Chocolate Chip Bagels - Framed Recipes (2024)

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Once a year, go someplace you’ve never been before. - Dalai Lama

We lived this quote this year. We returned from a 10 day trip from Florida a few days back and those were 10 beautiful days we spent with our dear friends in a new place. Tried new food, met new people, visited places which are dream-like and surreal. On one hand, there were prince and princess at Disney World, on the other hand we did the mind-blowing thrill rides at Universal Studios. We relaxed at beaches with clear pristine water, explored new trails, there was not a single moment of boredom.We created some beautiful memories that we will cherish for ever. Have you noticed that a lot of our memories revolve around food? The celebrations, the treats, the victories and even disappointments - all involve food. Beautiful food makes beautiful memories.

Life got too busy after the Florida trip. It was almost time for the start of a new school year. Buying school supplies, new clothes, oooh! the excitement and thrill of a new school year. In a few more days, we will have a fifth grader at home. And, I know the dining table and the kitchen counter will soon turn into homework station. Piles of books, papers, half-done projects, the unattended mails.... the list of things on dining table - endless. I don't mind that. In fact, I love it. I Love the chaos near my kitchen. The clutter, the mess, the complete disorder, makes my house feel like home. Makes it almost humane.

To be frank, dining table is not the only place that getsmessy. The kitchen counter looks like a war zone most of the days (I am not proud of it, but I ain't a domestic goddess 😉 ). Well, I clear the kitchen counter - completely clear - only on two occasions - The first one is when we have guests come over and the second iswhen I bake bread or may be when I make Baklava.

And yes, I cleared my kitchen counter last Saturday (and let me tell you, the mess is back).

Let me grab a home made chocolate chip bagel and tell you all about it!

YES! The bagel is homemade!

And that was mesubtly telling you that this post is all about bagels.

I have joined a group of passionate bloggers/bakers called Baking Partners who challenge themselves to try something new every month. Swati, who blogs at Zesty South Indian Kitchen, coordinates all the activities for this group.

This month's baking challenge was bagels. My family loves bagels and Sonshine is a big fan of EinsteinBros chocolate chip bagel.

A bagel is a doughnut with the sin removed — George Rosenbaum

So, when the challenge given was Bagels, I did not have to think twice to decide what sort of bagel I was going to bake.

Last weekend was etched in my Sonshine's memory as the day mom-made-chocolate-chip-bagels. The day, the whole house was filled with delicious aroma of freshly baked bagels andbiting into the freshest, crustiest and chewiest bagels ever (the crust was definitely crispier than what we buy from stores, but we L-O-V-E-D it!). A beautiful memory that Sonshine will cherish for a long time to come.

When I blog a recipe, I try it many times,use slightly different ingredients, measure the ingredients a few times, I even try out different ways of making it. When my family loves it, and says "Yes! this the one!", that is when it appears on the blog. But with this recipe, I did not have the privilege of trying it many times. But the recipe was perfect and I found a lot of websites that followed the same recipe and were raving about the end result.The recipe that we followed was by Peter Reinhertand this waspretty easy to follow - but let me warn you - there are quite a few steps to follow and baking bagels is a two day process. Apart from reading the recipe that Swati shared,I also researched at Peter Reinhert's blog and also at Epicurious where different options and alternatives for the ingredients are discussed. It is a pretty straight forward recipe and I will outline how I adapted the recipe to make chocolate chip bagels.

Baking fresh bagels at home is science, but not rocket science. If you follow the recipe, I promise you will get delicious bagels right at the comfort of your home. Apart from being "Science", I find baking therapeutic.

Baking is wonderful! It's like science for hungry people !

Trust me when I say, if I can make fresh bagels, you can do it too. Now, go grab that apron and get baking.

Baking bagels is a two day process - But don't worry, hands on time is very minimal as you will see.

The first day, we make the dough. I do not have a stand mixer to mix the dough. I use my hands to mix the dough. Though there are opinions about the difficulty in mixing the dough with hands, I think the years of experience making Chappati/Roti (Indian flat bread) dough at home, have given me muscular arms.

Once you mix the dough, let it rise for about an hour.

And I was not making just plain ol'd bagels, I was making the super special chocolate chip bagels....In went the chocolate chip into the proofed dough.

Then I shaped them into bagels. And placed them on a greased tray.

The shaped bagels went into the refrigerator, to allow for slow and cold fermentation. That is it, you are done for day one.You are free to remove your apron, sit back and enjoy whatever you want todo for the next 8-10 hours.

It is day 2, the day on whichyou wouldactually bake the bagels. Get the tray out from the refrigerator. Now, there is a test that the bagels have to pass, in order to see whether they are ready to be baked - it is called the float test (you can read about the step in the recipe). Once the bagels pass the float test (if they don't, there is nothing to worry, transfer the bagel to the tray and proof it for another 20 minutes or so), we poach the bagels in water mixed with more fun stuff like honey, baking soda etc. Poaching the bagels in the water mixed with baking soda gives them the nicest brown color for the crust.

Onceall the bagels are thus poached, it is time to bake them. Once they were out of the oven, I drenched them in some buttery love and let them cool on a wire rack.

The recipe yielded 6 delicious bagels, perfect for breakfast for the three of us for two days. The bagels were the best on the first day, fresh out of the oven. I did not even have to toast them to enjoy them.

The second day, they were chewier than on the first day. But no one complained.

Would I make this recipe again? Yes! no doubts about it. I would love to play with different toppings like poppy seeds, may be asiago cheese and to please Sonshine, I am planning cinnamon raisin bagels (with just a dash of cinnamon, the way he loves it). Oh, the possibilities are endless.

To be frank, there are some things I would do differently next time I make the bagels. Mainchange would be the way I shaped the bagels - I followed the "make-a-rope-and loop" method. But, I was not particularly happy with the shape of the bagels. Next time, I would make a ball out of the dough using moist cupped hands (no flour to be used) and then form a donut. I am assuming this would give me a better shape. I would also like to try using all purpose flour and also whole wheat flour and experiment with textures.

I referred to these websites to learn a little more about the process and ingredients.The recipe yielded 6 bagels which comfortable fit in my baking tray. If you are planning to make smaller bagels, then the following websites give you tips as to how to go about it. These links also give you tips on the different ingredients and the effect of using alternative ones. In the recipe section of my post, I have outlined the steps I followed and the ingredients I used to make chocolate chip bagels.

Peter Reinhart's blog



Till then, enjoy the freshest, chewiest, crustiest bagels, with cream cheese.

Making fresh chocolate chip bagels at home is easy. Follow the recipe to make the chewiest bagels on the inside and crisp on the outside. Experiment with different flavor and topping combinations.Oh! the possibilities are endless.

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Prep Time 12 hours hours

Cook Time 20 minutes minutes

Total Time 12 hours hours 20 minutes minutes

Servings 6


Prepare and Shape the dough

  • 1 tablesppon Honey
  • 1.25 teaspoon Active dry yeast
  • 1.5 teaspoon Salt
  • 1 cup plus 2 tablespoon lukewarm water about 95 degree Fahrenheit or 35 degree Celcius
  • 3.5 cups 16oz/454grams Bread Flour (See Recipe Notes)
  • ¼ cup Semisweet Chocolate Chips
  • Oil to grease the parchment paper

Poaching and baking

  • 2 to 3 Quarts Water
  • 1.5 tablespoon Honey
  • 1 tablespoon Baking Soda
  • 1 teaspoon salt


  • Black and Whilte Sesame seeds optional
  • Melted Butter

Equipment Required

  • Big Bowl
  • Small Bowls 2
  • Flat Spatula optional, you can use this to gently lift the bagels from the tray to drop them into the poaching liquid
  • Slotted Spoon
  • Pastry Brush
  • Baking Tray 2
  • Parchment Paper
  • 4 Quart pot
  • Wire Rack
  • Plastic Wrap


Day 1

    Prepare and shape the dough

    • In a small bowl, mix honey, yeast, and salt into the lukewarm water. Since I used, active dry yeast, I waited for 5-10 minutes to prove the yeast.

    • In a large bowl, add the bread flour and pour the proofed yeast mixture and mix well to form a stiff ball of dough.

    • Let the dough rest for five minutes after which you can knead the dough into a soft dough. You would knead for about 3-4 minutes.

    • Brush the bowl lightly with oil and place the kneaded dough in the bowl. Cover the bowl and let it rest for an hour at a warm place.

    • After an hour, remove the dough from the bowl to your working surface and add the chocolate chips and knead gently to spread the chips evenly.

    • Get a baking tray ready by lining it with parchment paper and lightly brushing it with oil.

    • Divide the dough into 6 equal parts and shape each dough ball into a donut shape.

    • Place the shaped bagel on the tray. Repeat with the rest of the dough.

    • Brush the top of the bagels with oil.

    • Cover the baking tray with plastic wrap and place it in the refrigerator for at least 8-10 hours.

    Day 2

      Poaching and Baking

      • About 30 minutes prior to baking, place the oven rack in the center of the oven. Preheat the oven to 500 degrees Fahrenheit (or 260 degrees Celsius).

      • Boil water in a big pot. Once the water boils, add honey, baking soda, and salt and let it simmer.

      • Get a small bowl of water ready to test the bagels. remove the baking tray from the refrigerator. Gently lift one bagel from the tray and place it in the bowl of water. If the bagel floats to the top, your bagels are ready to be baked (see recipe notes).

      • Once your bagels pass the float test, you are ready to cook the bagels. Gently lift the bagels from the tray and drop them in the simmering liquid. Add as many as you can that would comfortably fit in the pot. After a minute, flip the bagels using a slotted spoon. Cook for 30 seconds. Remove from the poaching liquid and place the bagel back in the tray. Sprinkle with toppings of your choice. Repeat with the rest of the bagels.

      • Place the tray in the oven and bake for 5 minutes.

      • Rotate the tray 180 degrees and reduce the oven temperature to 450 degrees Fahrenheit (232 degrees Celsius). Bake for another 8-12 minutes.

      • Remove from the oven and brush generously with butter.

      • Let the bagels cool on a wire rack for at least 30 minutes before slicing.


      1. If you do not have bread flour, you can use all-purpose flour.

      2. If the bagel does not float, remove the bagel from water, gently pat dry and transfer it back to the tray. Wait for 20 minutes or so (at room temperature) and do the float test again. When one of your bagels passes the float test, your bagels are ready to be baked.

      3. Keep an eye on the bagels towards the end of the baking time. If the underside of the bagels is getting too brown, you can place another sheet (or tray) under the baking tray to insulate it from too much heat.

      4. The prep time includes the preparation time as well as the time needed to proof the dough.

      Chocolate Chip Bagels - Framed Recipes (2024)


      What is the secret to making bagels? ›

      10 Tips for Making Schmear-Worthy Homemade Bagels
      1. Moisture: Wetter dough means crispier bagels. ...
      2. Water temp: The colder the better. ...
      3. Dry active yeast: Let it chill. ...
      4. Flour: Embrace the gluten. ...
      5. Mixing: Low and slow is the way to go. ...
      6. The rise: Your kitchen climate is A-okay. ...
      7. Flavor kick: After the proof.
      Jan 13, 2023

      How do you make homemade bagels less chewy? ›

      Swapping in ½ cup of whole-wheat flour for ½ cup of the bread flour will make the bagels slightly less chewy but will also give them a boost of flavor.

      Why are my homemade bagels tough? ›

      When too much flour is kneaded in, bagels become dense, hard and tough, instead of crisp and chewy. It can easily take 10 minutes of mixing and kneading before the right texture and gluten strength is achieved. This is what the inside of a well-made bagel should look like.

      How many calories are in a chocolate chip bagel? ›

      Nutrition Facts
      Serving Size1 bagel (79g)
      % Daily Value*
      Total Fat 2g3%
      Saturated Fat 1g5%
      13 more rows

      What is the best flour for bagels? ›

      Bread flour – Because of its high protein content, bread flour makes these homemade bagels delightfully chewy. This recipe also works with all-purpose flour, they're just a bit less chewy than bagels made with bread flour. Maple syrup – It activates the yeast and gives the bagels a hint of sweetness.

      What does baking soda do to bagels? ›

      Baking soda makes the water more alkaline, giving the bagels a pretzel-like quality that contributes to their chewiness. Just one teaspoon helps the bagels develop a shiny, dark-brown exterior as they bake. One thing to keep in mind: Keep the water bath at a constant simmer.

      Why do my homemade bagels go flat? ›

      According to Molly, “If the bagels proof too much, they'll deflate in the water bath.” If you're keeping an eye on your dough, she advises pulling it a little too early rather than a little too late (and definitely before they double in size), as it's better to be underproofed.

      How sticky should bagel dough be? ›

      If your dough is too tacky, lightly dust the counter with the baking mix or flour. Gently roll and lightly knead the dough, adding more mix or flour as needed. You'll know it's ready when it's soft and slightly sticky, but no longer tacky. It's okay to let it sit another 5 minutes before cutting into wedges.

      What happens if you boil bagels too long? ›

      A brief boil gives bagels a thin and fairly elastic crust that will still allow the bagels rise quite a bit in the oven, resulting in a softer texture. A longer boil and a thicker crust prevents the bagel from rising very much at all, giving you a very dense interior.

      Should you bake bagels on parchment paper? ›

      Form dough into a ball and cut into 8-12 pieces, depending on the size bagel you want. Form into individual balls and place on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper and sprinkled with a good layer of cornmeal.

      Can I bake bagels without parchment paper? ›

      When lining a baking sheet for cookies, roasting vegetables, or bagels, you can easily use a Silpat in place of parchment paper.

      Is chocolate ice cream healthier than bagel? ›

      A new study suggests ice cream is better for you than a multigrain bagel. Researchers at Tufts University ranked the nutrition of foods on a scale of one to 100, with 100 being the most healthful. A cone with nuts and chocolate scored a 37, while a multigrain bagel with raisins scored 19.

      How many calories in a Panera chocolate chip bagel? ›

      There are 330 calories in 1 bagel of Panera Bread Chocolate Chip Bagel. * The % Daily Value (DV) tells you how much a nutrient in a serving of food contributes to a daily diet. 2,000 calories a day is used for general nutrition advice.

      How many carbs are in a Panera chocolate chip bagel? ›

      Panera Bread
      Nutrition Facts
      How many carbs are in Chocolate Chip Bagel? Amount of carbs in Chocolate Chip Bagel: Carbohydrates 68g-
      How many net carbs are in Chocolate Chip Bagel? Amount of net carbs in Chocolate Chip Bagel: Net carbs 66g-
      18 more rows

      What makes a bagel better? ›

      A good bagel should have a thin, shiny, crackly crust spotted with the kind of microblisters that you can only get from proper boiling followed by a high-temperature bake. It's these little bubbles that add both surface area and crunch.

      What is the secret of New York bagels? ›

      The Key to a Real New York Bagel

      New York bagels get boiled prior to baking, defining their special texture in a solution of water and barley malt. A long boil and thicker crust inhibit rising, resulting in a dense interior while a short boil yields a crusty yet chewy bagel bite.

      What makes bagels in New York so good? ›

      a regular bagel is the water you boil them in. Much like a specific vineyard terroir is used to make a wine, certain minerals in New York City tap water are attributed to creating the best bagels. These include low concentrations of calcium and magnesium and a high level of sediment.

      How to stop bagels from deflating? ›

      3) When in doubt, cut your proof short

      According to Molly, “If the bagels proof too much, they'll deflate in the water bath.” If you're keeping an eye on your dough, she advises pulling it a little too early rather than a little too late (and definitely before they double in size), as it's better to be underproofed.


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      Author: Errol Quitzon

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      Name: Errol Quitzon

      Birthday: 1993-04-02

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      Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.