat” column for HP up to 200% of ST.

Extra HP can also represent an unrealistic

damage-taking capacity for ordinary-sized people; see

Cinematic Injury (p. 139). In that case, anyone might

be able to buy lots of HP. Hit points in excess of ST

don’t affect the weight of such characters, or increase

the damage they take or inflict in falls and slams.

Remember that major wounds, crippling, and

death all depend on thresholds calculated from HP.

Those with 20+ HP also benefit from High HP and

Shock (p. B419) and High HP and Healing (p. B424).

Chi Resistance*†

You can rally your chi against a particular chi-based

attack form, giving you +3 to resist. Examples include Chi

Resistance (Hypnotic Hands) and Chi Resistance (Pressure

Points). For details and more examples, see Resistant

(p. 47).

Cotton Stomach*

You’ve learned to catch attackers’ hands and feet using

your abdominal muscles (or rolls of fat!). Once per turn, you

can attempt a standard unarmed parry against a punch or

kick to your torso, but using your body instead of a limb.

Success lets you use any follow-up technique capable of

trapping an attacker – e.g., Arm Lock or Leg Grapple –

“hands free.”

Drunken Fighting*

You’ve mastered the mythical art of fighting while intox-

icated (see pp. B439-440). When you’re tipsy or drunk

(p. B428), treat the -1 or -2 to DX as a +1 or +2 bonus in a

fight. Penalties to IQ and self-control rolls apply normally!

Exotic Weapon Training†

Certain weapons have a built-in skill penalty due to their

unusual balance relative to other weapons used with the

same weapon skill. These include the chigoridani, three-part

staff, and trident (see Chapter 6). You’ve trained enough

with such a weapon that you no longer suffer this penalty.

You must specialize by weapon.

Form Mastery†

When using a weapon that works with multiple skills,

you must normally specify the skill you’re using at the start

of your turn (see Switching Weapon Skills, p. 104). You’ve

practiced fluid shifts between forms and can change skills

freely during your turn. For instance, you could start your

turn using a spear with the Staff skill, switch to the Spear

skill to attack, and then return to Staff for parrying. You

must specialize in a weapon: Form Mastery (Naginata),

Form Mastery (Spear), etc.

Grip Mastery†

Switching between one- and two-handed grips, or a reg-

ular grip and a Defensive Grip (p. 109-111), usually takes a

Ready maneuver – but you’ve practiced until this has

become second nature. You can do either grip change (or

both) as a free action once on your turn, before or after your

maneuver. For instance, you could make a one-handed

katana cut and end your turn in a two-handed Defensive

Grip. Next turn, you could shift to a regular two-handed grip

and attack. You must specialize by weapon; Grip Mastery

(Katana) is the most common version.

Ground Guard

You know a body of tactics for use when you and your

opponent are both on the ground. In that situation only, you

get +1 in all Regular or Quick Contests to do with grappling

– pins, chokes, attempts to break free, etc. If your foe knows

Ground Guard, too, your bonuses cancel out. This perk is

named for a fighting position used when lying face-up, com-

monly called the “guard,” but encompasses many related

positions and also works when crawling or lying face-down.

Improvised Weapons†

You’ve practiced fighting with everyday items. These

weapons might be improvised for others but they’re familiar

to you. Ignore skill penalties (only) when wielding them; see

Improvised Weapons (p. 224). You must specialize by com-

bat skill. You can learn Improvised Weapons (Brawling) or

Improvised Weapons (Karate) to use improvised fist loads


Iron Body Parts *†

You’ve toughened a body part through exotic exercises.

This provides resistance to injury – either a bonus to resist

harm from breaks and locks (see Resistant, p. 47) or DR

against strikes (see Damage Resistance, p. 43) – and the right

to buy optional abilities. Details depend on the body part,

each of which is its own specialty:

Iron Arms: You have +3 to ST and HT rolls to resist injury

from Arm Lock, Wrench Arm, and the like. You may opt to

purchase DR 1 or 2 (Partial, Arms, -20%; Tough Skin, -40%)

[2 or 4] or Striker (Crushing; Limb, Arm, -20%) [4].

Iron Hands: This is simply DR 1 (Partial, Hands, -40%;

Tough Skin, -40%) [1]. Once you’ve acquired this perk, you

may elect to buy a second level of DR [1] and/or Blunt Claws

[3]. See Claws (p. 42) for possible drawbacks to the latter


Iron Legs: You have +3 to ST and HT rolls to resist injury

from Leg Lock, Wrench Leg, and similar techniques, and

may optionally acquire DR 1 or 2 (Partial, Legs, -20%;

Tough Skin, -40%) [2 or 4].

Iron Neck: You have +3 to ST and HT rolls to resist injury

from chokes, strangles, and Neck Snaps, and may buy DR 1

or 2 (Partial, Neck, -50%; Tough Skin, -40%) [1 or 2], if you


Naval Training

You’ve trained at fighting on a rocking ship or boat. You

may ignore the -2 to attack and -1 to defend for bad footing

under those circ*mstances.

Neck Control†

You’re adept at striking from the clinch. You must spe-

cialize in one unarmed striking skill. Whenever you’ve grap-

pled a standing opponent’s head, neck, or torso (only), you

get +1 to hit when you strike that foe with your skill.

Off-Hand Weapon Training†

You’ve practiced a particular skill enough with your “off”

hand that you can ignore the -4 for using that hand (see

Handedness, p. B14). This extends to all active defenses and

techniques based on that skill. You must specialize by skill;

any one-handed Melee Weapon, ranged weapon, or Fast-

Draw skill qualifies.

This perk completely replaces the Off-Hand Weapon

Training (OHWT) technique on p. B232. This is because the

cost to buy off -4 as a Hard technique for even one skill is 5

points – the same as Ambidexterity, which eliminates the

penalty for all skills – and in a Martial Arts campaign, fight-

ers may need several versions of OHWT to be proficient in

their style.


As a perk, OHWT is cheaper than Ambidexterity

for those with fewer than five specialties . . . and if someone

is that dedicated, the GM should let him replace his five

perks with Ambidexterity for the same points!


Power Grappling

You’re adept at applying force precisely when wrestling.

Except when rolling to hit or for an active defense, you may

opt to base normally DX-based grappling rolls on ST.

Moreover, whenever you make a ST roll that usually enjoys a

ST bonus from Sumo Wrestling or Wrestling – e.g., the roll to

break free – you may waive your bonus and attempt a ST-

based Judo, Sumo Wrestling, or Wrestling roll instead.


You’ve practiced sheathing your weapon quickly. After

switching to a Reversed Grip (pp. 111-112) using a Ready

maneuver, you can try a Fast-Draw roll to scabbard your

weapon on the same turn. You can even attempt rolls against

both the Reverse Grip technique (p. 78) and Fast-Draw to

sheathe the weapon as a free

action; see Quick Sheathing

(p. 102). Specialties match

those for Fast-Draw (pp. 56-

57): Quick-Sheathe (Sword),

Quick-Sheathe (Tonfa), etc.


You’ve perfected the art of

juggling a one-handed

weapon between hands.

Once per turn, on your turn,

you can switch hands as a

free action. The receiving

hand must be empty. You must specialize by weapon skill:

Quick-Swap (Knife), Quick-Swap (Rapier), etc.

Rapid Retraction†

You punch or kick so quickly that it’s difficult for your

opponent to trap your limb. You get +1 on all rolls to avoid

such techniques as Arm Lock and Leg Grapple when they fol-

low an enemy parry. You must specialize in Rapid Retraction

(Punches) or Rapid Retraction (Kicks). The GM may allow

Rapid Retraction (Bites) for nonhumans.

Shield-Wall Training

You’ve drilled extensively at fighting from behind a shield

wall. You can sacrifice your block defense to block an attack

on an ally standing beside you. Furthermore, you may ignore

the -2 to attack when holding a large shield (see p. B547).


As noted under Shtick (p. B101), a “cool move” that pro-

vides no combat bonuses is a valid perk if it might occasion-

ally be useful. Styles with Combat Art skills often teach such

flourishes. An example is chiburi: flicking blood off a sword

blade. Such Shticks require a combat skill roll to perform.

Most either allow an Intimidation attempt as a free action

(chiburi works this way) or give the maximum +4 for “dis-

plays of strength” listed for Intimidation (p. B202) if you use

your entire next turn to make a deliberate attempt.

Skill Adaptation†

A style’s skills represent its basic “subsystems.” The tech-

niques that normally default to each skill are that subsystem’s

core moves – but you know some less-orthodox tactics. You

can learn techniques that don’t default to a skill as if they did,

at the usual default penalties. If a technique notes several

penalties, use the easiest; e.g., Drop Kick defaults to Brawling-

1, Sumo Wrestling-1, or Wrestling-2, so adapting it to Karate

makes your default Karate-1. The GM sets the scope of each

specialty. It may be as sweeping as Skill Adaptation (Brawling

techniques default to Karate) or as narrow as Skill Adaptation

(Breakfall defaults to Karate). A few examples important

enough to get special names:

Acrobatic Feints: You’ve practiced using gymnastics to

catch enemies off-guard. You may use the Acrobatics skill to

feint and may improve the Feint (Acrobatics) technique.

Similar perks might exist for other skills (e.g., “Dancing

Feints” for the Dancing skill); see Feints Using Non-Combat

Skills (p. 101).

Acrobatic Kicks: You’ve learned to kick as a natural exten-

sion of flips, jumps, and spins. You

can default kicking techniques to

Acrobatics instead of to Brawling or

Karate. Acrobatic kicks never receive

Brawling or Karate damage bonuses.

Clinch: You’ve integrated limited

grappling moves into your Boxing,

Brawling, or Karate skill – choose one.

Whenever you grapple a standing

opponent’s head, neck, or torso (only),

use your striking skill for the attack

roll. This is rarely worth the point if

you already know a grappling skill!

Special Exercises†

You pursue an exercise regimen that grants access to a

capability that’s normally cinematic or off-limits for your

race. This is a perk-level Unusual Background – the ability

itself has its own cost. Each trait requires its own perk:

Special Exercises (DR 1 with Tough Skin), Special Exercises

(Striking ST +1), Special Exercises (Arm ST +1), Special

Exercises (HP can exceed ST by 100%), and so on.

Special Setup†

Certain techniques require a specific “setup” before you

can execute them. You’ve learned an alternative setup. Your

specialty must name one technique and spell out the change.

For instance, if you can use Arm Lock after a Karate parry

instead of after a Judo parry, you have Special Setup (Karate

Parry > Arm Lock).


You’ve learned how best to draw a heavy bow. If you know

Bow at DX+1, you can shoot a bow of your ST+1 instead of

your ST. Bow at DX+2 or better lets you use a bow of your

ST+2. You need a strong bow to see range and damage

improvements; there’s no effect when shooting a bow of your

ST or less.

Style Adaptation†

You’ve adapted other styles’ techniques for use with your

style. Merge the techniques lists of all the styles involved,

including yours. You may improve any technique on the com-

bined list, provided it defaults to one of your style’s skills. The

GM specifies the styles adapted, which might be one or many;

the number doesn’t affect point cost. Style Adaptation (All) is

legitimate for modern mixed styles.


Suit Familiarity†

You’ve learned special moves that offset the limitations

of a bulky environment suit. You may ignore the DX penal-

ties for such a suit. The Environment Suit skill (p. B192) still

sets an upper limit on effective combat skill – you just don’t

suffer any extra DX penalties. You must specialize by

Environment Suit skill: Suit Familiarity (Diving

Suit), Suit Familiarity (Vacc Suit), etc.


You’ve studied low, stable stances for fighting

on shaky ground. This lets you ignore the -2 to

attack and -1 to defend for a specific type of bad

footing. You must specialize. Sure-Footed

(Slippery) covers mud, oil, and blood, but not

grappling an opponent with the Slippery advan-

tage or an oily coating. Sure-Footed (Uneven)

covers hills, piles of corpses, etc. The GM may

allow other versions, such as Naval Training

(p. 50).


You’ve practiced fighting in a team. To use this

perk, everyone in the squad must take a Ready

maneuver to “form up.” After that, the entire group acts at

the same point in the combat sequence as its slowest mem-

ber. On the team’s collective turn, each member may select

any maneuver he likes. The only requirement is that after

everyone in the original formation has taken his turn,

they’re all still adjacent to one another (in adjoining hexes).

If anyone gets separated, the team must form up again –

with or without the straggler. A fighter who’s formed-up


• Brace a teammate in front of him and within a yard,

adding 1/5 (round down) of his ST or HP, as applicable, to

his ally’s score when his friend resists a slam (p. B371), exe-

cutes a shove (p. B372), or suffers knockback (p. B378). This

is a free action.

• Feint or make a Ruse and transfer the benefits to

another teammate who can reach the same foe.

• Ignore the -2 to attack enemies in close combat with

teammates (p. B392).

•Sacrifice a parry or block to defend a teammate behind

him from a long weapon or missile that passes within a yard

(through his hex).

You must specialize by style or in working with a partic-

ular small group (such as an adventuring party). Only those

with the same perk can form up and enjoy these benefits.

Technique Adaptation†

You’ve internalized your style’s methodology so com-

pletely that you can adapt one of its techniques to skills it

doesn’t teach. You must specialize by technique: Technique

Adaptation (Feint), Technique


Adaptation (Ground

Fighting), and so on. Once you’ve spent at least a point to

improve that technique for a skill that’s part of your style,

you can buy that technique for other combat skills you

know, provided it normally defaults to them. For instance, if

you’ve learned Technique Adaptation (Feint) and bought up

Feint (Karate) as part of your style, and studied Shortsword

on your own, you could raise Feint (Shortsword).

Technique Mastery†

You’ve trained so intensively at a technique that you

enjoy a higher maximum level. You must specialize in a

technique – commonly a kick or a throw – that’s part of your

style and that appears in Chapter 3 (the GM may make

exceptions). It must have a normal maximum of full skill or

better, which disqualifies

techniques based on active

defenses and those that

“cannot exceed prerequi-

site skill-x.” A skill’s core

uses aren’t eligible; e.g.,

Technique Mastery (Judo

Throw) and Technique

Mastery (Kicking) are fine,

but Technique Mastery

(Judo Grapple) and Tech-

nique Mastery (Karate

Punch) aren’t. If the stan-

dard maximum is skill,

yours is skill+4. If the limit

is ordinarily greater than

skill, your maximum is

two levels higher than usual (e.g., skill+6 with Arm Lock).

Unique Technique†

You can use and improve a technique that’s otherwise

forbidden by Creating New Techniques (pp. 89-95). All such

techniques are Hard. Each exemption requires its own perk.

This is a perk-level Unusual Background.

Unusual Training†

With sufficient training, certain cinematic skills and

techniques might work in reality. You’ve studied one of

these. Unusual Training is an Unusual Background that lets

you buy a cinematic capability without Trained by a Master

or Weapon Master. Since what’s “cinematic” is often not the

feat but the ability to perform it unrestricted, the perk might

specify a set of “believable” circ*mstances that must be true

to use the skill or technique. For instance, Unusual Training

(Dual-Weapon Attack, Both attacks must target the same

foe) permits a fighter to improve Dual-Weapon Attack for

use on one opponent; he still has the full -4 if he attacks adja-

cent adversaries simultaneously, because he lacks Trained

by a Master and Weapon Master. Tameshiwari – realistic

breaking techniques – is Unusual Training (Breaking Blow,

Only vs. well-braced objects out of combat).

Weapon Adaptation†

You’ve adapted the moves used with one group of melee

weapons to another class of weapons. This lets you wield the

weapons covered by one weapon skill using a different skill

and its techniques, with all of the benefits and drawbacks of

that skill, provided the replacement skill defaults to the

usual one at no worse than -4 and uses the same number of

hands. Each adaptation is a separate perk; e.g., Weapon

Adaptation (Shortsword to Smallsword) lets you use the

Smallsword skill to fight when equipped with a Shortsword

weapon – complete with fencing parries, superior retreats,

and encumbrance penalties. The GM may permit silly adap-

tations, such as Knife to Halberd, as cinematic perks.



Weapon Bond

You own a weapon that’s uniquely suited to you. Its qual-

ity might be no better than normal, but when you use it,

you’re at +1 to effective skill. This isn’t a mystical attune-

ment but a physical matter of balance, fit to your hand, and

the like. If the weapon is lost or destroyed, the bond doesn’t

transfer to a new weapon, but you can acquire a new

Weapon Bond in play.

You can have a bond to a weapon of any quality. The

price paid for the weapon reflects the quality but not your

special bond with it.


Martial artists will find physical disadvantages unusual-

ly crippling – especially such things as Bad Back, Blindness,

Lame, Neurological Disorder, One Arm, One Eye, One

Hand, Quadriplegic, and Wounded. These problems do suit

veterans who’ve suffered injuries, but they’re best avoided

when creating warriors as new PCs. Other traits that can

make life difficult for fighters are Cannot Learn, Combat

Paralysis, Hemophilia, Low Pain Threshold, Pacifism (Total

Nonviolence), and Post-Combat Shakes.

The availability of cinematic abilities can alter what’s

truly “crippling,” however. For instance, Blind Fighting

(p. B180) can mitigate Blindness, while those with Flight

thanks to the Chi Projection power (p. 46) won’t be tied

down by Lame. Only Cannot Learn and Quadriplegic

make it genuinely impossible to be a martial artist.

Below are new forms of existing disadvantages that

won’t cripple martial artists but that can influence com-

bat in interesting ways. They’re ideal for Martial Arts


Code of Honor

see p. B127

Three Codes from the Basic Set – Gentleman’s,

Soldier’s, and Chivalry – suit martial artists well. Two

additional Codes are important for historical


Code of Honor (Bushido): The Japanese warrior code

(see The Samurai, pp. 12-13). You must be absolutely

loyal to your master and single-minded in the execution

of his orders or those dictated by your station. You’re

expected to die rather than to fail in your task, and to

commit ritual suicide without hesitation if so ordered.

You must answer any challenge or insult to your lord.

You must face pain, discomfort, and even death stoical-

ly. You must always be polite to your equals and superi-

ors, and never overlook disrespect from social inferiors;

such disrespect is usually punished by death. -15 points.

Code of Honor (Xia): The way of the Chinese knights-

errant (see Xia, p. 8). You must be skilled at arms. You

must keep your word, honor your pledges, be humble,

and uphold justice for those in need. You must be brave

and not spare yourself harm to help others. You must be

willing to use force but also to show restraint when

force isn’t needed. You must respect and honor your

teacher. -10 points.


see p. B130

Martial artists occasionally harbor Delusions about their

own or others’ skills. Except when such problems lead one

fighter to insult another, though, it’s unrealistic for them to

cause reaction penalties. Non-fighters tend to ignore war-

riors’ braggadocio unless they’re being threatened – they’re

likely to assume that’s simply how fighters behave! Such

Delusions have other effects instead.

On any turn in combat when such a Delusion would

apply (GM’s decision), you must attempt a self-control roll;

see Self-Control Rolls (p. B121). Delusions don’t usually have

a self-control number, so use the “default” value of 12. The

GM may permit other self-control numbers for combat-

related Delusions, with the usual effect on point value.

Success lets you take your turn normally. Failure means

you must do something risky – much as if you were suffer-

ing from On the Edge (p. B146). You might All-Out Attack,

try an elaborate move that reduces effective skill to 3 (mak-

ing any roll of 13+ a critical failure), or turn your side or

back to an enemy in order to fight a more worthy foe. On a

critical failure, you must do something that will affect the

rest of the combat; e.g., discard a perfectly good weapon or

piece of armor to show derision, or cut yourself for at least

1 HP of injury to demonstrate your toughness.




Many martial artists are honorable warriors, dedicated

athletes, or respectful traditionalists. These individuals fre-

quently have such disadvantages as Code of Honor

(p. B127); Disciplines of Faith (p. B132), typically

Asceticism in historical settings; Pacifism (p. B148), most

likely Reluctant Killer or Self-Defense Only; Sense of Duty

(p. B153), to fellow students or a master; and Vow

(p. B160).

The martial arts also attract more than their share of

intemperate, obsessed, vengeful, and violent people who

want to learn to maim or kill – or who believe in victory at

any cost. These individuals often have some combination

of Bad Temper (p. B124); Berserk (p. B124); Bloodlust

(p. B125); Bully (p. B125); Callous (p. B125); Fanaticism

(p. B136); Intolerance (p. B140); Obsession (p. B146); and

Sadism (p.



Either kind of fighter might find his confidence in his

training blossoming into Overconfidence (p. B148). From

an outsider’s perspective, the dedication of a career martial

artist looks like Workaholic (p. B162). Both disadvantages

are almost universal among movie action heroes!

Finally, a few disadvantages are actually desirable for

certain martial artists. Overweight, Fat, and Very Fat

(p. B19) benefit those who practice Sumo (pp. 198-199), by

reducing knockback from shoves and slams. Gigantism

(p. B20), by granting +1 SM, gives a discount on the point

cost of ST and a bonus to pin attempts (p. B370), making it

valuable to grapplers.

Minor Delusions affect combat against a rare category of

foes, apply just once per battle, or only come up under

uncommon circ*mstances. Examples: “Western boxers are

pansies, and no match for my karate.” “If I start the bout

with my secret technique, I’ll almost certainly win.” “I’m

invincible if I fight in a temple.” -5 points.

Major Delusions affect combat against a large category of

foes or concern situations that might arise in almost any

fight. Examples: “My skill at Asian martial arts makes me

more effective than any Westerner.” “Fighters who kick are

weaklings and cowards.” “Wounding me only makes me

more dangerous.” -10 points.

Severe Delusions affect almost all combat, all of the time.

Examples: “I’m the best brawler in the world.” “Being of

good breeding, I can defeat any lower-class foe.” “My style is

the ultimate martial art.” -15 points.


see p. B26

You can have a Reputation for always targeting a certain

hit location, overusing a combat option or technique, play-

ing dirty tricks, and so forth. Price this as you would a bad

Reputation – but the effect is to make you predictable rather

than to cause others to react poorly. “Foes in combat” is a

small class of people; multiply point value by 1/3. Frequency

of recognition further modifies cost, as usual.

An opponent who recognizes you is ready for your “sig-

nature move,” making it less likely to work. If this move

requires a Quick Contest (like a feint, or the Quick Contest

of IQ discussed under Dirty Tricks, p. B405), apply your

Reputation level to your roll as a penalty. If it involves an

uncontested attack roll, add your level to your rival’s defense

roll as a bonus instead. This is cumulative with the benefits

your enemy gets from Style Familiarity (p. 49) and Evaluate

(see Countering Feints and Deceptive Attacks, p. 100) against

your feints and Deceptive Attacks, and with the +1 he has to

defend against repeated uses of Targeted Attack (p. 68).

Example: Louis Lafouine is notorious for stabbing at the

eyes – so much so that what would be a surprising tactic

from anyone else is expected from him. He buys four levels

of Reputation for this. He gets ¥1/3 for “foes in combat” and

he’s recognized on a 10 or less – about half the time – for a

further ¥1/2. His Reputation is worth -3 points. Those who

recognize Louis get +4 to defend against blows to the eyes.

If you don’t attempt your “signature move” in every fight,

the GM is within his rights to require you to buy off your

Reputation with earned points. If you always do the same

thing in combat (and leave witnesses), the GM might assign

you this kind of Reputation!


Obviously, the most important skills for martial artists

are combat skills (see Combat Skills, p. 55). The skills dis-

cussed here are mainly non-combat skills that merit addi-

tional notes for Martial Arts games. For combat techniques,

see Chapter 3. To learn which skills are associated with a

particular fighting style, see Chapter 5.

Skills marked with an asterisk (*) are cinematic, and

unavailable in most realistic settings. In worlds where they

exist, you need Trained by a Master or Weapon Master to

learn them. Skills with a † require you to select a specialty.


see p. B174

Acrobatics is as important as any combat skill for

capoeiristas, action heroes, and other flashy fighters. It’s

required to use combat rules such as Acrobatic Attack

(p. 107), Acrobatic Dodge (p. B375), Acrobatic Movement

(pp. 105-107), and Acrobatic Stand (p. 98), which are at least

semi-realistic, and Chambara Fighting (pp. 128-130), which

is cinematic. Some fighting styles allow an “Acrobatic

Feint,” too; see Feints Using Non-Combat Skills (p. 101).


see p. B179

This skill is valuable to martial artists who wish to “fight

through” pain and fatigue. In a cinematic campaign, the

GM may want to replace the mandatory (20 - skill) seconds

of concentration with a variable concentration time and

apply the time-based modifiers used for Breaking Blow and

Power Blow: -10 if used instantly, dropping to -5 after a turn

of concentration, -4 after two turns, -3 after four turns, -2

after eight turns, -1 after 16 turns, and no penalty after 32


Blind Fighting*

see p. B180

Those who have Inner Balance (p. 47) and ESP Talent

(p. B256) or Telepathy Talent (p. B257) may add only the

highest of the three Talents to their roll. These bonuses don’t


Body Control*

see p. B181

Body Control can replace HT when resisting Pressure

Points (p. B215), Hand of Death (see Innate Attack, pp. 45-

47), or chi powers (see Chi Projection, p. 46). Because it’s

also effective against the Affliction advantage and poisons,

as stated in the Basic Set, and can resist chi-based afflic-

tions, the GM might find it simpler to let it replace HT for

all rolls to resist the afflictions on pp. B428-429, regardless

of origin. Use the rules for flushing poisons to end enduring

effects. The skill for identifying chi-based ailments is

Esoteric Medicine (p. B192).

In fiction, Body Control is often used to manage injury.

It can replace First Aid and Physician when you treat your-

self (only) under the rules on pp. B423-425. Effective TL is

that of Esoteric Medicine in the campaign – TL3, unless

specified otherwise. Body Control serves as First Aid for

bandaging and treating shock. If your level is HT+2 or bet-

ter, you’re considered to be in a physician’s care when figur-

ing long-term recovery. If you also receive external medical

care, you must choose between it and this skill’s benefits; the

two don’t “stack.”



see p. B182

This skill isn’t specifically associated with the Boxing

style (pp. 152-153). Any fighting style that teaches a

“scientific” approach to punching – but not other unarmed

strikes – might include it.

There’s rarely a reason to learn Boxing if you know

Karate. However, encumbrance penalizes attacks and par-

ries with Karate but not with Boxing. Karate-users who

believe that they could end up fighting unarmed while clad

in heavy armor might therefore wish to invest in Boxing as

well (but see Armor Familiarity, p. 49).

The damage bonus for Boxing only applies when attack-

ing with that skill. It doesn’t “stack” with Brawling or Karate



see p. B182

The Brawling skill has a more modest damage bonus than

Boxing and Karate, doesn’t grant the improved retreating

bonus that those skills provide when parrying, and (unlike

Karate) is at -3 to parry weapons. It also gives no defaults to

“fancy” techniques such as high kicks, exotic hand strikes, and

lethal cinematic attacks. Point for point, though, it can be just

as deadly as Boxing or Karate . . . under the right


First, Brawling is Easy, which means that the same invest-

ment in points buys +1 or +2 to hit relative to Boxing (Average)

or Karate (Hard). This lets the brawler more easily target vul-

nerable body parts. Second, Brawling includes the ability to

use a blackjack or sap, which largely equalizes damage. Third,

Brawling is one of the few ways to improve one’s skill and

damage with biting, which can be a potent attack in close

combat (see Teeth, p. 115), and can replace DX in a slam or

when smashing foes into walls (see Grab and Smash!, p. 118).

Finally, Brawling gives defaults to several vicious techniques

that Boxing and Karate don’t cover, including Drop



(p. 70), Elbow Drop (pp. 70-71), Eye-Gouging (p. 71), Knee

Drop (p. 76), and Two-Handed Punch (p. 81). The last two

points in particular mean that fighters with Boxing or Karate

might want to invest in Brawling to expand their close-combat


The damage bonus from Brawling only applies when using

that skill to attack. It doesn’t “stack” with Boxing or Karate


Breaking Blow*

see p. B182

Breaking Blow normally only affects unarmed attacks.

However, legendary warriors routinely use massive axes,

mauls, and swords to lay waste to castles and splinter mighty

trees. In a high-powered cinematic game, the GM may permit

those who know Breaking Blow and Forced Entry (p. B196) to

use this skill when attacking inanimate objects with melee

weapons (and even battering rams!).

Combat Art or Sport†

see p. B184

In a real fight, martial artists with Combat Art or Sport

skills function as if their skill were three levels lower. This is

because of the -3 default penalty between Art/Sport skills and

combat skills. If a combat skill enjoys special benefits – such

as the +3 for a retreat when parrying with Boxing, Judo,

Karate, or a fencing skill – these do apply to its Art and Sport

forms. When these benefits depend on skill level, though, use

the level after the -3 default penalty. For instance, to claim +1

damage for knowing Karate at DX level, a karateka with

Karate Sport would need DX+3 level.

The reason why Combat Art skills aren’t as effective as

combat skills in a real fight isn’t always that they “emphasize

graceful movements and perfect stances,” however. Just as

often, these skills teach techniques that look impressive in a

staged fight without regard for combat effectiveness or tradi-

tional aesthetics! Stunt fighters learn such Combat Art skills to

put on an entertaining show for the camera or a live audience.


Combat Skills

Where rules in Martial Arts refer to “combat

skills,” they mean skills that let you attack or defend

in melee combat (but not necessarily both – Garrote

and Lance can only attack, and Parry Missile

Weapons can only defend), or strike from afar using

an innate or muscle-powered ranged weapon. The

complete list appears below, sorted into subcate-

gories commonly used by the rules. Combat Art and

Sport skills (p. B184) aren’t combat skills.

Melee Combat Skills

Axe/Mace (p. B208), Broadsword (p. B208), Cloak

(p. B184), Flail (p. B208), Force Sword (p. B208),

Force Whip (p. B209), Garrote (p. B197), Jitte/Sai

(p. B208), Knife (p. B208), Kusari (p. B209), Lance

(p. B204), Main-Gauche (p. B208), Monowire Whip

(p. B209), Net (p. B211), Parry Missile Weapons

(p. B212), Polearm (p. B208), Rapier (p. B208), Saber

(p. B208), Shield (p. B220), Shortsword (p. B209),

Smallsword (p. B208), Spear (p. B208), Staff

(p. B208), Tonfa (p. B209), Two-Handed Axe/Mace

(p. B208), Two-Handed Flail (p. B208), Two-Handed

Sword (p. B209), Whip (p. B209), and all unarmed

combat skills.

Unarmed Combat Skills:

•Grappling Skills: Judo (p. B203), Sumo Wrestling

(p. B223), and Wrestling (p. B228).

• Striking Skills: Boxing (p. B182), Brawling

(p. B182), and Karate (p. B203).

Ranged Combat Skills

Thrown Weapon Skills: Bolas (p. B181), Dropping

(p. B189), Lasso (p. B204), Net (p. B211), Spear

Thrower (p. B222), Throwing (p. B226), and Thrown

Weapon (p. B226).

Missile Weapon Skills: Blowpipe (p. B180), Bow

(p. B182), Crossbow (p. B186), Innate Attack

(p. B201), and Sling (p. B221).

Even so, stunt fighters are still fighters. They may use

combat and Combat Sport skills at the usual penalty (-3). To

create an actor who knows nothing about fighting but who

can simulate a fight by following directions, take Stage

Combat (p. B222). This gives no default to combat skills. For

more on simulated combat, see

Faking It (p. 130).

The distinction between

combat, Combat Art, and

Combat Sport skills is a real-

istic one. It doesn’t always

suit fantastic and cinematic

settings. The GM is free to

waive the -3 default penalty

between these skills and

allow martial artists who

know one skill to use the

other two at the same level.

This is suitable for action

heroes, who use the same

moves to pose and show off

(Combat Art), compete in

tournaments (Combat

Sport), and wipe the floor with the bad guys (combat skills).

See Techniques and Combat Art/Sport Skills (p. 64) and

Untrained Fighters (p. 113) for other important rules

pertaining to Art/Sport skills.


see p. B185

A specialty of importance in Martial Arts games is

Weapons. This skill defaults to any Armoury or armed-

combat skill at -3. A successful roll lets you estimate a

weapon’s quality and value, identify a legendary weapon, or

impress martial artists (may give +1 on Savoir-Faire (Dojo)

or reaction rolls, at the GM’s option). Craftsmen and fight-

ers generally rely on their defaults unless they’re also


Esoteric Medicine

see p. B192

In a realistic setting, the chi-based attacks of martial-arts

myth are so much mumbo-jumbo. They’re normal strikes

and grapples, and the injury they inflict is treatable with

mundane medical skills. A Psychology roll might be needed

to convince the patient that he’s suffering from a bruised

kidney and not the dreaded dim mak, of course!

In a cinematic setting where such abilities as chi powers

(see Chi Projection, p. 46) and the Pressure Points and

Pressure Secrets skills (p. B215) exist, though, only Esoteric

Medicine can recognize these things and treat their effects.

Mundane medicine can heal lost HP, but it can’t halt further

injury from an ongoing effect or alleviate its symptoms. At

the GM’s option, Esoteric Medicine might rival mundane

medicine when it comes to treating ordinary illness and

injury, too. If so, it can do everything that Physician can do,

and any skill with a Physician default (e.g., Diagnosis, First

Aid, Pharmacy, Physiology, Poisons, and Surgery) defaults

to Esoteric Medicine at the same penalty.

Expert Skill†

see p. B193

For general rules governing Expert Skills, see the Basic

Set. A new Expert Skill is important in Martial Arts games:

Hoplology: This is the study of how people

fight, invented by explorer Sir Richard F.

Burton in the 19th century and championed

by martial artist Donn F. Draeger in the 20th.

Its goals are to classify weapons and fighting

styles by their origins and capabilities, and

understand why they evolved. Hoplology can

stand in for Anthropology, Psychology, or

Sociology to identify known types of ritual

combat or combative behavior; Archaeology,

Geography, or History to answer questions

about who used a weapon or style, where,

and when; and Armoury or Connoisseur

(Weapons) to identify a weapon. A successful

roll while watching a fight will identify the

combatants’ styles (but to identify secret styles,

you’ll need Hidden Lore, p. 57) and give an

idea of what techniques to expect.


see p. B194

In combat-heavy campaigns – like Martial Arts games –

it’s crucial to know exactly what weapons each Fast-Draw

specialty covers. This list isn’t exhaustive, but it’s a start:

Force Sword: Any ultra-tech weapon that retracts into its

hilt and requires the user to toggle a power switch to ready

it. Includes all Force Sword, Force Whip, and Monowire

Whip weapons.

Knife: All Knife and Main-Gauche weapons, and any

weapon hurled using Thrown Weapon (Dart) or Thrown

Weapon (Knife).

Sword: Weapons that call for Broadsword, Jitte/Sai,

Rapier, Saber, Shortsword, or Smallsword skill – including

sticks covered by those skills. The GM may extend this to

such sticks as boomerangs and spear throwers, which use

Thrown Weapon (Stick) and Spear Thrower, respectively.

Two-Handed Sword: All Two-Handed Sword weapons,

plus any 1- or 2-yard Spear or Polearm weapon carried tip-

down in a back sheath, like a naginata.

The GM may allow these new specialties for exotic


Balisong: Used to open or close a balisong (p. 213) that’s

already in hand. Roll against skill to do either. Critical fail-

ure causes a point of cutting damage to the hand;



success gives +1 to Intimidation. Use Fast-Draw (Knife) to

draw a balisong. If you use Fast-Draw (Balisong) on the

same turn, it’s at -2; see Multiple Fast-Draw (p. 103).

Flexible: Any chain, rope, or thong used as a weapon,

including all Kusari and Whip weapons, and slings (use

Sling skill). In cinematic campaigns, add nunchaku (use

Flail skill) to the list.

Shuriken: Any weapon hurled using Thrown Weapon



Qian Kun Ri Yue Dao

Stone: Sling ammo and throwing stones, when carried in

a container. Works like Fast-Draw (Arrow).

Tonfa: Any baton with a protruding side handle, for use

with Tonfa skill.

For special Fast-Draw rules, see Multiple Fast-Draw

(p. 103), Fast-Draw from Odd Positions (pp. 103-104), Who

Draws First? (p. 103), and Quick-Readying Nearby Weapons

(p. 104).

Flying Leap*

see p. B196

Flying Leap is vital for chambara or wuxia fighters! See

Special Feats for Cinematic Skills (p. 129) for optional rules

that greatly enhance this skill in highly cinematic games.


see p. B197

Judges of competitive martial-arts events must know

Games, unless the standards are very low. Most contenders

get by with IQ-based rolls against Combat Sport (p. B184).

Any style with a sport version in Chapter 5 has its own

Games specialty – or several, if there are multiple competi-

tion types in the setting.

All-in fighting championships are a special case. Some

have a Games specialty that’s unassociated with a style.

Others have no rules . . . and no Games skill.

Group Performance†

see p. B198

See Faking It (p. 130) for rules for using the Fight

Choreography specialty with Stage Combat. This skill also

lets you coordinate demo bouts between fighters using

Combat Art or Sport skills.

Hidden Lore†

see p. B199

A new specialty is available in Martial Arts games:

Secret Styles: You know about styles not widely taught in

your world – their legends, living masters (and where to

find them), techniques, and cinematic abilities, if any. This

doesn’t mean you know how to use them.

Hobby Skill†

see p. B200

The following skill is DX/Easy and often learned by mar-

tial artists in settings where they moonlight as fakirs and


Feats of Strength: You collect tricks that show off your

physical grit. Base the skill roll on the score that suits the

feat (see p. B172): ST to tear a phone book in half or lift in

a showy way (e.g., using teeth or a body piercing), DX to

“punch out” a candle flame, Will to walk on hot coals or rest

on a bed of nails, and so on. A -4 for lack of familiarity

applies to tricks you haven’t practiced. This skill doesn’t

improve your capabilities. You can only lift what your ST

allows – and while a roll might mean you don’t flinch when

punched, you’re still hurt. Also, while you know the secrets

of hot coals and beds of nails, you suffer injury if you fail. In

a cinematic game, Body Control, Power Blow, etc., replace

this skill and do add new capabilities.


see p. B203

Judo is the generic skill of “advanced” unarmed grap-

pling. It’s part of any style that incorporates a systematic

body of grabs, grapples, sweeps, and throws, regardless of

the style’s provenance. It isn’t uniquely associated with the

Judo style (p. 166); in fact, that art teaches the Judo Sport

skill, not Judo!

Sumo Wrestling and Wrestling don’t lend their ST bonus-

es to Judo techniques – even techniques that also default to

those skills. Unless a rule explicitly states otherwise, you

only receive these bonuses when using Sumo Wrestling or

Wrestling, or their techniques.


see p. B203

Jumping is necessary to get the most out of several

optional combat rules, including Acrobatic Movement

(pp. 105-107) and Flying Attack (p. 107) in any campaign,

and Chambara Fighting (pp. 128-130) in cinematic games.


see p. B203

Despite its name, the Karate skill isn’t exclusively associ-

ated with Karate styles (pp. 169-172). It’s the generic skill of

“advanced” unarmed striking. It constitutes part of any art

that teaches a complete system of strikes with hands,

elbows, knees, and feet – whether that style comes from

Okinawa, ancient Greece, or Alpha Centauri.

The damage bonus from Karate only applies when

attacking with the Karate skill or one of its techniques. It

never “stacks” with damage bonuses from Boxing or

Brawling. At the GM’s option, though, martial artists who

gain Claws or Strikers as part of their training – or who

belong to races with natural Claws or Strikers – may wield

them with Karate to further enhance damage. To be able to

apply Karate bonuses to biting damage, take the Biting

Mastery perk (p. 49).


Though we cannot make it

possible to fly to the heavens like

Superman or to make your body

transparent like the Invisible Man,

we can make things that are impos-

sible for ordinary people possible, if

you practice diligently.

– Mas Oyama, This Is Karate


see p. B203

This skill has a Japanese name but isn’t restricted to

practitioners of Japanese styles. It can represent any kind of

war cry, and suits cinematic warriors of all stripes. The GM

may want to waive the Trained by a Master or Weapon

Master prerequisite. He might even allow those with

Musical Instrument skills to gain the Intimidation bonus

(but not stun enemies) at fairly long distances by playing

instruments such as bagpipes.


see p. B203

Use Knot-Tying to tie up a foe after entangling him with

a whip (p. B406) or a lariat (p. B411). You must enter close

combat with him and roll a Regular Contest of Knot-Tying

vs. his DX or best grappling skill each turn. This counts as

an Attack. If you win, you bind his arms to his sides. If you

lose, he’s free of your weapon.

See Binding (pp. 82-83) for a more cinematic way to tie

someone up with this skill.

Light Walk*

see p. B205

This skill offers additional combat options in highly cin-

ematic chambara- or wuxia-style campaigns. See Special

Feats for Cinematic Skills (p. 129).


see p. B208

It’s permissible to use Main-Gauche with your master

hand to receive the benefits of a fencing parry while wield-

ing a knife. Armed this way, you can also attack at your full

Main-Gauche level. If you just want to attack with a knife,

you can save a few points by learning Knife (DX/Easy)

instead of Main-Gauche (DX/Average).

Mental Strength*

see p. B209

In addition to helping resist the abilities mentioned in

the Basic Set, Mental Strength can replace Will when

resisting chi powers (see Chi Projection, p. 46) or the

Hypnotic Hands skill (p. 61). It’s also good against mental

effects contested by a score other than Will, such as Mind

Control spells and truth drugs that target HT – make a

DX-, IQ-, HT-, or Per-based Mental Strength roll to resist,

as appropriate. Finally, Mental Strength can substitute for

Will to “stare down” a foe or resist the same; see The

Contest of Wills (p. 130).

Parry Missile Weapons

see p. B212

Parry Missile Weapons isn’t a cinematic skill, but it’s far

more effective in the hands of martial artists who enjoy cin-

ematic abilities. For one thing, since fighters with DR 2+ on

the hands can use this skill to parry with their hands, those

who have DR 2 or more from “iron hands” (see Damage

Resistance, p. 43) don’t need weapons or armor to parry pro-

jectiles. Other “iron body parts” may parry, too, at the GM’s


Warriors with both Enhanced Parry and Weapon Master

for a weapon gain their Enhanced Parry bonus when using

Parry Missile Weapons with that weapon. Those with

Trained by a Master and “iron hands” likewise get a bonus

for any Enhanced Parry that includes bare hands. The GM

may also permit an Enhanced Parry variant that benefits

attempts to parry ranged weapons by any means; see

Enhanced Defenses (pp. 43-44).

Those with Enhanced Time Sense (ETS) can actually

parry bullets, blaster bolts, and other slower-than-light

firearms attacks; see Enhanced Time Sense (p. 44). Such par-

ries are at -5. ETS doesn’t normally allow parries against

light-speed weapons such as lasers


that it’s older than the next. Martial Arts

makes no attempt to settle such debates. It takes the

stance that all cultures have their own martial-arts

styles and that although they’ve often influenced each

other, no one culture or style can truly claim to be the

wellspring of all martial arts. There are only so many

ways to use hands, feet, and weapons to defeat a

rival, after all. (In a cinematic or mythic game, of

course, all martial arts might truly have a common

genesis; see Ultimate Styles, p. 144.)

Still, the world’s many cultures have trained and

continue to train in ways fascinating as much for

their similarities as for their differences.


What Is a Martial Art?

Broadly, a “martial art” is any system of physical, mental,

and sometimes philosophical and spiritual training intended

as preparation for combat or a combative sport, or a related

form of self-improvement. The details vary widely. All such sys-

tems are “martial” in that their core physical training is at least

modeled on man-to-man combat. Some go further, focusing on

actual combat skills to the exclusion of sport, religion, and aes-

thetics. Others emphasize the “art,” perhaps going so far as to

be strictly noncompetitive and noncombative.

Martial Arts defines a “martial art” as any systematically

taught fighting style used for any purpose – combative or oth-

erwise. Geography and ethnicity don’t enter into it. Boxers,

knights, samurai, African stickfighters . . . they’re all martial

artists. This book covers all kinds of martial arts, but empha-

sizes combat styles over sportive ones and sports over artistic

systems. This isn’t because combat styles are “real” martial arts

and others aren’t, but because the heroes in RPGs are more

likely to be steely eyed warriors than pacifistic monks!


To help put everything in perspective, we’ll start with a

brief timeline of the martial arts and related history. Items

marked with an asterisk (*) are mythical or legendary. Some

contain elements of truth while some verifiable entries are

colored by legend – read the entry! For more on the individ-

ual styles mentioned, see Chapter 5.

*2697 B.C. – According to later documents, Yellow Emperor

Huang Di ruled China and invented wrestling, swords-

manship, archery, and Taoism. Huang Di probably existed,

but claims of his inventions are of early 20th-century


*c. 2000 B.C. – According to legend, the now 700-year-old

Yellow Emperor of China defeats a fabulous monster in a

head-butting contest. Similar head-butting games continue

into the modern era.

c. 1950 B.C. – Tomb friezes in Beni Hasan, Egypt depict the

first wrestling manual, showing over 400 holds and


c. 1520 B.C. – Wall frescos in Thera show boys boxing.

*c. 1500 B.C. – According to the Bible, the Hebrew Jacob

wrestles a spirit at the ford of Jabbok and defeats it.

*c. 1250 B.C. – According to the legend of the Argonauts,

Polydeukes (a Spartan) defeats the foreign boxer Amykos.

Amykos uses brute strength while Polydeukes uses his skill

to avoid Amykos’ blows and pound him into submission.

*c. 1200 B.C. – Fall of Troy. Later accounts of Greek funeral

games mention boxing, wrestling, and pankration.

1160 B.C. – Egyptian tomb friezes depict wrestling and stick-

fighting matches for the pharaoh’s coronation.

*1123 B.C. – Traditional date for the writing of the I Ching.

Its three-line trigrams form the basis of Pa Kua Chuan

(pp. 187-188), developed much later.

*776 B.C. – Traditional date of the first Panhellenic games

at Olympia, Greece.

722-481 B.C. – Spring and Autumn Period in China.

According to chronicles attributed to Confucius, this

period was the heyday of the xia (p. 8).

628 B.C. – First statue of an Olympic wrestling champion


544 B.C. – First statue of an Olympic boxing champion


*544 B.C. – Buddha, himself a champion wrestler and

archer, achieves enlightenment. Buddhism goes on to

inform many martial-arts styles.

536 B.C. – First statue of an Olympic pankration champion


c. 440 B.C. – Spartans practice the pyrrhiche, a war-dance

involving shields and swords. The dancers executed

blocks and strikes, and learned to fight in rhythm with

their companions.

348 B.C. – Plato’s Laws describes boxers and pankrationists

wrapping their hands with padded gloves and thongs in

order to strike at full force “without injury” (presumably

to their hands) during practice – and using shadow-

boxing and punching bags when no partner was


264 B.C. – First recorded Roman gladiatorial matches:

three pairs of slaves fight to the death at a funeral.

209 B.C. – Emperor Qin Shi Huang of China is buried in a

massive underground tomb filled with terra-cotta statues

of warriors, horses, chariots, and more. Some warriors

are depicted in unarmed-combat poses that match tradi-

tional kung fu postures.

22 B.C. – Emperor Augustus of Rome bans the use of glad-

iators as private bodyguards.

*141 – Birth of Hua Duo, a Chinese physician later credited

with inventing Wu Chin Hsi or “Five Animals Play,” exer-

cises based on animals’ movements. Performing them

supposedly strengthened the body and improved health,

giving long life.

c. 400 – Kama Sutra is written. Among other things, it advis-

es women to practice stickfighting, staff, archery, and

sword in order to win the affections of men.

*530 – The monk Bodhidharma comes to China from India

and teaches the Shaolin monks exercises to strengthen

them for their long meditation. This is said to be the

basis of all kung fu. (Realistically, even if Bodhidharma

did introduce these skills, combative martial arts pre-

dated his arrival by more than a millennium!)

747 – Traditional date of the first sumo match. Early

matches permitted striking and many holds not used in

later matches.

778 – Frankish knight Roland and his companions are

defeated by the Moors, according to a 12th-century man-

uscript. This battle played an important role in the devel-

opment of romantic chivalric ideals.

780 – Charlemagne, king of the Franks and later the first

Holy Roman Emperor, grants lands to his subjects in

return for oaths of loyalty, marking a crucial develop-

ment in European chivalry.

792 – Government of Japan begins to rely more on feudal

cavalry armed with bows than on conscript infantry. This

leads to the rise of feudal lords – and the samurai.

960 – Chinese emperor T’ai Tsu sponsors a martial art

known as “long boxing.” The details are long lost, but it’s

often claimed as the origin of modern kung fu forms.

10th century – Japanese kyuba no michi or “bow and horse

path” takes form. This would later become the code of


Late 10th century – Normans adopt high-backed saddles

that allow the use of couched lances, as well as kite-

shaped shields to protect their legs during mounted


1066 – Battle of Hastings. Saxon King Harold Godwinson is

killed, perhaps by an arrow in the eye. The Normans con-

quer England, bringing with them their feudal system

and martial styles.

c. 1300 – An unknown German author pens the manuscript

later known as the “Tower Fechtbuch” (after the Tower of

London, where it was kept) – the earliest surviving man-

ual of European swordsmanship.

1346 – Battle of Crécy. The English slaughter the French, a

victory attributed to the power and distance of the

English longbow.

1443 – Hans Talhoffer produces his Fechtbuch (“Book of

Fighting”), which depicts a variety of armed and

unarmed fighting techniques. Its name is eventually

applied to all earlier and later books of its type.

1478 – According to tradition, King Sho Shin of Okinawa

bans the possession and use of weapons by civilians.

Unarmed combat forms flourish and techniques for

fighting with household tools appear. Modern historical

research points to the decree being not a ban on weapons

but an order to stockpile them.

1521 – An overwhelming force of Filipinos attacks

Magellan’s expedition on the island of Cebu. After a

fierce fight, they drive off the Spaniards and kill

Magellan. Modern Filipino


. . . but the GM may

allow this, still at -5, if the defender also has Precognition

(p. B77). For another option, see Precognitive Parry (p. 62).

The penalties for multiple parries in a turn are halved as

usual for those with Trained by a Master or Weapon Master;

see Parrying (p. B376). Don’t roll separately to parry each hit

from a rapid-fire attack, though. Roll just once. Success

means you deflect one hit plus additional hits equal to your

margin of success. Critical success parries all the hits!

Power Blow*

see p. B215

At the GM’s option, those who know Power Blow at

Will+1 or better may use it in lieu of Will when attempting

extra effort with physical feats or chi powers. Use Extra

Effort (p. B356), not the usual Power Blow rules. The only

change is that Power Blow replaces Will.

Pressure Points*

see p. B215

The GM might want to let martial artists who know this

skill attack pressure points that produce some of the effects

under Realistic Injury (pp. 136-139), even in a cinematic

game that doesn’t otherwise use those rules. All of these

attacks work as usual for Pressure Points: the attacker must

strike the target hit location at an extra -2, inflict at least a

point of injury, and win a Quick Contest of Pressure Points

against the victim’s HT.

•Arm or Leg: You can stop short of fully crippling a limb,

inflicting any of the three levels of lesser effects under Partial

Injuries (p. 136) – the most severe of which counts as torture

for the purpose of Interrogation (p. B202). Duration is still

5d seconds. You can also target joints, as explained under

New Hit Locations (p. 137). This gives the victim -2 on his

HT roll to resist but otherwise produces the usual effects of

a limb hit.

• Neck, Skull, or Vitals: You can temporarily induce any

of the unpleasant effects on the table give for the targeted hit

location under Lasting and Permanent Injuries (pp. 138-

139). (Exception: You can’t inflict Wounded.) Duration is 2d

seconds, making attribute and Basic Speed penalties the

most useful effects.


•Other Hit Locations: You may target a few of the other

body parts discussed in New Hit Locations. Striking the

ear causes Deafness (p. B129); the jaw, Mute (p. B125);

and the nose, No Sense of Smell/Taste (p. B146).

Disadvantage effects last 2d seconds. A successful attack

on the spine causes immediate knockdown and stunning,

regardless of injury. The victim gets the usual HT roll each

turn to recover.

Pressure Secrets*

see p. B215

In a cinematic game that generally ignores Realistic

Injury (pp. 136-139), the GM may opt to apply those rules

selectively to Pressure Secrets attacks. For instance,

Pressure Secrets might be able to target the hit locations

defined under New Hit Locations (p. 137) and count as an

impaling weapon where favorable – notably, when attack-

ing veins and arteries. The GM might even rule that if a

Pressure Secrets attack inflicts twice the injury needed to

cripple an ear or a nose, it plucks off the body part, much

as a cutting attack would. To make Pressure Secrets truly

frightening, the GM could ignore Lasting and Permanent

Injuries (pp. 138-139) for most attacks, even deadly high-

tech weapons, but enforce those rules when Pressure

Secrets inflicts a major wound on the neck, skull, veins

and arteries, or vitals.


see p. B216

You may opt to substitute Push for ST (not skill) when-

ever you attempt an unarmed technique intended to

knock an opponent down or back without grappling or

injuring him. For shove-like techniques, use Push’s special

knockback-only “damage” instead of the usual roll. These

benefits affect Push Kick (p. 78), Sweep (p. 81), Trip

(p. 81), and any shove- or sweep-based technique (see

Basic Attacks, p. 59).


see p. B218

Most formally trained martial artists know Savoir-Faire

(Dojo). The effectiveness of this skill depends greatly on

Style Familiarity (p. 49) and Cultural Familiarity (p. B23).

A martial artist who has Style Familiarity with a style

has no penalty to use Savoir-Faire (Dojo) to show proper

respect, issue challenges, or otherwise interact with

the style’s practitioners as martial artists – even if he’s

unfamiliar with their culture. If he lacks Style Familiarity,

he rolls at -1. If the unfamiliar style is from an unfamiliar

culture, he suffers an additional -3.


see p. B222

Competitive martial arts use Combat Sport skills

(p. B184), not Sports. A lot of sports are essentially

“bloodless” gladiatorial contests, though. Team sports in

particular often involve violent contact. Sometimes, it’s

even legal.

Optionally, the GM may permit Sports rolls in combat;

e.g., Sports (Rugby) to connect with a slam or Sports

(Hockey) to attack with a two-handed stick. He might

even allow techniques to default to Sports, where logical:

Evade (p. 71) might default to Sports (Rugby), Hook

(p. 74) might default to Sports (Hockey), and so on. Sports

and techniques based on them are at -3 in a real fight –

just as Combat Sport skills default to combat skills at -3.

For a related topic, see Techniques and Combat Art/Sport

Skills (p. 64).

Stage Combat

see p. B222

This skill has nothing to do with knowing how to fight

– for real or for show. It’s the ability to fake a fight by per-

forming specific, rehearsed moves according to a script.

To be a stunt fighter, learn Combat Art skills. For more on

simulated combat, see Faking It (p. 130).

Sumo Wrestling

see p. B223

This skill is named after a traditional Japanese form of

ritual combat (see Sumo, pp. 198-199) but could be part

of any style that alternates shoves, slams, and sweeps to

unbalance the enemy. In the real world, this combination

is uncommon but not unknown – see T’ai Chi Chuan

(pp. 200-201). Sumo Wrestling also suits practitioners of

synthetic “strong man” styles (sumotori have competed at

no-holds-barred fighting, and other contenders have no

doubt adopted their best techniques), rugby players-

turned-action heroes, and super-strong comic-book


The ST and damage bonuses from Sumo Wrestling

only apply when using the skill. They don’t “stack” with

Brawling or Wrestling bonuses in situations where more

than one skill could apply.


Forget about winning and

losing, forget about pride and

pain: let your opponent graze

your skin and you smash into his

flesh; let him smash into your

flesh and you fracture his bones;

let him fracture your bones

and you take his life! Do not be

concerned with your escaping

safely – lay down your life before


– Bruce Lee


see p. B224

Tactics is a martial-arts skill, but it works

before the action starts. Below are two options

for the GM to use in place of the rules on

p. B224.

Abstract: If not using a map, roll a Quick

Contest of Tactics between the leaders of the two

sides before the battle. The winner receives

“rerolls” equal to his margin of victory. If his side

has 10+ fighters, multiply this by 10% of the size

of his force and round down; e.g., for 15 war-

riors, victory by four gives six rerolls.

In battle, a leader may grant his rerolls to any

ally who has just attempted a combat-related die

roll. The recipient rolls twice more and selects

the best result. The leader’s player must describe

how such tactical factors as cover and formation

altered the outcome. If the GM disagrees, the

reroll is wasted. Unused rerolls disappear at the

end of the fight.

Mapped: This method is intended for tactical

combat (pp. B384-392) in which the plot doesn’t

dictate force placement. The GM must first des-

ignate what part of the battlefield each side con-

trols when hostilities begin. It’s fairest to bisect

the map – north/south, left/right, etc. – unless

the story demands otherwise. In player vs. play-

er conflict, any division that both sides agree on

is acceptable.

Next, roll a Quick Contest of Tactics between

the leaders, recording the margin of victory. The

winner chooses whether he or his rival puts war-

riors on the map first. In a tie, flip a coin or roll

a die. The leaders then take


turns placing one

man – or 10% of their forces, if larger – on their

side of the map.

Once everyone is on the map, the winner may

move one ally (or 10% of his men, if larger) to a

more favorable position on the “friendly” side of

the map or one opponent (or 10% of the enemy,

if larger) into adverse circ*mstances on the “hos-

tile” side per point of victory. He may move fighters toward

or away from bad footing, cover, concealment, support, etc.

He may not move his warriors behind the foe or turn ene-

mies to face the wrong way.

Throwing Art*

see p. B226

The damage bonus for Throwing Art only applies to

purpose-built throwing weapons and doesn’t “stack” with

the damage bonus for Weapon Master. Neither bonus

improves the damage listed for improvised weapons in the

Basic Set. Martial artists with Throwing Art may find this

expanded list of improvised weapons helpful:

Thrust-4 – Crushing: BB*, bottle cap, button, matchstick*,

or wadded cigarette foil*. Cutting: Business card, creased

cigarette foil, or folded dollar bill. Impaling: Paper dart

(“airplane”), sewing needle*, straightened paperclip*, or

1” finishing nail*.

Thrust-3 – Crushing: Egg, ice cube*, pebble, small die, or 1”

bolt. Cutting: Credit card, playing card, poker chip, or

small coin (penny). Impaling: Blowgun dart*, chopstick,

hairpin, hypodermic syringe, knitting needle, lockpick,

pencil, or 2”-3” nail*.

Thrust-2 – Crushing: Large die, pistol cartridge, small tree

nut, wristwatch, or 2”-3” bolt. Cutting: Large coin (silver

dollar), pizza cutter, potsherd, or razor blade. Impaling:

Dart (from the pub, not a war dart), fork, penknife,

scalpel, or 4”-5” spike.

Thrust-1 – Crushing: Handball, pocket watch with chain,

large tree nut, rifle cartridge, or 4”-5” bolt. Cutting: Metal

ruler, paint scraper, or spatula. Impaling: Crossbow bolt,

fondue fork, kebab skewer, screwdriver, table knife, or 6”



Wildcard Skills

for Styles

In a silly or highly cinematic game, the GM may want to intro-

duce wildcard skills (see p. B175) that encompass entire fighting

styles. A “Style!” skill replaces all the skills of a single style – includ-

ing optional skills that the GM believes every student should know.

If the martial artist has Trained by a Master or Weapon Master, this

includes the style’s cinematic skills. Style! skills are DX-based, but

allow IQ-, HT-, Per-, and Will-based rolls for skills controlled by

those scores.

A Style! skill removes the need to learn individual techniques.

The stylist may roll against the maximum level allowed for any

technique his style offers, using his Style! skill as the underlying

skill. If the technique has no maximum, use skill+3. Techniques

that aren’t part of the style but that default to the style’s core skills

default to Style! at the usual penalties. To improve such techniques

above default, learn a new Style! skill that covers them.

Even DX-3 level in a Style! skill grants Style Familiarity with

that style. Don’t buy it separately. The stylist may purchase his

style’s Style Perks for a point apiece without regard for total points

in the style. If a perk requires specialization by skill, the Style! skill

is a valid specialty and the perk works with all applicable skills of

the style.

Example: Escrima (pp. 155-156) requires students to learn

Karate, Main-Gauche, and Smallsword. It has many optional skills

– the GM might rule that all but Bow, Shield, and Tactics suit

modern-day fighters. Escrima! would replace all of these skills.

With Trained by a Master or Weapon Master, it would replace

Mental Strength, Power Blow, and Pressure Points, too. A stylist

with Escrima! could use any of his style’s techniques at its maxi-

mum level; for instance, he could try Dual-Weapon Attack at

Escrima! or Feint at Escrima!+4 when using Escrima weapons.

A martial artist with Escrima! gains the benefits of Style

Familiarity (Escrima) without having to buy it. He may ignore lim-

its on points in style when he takes Style Perks, buying as many as

he wants for a point apiece. If he selects the Off-Hand Weapon

Training perk, it’s for Escrima! and lets him ignore the off-hand

penalty whenever he uses that skill.

Thrust – Crushing: Baseball, flashlight battery, machine gun

cartridge (.50 or larger), or roll of coins. Cutting: Broken

bottle, hand spade, hubcap, or metal plate. Impaling:

Arrow, barbecue fork, marlinspike, piton, or railroad


Thrust+1 – Crushing: Beer can or bottle (full), coconut,

flashlight, horseshoe, purse of coins, rolling pin, tele-

phone, or whetstone. Cutting: Cleaver, metal serving tray,

or rotary saw blade. Impaling: Hedge trimmer, lawn dart,

or pool cue (javelin-style).

Swing+1 – Crushing: Baseball bat, golf club, ham (whole),

pistol, pool cue (end over end), small household appli-

ance (swung by power cord), or tire iron.

* At the GM’s option, these items can also be blown from

the mouth at full skill.


see p. B209

Learn this skill only if you want to be able to switch

quickly between a regular grip (to swing a tonfa like a club)

and a Reversed Grip (to strike and parry with a tonfa in

close combat), or if you plan to buy an Arm Lock technique

(p. 65) for use with a tonfa. If you carry a tonfa merely to

enhance “unarmed” strikes and parries, Brawling or Karate

will suffice. For more information, see Reversed Grip

(pp. 111-112).


see p. B228

This skill is part of any style that teaches grapples, pins,

and takedowns – many of which don’t have “wrestling” in

their name (see Wrestling, pp. 204-206). It represents a com-

bat skill, not a sport, and offers defaults to many damaging

techniques for knocking down or crippling foes:

Backbreaker (p. 82), Drop Kick (p. 70), Elbow Drop (pp. 70-

71), Knee Drop (p. 76), Piledriver (p. 85-87), and Wrench

Spine (p. 82). These feats of strength nicely complement the

sweeps and throws of Judo. Fighters who know one skill

would certainly benefit from the other.

Wrestling and Sumo Wrestling differ, too. Wrestling can’t

substitute for DX in a shove or a slam – and doesn’t include

sweeps – but makes up for this by giving a ST bonus that

extends to chokes, locks, neck snaps, pins, and wrenches

(unlike that of Sumo Wrestling). A fighter with both skills

could slam or sweep a foe to the ground and follow up with

a pin . . . or an elbow drop!

Like the bonus for Sumo Wrestling, Wrestling’s ST bonus

becomes a damage bonus when making an attack that

inflicts damage: +1 per die at DX+1, increasing to +2 at

DX+2 or better. The ST and damage bonuses for these skills

never “stack.” You only receive the bonus of the skill you’re


Zen Archery*

see p. B228

Those who have the Heroic Archer advantage (p. 45) and

Bow at 18+ may learn this skill without having Trained by a

Master, Weapon Master, or the Meditation skill.


Some additional cinematic skills may be available to

those with Trained by a Master or Weapon Master in

Martial Arts games.

Hypnotic Hands*


Defaults: None.

Prerequisites: Trained by a Master and Hypnotism at 14+.

You can induce a trancelike state in others through hyp-

notic hand motions. You can only affect a single victim, who

must see your hands. Hypnotic Hands doesn’t work on those

who are blind, facing away, etc., and is

affected by any defense effective

against hypnotism or chi-based mind


To use your skill, take a

Concentrate maneuver. At the end of

your turn, you can either roll to influ-

ence your target or opt to continue the

motions. If you continue, take another

Concentrate maneuver . . . and so on,

until you decide to attempt your skill

roll. The total focus and complex

motions required by this skill give you

-2 to all active defenses while


Once you decide to project your chi

to influence your victim, spend 1 FP

and roll a Quick Contest of Hypnotic

Hands against his Will.

Modifiers: -1 per two full yards of distance between you;

any visibility penalties (for darkness, smoke, etc.); +1 after

two turns of concentration, +2 after four turns, +3 after



turns, +4 after 16 turns, and a further +1 per doubling

of time, with no upper limit.

If you win, your opponent is mentally stunned (see

p. B420) for seconds equal to your margin of victory. After

that, he may roll against IQ each turn to recover. Until he

does, you can use your Hypnotism skill on him – even in

combat! This takes the usual five seconds, but your subject

resists at Will instead of at Will+5. See Hypnotism (p. B201)

for effects. If you know Invisibility Art (p. B202) and choose

to use it, your victim is at -5 in the Quick Contest to notice


Lizard Climb*


Defaults: None.

Prerequisites: Trained by a Master, and both Acrobatics

and Climbing at 14+.

This skill lets you scale vertical or near-vertical surfaces –

walls, steep hills, large tree trunks, etc. – like a gecko. You

must climb facing the surface, using (empty) hands and

feet, or with your back to it, using elbows and heels. Roll

once per second of climbing.



Modifiers: A penalty equal to encumbrance level (e.g., -1

for Light). The type of surface matters: +2 for rough natural

materials (bark or a rock face), +0 for most walls (wood,

brick, or stone), or -2 for smooth surfaces (glass or steel); +2

if sloped rather than vertical. Add -1 if wet, -3 if icy or slimy,

or -5 if greased. Freeing a hand or foot gives -2 per extremi-

ty less than four (minimum one) in contact with the surface.

Claws (p. B42) or artificial claws (neko-de) give +2 when

climbing any surface but a smooth one – but only when fac-

ing it.

Success lets you travel half your Move up, down, or

across the surface, or simply cling to it without moving. For

instance, with Move 7, you could climb 3.5

yards – about one story – up a sheer wall in

a second! Lizard Climb isn’t Clinging

(p. B43), though. In particular, you can’t

move along ceilings.

Failure means you fall, but you can try

to catch yourself (see below). On a critical

failure, you fall away from the surface and

can’t reach it in order to stop your fall.

If falling past a surface close enough

that you can reach it, you can try to break

your fall. Make a DX roll to touch the sur-

face, and then a Lizard Climb roll at -1 per

5 yards already fallen, plus the above mod-

ifiers. Success stops your fall. Failure

means you continue to fall; you can’t make

a repeated attempt.

You can dodge normally while climbing and retreat by

skittering up the wall. If you make a skill roll at a suitable

penalty to free a limb, you can even attack and parry at no

penalty. However, any combat result that causes a fall –

knockback, knockdown, critical miss, etc. – knocks you off

the wall. You can try to stop yourself if you’re not stunned,

but shock penalties (if any) apply.

When climbing something other than a flat surface (e.g.,

a rope), a successful Lizard Climb roll gives a bonus to

Climbing. This equals half your margin of success, rounded

down. Minimum bonus is +1. In a chambara- or wuxia-style

campaign, other stunts are possible – see Special Feats for

Cinematic Skills (pp. 129-130).

Precognitive Parry*


Defaults: None.

Prerequisites: Trained by a Master or Weapon Master;

Danger Sense or Precognition; and one melee combat skill

at 18+.

This skill allows you to parry attacks that normally come

in too fast to parry – bullets, beams, etc. – without having

Enhanced Time Sense. You must be aware of your attacker

for Precognitive Parry to work; it’s worthless against true

surprise attacks. Whenever an attack that satisfies these cri-

teria would hit you, make a Precognitive Parry roll.

Modifiers: Add the higher of your ESP Talent (p. B256) or

Forceful Chi (p. 47).

On a failure, you can’t parry. You may still dodge, if the

attack is one that permits a Dodge roll. On a critical failure,

though, you believe that the attack will miss and don’t even

bother to dodge!

On a success, you’re alerted to the attack far enough in

advance that you can move a weapon or limb to intercept it.

You may attempt to parry just as if you were defending

against a melee attack. Combat Reflexes and Enhanced

Parry give their usual bonuses.

Failure on the parry means you’re hit. Success means

you interpose your weapon or limb in time. The attack

inflicts its damage on whatever you’re using to parry. If

using a weapon, it’s destroyed if reduced to -5¥HP

after DR (see Damage to Objects, p. B483) –

but only damage in excess of this affects

you, and your DR protects normally. If

using a limb, you’re simply hit in the limb

instead of in the attack’s original hit loca-

tion. Success by five or more on the parry,

or critical success, deflects the attack with-

out harm to your weapon or limb.

A force sword or force whip doesn’t have

DR or HP – it’s made of energy. A success-

ful parry with such a weapon deflects an

energy attack harmlessly and burns up a

projectile. Against a really big projectile, the

GM may want to roll damage for the force

weapon and compare it to the projectile’s

DR and HP.

Knowing when and where a melee attack, thrown

weapon, or slower missile will hit is also useful. You may opt

to try a Precognitive Parry roll before an active defense

against such an attack. Success gives +1 to your defense.

Failure means you misjudge, giving -2. As usual, critical fail-

ure means you believe the attack will miss and don’t even

bother to defend.


Per/Very Hard

Defaults: None.

Prerequisites: Trained by a Master or Weapon Master.

Sensitivity represents skill at being hyperaware of a near-

by enemy’s stance and intent. Choose one opponent – who

must be in close combat with you and either touching you,

visible, or detected with Blind Fighting – and roll against

Sensitivity. This is a free action on your turn.

Modifiers: +2 for Sensitive Touch; +2 for Vibration Sense;

the higher of Telepathy Talent (p. B257) or Inner Balance

(p. 47); -1 per failed attempt against the subject this combat.

Success gives +1 to all close-combat attacks and defens-

es against that opponent, and to Blind Fighting, Immovable

Stance, Precognitive Parry, and Push rolls made to combat

him. Success by 3 or more, or critical success, gives +2.

These benefits last for as long as you and your rival stay in

close combat. If you leave and return, roll again. You may

opt to reroll each turn. You must reroll if you change




The big American lunged, but his attack was off-target

thanks to Kai’s jab. Kai saw where the punch was going and

sideslipped. It was suddenly clear to Kai why Americans had

invented the telegraph: they insisted on advertising everything

– even a punch.

The thug yelled, “My name is Boris Howard Fine. I’m the

bare-knuckles champ ’round here. No GIRL is gonna get the

better of me!” He emphasized his point by launching another

all-out punch.

Kai deflected it with her hand and followed through with a

lightning-fast riposte. “Whipping Branch Strikes Ape!”

“Who you callin’ an ape?” Boris took the hit and swung


Kai evaded by tumbling acrobatically between Boris’ legs,

striking as she went. “Cunning Rat Picks Grapes!”

“Gah!” Boris looked startled and then fell over.

Kai turned to the growing crowd with a slight bow.

“Excuse me, which way to San Francisco?”

A technique is any feat of skill that one can improve inde-

pendently of the governing skill. The techniques in this sec-

tion, being intended for martial artists, depend mainly on

combat skills. They represent attacks, defenses, weapon-

handling routines (grip changes, weapon retention, etc.),

and strategies for coping with less-than-ideal circ*mstances

(for instance, fighting from the back of a galloping mount).

Martial-arts techniques obey all of the rules under

Techniques, pp. B229-230. Their properties in brief:

Specialties: The buyer of a technique must

specify the combat skill he’s learning it for.

(Exception: This isn’t necessary for a tech-

nique associated only with Dodge or an

attribute.) This is the technique’s special-

ty. Most techniques offer a limited selec-

tion of specialties – perhaps


one of the

subcategories under Combat Skills

(p. 55), often an even shorter list. A war-

rior can learn a given technique for sever-

al different skills, but he must study and

pay for each specialty separately.

Defaults: A technique defaults – typi-

cally at a penalty – either to the skill cho-

sen as its specialty or to an active defense

or another technique based on that skill.

(Exception: A technique associated with

Dodge or an attribute defaults to that

score.) The penalty occasionally differs

from specialty to specialty. A warrior who

hasn’t spent points to improve a technique

can still attempt it at default.

Prerequisites: To improve a technique

above default, the buyer must have at least

one point in any skill listed as a prerequisite.

This always includes the chosen specialty

skill and may include others.

Difficulty: Techniques come in two diffi-

culties: Average and Hard. This affects only

the point cost to improve the technique; see

the Technique Cost Table (p. B230).

Maximum: Nearly every technique has an

upper limit relative to the parent skill. Once

the martial artist reaches this level, he must

raise the underlying skill to improve further.




Description: Some techniques raise or lower the attack-

er’s defenses, or those of his target. Others affect damage.

Many require a skill roll and/or specific action for setup or

recovery. Several are new versions of such maneuvers as All-

Out Attack and Move and Attack, and replace the usual rules

for those maneuvers. A few have unique effects. Read the

entire entry to learn the technique’s strengths, weaknesses,

and peculiarities.

Techniques and

Combat Art/Sport Skills

A technique that defaults to a combat skill also defaults

to the related Combat Art and Combat Sport skills at the

same penalty. The Art version is for exhibition, the Sport

version is for competition. If you improve the technique,

however, you need only buy it once. Your level relative to the

controlling skill – default, default+1, etc. – applies when

using the technique with any of these skills. On your char-

acter sheet, you can note the specialty and associated skill

level for any of the three skills.

Example: Kanjo Tosho knows Karate Art at 16 and learns

Jump Kick (p. 75). Jump Kick defaults to Karate-

4, so it also defaults to Karate Art-4. His default

is 12. He improves this to default+3, giving

him Jump Kick (Karate Art) at 15. This is

mainly for show – it looks great! However,

Tosho also has Karate at 15, so default+3

means he could use Jump Kick (Karate) at 14

in a real fight. And with Karate Sport at 14, he

could even try Jump Kick (Karate Sport) at 13

in competition. Tosho’s player decides which

one of the three appears on his character

sheet, but he only pays points to improve one


This is a special case! Normally, when Skill

A defaults to Skill B, Skill A’s techniques don’t

default to Skill B’s techniques. For instance,

Shortsword defaults to Broadsword-2, so a

fighter with Broadsword at 20 has Shortsword

at 18 by default. Back Strike (p. 67) defaults to

skill-2; therefore, if he improves Back Strike to

default+2 for Broadsword, he gets Back Strike

(Broadsword) at 20. But this doesn’t give him

Back Strike (Shortsword) at default+2, or 18.

He only gets his usual default, or 16.

Using Techniques Together

Some techniques can be used together in a way that

combines all of their effects in a single success roll. For

instance, you could use Ground Fighting (p. 73) with

Kicking (pp. 75-76) to kick from the ground, rolling only

once to attack. In such situations, determine the relative level

of each technique by taking the difference between its level

and that of its parent skill. Like relative skill level (p. B171),

this is helpful information to note on your character sheet.

To calculate your level with the combined technique, sum

the relative levels of all the techniques involved and add the

total to the underlying skill.

Example: With Karate at 14, Kicking at 13, and Ground

Fighting (Karate) at 12, your relative level with Kicking is 13

- 14 = -1. Your relative level with Ground Fighting is 12 - 14

= -2. When kicking from the ground, add relative levels and

roll at Karate-3, or 11.


Each style in Chapter 5 emphasizes specific techniques

that those who know it (see Components of a Style, pp. 141-

143, and Buying a Style, pp. 146-148) may elect to study and

improve. A fighter can attempt any technique that defaults

to any of his skills, regardless of what style he practices or

whether he even studies a style. Instruction in a martial art

is simply a justification for buying the art’s techniques above

default, if the martial artist wishes.

It’s fairest if individuals who receive systematic training

learn fastest, although the GM may make exceptions. If

using the rules on p. B292, dedicated training at a style

counts as Intensive Training. Martial artists who receive

instruction outside their style (e.g., from friends or visiting

masters) advance according to Education, or half as fast.

Those who learn from books, videos, etc.,

improve as per Self-Teaching, or 1/4 as fast.

Studying opponents’ techniques in bouts

is Learning on the Job and 1/8 as fast – but

the entire duration of the tournament

counts, not just time spent competing.

The GM decides whether adventurers

can use earned points to improve tech-

niques outside their style. This is proba-

bly fair if a warrior routinely attempts a

technique at default in mortal combat.

See Quick Learning Under Pressure

(p. B292) for rules.

Whatever the justification for improv-

ing a technique, find the point cost using

the Technique Cost Table (p. B230). It’s

sometimes tempting to invest in many

techniques, but it’s rarely cost-effective to

spend points on more than a few – per-

haps only a single Hard one – per skill.

Players on a budget should check

whether improving the underlying skill

would be better, particularly at low skill

levels where 1 or 2 points could buy up

the entire skill. It’s most efficient to work

on the skill until it costs 4 points/level,

then pick one or two techniques as “signature moves” and

raise them until they’re at or near the maximum. A fighter

can end up with a sizeable list of techniques if he does this

for several skills.

Example: Bridget has DX 13 and Karate-15 [12]. She gets

Feint-15 and Kicking-13 by default. Buying Feint-16 [2] and

Kicking-14 [2] would cost 4 points, but it would be more

effective to invest those points in Karate. Karate-16 [16]

would give Feint-16 and Kicking-14 by default, and improve

every other use of Karate, too. Of course, Feint-18 [4] would

give the highest Feint for 4 points and be the best choice if

Bridget wanted Feint as a signature move!





Many of these techniques are difficult – and some are

dangerous to the user – but all are realistic. The GM could

allow even the flashiest of them in a high-realism


Acrobatic Stand


Default: Acrobatics-6.

Prerequisite: Acrobatics; cannot exceed Acrobatics skill.

This represents training at quickly regaining your feet

in a fight; see Acrobatic Stand (p. 98) for details. A suc-

cessful roll lets you go from lying down to standing as a

single Change Posture maneuver; on a critical success, you

do so as a “step.” Failure means you go to a sitting posture.

Critical failure leaves you lying down, wasting your turn.

You can also use Acrobatic Stand to go from crawling

or sitting to standing as a step. In this case, failure means

you stand as a Change Posture maneuver, not as a step.

Critical failure means you fall down!

Modifiers: A penalty equal to your encumbrance level.

Aggressive Parry


Default: prerequisite skill Parry-1.

Prerequisite: Boxing, Brawling, or Karate; cannot

exceed prerequisite Parry.

Only a few “hard” styles teach this tactic. Instead of

merely deflecting a blow, you attempt to injure your attack-

er with an especially forceful parry.


This is incompatible

with Cross Parry (p. 121).

Roll against Aggressive Parry to defend, at the usual -2

for Boxing vs. a kick, or -3 for Boxing or Brawling vs. a

swung weapon. You cannot retreat. Failure means you’re

hit; your attacker may choose to hit his original target,

your parrying arm, or your parrying hand. Success means

you parry and may roll against the underlying skill to

strike the attacking body part or weapon, modified as


Modifiers: Against unarmed, -2 to hit an arm or leg, -4

to hit a hand or foot; -2 for Boxing vs. a leg or foot; -1 if

your foe knows Rapid Retraction (p. 51). Against armed, a

basic -3; another -3 to -5 for weapon size (see p. B400); a

further -3 for Boxing or Brawling vs. a swung weapon.

Success on this skill roll inflicts thrust-4 crushing dam-

age or thrust-2 at -1 per die, whichever is worse, on the tar-

geted weapon or body part. Skill bonuses apply normally.

Failure means you didn’t parry forcefully enough to inflict


Weapon parries against unarmed attacks are essential-

ly aggressive “for free”; see Parrying Unarmed Attacks

(p. B376).

Arm or Wrist Lock


Default: prerequisite skill.

Prerequisite: Judo, Wrestling, or appropriate Melee

Weapon skill; cannot exceed prerequisite skill+4.

An arm (or wrist) lock is an attempt to restrain or crip-

ple an opponent by twisting his arm. It normally uses Judo

or Wrestling skill. This technique lets you improve effective

skill for this purpose only.

To use Arm Lock, you must have two hands free and

make a successful barehanded parry with Judo or Wrestling

against your opponent’s melee attack. On your first turn fol-

lowing the parry, you may attempt to capture your attacker’s

arm if he’s still within one yard. This is an attack: step into

close combat and roll against Arm Lock to hit. Your foe may

use any active defense – he can parry your hand with a

weapon! If his defense fails, you trap his arm.

Your foe may attempt to break free (p. B371) on his next

turn, but you’re at +4 in the Quick Contest. If he loses, he

has a cumulative -1 on future attempts to break free.

On your next turn – and each turn thereafter, until your

foe breaks free – you may try to damage the trapped arm.

Roll a Quick Contest: the higher of your ST (including your

Wrestling bonus) or Arm Lock vs. the higher of your victim’s

ST or HT. If you win, you inflict crushing damage equal to

your margin of victory. The target’s rigid DR protects nor-

mally. Flexible armor, including natural DR with the

Flexible or Tough Skin limitation, has no effect.

If you cripple your victim’s arm, he drops anything in

that hand. You can inflict no further damage on a crippled

limb but you can continue to roll the Contest each turn. If

you win, your target suffers shock and stunning just as if

you had inflicted damage.

Rolls to inflict damage are completely passive and don’t

count as attacks. You can simultaneously make close-

combat attacks on your opponent, who defends at -4 in

addition to any penalties due to injury caused by the lock

itself. If you decide to throw him using the lock, this does

count as an attack; see Throws from Locks (pp. 118-119).

You can use this ability offensively as well. Instead of

waiting to parry an attack, grapple your foe normally with

Judo or Wrestling. If he fails to break free on his next turn,

you may try Arm Lock on your next turn, just as if you had

parried his attack.

You can also apply this lock with a weapon. Default and

prerequisite skills become a weapon skill. To initiate the

lock requires a weapon parry or an Armed Grapple (p. 67).

A reach C weapon gets +1 in the Quick Contest to cause

damage; anything longer gets +2. Edged weapons can inflict

crushing or cutting damage, but you must make a DX roll

when you roll to inflict injury. Failure does thrust cutting

damage to your off hand (DR protects normally). Otherwise,

use the rules above.

Arm Lock uses precision and skill to cripple a foe’s limb.

For a brute-force technique, see Wrench (Limb) (p. 82).


Martial artists practice dozens of distinct attacks and

defenses that they call “techniques.” The majority of these

aren’t techniques in the sense of pp. B229-233. GURPS lets

fighters use their combat skills to try hundreds of permuta-

tions of maneuvers, movement, and combat options; e.g., a

swordsman can use Attack to turn in place and stab to the

face, which is nothing like using All-Out Attack to dart for-

ward and hack at a foot. Most “techniques” that martial

artists study are simply variations of this kind. To underline

this, the GM may opt to deny certain actions to the

relatively untrained (see Limited Maneuver Selection, p. 113).

Below are examples of “non-techniques.” Warriors gen-

erally can’t improve these independently of skill – although

highly optional Targeted Attacks (p. 68) and Combinations

(p. 80) can remove hit location and Rapid Strike penalties.


Every martial art has specialized stances, many of which

bear interesting names: “cat stance” (from Karate), “boar’s

tooth” (from Longsword Fighting), and so on. Defensive

stances allow the Defensive Attack (p. 100) and All-Out

Defense maneuvers. Forward-leaning, aggressive stances

justify All-Out Attack (Long) (pp. 97-98). Low, broad stances

are less vulnerable to takedowns, and explain why high grap-

pling skills help resist such attacks. Knowledge of effective

fighting stances isn’t an independent technique – it’s one of

the most basic elements covered by any combat skill.


Any straight or crossing blow with a closed fist is a basic

punch at Boxing, Brawling, or Karate skill. The name for

such a strike depends on the style and the combat maneuver.

Crosses, hooks, and reverse punches are typical Attacks; a

jab is the archetypal Defensive Attack; and a lunge punch,

roundhouse, or haymaker is a Committed Attack (pp. 99-

100) or All-Out Attack.

Many famous punches from sports and cinema are noth-

ing more exotic than punches that use specific combat

options. For instance, a “rabbit punch” is a punch to the

back of the head or neck; the opening strike of Bruce Lee’s

“straight blast” is a Deceptive Attack that relies on sheer

speed (see Jeet Kune Do, pp. 164-165); and the classic two-

jab combination favored by boxers is a Rapid Strike.

Only punches that use unorthodox striking surfaces – the

side of the hand, an open hand, an extended finger, two

clasped hands, etc. – or that deliver extra damage without

going “all-out” merit distinct techniques. These strikes are

tricky without extra training. Examples include Exotic Hand

Strike, Hammer Fist, Two-Handed Punch, and Uppercut.


Almost every standing kick to a frontal target – including

crescent, rising, side, and snap kicks – is a straight kicking

attack at Karate-2 or Brawling-2. Short, jabbing kicks are

Defensive Attacks. Hard-hitting hook and roundhouse kicks

are Committed Attacks or All-Out Attacks. Combat options

often enter the equation, too. For instance, the “double side

kick” of Tae Kwon Do is a Rapid Strike – and also a

Telegraphic Attack (p. 113).

To improve all of these kicks, raise Kicking (pp. 75-76) –

or increase Karate or Brawling. Only kicks from unusual

positions (Back Kick), those with limited target selection

(e.g., Axe Kick and Stamp Kick), and those that require the

attacker to hop, spin, or jump (such as Jump Kick, Spinning

Kick, and Drop Kick) can justify distinct techniques. The

additional training is needed to work around the risk or

awkward angles involved.

Weapon Strikes

Armed stylists – especially swordsmen – often name or

number their art’s basic guard positions, thrusts, and

swings. These are by definition standard attacks and parries,

not explicit techniques. Most “advanced” methods add in

maneuvers other than Attack. Draw cuts, flicking blows

from the wrist, and so on are Defensive Attacks. Aggressive

tactics – flèche, lunge, pass, stab-and-twist, etc. – are

Committed Attacks or All-Out Attacks. The “floor lunge” is

an All-Out Attack (Long).

Even some


unusual modes of attack are normal blows

combined with combat options. A dramatic, circular sword

cut (called a moulinet by saber fighters) is a Telegraphic

Attack. Sliding a weapon along the enemy’s to bypass his

guard (a “glide” or coulé) is a Deceptive Attack. Using the tip

of a blade to cut is a Tip Slash (p. 113). Striking a two-

handed blow using a one-handed weapon is an application

of Defensive Grip (pp. 109-111). Attacking with an inverted

blade is an example of Reversed Grip (pp. 111-112).

Weapon techniques are mainly for difficult combat con-

ditions (horseback, close combat, etc.) or non-striking

attacks (especially sweeping and grappling).


Grapples, takedowns, and pins – and many follow-ups,

such as strangling and the options in Grab and Smash!

(p. 118) – are possible even for average, untrained people.

The Judo, Sumo Wrestling, and Wrestling skills teach moves

that make such actions more effective, but these are left

abstract, not bought as techniques. Grappling the arms

from behind is called a “full nelson” and a takedown made

by hooking your leg around your opponent’s, a “reap” . . . but

Full Nelson and Reap aren’t techniques. The same applies to

so-called “sticking hands”: situational awareness is simply

part of basic skill, and explains why more skilled fighters

have a higher Parry and better odds in Quick Contests.

Grappling techniques are reserved for locks, breaks, and

throws that require precise body positioning to be effective.

Anyone can grab a foe, but it takes training to apply an arm

bar. Examples include Arm Lock, Neck Snap, and Piledriver.

Setup Tactics

Attacking into an adversary’s attack is a Stop Hit

(p. 108), and a standard option for anybody who takes a

Wait maneuver. Converting a parry into an attack is a

Riposte (pp. 124-125), and possible for any fighter who can

parry. To be successful at either, one must be good at

attacks and parries in general. It makes little sense to train

at these things exclusively!

Techniques That Aren’t

Armed Grapple


Defaults: Cloak, or other prerequisite skill-2.

Prerequisite: Cloak or appropriate Melee Weapon skill;

cannot exceed prerequisite skill.

Many armed styles teach how to step close to a foe,

maneuver a weapon past him, and then pull it in tightly to

restrain him. This results in an actual grapple of his body in

close combat. To snag an opponent at full reach, use

Entangle (p. 71) for a flexible weapon or Hook (p. 74) for

one with a hook or other projection. To lock blades with

him, use Bind Weapon (see below).

To initiate an armed grapple, roll against weapon skill at

-2 – this is an awkward and unconventional attack for most

weapons. It’s a standard move with a cloak, however, and

uses your unpenalized Cloak skill (see p. B404). Use the hit

location penalties for grappling, not those for striking.

Your opponent may use any normal defense. If he fails to

defend, you’ve successfully grappled him with your weapon.

While using your weapon to grapple, you can neither attack

nor defend with it. On your turn, you can follow up with a

takedown, pin, choke, or Arm Lock (options depend on the

body part grappled). Releasing the grapple is a free action.

A one-handed weapon other than a cloak can only grap-

ple if you grip it in two hands first. This requires a Ready


Attack from Above


Default: prerequisite skill-2.

Prerequisite: Any unarmed or Melee Weapon skill; cannot

exceed prerequisite skill.

Some styles teach techniques for pouncing on a foe from

above. This technique lets you buy off the -2 to attack

described in Attack from Above (p. B402). It’s particularly

suitable for cinematic ninja!

Axe Kick


Default: Karate-4.

Prerequisite: Karate; cannot exceed Karate skill.

This kick involves lifting a leg and smashing it down onto

the target heel-first. It’s a special option for Committed

Attack (pp. 99-100) and All-Out Attack (p. B365). Use the

rules below instead of the normal rules for those maneuvers.

An Axe Kick has reduced vertical reach. If your foe’s SM

exceeds yours by +1, you can’t target his head while he’s

standing. If he’s larger, you can’t hit his head unless he’s

crawling or on the ground. Resolve an attack to the foot as

a Stamp Kick (pp. 80-81) rolled at your Axe Kick level.

As a Committed Attack, an Axe Kick does thrust+1 crush-

ing damage – or thrust at +1 per two dice, if better – plus

skill bonuses. Roll against Axe Kick to hit. Afterward, you

can’t dodge or retreat until your next turn, and are at -2 on

all remaining active defenses.

As an All-Out Attack, an Axe Kick does thrust+2 – or

thrust at +1 per die, if better – plus skill bonuses. Hit or

miss, you have no defenses until your next turn!

An Axe Kick is difficult to back away from. If your oppo-

nent’s retreat bonus makes the difference between a hit and

a miss for an attack aimed above the foot, the kick still hits

a lower body part. Head or neck shots strike the torso; torso,

arm, or hand blows hit a leg; and kicks to the groin or leg

stomp a foot.

This move also beats down the target’s guard. A success-

ful attack roll gives the defender -1 to parry any attack fol-

lowing the Axe Kick until his next turn – even if his defense

against the kick succeeds. Axe Kick is a good opener for a

Rapid Strike or Combination!

Back Kick or Back Strike


Defaults: prerequisite skill-2, or -4 for a kick.

Prerequisite: Karate or any Melee Weapon skill; cannot

exceed prerequisite skill.

This technique lets you kick or use a melee weapon

against a foe to your rear without making a Wild Swing or

changing facing – although your legs must be free in order

to change stance. Back Kick defaults to Karate-4. Back

Strike defaults to Melee Weapon-2 and you must specialize;

e.g., Back Strike (Staff). To throw a “back punch,” use

Elbow Strike (p. 71).

To use this technique, you must know that your adver-

sary is behind you! Roll against Back Kick or Back Strike to

hit, at an extra -1 if you target a specific hit location.

A Back Kick has standard reach and damage for a kick.

A Back Strike can only reach an enemy within one yard,

regardless of weapon length. Thrusting attacks do their

usual damage; swinging attacks have -2 damage or -1 dam-

age per die, whichever is worse. A Back Strike from a

Reversed Grip (pp. 111-112) uses the reach and damage

effects of that grip instead of those given here.

In all cases, you’re at -2 to all active defenses until your

next turn. This is cumulative with the -2 to parry with a

weapon in a Reversed Grip!

Bind Weapon


Default: prerequisite skill-3.

Prerequisite: Jitte/Sai or any fencing weapon skill; cannot

exceed prerequisite skill.

Fencers with swords that have crosspiece hilts can lock

blades or hilts in a so-called bind. With a pronged weapon

such as the jitte (p. 217), it’s possible to bind any weapon.

This technique covers all such tactics.

To bind, you must first successfully parry your oppo-

nent’s fencing blade with your own such sword – or use a

Jitte/Sai weapon to parry any weapon. On your first turn

after the parry, roll against Bind Weapon to try to bind the

weapon you parried; this is an attack. If you’re using a fenc-

ing weapon, your adversary must be within a yard and you

must step into close combat. With a Jitte/Sai weapon, the

target weapon must merely be in reach (see p. B400).


Your foe’s only legal defenses are a dodge or a parry with

the targeted weapon. He may retreat for the usual bonus. If

his defense fails, you bind weapons – and if he tried to

retreat, he can’t step back.

You can use Bind Weapon offensively rather than after a

parry. Step into range (see above) and roll against Bind

Weapon to hit. The only difference is that your foe may try

any defense, not just a dodge or a parry with the target


While a bind is in effect, neither fighter can use the

weapons involved to attack or defend. All other actions

taken by defender and attacker alike are at -2 DX.

Your foe may attempt to free his weapon on his turn.

This counts


as an attempt to break free (p. B371), and

requires a full turn and a Quick Contest of his weapon skill

against your Bind Weapon technique. If he uses finesse to

disengage, make DX-based rolls. If he uses brute force, the

rolls are ST-based. If he wins, the bind ends – and if he used

ST, you must make a skill or Retain Weapon roll or drop the

weapon you used to bind!

Either of you can escape by dropping the weapon in the

bind. This is a free action at any time. You can end the bind

without losing your weapon. This, too, is a free action – but

only on your turn.

This tactic is common for two-weapon fencers – espe-

cially those with a main-gauche. The objective is to bind the

enemy’s blade and attack with a secondary weapon. Jitte/Sai

fighters use paired weapons to similar effect.



Defaults: Acrobatics, Judo, or Wrestling.

Prerequisite: Acrobatics, Judo, or Wrestling; cannot

exceed prerequisite skill+5.


Attacks on “high-value” targets – face, chinks in armor,

weapons, etc. – are effective fight-stoppers, which is why

so many fighting styles teach them. These rules let war-

riors study such moves as Hard techniques called Targeted

Attacks. For each Targeted Attack (TA), the martial artist

must specify three things:

Skill: The Melee Weapon or unarmed combat skill


Attack: The specific strike or grapple involved. For

weapon skills, this is either “Swing” or “Thrust.” For

unarmed striking skills, this is generally “Punch.” Either

can instead name a striking technique such as Disarming,

Kicking, Lethal Strike, or Return Strike. For grappling

skills, options are “Grab,” “Grapple,” and – for Judo –


Target: This can be a hit location other than the torso

(Eye, Face, Arm, etc.), chinks in armor at a specific hit

location (Torso Chinks is valid, although the GM may rule

that some hard armor isn’t vulnerable), or Weapon. The

attack must be able to target the location in the first place

– a condition that most often affects attacks to the vitals,

eye, or chinks in armor (see pp. B399-400).

The default penalty equals the modifier to hit the tar-

get. For strikes, this is -2 for Arm or Leg, -3 for Groin or

Vitals, -4 for Hand or Foot, -5 for Face or Neck, -7 for

Skull, or -9 for Eye. It’s -10 for chinks in armor on any of

these locations (this replaces the usual penalty), but only -

8 for chinks in torso armor. All strikes at weapons default

at -4. Blows (Swing, Punch, etc.) intended to break a

weapon have no extra penalty; attempts to disarm must

specify Disarm as their attack and have a further -2 except

with a fencing weapon (see p. B400).

Grapples use half the usual hit location penalty: -1

for Arm or Leg, -2 for Hand or Foot, -3 for Face or

Neck, etc. Grabs for weapons are at -4. Judo throws can

target any body part but the Eye, Vitals, or Groin, at

the penalties given for strikes. Such throws damage the

targeted location and require a HT roll to avoid stun

(see Judo Throw, p. 75).

If defaulting from a skill, add the penalty for any spe-

cial attack: -1 for Knee Strike; -2 for Elbow Strike,

Kicking, or Lethal Strike; -4 for Lethal Kick; and so on. If

defaulting from a technique, don’t apply this penalty – the

technique’s default already includes it! Disarms default to

skill and Disarming at the same penalty.

By improving Targeted Attack, the fighter can buy off

up to half of his default penalty (round up) for a strike,

grab, or throw, or the whole penalty for a grapple. Write

the TA as “TA (Skill Attack/Target).” Some examples:

TA (Boxing Punch/Face): Defaults to Boxing-5; cannot

exceed Boxing-2.

TA (Broadsword Disarm/Weapon): Defaults to

Broadsword-6 or Disarming (Broadsword)-6; cannot

exceed Broadsword-3 or Disarming (Broadsword)-3.

TA (Broadsword Swing/Neck): Defaults to Broadsword-

5; cannot exceed Broadsword-2.

TA (Judo Throw/Skull): Defaults to Judo-7; cannot

exceed Judo-3.

TA (Karate Knee Strike/Groin): Defaults to Karate-4 or

Knee Strike-3; cannot exceed Karate-2 or Knee Strike-1.

TA (Rapier Thrust/Vitals Chinks): Defaults to Rapier-

10; cannot exceed Rapier-5.

TA (Wrestling Grab/Weapon): Defaults to Wrestling-4;

cannot exceed Wrestling-2.

TA (Wrestling Grapple/Arm): Defaults to Wrestling-1;

cannot exceed Wrestling.

Roll against Targeted Attack to hit. A TA against a

weapon assumes -4 to hit; roll at +1 vs. large weapons (-3

to hit), -1 vs. small ones (-5 to hit).

Repeating a Targeted Attack makes you predictable. If

you use the same TA twice on a foe in a fight, he defends

at +1 against your third and later uses!

Targeted Attacks are realistic but complex. The GM is

welcome to forbid them if they seem too fussy.

Optional Rule: Targeted Attacks

This technique covers ways of controlling or absorbing

the shock of a fall: shoulder rolls, slapping the ground, and

so on. When you’re thrown for damage (see Judo Throw,

p. 75), a successful Breakfall roll deducts one plus your mar-

gin of success from damage. If this prevents all damage, you

may opt to end up crouching instead of lying down. You can

also try to end up crouching after a non-damaging throw,

but the lack of momentum makes it tricky: roll at Breakfall-

3. Finally, you may substitute Breakfall for Acrobatics when

rolling to reduce the effective distance of a fall (see Falling,

p. B431); any success lets you end up crouching, if you wish.

Cavalry Training


Default: Melee Weapon skill-2.

Prerequisites: Riding and any Melee Weapon skill; cannot

exceed Melee Weapon skill.

This technique lets a mounted warrior buy off the -2 for

attacking on the same turn as his mount (see Attacks by

Mounts, p. B397). It also helps when he attacks while his

mount’s velocity is 7 or more relative to his target. Such an

attack is normally at +1 to damage and -1 to skill (see

Cavalry Weapons, p. B397), but improving Cavalry Training

to Melee Weapon skill-1 eliminates this -1. Raising Cavalry

Training to full skill eliminates both penalties. Remember

that skill with a mounted attack can’t exceed Riding skill –

or Combat Riding (see below), if better.

Choke Hold


Defaults: Judo-2, Wrestling-3, or appropriate weapon


Prerequisite: Judo, Wrestling, or appropriate weapon

skill; cannot exceed prerequisite skill.

This close-combat attack involves locking the target’s

neck and applying pressure. It requires two hands. Roll

against Choke Hold to hit. If you come from in front of your

victim, you’re at -1.

Your victim may try any legal defense. If he

fails, you apply the hold, which counts as a grap-

ple. If you struck from behind, he can only

defend if he knew you were coming (see

p. B391). Otherwise, all he can do is attempt to

tuck his chin to counter your hold. This is a

parry at -2 with a grappling skill. He can’t

retreat. If he succeeds, you grapple him but get

no hold; critical success means he completely

ducks your attack.

On your foe’s next turn and on subsequent

turns, he may try to break free. You’re at +5 in

the Quick Contest for using two hands. You con-

trol only his neck and head, not his arms and

legs. He can attack you at the usual -4 for being

grappled. If you came from behind, he may only

try the strikes detailed under Pain and Breaking

Free (p. 119) or attempt to grapple your arm,

which allows the usual follow-up techniques on

later turns.

On your next turn – and on each turn thereafter, until your

prey breaks free – you may apply pressure to your victim’s

carotid arteries to subdue him or to his trachea to choke him.

This counts as an attack. Roll the Quick Contest described in

Choke or Strangle (p. B370). Your hold gives you +3 ST. A

carotid (“blood”) choke inflicts fatigue damage. A tracheal

(“air”) choke delivers crushing damage.

You can apply this hold using a weapon. Default and pre-

requisite skills become a weapon skill. The lever gives a fur-

ther ST bonus to restrain or injure your victim: +1 if reach C,

+2 if longer. You can choke with the flat or the edge of a

sword; if using the edge, you may only choke for cutting dam-

age. You must grasp a


sword with one hand on the handle,

one on the blade. Make a DX roll when you roll to inflict

injury. Failure does thrust cutting damage to your off hand

(DR protects normally).

Close Combat


Defaults: prerequisite skill-4, -8, or -12.

Prerequisite: Any Melee Weapon skill; cannot remove more

than half the default penalty.†

In close combat (p. B391), a weapon without “C” in its

Reach statistic gives a skill penalty based on its reach: -4 for

reach 1, -8 for reach 2, or -12 for reach 3. In addition, swing

damage is at -1 per yard of reach; e.g., a broadsword does -1

damage, a greatsword gets -2, and a full-sized halberd has -3.

Thrusting attacks do normal damage. Calculate skill and

swing damage penalties using the weapon’s longest reach, not

the reach at which it’s currently ready.

This technique lets you buy off half the skill penalty. You

may buy it up to skill-2 for a reach 1 weapon, skill-4 for a

reach 2 weapon, or skill-6 for a reach 3 weapon.

All of this assumes a normal grip. See Reversed Grip

(pp. 111-112) for an alternative. Hilt punches and the like use

Pummeling (p. 111) instead of these rules; this technique

doesn’t apply.

† Close Combat is also available for ranged weapons. This

lets you buy off the entire Bulk penalty for close-combat pur-

poses only; see Weapons for Close Combat (p. B391). Those

with Heroic Archer (p. 45) don’t need this technique.

Combat Riding


Default: Riding.

Prerequisite: Riding; cannot exceed Riding+4.

This technique represents training at riding under

combat conditions. Use it instead of Riding whenev-

er you roll to control your mount in battle. It doesn’t

cover fighting – for that, learn Cavalry Training (see

above) or Mounted Shooting (p. 77) – but where the

rules limit weapon skill to Riding, your limit is

Combat Riding instead. Combat Riding never aids

Riding rolls to mount up, stay mounted, or direct

your mount hands-free – see Hands-Free Riding

(p. 73), Quick Mount (p. 78), and Staying Seated

(p. 81) for those tricks – or for such non-

combat activities as dressage, racing, and travel.





Default: prerequisite skill-5.

Prerequisite: Any unarmed combat or Melee Weapon

skill; cannot exceed prerequisite skill.

Counterattack represents attacking as soon as possible

after defending in order to take advantage of the momentary

“hole” an attacker must leave in his defenses. You can only

attempt it on your turn immediately following a successful

active defense – and only vs. the foe against whom you

defended. If you blocked or parried, the Counterattack does-

n’t have to use the hand(s) you used to defend, although it

can if you wish.

Roll against Counterattack to hit. Your foe is at -2 to

Parry, or to his resistance roll if you tried a grappling move

that uses a Quick Contest (e.g., takedown), or at -1 to Block

or Dodge. If you hit, your attack inflicts its usual damage.

You can use another technique as your counterattack; see

Using Techniques Together (p. 64) to find effective skill level.



Default: Whip-4.

Prerequisite: Whip; cannot exceed Whip skill.

You can “crack” any ordinary whip – this is the sound

of the tip breaking the sound barrier! Such an attack is at

-4 to skill but +2 to damage. Crack lets you buy off the skill

penalty. In a cinematic (or silly) campaign, Crack might

work with anything whip-like: ropes, belts, long braids,

wet towels . . .



Default: prerequisite skill.

Prerequisite: Any unarmed combat or Melee Weapon

skill; cannot exceed prerequisite skill+5.

If you know this technique above default, you may use it

instead of the underlying skill whenever you attack to dis-

arm (see Knocking a Weapon Away, p. B401) – both for the

roll to hit and in the ensuing Quick Contest. For instance, if

you have Broadsword-14 and Disarming (Broadsword)-17,

you disarm as if you had Broadsword-17. Penalties to hit the

target weapon, including the -2 for using a non-fencing

weapon, and modifiers in the Quick Contest (such as the +2

for Jitte/Sai and Whip weapons) apply normally.

Drop Kick


Defaults: Brawling-1, Sumo Wrestling-1, or Wrestling-2.

Prerequisite: Brawling, Sumo Wrestling, or Wrestling;

cannot exceed prerequisite skill.

This attack uses two feet in an attempt to injure and

knock down an opponent. It’s a special option for Move and

Attack. Use the following rules instead of the normal rules

for that maneuver.

A Drop Kick is a type of slam (p. B371). You must move

at least a yard towards your target. The kick itself has a reach

of 2 yards. Roll against Drop Kick to hit. Damage is as for a

slam, at +2 for going feet first (or +3 if wearing heavy boots).

Brawling, Sumo Wrestling, or Wrestling adds its usual dam-

age bonus. Succeed or fail, you immediately fall down. Until

your next turn, you may block or parry from the ground at

the usual penalties, but you can’t dodge or retreat.

In a cinematic game, GMs may allow an Acrobatics-5 roll

for the attacker to land on his feet after a successful Drop

Kick. A miss results in a fall!

Ear Clap


Defaults: Boxing-3, Brawling-3, or Karate-3.

Prerequisite: Boxing, Brawling, or Karate; cannot exceed

prerequisite skill-1.

This is an attack on your foe’s ear using a cupped or open

hand. The goal is to pop his eardrum, stunning and deafen-

ing him. You must be in close combat and have at least one

free, empty hand.

Roll against Ear Clap to hit. Your opponent may use any

active defense. If the attack succeeds, it does thrust-3 crush-

ing damage plus skill bonuses. In addition, roll a Quick

Contest: Ear Clap vs. the victim’s HT. If you win, your target

is physically stunned (p. B420); he’s also at -1 DX and deaf in

one ear (treat as Hard of Hearing) for 1d seconds. On a crit-

ical failure on the HT roll or critical success on Ear Clap, the

victim must roll as if for a crippling injury to see how long

he’s partially deaf; see p. B422. Permanent harm is possible!

Ear Clap works best if you box both ears simultaneously.

To do a double Ear Clap, you must have two free, empty

hands and use All-Out Attack (Double) or another form of

multiple attacks. Dual-Weapon Attack with the appropriate

unarmed combat skill is one option; add the penalties for

that technique to Ear Clap to determine effective skill. If only

one hand hits, resolve it as above. If both hit, roll one Quick

Contest. If you win, your victim is deaf in both ears (treat as

Deafness) for 2d seconds. Once again, a critical failure on HT

or critical success on Ear Clap indicates a crippling injury

that could become permanent.

Elbow Drop


Defaults: Brawling-4 or Wrestling-5.

Prerequisite: Brawling or Wrestling; cannot exceed pre-

requisite skill.

This is a devastating elbow strike delivered using the

whole body. It’s normally done by dropping from a standing

posture, driving an elbow into the victim and landing on top

of him. You can use it against a kneeling, sitting, or lying foe,

making it an ideal follow-up to a takedown. Elbow Drop is a

special option for Committed Attack or All-Out Attack. Use

the rules here instead of the usual ones for those maneuvers.

Roll against Elbow Drop to hit. The victim may dodge or

block, or parry at -2. If he parries, your body counts as a

weapon with weight equal to your ST; see Parrying Heavy

Weapons (p. B376).


As a Committed Attack, Elbow Drop inflicts thrust+2, or

thrust at +1 per die if better. Brawling adds its usual damage

bonus; Wrestling adds damage equal to its ST bonus (+1 at

DX+1, +2 at DX+2 or better) instead. As an All-Out Attack,

damage is thrust+3, or thrust-1 at +2 per die if better, plus

skill bonuses. If an Elbow Drop causes knockback, the tar-

get goes nowhere – but if he’s sitting or kneeling, he must

make the usual DX roll or be knocked down.

If you miss, you hit the ground and suffer the damage

you would have inflicted. The same thing happens if your

opponent blocks with a shield.

Succeed or fail, you end up lying face-up on the ground.

After a Committed Attack, you’re


at -2 to defend and unable

to retreat. After an All-Out Attack, you’re defenseless!

Elbow Strike


Defaults: Brawling-2 or Karate-2.

Prerequisite: Brawling or Karate; cannot exceed prereq-

uisite skill.

You can jab an elbow into an enemy behind you in close

combat. Roll against Elbow Strike to hit. There’s no modifi-

er for not facing him, but add an extra -1 if you target a spe-

cific hit location. A hit inflicts thrust-1 crushing damage,

plus skill bonuses. Treat an elbow to someone in front of you

as a punch.

Elbows are short-ranged and hard to hurt. You may not

select All-Out Attack (Long) (pp. 97-98). Hurting Yourself

(p. B379) applies, but damage is 1/10 of what you roll – not

1/5 – and both it and injury from enemy parries affects the

arm, not the hand.



Defaults: Kusari-4 or Whip-4.

Prerequisite: Kusari or Whip; cannot exceed prerequisite


You can use a flexible weapon such as a whip or a kusari

to entangle a foe. Roll against Entangle to hit. If your oppo-

nent fails to defend, the weapon wraps around him.

If you hit your victim’s arm or torso, you ensnare it. On

subsequent turns, you must take a Ready maneuver to keep

your opponent snared. Roll a Quick Contest of ST each turn.

If you win, you immobilize your foe. If you lose, he pulls

your weapon from your grasp. On a tie, he immediately

breaks free without disarming you.

If you entangle the neck, use the same rules but your

opponent has -5 in the Contest. If you win, the whip or

kusari cuts off the victim’s breathing – see Suffocation

(p. B436).

If you entangle a foot or a leg, the target must make a DX

roll to remain standing (this is instead of the Contest above).

He’s at -4 if he was running. If he falls, he takes 1d-4 crush-

ing damage – or 1d-2 if running. On subsequent turns, use

the rules above to keep him entangled.

You must keep your weapon taut at all times to immobi-

lize or suffocate your victim. This requires a Ready maneu-

ver each turn. If you’re mounted and your mount is trained

to do this for you, substitute its ST for yours in the Quick


To escape from a taut whip or kusari, you must attack

and cut it (the damage required depends on the weapon). To

escape from a limp weapon – including one pulled from the

attacker’s grasp – you need a free hand and must make three

successful DX rolls. Each attempt counts as a Ready maneu-

ver, during which you may take no other action.



Defaults: Acrobatics or Judo.

Prerequisite: Acrobatics or Judo; cannot exceed prerequi-

site skill+5.

This technique represents training at avoiding opponents

who wish to obstruct your movement. Evade (Acrobatics)

lets you flip over, tumble under, or twist around your foe,

while Evade (Judo) allows you to ward off your enemy’s

hands as you run past. Either replaces DX when trying to

evade (see Evading, p. B368). All normal penalties apply.

Exotic Hand Strike


Default: Karate-1.

Prerequisite: Karate; cannot exceed Karate skill.

Certain hand strikes use unusual striking surfaces: the

edge of the hand, a single protruding knuckle, a claw-

shaped fist, etc. These do extra damage to fleshy or fragile

targets at the cost of being much more vulnerable to injury

when striking a hard surface such as armor or bone. Roll

against Exotic Hand Strike to hit. Standard hit location

penalties apply. Damage is thrust crushing plus Karate

bonuses. Hurting Yourself (p. B379) applies if your target has

any DR – not just DR 3+.



Defaults: Brawling-5, Judo-5, or Wrestling-5.

Prerequisite: Brawling, Judo, or Wrestling; cannot exceed

prerequisite skill.

This close-combat attack consists of grabbing someone’s

head and pressing your thumbs into his eyes. It usually

requires two empty hands. Roll against Eye-Gouging to hit.

Your foe may defend normally. If he fails, you grapple

him and he cannot see! He can try to break free (p. B371) as

usual on his turn.

Until your victim breaks free, you can drive your thumbs

into his eyes on subsequent turns. This counts as an attack

but doesn’t require an attack roll. Each eye takes thrust-4

crushing damage. This can cripple and blind the eyes but

never gets the ¥4 wounding modifier for the skull – the

thumbs are too short! (Exception: The GM may give some

nonhumans the perk “Long Thumbs,” in which case the

wounding modifier does apply. The same goes for fighters

with Talons or Long Talons.)

You can gouge one-handed. The attack roll is against

Eye-Gouging-4. Only one eye takes damage on later turns.



Blinding your foe is an effective tactic – but while the

eyes are fragile, they’re also too small for most strikes to

get at them effectively. Eye-Gouging (p. 71) is one solution

but hardly the only one!

All of these close-combat strikes require an empty

hand. If one of them hits and the target fails to defend, the

victim must roll vs. Will. Any failure means he flinches

and has -1 to attack and defense rolls until the end of his

next turn, in addition to the technique’s other effects.



Defaults: Brawling-10 or Karate-10.

Prerequisite: Brawling or Karate; cannot exceed pre-

requisite skill-4.

This cinematic technique involves using the clawed

fingers of one hand to grab an enemy’s eye and pull it out.

It’s a strike, not a grapple. You can try it repeatedly but

you can’t “hold onto” your enemy’s eye. Roll against Eye-

Pluck to hit.

Damage is thrust-3 crushing, plus your Brawling or

Karate bonus. Injury over HP/10 cripples the eye. Any

excess is lost. The difference between this and Eye-Poke

is that if you cripple the eye, your victim must make an

immediate HT roll. Failure means you pluck out his eye –

a permanent crippling injury! See p. B422.

If your foe’s Size Modifier exceeds yours by +5 or

more, his eye is too big for you to grab and your Eye-

Pluck counts only as an Eye-Poke.



Defaults: Boxing-9, Brawling-9, or Karate-9.

Prerequisite: Boxing, Brawling, or Karate; cannot

exceed prerequisite skill-4.

This is a jab to the eye using an extended finger. It can

blind but it never gets the ¥4 wounding modifier for the

skull (compare Lethal Eye-Poke, below). Roll against Eye-

Poke to hit.

A hit inflicts thrust-3 crushing damage. Injury over

HP/10 cripples the eye. Any excess is lost. A miss by 1

strikes the protective bone around the eye, damaging

the face instead – but as you’re hitting bone, skull DR

(usually DR 2) protects. Hurting Yourself (p. B379) applies

if your target has any DR, not just DR 3+, or if you hit


Due to the risk of finger injury, many fighters pull this

blow (see Subduing a Foe, p. B401). Little damage is need-

ed to cripple an eye in any event!



Defaults: Brawling-5 or Karate-5.

Prerequisite: Brawling or Karate; cannot exceed pre-

requisite skill.

This technique attempts to blind the foe by scratching

a clawed hand across his face and eyes. It’s easier than

most strikes to the eyes because you’re using a broad

striking surface against a large target (the upper face), but

actual injury is superficial at best.

On a successful hit, roll thrust-1 crushing damage.

However, this isn’t a hard strike and normally inflicts no

injury. Instead, the victim must make a HT roll at a penal-

ty equal to the damage that penetrates DR. Failure means

he’s blinded for 1 minute times his margin of failure.

Critical failure means one eye suffers HP/10 of real injury

(round down) and is crippled!

Lethal Eye-Poke*


Default: Karate-11.

Prerequisite: Karate; cannot exceed Karate-5.

This is an attempt to drive an extended finger through

an eye socket and into the brain. Treat it as Targeted

Attack (Karate Lethal Strike/Eye) for all purposes. It

inflicts thrust-2 piercing damage, plus Karate bonuses. It

can blind and gets the ¥4 wounding modifier for the skull

– just like any other piercing attack. With sufficient dam-

age, it can kill.

“Go for the eyes!”



Default: prerequisite skill.

Prerequisite: Any unarmed combat or Melee Weapon



cannot exceed prerequisite skill+4.

Feints aren’t always phony attacks. They include breaks

in rhythm, false steps, head fakes, and other ploys to misdi-

rect the foe. This technique represents training in all such

methods. If you know it above

default, use it instead of the

underlying skill whenever you

feint (p. B365) or someone

tries to feint you. For

instance, with Broadsword at

14 and Feint (Broadsword) at

16, you would make and

resist feints at 16.

Feint includes knowledge

of Beats (pp. 100-101) and

Ruses (p. 101). Make a ST-

based roll to attempt a Beat or

to use ST to resist one, an IQ-

based roll to try a Ruse, or a

Per-based roll to use Per to

resist a Ruse. To find your

level, add the difference between the relevant score and DX

to Feint; e.g., DX 12, IQ 14, and Feint at 16 would allow a

Ruse at 18.

† Some styles include a Style Perk that permits a default

to Acrobatics, Dancing, or another non-combat skill; see

Feints Using Non-Combat Skills (p. 101).

Finger Lock


Default: Arm Lock-3.

Prerequisite: Arm Lock; cannot exceed Arm Lock


This technique lets you grab fingers and twist them

painfully. Use the rules under Arm or Wrist Lock (p. 65),

except that damage is to the hand – which is easier to crip-

ple than the arm.

Ground Fighting


Default: prerequisite skill-4.

Prerequisite: Any combat skill; cannot exceed prerequi-

site skill.

This technique lets you buy off the -4 to attack while

crawling, lying face-up, or lying prone. Roll against Ground

Fighting instead of the prerequisite skill when you use that

skill to attack from the ground. For instance, if you had

Wrestling at 14 and Ground Fighting (Wrestling) at 13, you

could grapple from the ground at skill 13.

For every two points invested in Ground Fighting, you

may also ignore -1 of the -3 to defend from the ground.

Ground Fighting at skill-3 or skill-2 means you’re at -2,

while at skill-1 or full skill, you have only -1. This replaces

the rule on p. B231.

Hammer Fist


Defaults: Brawling-1 or Karate-1.

Prerequisite: Brawling or Karate; cannot exceed prereq-

uisite skill.

A “hammer fist” is a punch using the side of a clenched

fist. This technique includes both the true hammer fist and

similar attacks meant to prevent injury to the attacker at the

cost of less damage to the target: forearm smashes, punch-

es with the palm or heel of an open hand, etc. In all cases,

the striking surface is larger and less rigid than for a normal

fist, reducing damage – but it’s much harder to injure your-

self, making this strike ideal for hard targets.

Roll against Hammer Fist to hit. Damage is thrust-2 plus

skill bonuses. If Hurting Yourself (p. B379) would apply,

damage is 1/10 of what you roll, not 1/5. Furthermore, you

suffer a point less damage if your hand is parried aggres-

sively or with a weapon, or otherwise stopped painfully.

If your hand is crippled, you may use Hammer Fist to

deliver a forearm smash. Use the above rules, but any self-

inflicted injury affects the arm instead of the hand.



Defaults: Binding, DX-2, Judo-1, or Wrestling-2; cannot

exceed Binding, DX, Judo, or Wrestling.

This is a limited, realistic version of Binding (pp. 82-83)

for handcuffing a target quickly. It only works in close com-

bat – and only if you grappled your target on a previous turn

or parried his melee attack immediately prior to your turn.

On your turn, roll a Quick Contest: Handcuffing vs. the

higher of your victim’s DX or best grappling skill. This

counts as an attack. Victory means you’ve handcuffed a limb

of your choice. On later turns, you can repeat the process to

cuff another limb or make an uncontested Handcuffing roll

to attach the cuff to an inanimate object (pole, car door,

bomb . . .) within a yard.

You can handcuff a pinned opponent automatically in 2d

seconds. A successful, unopposed Handcuffing roll reduces

this to two seconds (one second on a critical success).

Escape attempts use the Escape skill (p. B192) or Slip

Handcuffs technique (p. B233). This takes a minute. Time

reductions give the usual penalties; see Time Spent

(p. B346). The GM may permit cinematic heroes one

attempt at -10 to escape in a turn – effectively instantly.

Hands-Free Riding


Default: Riding-3.

Prerequisite: Riding; cannot exceed Riding skill.

Using only one hand to control your mount gives -1 to all

Riding rolls, while using no hands at all gives -3; see

Mounted Combat (p. B396). This technique represents train-

ing to buy off these penalties. Roll against Hands-Free

Riding instead of Riding to control your mount using no

hands. If you’ve improved this technique at all, you may

ignore the -1 for using only one hand.


Hook Swords

Head Butt


Defaults: Brawling-1 or Karate-1.†

Prerequisite: Brawling or Karate; cannot exceed prerequi-

site skill.†

This is a close-combat strike using the forehead. Natural

targets are the face (-5) and skull (-7) of a standing adversary,

but you can attack anything! However, while the skull is hard,

it has poor reach and leverage for striking.

Roll against Head Butt to hit. Damage is thrust-1 crush-

ing. Your victim may defend normally; if he parries, any dam-

age this causes affects your face. Self-inflicted injury for a tar-

get with DR 3+ applies to the skull; however, your skull’s DR

2 protects normally. If you have rigid head protection – e.g., a

metal helm – add +1 to damage and apply your armor’s DR

against self-inflicted injury.

† Head Butt requires practice to be effective; fighters with-

out Brawling or Karate strike at DX-2 and do only thrust-2

damage. This move is sometimes used while grappling and

(illegally) in boxing matches, but it doesn’t benefit from

Boxing, Judo, Sumo Wrestling, or Wrestling. Races with

Strikers (p. B88) on their head don’t need Head Butt – they

attack at full skill and do superior damage.

Head Lock


Defaults: Judo-3 or Wrestling-3.

Prerequisite: Judo or Wrestling; cannot exceed prerequisite


This attack involves controlling an enemy’s head and neck

using two arms. It targets similar body parts to Choke Hold

(p. 69). However, the goal is to lock your victim’s neck in a

way that lets you injure it or his throat – not to cut off his

blood or air supply.

To apply this lock, you must first grapple your opponent

by the neck; see Grappling (p. B370). Your victim may attempt

to break free on his turn. If he fails, then on your next turn,

you have two ways to injure him: you may attempt to choke

him as described under Choke or Strangle (p. B370), substi-

tuting Head Lock for ST if better, or you may try to throw him

as explained in Throws from Locks (pp. 118-119). You can

alternate between these attacks for as long as you maintain

the lock.

Treat sports-wrestling locks that seek to avoid causing

injury as simple head or neck grapples. The same goes for the

so-called head lock seen on the street (an arm around the




Default: prerequisite skill-5.

Prerequisite: Any appropriate Melee Weapon skill; cannot

exceed prerequisite skill.

This is the technique of using a weapon with a projection

– usually a hook – to snag a foe’s head, limb, weapon, or

shield in order to pull him off-balance. You can learn it for

any Melee Weapon skill, but you’ll need a suitable weapon to

use it.

Hook is a common technique for Axe/Mace, Polearm,

and Two-Handed Axe/Mace, but while picks and most axes

can hook, maces and knobbed clubs can’t – and only a few

polearms sport hooks. It’s possible to add hooks to weapons

that normally lack them, such as spears and staffs. Some

swordfighting schools even taught (gauntleted!) fighters to

grab their weapon by the blade and hook with the pommel

and crosspiece. Swords wielded this way use the Axe/Mace

or Two-Handed Axe/Mace skill, and are unbalanced. See

Chapter 6 for more on suitable weapons and the associated


Roll against Hook to hit, modified for the target as noted

below. Your adversary may defend normally. Hook doesn’t

usually inflict damage, but


martial artists often credit

this victory to the strength of local escrimadors, but

arrows, spears, and machetes were the weapons of the


1540 – Former soldier Ignatius of Loyola founds the Jesuits,

whose exercises include fencing and meditation. Henry

VIII of England incorporates the Masters of Defence of

England, giving them royal patronage.

1543 – Portuguese merchant adventurers introduce guns

into Japan. They’re soon in mass production.

1559 – King Henry II of France dies of a lance wound

received in a tournament joust, simultaneously reducing

the popularity of the sport and showing that even the

King took his chances with potentially lethal matches.

*1560s – Selected Chinese soldiers are sent to the Shaolin

Temple to learn unarmed and staff-fighting arts. Some

scholars suggest that certain troops received training in

other Chinese martial arts and even in Japanese


1568 – Camillo Agrippa of Milan publishes his fencing man-

ual, Trattato di scientia d’arme (“Treatise on the Science of

Arms”). This work advocates the thrust over the slash,

the use of the sword as the primary defense, and a more

side-facing stance with one hand held back and high.

1576 – Rocco Bonetti opens a rapier school in Oxford,

sparking both an immediate rivalry with local Masters of

Defence and a fashionable trend toward rapier fencing.

1578 – Japanese warlord Oda Nobunaga organizes a major

sumo tournament, or basho. First use of the tatami-

edged clay ring (dohyo) and the beginning of modern


1609 – Japan conquers Okinawa, disarms the population,

and bans unarmed fighting techniques. This drives train-

ing underground. Teachers instruct selected pupils in


1721 – James Figg starts holding fighting exhibitions in

England. Brawling, weapon play, and wrestling were

already popular entertainment; Figg added women’s box-

ing, arranged international bouts, and vigorously pro-

moted the fights.

1728 – Donald McBane – soldier, pimp, gambler, and fenc-

ing master – publishes The Expert Sword-man’s

Companion; or the True Art of Self-Defence. This

smallsword manual gives advice on how to use and

counter dirty tricks, and deal with treacherous duelists.

1735 – A government army crushes the Shaolin Temple.

*1767 – According to legend, Thai prisoner Nai Khanom

Tom earns his freedom by beating several Burmese kick-

boxers in succession. (Modern Thailand marks March 17

as Nai Khanom Tom Day.)

1777 – In China, White Lotus rebels – relying on martial

arts, breathing techniques, and magical incantations to

protect them from bullets – fight Manchu soldiers. The

troops use guns to crush the rebels, but many kung fu

practitioners continue to believe that their art can make

them invulnerable to bullets.

1827 – Jim Bowie uses his eponymous knife to kill Norris

Wright at Sandbar, Mississippi. Newspapers widely

report the fight, making the bowie knife famous.


1835 – New Jersey outlaws prizefighting. Other states fol-

low. Arranging prizefights becomes an exercise in

bribery, secret locations, and last-minute publicity.

1859 – Sir Richard Francis Burton publishes his booklet on

bayonet fighting. Aided by his combat experience and

language skills, Burton recorded details about the many

weapons and fighting arts he encountered, making him

one of the first hoplologists.

1900 – Uyenishi Sadakazu arrives in England and begins

teaching Jujutsu (pp. 166-168). One of his students, Hans

Köck, goes on to introduce the art to Vienna in 1905.

1904 – Greco-Roman Wrestling (p. 205) becomes a modern

Olympic sport.

1920s – Chinese immigrants open Chinese-only kung fu

schools in Hawaii.

1930s – Judo (p. 166) clubs exist all over Europe, America,

and Australia – including U.S. Army Air Force teams.

Kendo (p. 175) spreads from Japan to the U.S. and Europe.

Japanese students routinely receive training in both sports

to “build character” and encourage physical development.

1940s – Allied commandos learn a stripped-down fighting

style based on Eastern martial arts, taught by W.E.

Fairbairn. German commandos learn an equivalent


1946 – First Karate (pp. 169-172) school on the U.S. main-

land is established in Phoenix, Arizona.

1961 – Korean government orders the unification of all Tae

Kwon Do (p. 200) schools. Three years later, TKD

becomes an official Korean national sport.

1972 – Judo becomes an official Olympic sport.

1990 – Tae Kwon Do becomes an official Olympic sport.

1993 – In the U.S., the first Ultimate Fighting

Championship pits different martial-arts stylists against

one another with minimal rules, triggering the rise of

modern “mixed martial arts” in the U.S. Jiu-jitsu practi-

tioners from Brazil’s Gracie family dominate.

2005 – City of Mostar, Bosnia unveils a statue of Bruce Lee

as a symbol of peace.


For many people, Asia and the martial arts are insepara-

ble. Asian martial arts have a storied history stretching from

antiquity to the present. Today, many if not most martial-

arts schools teach styles with origins in China, Japan,

Thailand, and more exotic Asian locales.


Chinese martial arts have a rich history that extends back

to a legendary origin almost 5,000 years ago. Tradition has

it that the Yellow Emperor, Huang Di, invented the first

martial arts in 2697 B.C. In 209 B.C., Emperor Qin Shi

Huang was buried in grand style with a life-sized terra-cotta

army, and some of the warriors were posed in stances seen

in Chinese martial arts even today. A continuous lineage is

difficult to trace, but it’s clear that China’s fighting styles

have a heritage dating back at least to Qin’s reign.

Most of the armed and unarmed arts of China don’t seem

to originate with one man, though – be he emperor or com-

moner. Traditions of wrestling, primitive head-butting

games, and (later) systematic training in combative arts

existed across China. Several periods of Chinese history are

especially interesting from a martial-arts perspective.

Spring and Autumn Period

The “Spring and Autumn Period” lasted from 722 to 481

B.C. During this time, China was blessed – some say plagued

– with martial artists known as the xia (see box). The period

was one of central rule, but most areas were the jurisdiction

of local governors appointed by a distant bureaucracy. Some

governors were just and fair; others, corrupt or cruel.

Overall, the period was one of stability, and China faced no

major menace from abroad. Bandits, local injustice, and

corruption thrived, however, and the xia felt they must


The Shaolin Temple

Few places are the subject of as many myths and legends

as the Shaolin Temple. It’s credited with being the wellspring

of all martial arts. Its monks are reputed to be masters of

mystical powers, yet free of worldly desires and ambitions.

The Shaolin Temple was built at the end of the 5th cen-

tury A.D. There was more than one Buddhist temple in the

same geographical area; legends of the Temple likely borrow

from tales about all of these to some degree. All were occu-

pied and abandoned several times.


The xia were essentially Chinese knights-errant.

Unlike the knights of feudal Europe, though, they

were neither members of the aristocracy nor

required to uphold the social order. Instead, they

were wanderers who used their martial skills to

maintain justice and right wrongs according to their

personal philosophy.

Xia were as much like Robin Hood as like

Lancelot . . . in fact, the Chinese regard Robin Hood

as a xia! They weren’t always popular with the

bureaucracy. They could be useful, but the powerful

typically saw them as one of society’s plagues. The xia

were often as dangerous, scruffy, and poor as the ban-

dits and evildoers they battled, but regardless of their

conduct – which at times included gambling, wom-

anizing, and drinking – they fought for the common

good. Tales of their exploits formed the basis of the

wuxia genre of films.

In a historical game, xia PCs should take Code of

Honor (Xia) (p. 53). Without it, they aren’t xia –

they’re the ruffians


some weapons have an edged

hook (see below). While using a weapon to hook a foe, you

can’t use it to attack or parry. You can always release or drop

it as a free action on your turn, however.

If hooking the head or a limb, apply standard hit location

penalties. If you succeed, then on subsequent turns you may

attempt to pull your victim off-balance or even to the

ground. Roll a Quick Contest of ST. If you win, you drag

your opponent into a kneeling posture; if he’s kneeling or

crouching, he falls down. He can’t stand until he breaks free

or you release him. If you lose or tie, nothing happens. If

you critically fail, you drop your weapon! Your foe may try

to break free normally on his turn.

Hooking a weapon is an attempt to disarm; see p. B401.

Apply the usual penalty to hit the weapon but ignore the -2

for a non-fencing weapon. You get +2 in the ensuing Quick

Contest, in addition to the usual modifiers. If you lose the

Contest, your opponent retains his weapon and escapes

from your hook.

If hooking a shield, roll to hit at -4 plus its DB. If you suc-

ceed, you may attempt to pull it out of line. Treat this as an

attempt to disarm, but your opponent gets +4 in the Quick

Contest if his shield is strapped to his arm. You get +2 if

hooking with a two-handed weapon. If you win, the shield

becomes unready – it’s still on your foe’s arm but he can’t

block with it or benefit from its DB until he breaks free and

takes a Ready maneuver to reorient it.

Certain weapons designed for hooking are sharpened on

the inside of the hook. These include the Chinese hook

sword and the European bill. Such weapons inflict the dam-

age listed for their hook in addition to the above effects. If

using the optional Pain and Breaking Free rule (p. 119), such

weapons are very effective against lightly armored foes!

Horse Archery


Default: Bow-4.

Prerequisites: Bow and Riding; cannot exceed Bow skill.

“Horse Archery” is shorthand for Mounted Shooting

(Bow/Horse). See Mounted Shooting (p. 77).



Default: prerequisite skill Parry-1.

Prerequisite: Brawling or Karate; cannot exceed prereq-

uisite Parry.


A Jam is an attempt to parry a low-line attack – typically

a kick – by interposing a foot or leg aggressively enough to

injure the attacker. It’s only useful against attacks on your

lower body (feet, legs, or groin). You may attempt it instead

of a non-damaging leg or foot parry once per turn; see

Parries with Legs or Feet (p. 123).

Roll against Jam to defend, at the usual -3 for Brawling

vs. a swung weapon. You cannot retreat. Failure means

you’re hit; your attacker may choose to hit his original tar-

get, your parrying leg, or your parrying foot. Success means

you parry and may roll against the underlying skill to strike

the attacking body part or weapon, modified as follows.

Modifiers: The usual -2 for kicking. Against unarmed, +0

to hit a leg, -2 to hit an arm or foot, -4 to hit a hand; -1 if

your foe knows Rapid Retraction (p. 51). Against armed, a

basic -3; another -3 to -5 for weapon size (see p. B400); a fur-

ther -3 for Brawling vs. a swung weapon.

Success on this skill roll inflicts thrust-3 crushing dam-

age or thrust-1 at -1 per die, whichever is worse, on the tar-

geted weapon or body part. Skill bonuses apply normally.

Failure means you didn’t parry forcefully enough to inflict


Judo Throw


Default: Judo.

Prerequisite: Judo; cannot exceed Judo skill.

This is the primary attack of the Judo skill. On the turn

immediately after a successful Judo parry, you may attempt

to throw your attacker if he’s within a yard. You must have

at least one hand free to do so. This counts as an attack. Roll

vs. Judo to hit. (On an All-Out Attack, you can’t try two

throws but you can make one attempt at +4.) Your foe may

use any active defense – he can parry your hand with a

weapon! If his defense fails, you throw him.

A thrown foe falls where you please. On a battle map, he

lands in any two hexes near you. One of these hexes must be

his starting hex, your hex, or any hex adjacent to one of

those hexes. Your victim must roll against HT. Failure

means he’s stunned. If you throw him into someone else,

that person must roll vs. the higher of ST+3 or DX+3 to

avoid being knocked down.

The intent of Judo Throw is normally to put your rival on

the ground – not to injure him – but you can throw him in

a way that maximizes the impact of the fall on a specific

location, injuring it. This is frowned upon in sport matches!

Treat a damaging throw like any other, but at -1 to hit

plus any hit location penalty (not halved for grappling). Any

location but the eye, vitals, or groin is valid; common targets

are the skull, neck, and arm. Damage is thrust-1 crushing;

there’s no bonus for skill. The victim may attempt a

Breakfall (pp. 68-69) roll to reduce injury. Other effects are

as for a regular Judo Throw.

You may also throw a grappled foe. Instead of parrying

first, you must grapple your opponent. On a later turn, try to

throw him. This is an attack resolved as a Quick Contest:

Judo vs. the highest of your adversary’s ST, DX, or best grap-

pling skill. If you attempt a damaging throw, the extra penal-

ties do modify your roll. If you win, you throw your victim as

above. Otherwise, you don’t – but unless you critically failed,

you retain your grapple and may try again on a future turn.

Jump Kick


Default: Karate-4.

Prerequisite: Karate; cannot exceed Karate skill.

This showy, dangerous move lets you leap into the air to

increase range and damage with a kick. Some sources claim

it was used to unhorse riders! It’s a special option for

Committed Attack (pp. 99-100) and All-Out Attack

(p. B365). The rules below replace the standard ones for

those maneuvers.

As a Committed Attack, a Jump Kick involves a short

jump forward or sideways that ends in a sharp kick. You

must take two steps toward your foe; this effectively gives an

extra yard of reach. Roll against Jump Kick to hit. A hit does

thrust+1 crushing damage – or thrust at +1 per two dice, if

better – plus Karate bonuses. Afterward, you cannot dodge

or retreat until next turn, and have -2 on all other active

defenses. On a miss, make the usual DX roll to avoid a fall;

see p. B274.

An All-Out Attack involves hurling your body at your

opponent foot-first. You must move at least half your Move

(minimum 2 yards) forward. Roll against Jump Kick to hit.

Your target parries at -2. A hit inflicts thrust+2 – or thrust at

+1 per die, if better – plus skill bonuses. If you miss, or if

your target successfully defends, you fall down unless you

can make a DX-4 or Acrobatics-2 roll. Hit or miss, you have

no defenses at all until next turn!

These rules are intended for Martial Arts campaigns.

The GM is free to use the less-realistic version on p. B231 in

games that don’t focus on the martial arts.



Defaults: Brawling-2 or Karate-2.

Prerequisite: Brawling or Karate; cannot exceed prereq-

uisite skill.

Kicking covers all kicks not defined as standalone tech-

niques: crescent kicks, hook kicks, rising kicks, roundhouse

kicks, snap kicks, etc. Knowledgeable players are free to

embellish, but in all cases, a kick requires an attack roll

against Kicking and inflicts thrust crushing damage. Use

Brawling or Karate skill – not Kicking – to determine the

damage bonus, and use only the highest bonus. If you miss,

roll vs. Kicking or DX to avoid falling down.


Punches and kicks are tools to

kill the ego.

– Bruce Lee,

The Tao of Jeet Kune Do

Combine Kicking with Committed Attack (pp. 99-100) or

All-Out Attack for devastating kicks like roundhouses or

stepping side kicks, or with Defensive Attack (p. 100) for

close, jabbing kicks. Add in Deceptive Attack (p. B369) for

fast snaps and other tricky moves, or Telegraphic Attack

(p. 113) for slow kicks with big windups.

Knee Drop


Defaults: Brawling-3 or Wrestling-4.

Prerequisite: Brawling or Wrestling; cannot exceed pre-

requisite skill.

This brutal attack involves dropping


and bandits the xia oppose!


The most famous Shaolin monk was Bodhidharma, who

journeyed to the Temple from India. Tradition has it that he

noticed the monks lacked the fitness needed to meditate for

long periods, so he introduced martial arts to strengthen

them. While these events are the legendary origin of Chinese

martial arts, they actually would have post-dated many doc-

umented combative styles.

The military prowess of the Shaolin monks was first

noted in 728, when a small handful of them helped win a

war. A stele was erected to memorialize the staff-fighting

monks. Legends spread of their ability. The Temple became

a place to go and train, but spiritual development – not

schooling warriors – remained its focus.

After the rise of the Manchu, the Shaolin Temple became

famous as a symbol of resistance to government rule. It gave

sanctuary to rebels and revolutionaries, and the Temple as a

whole occasionally meddled in outside political events. This

involvement was sometimes pro-government: the Temple

was credited with aiding Manchu soldiers in several cam-

paigns. In the end, playing politics led to the Temple’s down-

fall. An army was dispatched to besiege the Temple. It fell in

1735, scattering the few survivors across China.

Legend claims that five masters survived the suppression

of the Shaolin Temple. They went their separate ways, train-

ing select students met during their travels in the secrets of

the Temple’s martial arts. Along the way, they also founded

cells of resistance to the Manchu Dynasty – the first Triads.

Monks reoccupied the Temple – and abandoned it or

were driven out – several times. In 1928, it was burned.

Later, the Communists came to regard it as reactionary and

shut it down. The People’s Republic of China eventually

realized its potential as a historical attraction and rebuilt it.

The modern Temple still offers training in the martial arts,

and is a popular destination for tourists and martial artists


Secret Societies

China has a long history of secret societies. Some of

these were fairly innocuous, even benign. Others were ded-

icated to overthrowing the Manchu and restoring the earli-

er dynasty. Many were also martial-arts schools (and vice-

versa), and students of the school would be recruited into

the secret society.

In some areas,

these secret societies

amounted to bandits

or organized crimi-

nals. In others, they

became a de facto

part of the local gov-

ernment, providing

police forces, charity

centers, and social

gatherings. In yet

others, they were the


Ironically, secret

societies eventually

became an ally and

tool of the ruling

Manchu. During the 18th and 19th centuries, the world’s

colonial powers – primarily European nations, but also

Japan and America – were steadily carving up and tram-

pling down China. The secret societies came to oppose the

foreigners and to regard the Manchu as the lesser of two

evils, if not the legitimate government.

The most famous of these societies was the I Ho Chu’an,

or Righteous and Harmonious Fist, dubbed the “Boxers” by

the colonial powers. They claimed that kung fu could defeat

guns – that through special rituals and unblinking faith,

practitioners would be immune to bullets. This wasn’t a new

idea; the White Lotus and the Native American Ghost

Dancers also believed this. The Boxers rose up and mur-

dered Europeans and Christian Chinese. On June 17, 1900,

they besieged the hastily fortified foreign consulates in

Beijing. Despite their kung fu skills and magical rituals, the

boxers were unable to crack the consulates before a relief

force fought its way to Beijing. Modern firepower quickly

dispersed the Boxers. Shortly thereafter, the Imperial gov-

ernment fell.

In the chaotic post-Imperial period, secret societies such

as the Triads largely degenerated into criminal gangs. Drug

smuggling, gambling, extortion, and prostitution became

their main sources of income. Feuds between societies over

criminal territory were common. The societies’ martial-arts

skills became the weapons of gang warfare . . . alongside

modern firearms.


Monks and

Martial Arts

Japan’s warrior-monks and the monks of the

Shaolin Temple are at least as famous for their fight-

ing arts as for their faith. European monks are com-

monly remembered as pacifistic, but early medieval

monasteries only admitted members of the nobility –

many of whom took their vows after receiving mar-

tial training. By the 12th century, some dispensed

altogether with the veneer of pacifism and created

military orders, such as the Knights Templar. Later

monks penned several fechtbücher and appeared in

the illustrations of many more, demonstrating

sword-and-shield play and wrestling moves. The Far

East hardly had a monopoly on the fighting monk.

A monk might practice the martial arts for sever-

al reasons. One is that many traditions deem physical

exercise vital to spiritual health: a fit body helps a

monk spend hours meditating without discomfort.

As well, monks sometimes had to fight to protect

their monasteries from bandits, raiders, and unhap-

py governments that saw them as targets. And as pre-

viously noted, not every monk chose the monastic life

as a youth. Former members of the warrior class

often kept their martial skills sharp after taking their

vows – whether due to a desire to defend the

monastery, out of devotion to their art, or in antici-

pation of a return to the world of politics.

Three-Part Staff

Eventually, the links between secret societies, martial-

arts schools, and the Shaolin Temple led to all three being

tied to revolutionary and antigovernment activities. The

stigma remains to this day, and helps explain some of

the policies of the People’s Republic of China toward the

martial arts.


The Communists were eminently aware of the historical

link between the martial arts and revolutionaries – or in this

case, “reactionaries.” They denounced any martial art that

claimed mystical powers or an ancient lineage as being “con-

trary to Communist ideals.” Such thinking reached its peak

during the Cultural Revolution, when many styles were

labeled anti-Communist and their instructors deemed “coun-

terrevolutionaries” and ruthlessly marginalized or purged.

At the same time, the Communists saw the martial arts as

a source of physical fitness for the people and as a repository

of cultural heritage. They adopted the term wushu for

“acceptable” martial arts. The sports commission of the

People’s Republic of China went on to develop a unified style

known by the same name; see Wushu (pp. 206-207).

Modern China downplays the internal, chi-oriented

aspects of the martial arts, but these things haven’t disap-

peared. The whole world now enjoys Chinese wuxia films,

which feature acrobatic martial arts, improbable displays

of skill, and chi abilities that defy reality. Ironically, many

of these movies celebrate rugged individualists who use

their mystical martial-arts skills to right wrongs or root

out corruption – ideas not terribly popular with the

Communist Party.


Like China, India has had martial arts since antiquity,

along with many myths tied to receiving and teaching them.

Some historians trace Indian martial arts back to the inva-

sion of northwestern India by Alexander the Great. This is

unlikely; Alexander might have brought Pankration (pp. 188-

189), but the warriors of the local princes already had a

strong tradition of armed fighting and unarmed wrestling.

According to myth, the gods handed down these arts to

humans so that heroes could defeat their demonic foes!

On the teaching side, Bodhidharma supposedly passed

along Indian martial arts to China; see The Shaolin Temple

(pp. 8-9). Prior evidence of the martial arts undermines this

theory, too. However, Indian religious beliefs probably con-

tributed the concept of prana, which is more commonly

known by its Chinese name, chi (see Religion, Philosophy,

and Fists, p. 11).

Whatever the truth, the Indian martial arts are ancient.



(pp. 168-169) dates to the 9th century A.D. and

similar arts predate that. These early styles certainly covered

both unarmed combat (striking and grappling) and armed

combat (especially bow, sword, and two-handed mace).

Modern nationalists in India – like those in most places with

a martial tradition – espouse the idea that practicing these

historical arts makes one a better person, and push for their

continued study. Hinduism continues to play a strong role,

too; even today, Kalaripayit and Indian Wrestling (pp. 205-

206) expect students to be good Hindus.


The most visible Indian martial art is wrestling (see

Indian Wrestling, pp. 205-206), which has been a revered or

at least royally patronized activity in India since ancient

times. Great wrestlers were sought after for the fame they

brought their patrons. In the 19th and early 20th centuries,

Indian wrestlers dominated the world’s grappling scene,

their remarkable size, skill, and endurance allowing them to

defeat all comers. The greatest of these was Gama (p. 23).

Their reign ended only after Greco-Roman Wrestling

(p. 205) and Professional Wrestling (p. 206) eclipsed tradi-

tional freestyle wrestling.

Today, traditional Indian wrestlers train much as they

did at the opening of the 20th century and in the centuries

before. The training isn’t based on Hinduism, but wrestlers

are expected to be paragons of the faith.

Other Indian Martial Arts

Martial arts of the Indian subcontinent also include the

Sikh sport of gatka (see Victorian Singlestick, p. 157) and a

brutal form of bare-knuckle boxing. India long regarded

archery as a sport of kings and warriors; the specifics vary,

but it’s game-mechanically similar to Kyujutsu (pp. 179-

180), although more commonly performed from a chariot

than from horseback. Many arts are lost to modern knowl-

edge, leaving behind only names and brief descriptions.


Northern vs.

Southern Kung Fu

The Chinese often claim that Northern martial

arts are “long” while Southern ones are “short” – a

stereotype that isn’t entirely unjustified. Many

Northern styles do feature deep stances, lunging

punches, and high kicks. Southern arts often favor

narrow stances, close-in punches, and low-line kicks.

Explanations offered for this include the greater

height of Northerners and the cramped quarters

aboard Southern houseboats.

Weapons constitute another division. Northern

stylists frequently encountered military and aristo-

cratic arms – spears, polearms, and swords – thanks

to their proximity to the capital (Beijing) and the

Mongolian border. Southern fighters, generally com-

moners, favored everyday tools: staff, knife, cleaver

(“butterfly sword”), etc.

As with most style splits, adaptations to specific

needs and cross-pollination between styles make the

divisions more traditional than actual. Nevertheless,

“North vs. South” might generate the dramatic ten-

sion that drives a cinematic or mythic campaign!


A traditional fighting art often has a philosophy that

augments its martial base or even constitutes the founda-

tion upon which it’s built. For instance, the strikes, foot-

work, and forms of Pa Kua Chuan (pp. 187-188) are all

founded on an interpretation of the I Ching. Stylists walk

circles to stay in harmony with the Tao and practice uti-

lizing chi (see below) to protect themselves and defeat


Many traditional styles have strong religious content,

too. The religion might be external to the art (like

Christianity for European knights or Islam for those who

practice Pentjak Silat, pp. 189-191); taught in conjunction

with the martial art; or form its underpinning, informing

how students are taught and which moves

are considered “proper” even if the fight-

er doesn’t practice the religion (e.g.,

Sumo, pp. 198-199, has close ties to

the Shinto faith). Rarely, the style

is the religion: Shorinjikempo is

officially a religion in Japan (see

Kempo, p. 172-173).

Only a purely combative or

sportive modern style is likely to lack

such traits. Mixed martial arts (p. 189)

and Greco-Roman Wrestling (pp. 205-

206) are examples of entirely sportive

arts; Krav Maga (p. 183) is a wholly

combative one. Styles like this don’t try

to make you a better person through a philosophy or set

of beliefs.

Yin and Yang

Traditional Chinese beliefs describe the universe in

terms of two fundamental principles: yin and yang. Yin

signifies the feminine, yielding, and soft while yang rep-

resents the masculine, forceful, and hard. Together they

form a harmonious, balanced state. A person who has too

much yin or yang isn’t in harmony with the universe and

is consequently limited in potential.

The ubiquitous yin/yang symbol is a visual representa-

tion of this concept. The swirling drops of yin and yang

form a circle, implying a perpetual cycle. Each color con-

tains a spot of the other, showing that yin isn’t complete

without yang, and vice versa. Only the two together form

a balanced whole.

Chi, Ki, and Prana

Chi (also qi) is the Chinese character for “breath.” The

Japanese and Koreans use this character, too, but pro-

nounce it ki. In traditional belief, chi is much more than

just breath: it’s an invisible force that pervades all living

things. Disciplined individuals can – with proper knowl-

edge and practice – control and manipulate it. Someone

with balanced, strong chi will live long and be capable of

great acts. One’s chi can become unbalanced, however.

Those with unbalanced chi must rebalance it or suffer ill

health (in game terms, adjusting chi is a form of Esoteric

Medicine, p. B192).

Proponents of traditional Chinese martial arts often

claim that masters can project their chi to control stu-

dents’ actions, move objects . . . even kill. Such masters

can also direct their chi internally to perform superhu-

man feats: mighty leaps, impossible lifts, running up

walls, shattering objects, and so forth. In modern China,

though, the concept of chi runs contrary to the state’s

atheistic Communist philosophy. Chi is seen as nothing

more than the vitality of a body in perfect health; it’s a

matter of fitness, not mystical forces.

Historical Japanese styles make fewer claims about

supernatural powers but still regard ki as something to

cultivate and project. Ki development

and the power of breathing medita-

tion became popular in Japanese

swordsmanship during the 18th

century. A Japanese warrior

with strong ki should have

great skill and high Will – not

use superhuman powers to

attack foes at a distance.

Modern Japanese anime hews

more closely to the Chinese

approach, however.

The Indian term for chi is prana.

Prana – like chi or ki – is an invisi-

ble, subtle, yet all-pervasive force that provides life to the

body. It causes respiration, keeps the heart beating, allows

speech, digests food, and equalizes bodily functions. It’s

possible to regulate prana through breathing, using a skill

called pranayama. Some believe that this allows superhu-

man feats of endurance, strength, and willpower.

The concept of “breath as life” and the importance of

deep breathing aren’t exclusively Asian. For instance, the

great Greek physician Galen held that something could

only be considered exercise if it increased respiration, and

that respiration was important to health and to success in

physical activities. Martial Arts refers to any such view of

life force and the powers that derive from it as “chi,”

regardless of its cultural origin.

Folk Beliefs

Many martial arts have an associated body of folk

beliefs. Pentjak Silat holds that the kris (p. 219) can kill

merely by pointing. Masters of Kalaripayit (pp. 168-169)

learn magical phrases to use in emergencies. Capoeira

(pp. 153-154) is sometimes linked with Candomblé, an

African-derived folk religion. Some adherents of Chinese

martial arts believed that incantations, willpower, and

proper kung fu would make them invulnerable to blades

and guns. The latter idea isn’t uniquely Chinese – corpo

fechado (Portuguese for “closed body”) is a magic ritual,

known to


some Capoeira players, to become impervious

to knives and bullets . . .

Religion, Philosophy, and Fists

Rondel Dagger


The Indonesian Archipelago is a chain of hundreds of

islands – most of them tiny – over an area that includes

Borneo, Java, Sumatra, the Malay Peninsula, and the

Philippines. It has a diverse mix of cultures: the native

Malay (once feared for headhunting and ritual cannibal-

ism), plus Arab, Chinese, Dutch, English, Indian,

Portuguese, and Spanish, and their many religions.

Countless martial arts have emerged from this jumble –

most famously Pentjak Silat (pp. 189-191) and Kuntao

(pp. 178-179). It’s said that at least one form of Silat exists

for each island!


During the 1940s and 1950s, Pentjak Silat grew even

more prominent in Indonesia. The islands were Dutch pos-

sessions when they fell to the Japanese in World War II.

Many Indonesians resisted and fought alongside the Dutch

against the Japanese. After defeating the Japanese, the

Indonesians turned to their fight for independence. The

locals widely credited Pentjak Silat with giving them an edge

over their opponents. Its role in the fighting is debatable –

driving out the Japanese and the Dutch (and later defeating

the Communists) depended more on the gun than on the kris

(p. 219). Even the common claim that martial-arts training

gave the fighters warrior spirit is arguable – but it’s a theory

to which armies worldwide subscribe, and probably the real

reason why unarmed combat is taught in the age of auto-

matic weapons and grenades!


Foreign powers have invaded the Philippines many

times. The most significant of these invaders were the

Spanish, who brought their language and fighting styles.

The extent to which this influenced indigenous martial arts

is the subject of vigorous debate. While Filipino styles use

largely Spanish terminology, their techniques little resemble

those of European fighting arts. The best-known local style

is Escrima (pp. 155-156), a system of armed and unarmed


Filipino martial arts saw regular use in combat until rel-

atively recent times. During the American occupation, after

the Spanish-American War, the local resistance fought back

using martial-arts skills. The ferocious Moros inspired the

American military to beef up the service pistol from .38 to

.45 caliber in order to better stop fanatical warriors. During

World War II, resistance fighters against the Japanese used

Escrima and Pentjak Silat alongside firearms and explosives

to attack the Japanese garrison.

The Philippines have been relatively peaceful since

WWII, but some regions are still infested with pirates

and religious or political resistance groups. Escrima

remains popular, both for settling scores and in stickfighting

sporting events.


In the popular mind, Japan is the wellspring of the mar-

tial arts. The oldest verifiable Japanese martial art is a form

of combative wrestling that evolved into the sport of Sumo

(pp. 198-199). This and other early arts developed locally

but were influenced by the Chinese and later the Koreans.

Japanese martial arts would, in turn, go on to influence the

styles of both of these cultures – and the world at large.

The Samurai

The samurai, or bushi, were Japan’s warrior class. They

rose to prominence during the Yamato period (c. 300-710),

when the use of levied infantry gave way to warlords pro-

viding full-time mounted archers. This evolution weakened

central control, leading to long periods of internecine


The appearance of the samurai marked the birth of

martial-arts schools, or ryuha. Each ryu taught both armed

and unarmed combat, often alongside such skills as horse-

manship and strategy. A samurai was expected to learn to

fight both mounted and dismounted with bow (yumi),

sword (tachi and later the katana), spear (yari), polearms

(naginata and nagamaki), and knife (tanto), and to wrestle

armored and unarmored. Different schools added other

weapons, including the shuriken (p. 223), kusarigama

(p. 219), axe, hammer, and flail.



Ryu (plural: ryuha) is a Japanese term for a

school’s collected martial-arts teachings. A ryu might

be broad or extremely narrow. For example, Musashi

Miyamoto’s Niten Ichi Ryu contained one fighting

style – see Nito Ryu (pp. 174-175). By comparison,

the still-extant Toda-ha Buko Ryu teaches several

arts: Bojutsu (p. 192), Kenjutsu (p. 173-175),

Kusarigamajutsu (p. 180), Naginatajutsu (p. 186),

and Sojutsu (pp. 197-198).

Ryuha have a “public” and a “private” curriculum.

Outsiders are shown strictly the public techniques;

only the school’s students receive demonstrations of

the full style. Hidden techniques, called urawaza, are

a way to keep enemies from learning the ryu’s full

potential. They often deal with unusual weapons or

those that work better by surprise (e.g., shuriken or

improvised weapons). Some masters reserve

urawaza for a select few students or even a single

chosen successor!

In game terms, a ryu usually contains more than

one style. In a Japan-based campaign, the GM might

wish to assess Style Familiarity (p. 49) by ryu rather

than by style. For instance, familiarity with Toda-ha

Buko Ryu gives familiarity with its version of

Kenjutsu and all of its other component styles, but

not with the Kenjutsu of Katori Shinto Ryu.

Knowledge of slight differences between your ryu

and your opponent’s could spell the difference

between victory and death. The urawaza might be as

narrow as a single skill, technique, or Style Perk . . .

or as broad as an entire style. See the skills, tech-

niques, and perks under each style’s “Optional Traits”

for ideas. The PCs won’t necessarily have free access

to these abilities!

Initial emphasis was on mounted

archery, but the samurai evolved into

swordsmen as infantry tactics became

more important. Armor changed to match:

boxy o-yoroi, suitable when using and fac-

ing the yumi, gave way to suits that freed

the arms for swordplay. On foot, samurai

wielded spears, swords, and to a lesser

extent hammers, staves, polearms, and

other weapons. Firearms entered the arse-

nal with the arrival of the Portuguese, but

like Europe’s knights, the samurai

absorbed the gun into their fighting meth-

ods. To bulk out their armies, they raised

conscript light infantry called ashigaru.

These troops had sparse armor (typically a

helmet and inferior torso armor) and

lower-grade weaponry.

With the unification of Japan and the

ensuing Tokugawa Shogunate (1603-

1868), Japan entered a prolonged peace.

Only the Shogunate was allowed firearms.

Martial-arts schools became more wide-

spread but often more specialized – those

that taught only a subset of weapons or

skills (or one weapon) grew more com-

mon. Weapons suited to piercing armor,

such as the bow and spear, were overshad-

owed by the sword, which was ideal for

fighting unarmored foes.

With potential masters no longer

becoming battlefield casualties (or indeed,

needing to prove their skill in duels), the

number of ryuha boomed. Duels were for-

bidden and matches between schools were

discouraged. Use of kata as the core of skill

transmission became common. This status

quo inspired a backlash in favor of contact

training and led to the eventual develop-

ment of Kendo (p. 175).

The Ninja

Historically, ninja were the spies, assassins, and special

agents of the warrior clans – and later the Shogunate – of

Japan. They were famous for their pragmatism, using what-

ever methods could most efficiently accomplish the task at

hand. Given the nature of bushido (the Japanese warrior

code) and its embrace of victory at all costs, this made them

quite ruthless. They were noted for their disregard of social

norms, disguising themselves as monks, the opposite sex,

low-caste Japanese, and so on. They studied Ninjutsu, the

art of stealth and disguise. Included in this was the martial

art Taijutsu (pp. 202-203): an unarmed combat style used to

disable opponents.

The ninja probably originated with the use of specialist



troops (called shinobi) by an empress in 6th-century

Japan. Several clans of ninja existed, especially in the Iga-

Ueno region. A modern “Ninja Festival” is held in this area

– although it focuses on ninja more as depicted in folklore

than as they actually were.

Like China’s Shaolin monks, the ninja are awash in myth

and legend. Almost every improbable martial-arts feat

appears in ninja lore! They’re famous as masters of disguise,

weapon use, unarmed combat, acting, and technology.

Modern authors have expanded on the legend; many so-

called ninja tools, garments, and gadgets are actually 20th-

century inventions. Notable among these is the ninja sword,

or ninja-to (p. 221). The same authors have also wrongly

designated weapons often used by samurai – such as the

shuriken and kusarigama – “ninja weapons,” sometimes

going so far as to invent myths about samurai rejecting such

armaments as dishonorable.

The ubiquitous “ninja uniform” is another modern-day

creation. It looks as if it was inspired by the clothing that

puppeteers and stagehands wore to blend into the darkness

of a theatre. Historical ninja almost certainly disguised

themselves to fit in wherever they might be. They might not

have donned any disguise! Many were samurai in public

and agents of the Emperor in private, trained to spy on sub-

jects and root out conspiracy, or dispatched to solve special



Ninja: Legend vs. History

Folklore portrays ninja as peasants and outcasts, scorned by the samu-

rai. History doesn’t support this. It’s hard to uncover facts about such a

deliberately secretive group, but reliable evidence suggests that several

samurai clans were verifiably ninja or had members with ninja-like skills.

Historical ninja seem to have been spies more often than assassins, secret

police rather than outcasts.

The Chinese Connection?

Some sources claim that the ninja learned their arts from renegade

Chinese monks called the Lin Kuei, but there’s little evidence of this group

outside of folk tales. There’s no documentation of their supposed connec-

tion to the ninja, either. However, such a link might exist in a cinematic

campaign, in which case the Lin Kuei could be a source of opponents for

PC ninja – or of masters who can train non-ninja PCs to counter the nefar-

ious skills of NPC shinobi.

Other Ninja

Japan’s ninja – and possibly China’s Lin Kuei – weren’t the only ones

in Asia with training in disguise, stealth, and espionage. Many other

groups mixed these tactics with the martial arts to help deal with


The 7th-century Korean kingdom of Silla had a group known as the

sulsa: commando-like warriors trained in irregular operations. Unlike

ninja, it appears that the sulsa were deployed alongside other forces and

used as an integrated part of the army. They were held in high esteem –

much like modern special-ops troops. Like the ninja, colorful and equal-

ly unverifiable legends about their skills and prowess abound. In a cine-

matic campaign, any claim that’s true for the ninja should also be true for

the sulsa.

In Thailand, groups of monks were trained in the art of stealth, sub-

terfuge, and survival, as well as in the martial arts. Their role is unknown,

but their potential to the Siamese kings as spies, irregular troops, and

scouts is obvious.


Okinawa has always had strong ties with China, its close

neighbor. Okinawan nobles sent their children to Fushin

province to study literature, writing, culture, and the martial

arts. Some believe that Okinawan martial arts originated in

China and were brought back by returning nobles. Others

claim that Okinawa had indigenous fighting systems which

were influenced by Chinese styles.

In local legend, weapons were banned at several points in

Okinawan history. One such instance, in the 15th century,

wasn’t so much a ban as a shortage. The native rulers, fearing

rebellion, monopolized weapons production in order to stock

their own armories. Depriving the population of weapons was

a side effect – albeit one that favored those in power! The 17th-

century Japanese conquerors imposed a genuine ban. The net

result in both cases was that the martial arts flourished.

The Okinawans turned their tools and farm implements

into weapons and developed fighting styles for using them

effectively. They also honed their unarmed martial arts, or Te

(pp. 169-170). The Japanese banned the practice of Te, but

instructors and students survived, even thrived in secrecy.

They trained to fight armed and unarmed opponents, parry-

ing the attack and then launching a devastating counterattack

with lethal intent.

In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Japan recognized

the potential of Te as a form of military and fitness training.

Japan imported instructors from Okinawa – starting with

Funakoshi Gichin (p. 23) – and created the sport of karate-do.

Karate’s inventors soon changed the characters used to spell

its name from “China” and “hand” to “empty” and “hand”

(both pronounced “karate”), added a belt system based on the

sport of Judo (p. 166), and established a formal body of


After World War II, the large U.S. military presence in

Okinawa helped spread Karate in the West. Many servicemen

studied karate-do in Okinawa and brought their skills home

with them. Today, a wide range of martial-arts schools exist in

Okinawa and many American servicemen still train while sta-

tioned there.


Korea has a rich martial-arts history tied inextricably to

that of nearby China and Japan. Many martial arts passed

from China to Japan, and vice versa, by way of Korea. Prior

to the 20th century, China’s influence was dominant by virtue

of proximity, shared history, and the regular exchange of

ideas. In the 20th century, the Japanese conquest of Korea

lent Korean martial arts a strong Japanese flavor that’s still

evident today.

The Hwarang

Around 550 A.D., nobles known as the Hwarang

(“Flowering Knights”) rose to prominence as rulers, warriors,

and officials in the Korean kingdom of Silla. These knights

adhered to Hwarang O Kae, or “the Five Ethics,” which

stressed loyalty, filial piety, trustworthiness, valor, and justice

– much like bushido or chivalry. They studied fighting arts, lit-

erature, administration, and philosophy. In 668, Hwarang

general Kim Yu-shin completed the conquest of the region’s

other two significant kingdoms, Koguryo and Paekche, there-

by unifying Korea.

Elite among the Hwarang were the sulsa (“technicians”).

These warriors practiced am ja (“the art of shadows”) and un

ship bop (“invisibility methods”), and were used for special

missions. For details, see Other Ninja (p. 13).

Modern Korea

From 1910 to 1945, Japan occupied Korea and Japanese

martial arts displaced Korean ones. When World War II

ended, though, Korea asserted its proud martial heritage.

Traditional styles were resurrected or came out of hiding, and

new styles were formed with ancient names. Japanese influ-

ence was still great, as many Korean martial artists had train-

ing in Karate (pp. 169-172) or Jujutsu (p. 166-168).

Today, Korea is best known for Tae Kwon Do (p. 200), a

sport form cobbled together from numerous punching and

kicking styles. It takes its name from a much older combat

art. Tae Kwon Do has become popular worldwide and is now

an Olympic sport.


Many other Asian countries have martial-arts traditions

that extend from the distant past to the present day. Possibly

the best-known of these are Burma and Thailand.


Burma – now called Myanmar – is surrounded by India,

China, and Thailand. Like its neighbors, Burma is home to

many martial arts. The collective term for Burmese martial

arts is Thaing. This encompasses four major subgroups:

unarmed combat (Bando), armed combat (Banshay), boxing

(Lethwei), and wrestling (Naban). These arts date to around

the 11th century, when they played a role in local warfare.

Bando is a comprehensive system of unarmed combat. It

has deep historical roots, but the Japanese invasion in 1942

helped shape

Martial Arts - Segurança e Saúde Ocupacional (2024)


Do martial arts actually help with self-defense? ›

Through martial arts training, you learn to be more observant and mindful of your environment. This heightened awareness can help you avoid dangerous situations before they escalate. Martial arts training improves physical fitness, agility, and reflexes, all of which are crucial for self-defense.

What is the best martial art to learn how do you fight? ›

Krav Maga (Best Martial Art for Self Defense)

It was developed by the Israeli Defense Forces to be used in real-life combat situations. In addition to punches, kicks, and throws, it teaches you how to respond to real-life scenarios like how to disarm an attacker.

What are the dangers of martial arts? ›

The most common martial arts injuries are sprains, strains, cuts, and bruises. Broken bones also occur. These injuries frequently affect the knee, ankle, shoulder, and elbow.

What is the easiest martial art to learn on your own? ›

Muay Thai (Kickboxing) is arguably one of the easiest to learn and a great starting point for beginners. Muay Thai focuses on the clinch technique this is also useful for judo and wrestling. Techniques that are integral to Muay Thai are knee strikes, punches and kicks.

Are martial arts really useful? ›

The consistent practice has shown to increase overall mobility, improve your body's pressure response, and increase muscle. Because so many martial arts involve repeat muscular actions over time you'll build strength and burn fat. Who doesn't want that?

Which fighting style is best for self-defense? ›

Boxing, Muay Thai, or Kickboxing

When talking about effective striking arts on the feet, you can't go wrong with any of these for self-defense. Because of this point, we'll count them as one. All are equally effective in a street fight.

What is the No 1 martial arts? ›

Judo, Karate, Kung Fu, Taekwondo, Muay Thai, Wushu, and Mixed Martial Arts are some of the most popular forms of Martial Arts.

Is there any forbidden martial arts? ›

Particular targets may be prohibited, certain techniques may be forbidden (such as headbutting or groin hits), and fighters may be required to wear protective equipment on their head, hands, chest, groin, shins or feet.

Can martial arts change your life? ›

For those who have trained a martial art for an extended period, it's almost inconceivable to fathom life before the mats. It commonly has such a profound effect on our physical and mental capacities that we forget when this paradigm shift even occurred. (Not to mention, how much it changed our lives for good.)

What is the most effective martial art in a real fight? ›

Practitioners learn to react to surprise attacks, multiple assailants, and various environments, enhancing their ability to apply techniques in practical settings. As a result, Krav Maga is one of the best street combat martial arts of all.

What is the most gentle martial arts? ›

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, which means 'the gentle art' in Japanese, takes place mostly on the ground, and it teaches students to use moves like chokes and holds. It's specifically designed to eliminate or diminish an opponent's physical advantage, so, like Wing Chun, it's very popular among smaller martial artists.

Can a weak person learn martial arts? ›

If it's the first, however the answer is absolutely yes. In fact I'd suggest doing any legitimate martial art if you're physically weak. Being too skinny or too fat isn't a reason to stay away from martial arts it's a reason to go to your closest gym/dojo and sign up.

Are martial arts useful in street fights? ›

Why MMA is Effective for Street Fights. Versatility in Striking: MMA fighters are skilled in a variety of striking techniques, allowing them to adapt to different ranges and situations. Adaptability: MMA's emphasis on incorporating techniques from different martial arts makes it highly adaptable.

Can self taught martial arts be effective? ›

In conclusion, self-teaching martial arts can be a challenging but rewarding journey. While there are benefits to learning on your own, seeking guidance from a qualified instructor is essential to ensure proper technique and progression.

Does martial arts help with self-control? ›

This physical training builds discipline as practitioners strive to improve their technique, strength, and endurance. Additionally, martial arts training hones mental focus and concentration, promoting self-control by teaching students to regulate their thoughts and emotions during challenging situations.

Can you defend yourself without martial arts? ›

Many people think that to learn to protect themselves against everyday dangers they have to learn a martial art — they have to master Michelle Yeoh's or Jackie Chan's moves. This simply isn't true.


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Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

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Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.